CHRS Benefits Open Enrollment User Guide
Last Revised: 11/6/24
CHRS Benefits Open Enrollment Business Process Guide
Document Title: Author:
File Reference:
CHRS Benefits Open Enrollment User Guide Sande Meith
CHRS Benefits Open Enrollment User Guide
Revision History
Revision Date | Revised By | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
07/19/22 | Sande Meith | Initial draft | Click here to enter Sections Revised. |
10/2/23 | Sande Meith | Noted CSUBASOE nightly batch processing start time as 7:00 pm and CSUBASDL nightly batch processing start time as 1:00 am | 1.0 |
10/6/23 | Sande Meith | Updated screen shots | |
10/9/23 | Sande Meith | Updated typo for CSU BAS Group ID Configuration | |
10/16/23 | Sande Meith | Added View Only and Full ESS Checklist item to verify that CSUBASOE is scheduled to run | |
11/1/23 | Sande Meith | Added additional information regarding future-dated job rows | 5.3; 6.3 |
11/2/23 | Sande Meith | Removed Known Issues section | |
11/7/23 | Sande Meith | Added section 10 | |
11/8/23 | Sande Meith | Updated OE View Only and Full ESS Checklists | |
11/27/23 | Sande Meith | Added links to create pay calendar and create balance IDs. | 3.0, 5.0, 6.0 |
11/6/24 | Sande Meith | Deleted step 6 on page 22; On page 32, deleted step 6 and on page 33 deleted step 9. Update page 26 step 14. Added new section, How to Manually add a BAS Group ID to an Employee’s Benefits Primary Job; removed Draft stamp. |
Added New section 9 |
Review / Approval History
Review Date | Reviewed By | Action (Reviewed, Recommended or Approved) |
Click here to enter Review Date | Click here to enter Reviewer | Need end users to use and test with in W3PA/CHRMP.01 testing |
CHRS Benefits Open Enrollment Business Process Guide
Table of Contents Page
- Process Overview 5
- Related Documentation 5
- Preparing for CHRS Open Enrollment – CHRS Open Enrollment Configurations 6
- CSUBASOE Scheduled Job Definition 12
- Open Enrollment Process for View-Only ESS Campuses 15
- Open Enrollment Process for Full ESS Campuses 26
- CHRS Benefits Baseline Queries to Run During Open Enrollment 36
- Reports to Run During Open Enrollment 37
CHRS Benefits Open Enrollment Business Process Guide
- Criteria 49
- Recommended Use and Follow-up 49
- Things to Look For 49
- Navigation 49
- Sample Report 52
- How to Manually Add a BAS Group ID to an Employee’s Benefits Primary Job 52
- When to Void OE BAS Events 53
- Void OE BAS Event and Create New OE BAS Event 53
- Business Unit Transfers During the Open Enrollment Period 56
- Finalizing Open Enrollment – All Campuses 56
- Create an OE BAS Event after Finalizing the Open Enrollment Schedule and CSUBASOE is Inactivated– All Campuses 59
- Reprocessing Individual Open Enrollment BAS Events – All Campuses 64
- Appendix 65
Process Overview
The OE BAS event is used in CHRS to process open enrollments benefit elections and changes for all CHRS campuses each year, regardless of if the campuses is a View-Only eBenefits Employee Self Service (ESS) campus or a Full eBenefits Employee Self Service campus.
Using the OE BAS event, the Oracle/PeopleSoft Benefits Administration System (BAS) determines each employee’s benefit program, benefit eligibility, prepares the employee’s eligible benefit options and processes the employee’s benefits enrollments once they are set to finalize.
The recommendation from the State Controller’s Office (SCO) and CSU Systemwide HR (SWHR) is for campuses to finalize enrollments during open enrollment on a flow basis in CHRS instead of waiting until the end of the open enrollment period, i.e., as enrollments are manually and electronically submitted and supporting documentation is received, open enrollment events will be audited and manually finalized or set to finalize* by the campus Benefits Office staff.
CHRS processes are designed to process open enrollment elections on a flow basis, meaning that benefit elections are finalized as they are submitted after supporting documents have been reviewed and approved by campus Benefits Officers. *The nightly CSUBASOE schedule processes and finalizes OE BAS events for Full eBenefits Self Service campuses, so as a rule, Full eBenefits Self Service campuses do not use the On Demand Event Maintenance page to finalize the employee’s OE elections during the open enrollment period. The nightly CSUBASOE schedule can also finalize OE BAS events for View-Only eBenefits Self Service campuses, however, most View-Only eBenefits Self Service campuses will finalize OE BAS events manually in the On Demand Event Maintenance page as submission documentation is approved.
If there are problems or errors with Benefits enrollments, individual employee elections can be rolled back (i.e., set to Re-enter), updated, and reprocessed as necessary by the campus Benefits Office staff via the On Demand Event Maintenance page until the enrollment is finalized.
The Oracle/PeopleSoft Benefits Administration System can only process one BAS event at a time for an individual employee. The system always tries to process open BAS events in a logical sequence; this means that the system tries to process open BAS events in the order in which they occur (effective date) and then within effective date by event priority and then by event ID. The management of multiple BAS events processing for an employee is referred to as event coordination. During and after open enrollment and until the end of the calendar year, event coordination is necessary to monitor multiple BAS events that may occur for employees to ensure that the employee’s benefits remain correct. Refer to the Appendix for more information regarding event coordination.
The CMS-CHRS Configuration Baseline delivered open enrollment event rules enforce CSU business policies regarding cases where no positive election (or reelection) is made. For example, the CSU Flexible Spending Account plan requires a new plan election each plan (calendar) year. If there is no election for the next calendar year, the CSU Flexible Spending Account(s) is cancelled for the employee.
At the end of the open enrollment period, outstanding open enrollment BAS events are finalized by running the Ben Admin COBOL (PSPBARUN) for each OE schedule ID to force-finalize OE BAS events where the employee did not make any benefit elections and/or changes.
Related Documentation
In addition to this user guide, users can review the following user guide and cheat sheets related to this process in the CHRS Training Library:
- CHRS Benefits Employee Self Service for Full Service Campuses User Guide
- Employee Event Detail
- Overview of BAS Statuses
- eBenefits ESS Event Classes OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet
- Verify Primary Benefits Campus
- Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event

- CHRS Open Enrollment Checklist (a document for CMS-Benefit use, is not located in the CHRS Training Library)
Important: Be sure to reference the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event document and the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheat sheet before reprocessing any BAS event in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Preparing for CHRS Open Enrollment – CHRS Open Enrollment Configurations
Open Enrollment (OE) configurations maintained by CMS-Benefits are pushed out to CHRS prior to each annual open enrollment period. CMS-Benefits uses the internal CMS-Benefits CHRS OE Checklist each year to prepare CHRS OE configurations managed by CMS-Benefits in CHRS for the annual open enrollment exercise. SWHR and CHRS campuses need to work in tandem with CMS-Benefits each year to prepare CHRS OE configurations managed by SWHR and campuses in CHRS for the annual open enrollment exercise.
The following CHRS Oracle/PeopleSoft configurations are required in order to do Open Enrollment in CHRS. CMS-Benefits does the majority of the OE configurations, while campuses and SWHR are also responsible for some items/configurations: Campuses are responsible to configure three tables for Open Enrollment, and System-wide Human Resources (SWHR) is responsible to maintain the Disclosures and Privacy Notes page in CS YOU and to also provide the legalese for the Full eBenefits Self Service electronic signature when changes are warranted.
Note than, in CHRS, campuses have the ability to define the OE employee population for their respective campus and business units. More information on this is provided below and in this document.
Table | Description | Configuration Maintained By |
Activity Guides | CMS-Benefits maintains the eBenefits Employee Self Service activity guide definitions and makes activity guide changes at the request of SWHR and the collective campuses and also when there are PUM updates/new functionality added to delivered templates. Activity guides are only used by Full eBenefits campuses. The ENROLLC activity guide is used for Open Enrollment by Full eBenefits campuses. Activity Guides that start with CSU are used for Life Events by Full eBenefits campuses. Activity guides are not used by View-Only eBenefits campuses. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon, , then click on Menu > Enterprise Components > Activity Guide Composer > Templates. |
CMS-Benefits, as directed by SWHR and campus SMEs |
Acknowl edgeme nt Configu ration | The Acknowledgement Configuration houses the electronic signature legalese for Full eBenefits Open Enrollment and Life Event transactions. The Acknowledgement Configuration is not used by View-Only eBenefits campuses. The link to the SWHR-owned and maintained the Disclosures and Privacy Notices page also resides in the Acknowledgement Configuration. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Enterprise Components > Acknowledgement > Acknowledgement Configuration. |
CMS-Benefits, as directed by SWHR |
Table | Description | Configuration Maintained By |
Disclos ures page on CS YOU | The Disclosures and Privacy Notices page is a CS YOU page maintained by SWHR. A link to this page resides in the eSignature Acknowledgement Configuration. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Enterprise Components > Acknowledgement > Acknowledgement Configuration. |
Schedul e ID | Each campus requires a unique Benefits Administration Schedule ID for Open Enrollment each year. The Schedule ID must contain an ‘O;’ ‘O’ designates open enrollment and certain custom benefit processes, such as CSUOEREETAS and CSU_BAS_ACTP in CSUBASOE, look for the ‘O’ in the Schedule ID. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Automated Benefits > Processing Controls > Schedule Table. |
CMS-Benefits |
Group Identific ation Table | This table defines the BAS GROUP ID value. Each campus requires a unique BAS GROUP ID value in CHRS. This value is used to identify the employee population who will receive an OE BAS event for each campus. The BAS GROUP ID value is then used in the campus Schedule ID definition. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Automated Benefits > Processing Controls > Group Identification Table. |
CMS-Benefits |
Open Enrollm ent Definitio n | This table defines the Open Enrollment definition for each campus. It also defines the applicable benefit programs, the activity guide template to use for Full eBenefits campuses, and the online open enrollment period for Full eBenefits campuses. Each campus requires an Open Enrollment definition. The Open Enrollment Definition is then used in the campus Schedule ID definition. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Automated Benefits > Processing Controls > Open Enrollment Definition. |
CMS-Benefits |
Eligibilit y Rules Table | CMS-Benefits maintains the eligibility rule definitions and makes changes as needed per system design and also at the request of SWHR, the collective campuses and as analysis dictates. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Automated Benefits > Eligibility and Event Rules > Eligibility Rules Table. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR |
Event Rules Table | CMS-Benefits maintains the event rule definitions and makes changes as needed per the system design and also at the request of SWHR, the collective campuses and as analysis dictates. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Automated Benefits > Eligibility and Event Rules > Event Rules Table. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR |
Table | Description | Configuration Maintained By |
Balance ID for CSUID |
Calendar Year Balance ID rows for the next full calendar year must be created for the CSUID Balance ID for the Open Enrollment process. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing Controls > Balance ID Table. |
CMS-Benefits |
Balance ID for campus es |
Calendar Year Balance ID rows for the next full calendar year for each campus’ business unit must be created by each campus for the Open Enrollment process. This must occur before the calendar year payroll calendars are created. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing Controls > Balance ID Table. Link to Time and Labor configuration guide to create Balance IDs: ?sourcedoc=%7BD3F0F5DC-8091-4DF0-BE05- FB3E1AD0C1C5%7D&file=CHRS%20TL%20Config%20Guide.docx&action= default&CT=1643747736217&OR=DocLibClassicUI |
Campus |
Pay Calenda rs | Campus pay calendars for the next full calendar year must be created by each campus for the Open Enrollment process. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing Controls > Create Pay Calendars. Link to job aid Create Pay Calendars: S%20DOCUMENTS/Training/Job%20Aids/TLAM/TLAM_Job%20Aid%20Cre ate%20Pay%20Calendars.pdf |
Campus |
Plan Type | CMS-Benefits maintains the plan type definitions and makes changes as needed per the system design and also at the request of SWHR and as analysis dictates. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Maintain Translate Values. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR |
Benefit Plan | CMS-Benefits maintains the benefit plan definitions and makes changes as needed per the system design and also at the request of SWHR and as analysis dictates. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Base Benefits > Plans and Providers > Benefit Plan Table. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR |
Table | Description | Configuration Maintained By |
Benefit Plan Attribute s | CMS-Benefits maintains the benefit plan attribute definitions and makes changes as needed per the system design and also at the request of SWHR and as analysis dictates. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Base Benefits > Plan Attributes > Health Plan Table or Life and AD/D Table or Disability Plan Table or FSA Benefit Table. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR |
Benefit Progra m Definitio ns | CMS-Benefits maintains the Benefit Program definitions and makes changes as needed per the system design and also at the request of SWHR and as analysis dictates. Override benefit programs require updating as part of the OE configuration by cloning the current override row and inserting a new override effective dated row if the following changes occur; there are changes to the FSA Max, benefit plans, eligibility rules, plan types, rate codes, deduction codes, event rules, dependent rules and/or calculation rules. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Base Benefits > Program Structure > Benefit Program Table. Note the following Benefit Program configuration requirement for Plan Types 60 and 61, the OPTION CODE for the WAIVE OPTION type for must equal ‘1’ and the OPTION CODE cannot equal ‘1’ for a Benefit plan OPTION type in order for the system to require a permitting event code for certain enrollments and de-enrollments for Plan Types 60 and 61. Use this configuration methodology when adding FSA Plan Types 60 and/or 61 to any benefit program. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR |
Vendor/ Provider | CMS-Benefits maintains the vendor/provider definitions and makes changes as needed per the system design and also at the request of SWHR and as analysis dictates. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Base Benefits > Plans and Providers > Provider/Vendor Table. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR |
Provider and Benefit Plan URLs | CMS-Benefits maintains the vendor/benefit plan URL definitions that appear in View-Only and in Full eBenefits Self Service and makes changes as needed per the system design and also at the request of SWHR. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Base Benefits > Plans and Providers > Provider/Vendor Table and/or Benefit Plan Table. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR |
Benefit Rate Table | CMS-Benefits maintains the benefit rates definitions and makes changes as needed per the system design and also at the request of SWHR and as analysis dictates. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Base Benefits > Rates and Rules > Benefit Rates. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR |
Geogra phic Locatio |
CMS-Benefits maintains the zip code definitions and makes changes as needed per the system design and also at the request of SWHR and as analysis dictates. | CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines |
Table | Description | Configuration Maintained By |
n Eligibilit y Table | Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Automated Benefits > Eligibility and Event Rules > Geographic Location Elig Table. | and as directed by SWHR |
FSA Benefits Table |
CMS-Benefits maintains the FSA Benefits Table definitions and makes changes as needed per the system design and also at the request of SWHR and as analysis dictates. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Base Benefits > Plan Attributes > FSA Benefit Table. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR |
CSU BAS Group ID Configu ration Table |
Campuses configure this table to define the employee population that will receive an OE BAS event for their campus/business unit(s), using the BAS GROUP ID value created by CMS- Benefits for the applicable open enrollment. This custom table uses row-level security. Configurations in this table are used by the custom CSU_BGRP_BTC process, which runs in the seasonal CSUBASOE scheduled job set. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup > CSU BAS GROUP ID Configuration. |
Campus |
CSU Delete Activity Guide Evnt |
CMS-Benefits maintains the CSU Delete Activity Guide Evnt definitions and makes changes each year to support open enrollment. Configurations in this table are used by the custom CSU_BAS_ACTP process, which deletes activity guides when certain criteria is met and runs in the seasonal CSUBASOE scheduled job set. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup > CSU Delete Activity Guide Evnt. |
CMS-Benefits |
CSU Delete Activity Guide Config |
CMS-Benefits maintains the CSU Delete Activity Guide Config definitions and makes changes each year to support open enrollment. Configurations in this table are used by the custom CSU_BAS_ACTP process, which deletes activity guides when certain criteria is met and runs in the seasonal CSUBASOE scheduled job set. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup > CSU Delete Activity Guide Config. |
CMS-Benefits |
CSU BAS Recurri ng Run Controls |
CMS-Benefits maintains the CSU BAS Recurring Run Controls definitions and makes changes each year to support open enrollment, as each year a new OE Schedule is created for each CHRS campus. These configurations are made in conjunction with Tech Services as Tech Services then configures the CSUBASOE scheduled job definition for each CHRS campus when the campus implements onto CHRS at the request of CMS-Benefits. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup > CSU BAS Recurring Run Controls. |
CMS-Benefits Tech Services for CSUBASOE changes |
Table | Description | Configuration Maintained By |
Maintai n Text Catalog | CMS-Benefits maintains the Maintain Text Catalog definitions and makes changes each year to support open enrollment at the request of SWHR and the collective campuses. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > Text Catalog and Notepad > Maintain Text Catalog. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR and campus SMEs |
Benefits Stateme nt Options | CMS-Benefits maintains the Benefits Statement Options table and makes changes each year to support Open Enrollment Benefit Confirmation Statements and the Enrollment Preview Statement. Note that the Enrollment Preview Statement is only configured for use with open enrollment and is only available for Full Benefits ESS campuses. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Base Benefits > Benefits Statement Options. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR and campus SMEs |
Online Confirm ation Stateme nts | CMS-Benefits maintains the online confirmation statement BI template definitions and makes changes each year to support open enrollment at the request of SWHR and the collective campuses. BI templates currently in use for online confirmation statements are: BENCFSTMT and BENCFSTMTVW. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Report Tools > BI Publisher > Create BIP Report Definitions. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR and campus SMEs |
Enrollm ent Preview Stateme nts | CMS-Benefits maintains the enrollment preview statement BI template and makes changes each year to support open enrollment at the request of SWHR and the collective campuses. The Enrollment Preview Statement is only available for Full Benefits ESS campuses and is only configured for use with open enrollment. The Enrollment Preview Statement BI template currently used is BENERSTMTVW. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Report Tools > BI Publisher > Create BIP Report Definitions. |
CMS-Benefits, as analysis determines and as directed by SWHR and campus SMEs |
HCRA/ DCRA Enrollm ent Form |
CMS-Benefits maintains the BI template and query definitions for the CHRS HCRA/DCRA Enrollment Form and makes changes at the request of SWHR. The HCRA/DCRA Enrollment Form BI template currently used is CSU_BN_FSA. Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Report Tools > BI Publisher > Create BIP Report Definitions. |
CMS-Benefits at the request of SWHR |
CSUBASOE Scheduled Job Definition
The CSUBASOE scheduled job definition is a seasonal job that must run nightly for each CHRS campus prior to the CSUBASDL jobs during the Open Enrollment (OE) period and through 12/31 of each year (CSUBASOE runs at 7:00 pm, and CSUBASDL runs at 1:00 am).

CSUBASOE is Active during the Open Enrollment period and through 12/31 of each year and is INACTIVE at all other times during the year. For example, if the OE period is 9/20/21 to 10/15/21, the CSUBASOE nightly job schedule is ACTIVE and runs from 9/20/21 to 12/31/21 in order to assign the applicable BAS Group ID and to also create OE events for new hires, transfers and newly benefit-eligible employees. CMS-Benefits works with Tech Services to activate and inactivate the CSUBASOE schedule based on the annual open enrollment scheduled provided by SWHR.
Important: Note that, if the system creates an OE BAS event for an employee after you have finalized the Open Enrollment schedule (i.e., after the open enrollment period has ended) or after CSUBASOE is inactivated and you are a Full eBenefits ESS campus, the employee will not be able to enter their OE elections via Full eBenefits ESS. The campus Benefits Officer must enter the employee’s OE BAS event elections manually via the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Directions for this process are included in this document.
Tech Services creates the CSUBASOE schedule for each CHRS campus under the direction of CMS-Benefits as each campus implements onto CHRS and also updates for the new campus OE Schedule IDs each calendar year under CMS-Benefits direction. The CSUBASOE schedule job runs for all CHRS campuses, regardless of if the campus is a View-Only eBenefits Self Service campus or a Full eBenefits Self Service campus. Below is a list of jobs included in the CSUBASOE scheduled job set. Note that some processes run more than once by design.

The following table explains each CSUBASOE job.
Process Name | Process Description | Process Explanation | Campus Action to Take | Mod # |
CSU_PERM_DEL | Del Orphan Perm Events | This process deletes orphaned permitting event codes for the applicable schedule ID being run. It must run towards the end of the scheduled job set, and also at the beginning of the scheduled job set. | Review the process job log to see the orphaned permitting event codes deleted. If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BB99001 - GRP 74 |
CSUBA01A | CSU Ben Admin Batch Processing | This process sets the run control ID for some of the CSUBASOE processes for the applicable schedule ID being run, such as the CSU_PERM_INS process. | If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process job log to see if there are any errors that require resolution. | BA05004 - GRP 53 |
CSU_BGRP_BTC | BAS Group ID Assignment | This process assigns a select employee population using the BAS Group ID code for the applicable schedule ID being run. Only employees with the specified BAS Group ID code receive an OE BAS event. See the CSU BAS GROUP ID Configuration table in Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup for configuration questions. CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment is a required campus defined Benefit configuration table. | Review the process job log to see the employee population that receive the BAS Group ID assignment. If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BA21004 – CC1076 |
CSUOEREETAS | CSU OE RE and ET Assignment |
This process sets the OE event Process_Status to RE (re-enter) for the applicable schedule ID being run after the employee submits their OE enrollments to prevent the OE BAS event from finalizing and to allow the employee time to submit supporting documents and for the campus Benefits Officer to review and approve the supporting documents. This process also sets the OE event Process_Status to ET once the campus Benefits Officer enables the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox in the Update Event Status page after approving the employee’s supporting |
Review the process job log to see the employee population that submitted their OE enrollments (Process_Status set to RE) and employees who have had their OE enrollments finalized (Process_Status set to ET). If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BA21005 - CC1125 |
Process Name | Process Description | Process Explanation | Campus Action to Take | Mod # |
documentation so the OE BAS event will finalize. | ||||
CSU_BASRUNUP | Update Ben Admin RC New Partic | This process enables the Schedule New Participants flag for the next PSPBARUN so new hires, transfers and newly benefit-eligible employees with the applicable OE BAS Group ID for the applicable schedule ID being run receive an OE BAS event. | If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BA21005 - CC1125 |
PSPBARUN | Benefits Administration | The delivered Benefits Administration process that determines the employee’s benefit program, benefit eligibility and prepares/finalizes the employee’s OE benefit options. | If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | N/A |
CSU_PERM_INS | Insert Health/FSA Perm Events | This process inserts the applicable configured OE BAS event permitting event codes for finalized OE BAS events for the applicable schedule ID being run. See the CSU Automated Perm Event Add configuration table in Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup to review the configuration or refer to the Appendix in this document. |
Review the process job log to see the permitting event codes inserted for finalized OE BAS events. If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BB99001 - GRP 74 |
CSUBASSCHED | Recreate BAS Daily Run Control | This process recreates the applicable OE Schedule ID PSPBARUN run control for each CHRS campus in CSUBASOE. See the CSU BAS Recurring Run Controls configuration table in Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup to review the configuration. | If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BA21003 - INC03950 71 |
CSU_BAS_ACTP | CSU Delete Activity Guide | This process deletes OE activity guides for finalized OE BAS events, voided OE BAS events, and also lists employees missing their OE electronic signature. See the CSU Delete Activity Guide Conf and CSU Delete Activity Guide Evnt configuration tables in |
Review the process job log to see the finalized OE activity guides that have been deleted and employees who are missing their OE electronic signature. Follow up with employees who are missing their OE electronic signature. This process also |
BA21006 – CC1077 and CC1084 |
Process Name | Process Description | Process Explanation | Campus Action to Take | Mod # |
Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup to review the configuration. | deletes activity guides for voided OE BAS events, and also deletes the voided OE BAS event. If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. |
Open Enrollment Process for View-Only ESS Campuses
If you are a View-Only eBenefits ESS Campus, follow this procedure when testing open enrollment in a test environment and also when running open enrollment in CHRS Production.
Follow the CHRS View-Only Campus Open Enrollment Checklist and accompanying instructions below.
CHRS View-Only Campus ESS Open Enrollment Checklist
# | Task | Owner | Status |
1 | Six weeks to a month before the Open Enrollment exercise begins ask employees to clean up their demographic data, i.e., home and mailing addresses in CHRS. | Campus | |
2 | Create the Balance IDs for the applicable business unit for the next full calendar year. See section 3.0 in this document for the link to the instructions. | Campus | |
3 | Create the payroll calendars for the next full calendar year. See section 3.0 in this document for the link to the instructions. | Campus | |
4 | Determine what employees should be part of the open enrollment exercise and then create the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment configuration for your campus to identify said population. See section 5.2 for step-by-step configuration instructions. | Campus | |
5 | Confirm that CMS-Benefits has created/pushed the remaining Open Enrollment configurations, and that SWHR changes have also been applied in CHRS and CSYOU if applicable. | Campus | |
6 | The morning Open Enrollment starts, run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process in Preview mode and confirm using the Preview Report that the BAS GROUP ID is assigned to the applicable OE population at your campus based on your CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment configurations. See step-by-step instructions in this document. | Campus | |
7 | After confirming the BAS GROUP ID assignment in Preview mode, run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process in final mode (i.e., uncheck the Preview checkbox). See step-by-step instructions in this document. | Campus | |
8 | After the BAS GROUP ID is assigned, create the OE BAS event by running the Ben Admin process (PSPBARUN) for your OE Schedule ID. Use step-by-step instructions in this document. | Campus | |
9 | Go to Schedule Summary and review the OE BAS events created and already finalized (set to Finalize-Prep None) by the PSPBARUN process. Review the Schedule Summary page daily throughout the open enrollment period to monitor the progress of the open enrollment exercise at your campus. See step-by-step instructions in this document. | Campus |
# | Task | Owner | Status |
10 | Verify that CMS-Benefits has scheduled CSUBASOE to start processing at the beginning of the Open Enrollment period through 12/31 of the current calendar year. | Campus/CMS | |
11 | Review all CSUBASOE process logs each day and resolve any issues if listed. (CSUBASOE jobs run nightly before CSUBASDL jobs during the open enrollment period and through 12/31 of each calendar year). | Campus | |
12 | Employees at View-Only eBenefits campuses use paper forms to submit their open enrollment elections/changes to the campus Benefits Office. | Employees | |
13 | The campus Benefits Office processes open enrollment elections/changes for employees if the campus owns the employee’s Benefits Primary Job. If the campus is not the employee’s Benefits Primary Job owner, the campus advises the employee where to submit their open enrollment elections. To determine the campus that is the employee’s Benefits Primary Job, click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Maintain Primary Jobs > Maintain Flags, position on the applicable effective-dated row, and determine the EMPL_REC that is the employee’s Benefits Primary Job. Then go to Job Data to determine the campus that owns the applicable EMPL_REC. You can also use the Verify Primary Benefits Campus job aid. |
Campus | |
14 | The campus Benefits Office at View-Only eBenefits campuses uses the On Demand Event Maintenance to manually process all submitted OE BAS events. Enter and finalize OE enrollments in one sitting after you have signed off on the employee’s supporting documentation. Run the CSU_BAS_SS_Events query daily to manage outstanding OE BAS events. Review the CSUBASOE process logs daily to review processed items and to ensure there are no processing errors. Resolve processing errors if found. Run and review and resolve issues on the daily Ben Admin reports listed in this document for your OE Schedule ID. Refer to the Reports to Run During Open Enrollment section. Use the Review Processing Message page to review for BAS processing errors. Resolve BAS processing errors if found. Refer to the Appendix in this document if you need to reprocess an OE BAS event. |
Campus | |
15 | Refer to the Finalize Open Enrollment section in this document when your campus is ready to finalize all remaining open OE BAS events after the open enrollment period is over. **Note that the CSUBASOE job set runs nightly through 12/31 of each calendar year to facilitate BAS GROUP ID assignment and the OE BAS event creation for new hires and newly benefits-eligible employees. |
Campus |
Configure the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment
The BAS GROUP ID field is a delivered field in Oracle/PeopleSoft that, if populated, can be used to select a specific population to receive an Open Enrollment (OE) event or a special benefits enrollment event class. The BAS Group ID field is tied to the CHRS Benefits Administration open enrollment and/or special enrollment schedule for your campus.
The BAS GROUP ID field is located in Job Data on the Benefits Program Participation page.
Using the delivered BAS GROUP ID field can reduce the time required to manage, process and finalize open enrollments and special benefits enrollments by excluding specific employee populations from receiving an open enrollment and/or special benefits enrollments event. For example, you can use the BAS GROUP ID field to exclude terminated, retired and non-benefit eligible employees (i.e., students) and active employees who are on an unpaid leave of absence from receiving an OE BAS event.
Configuration options are to include or exclude employees getting the BAS GROUP ID assignment based on one or a combination of the following:
- HR Status (Active or Inactive)
- Employee Status (Active, Paid Leave of Absence, Unpaid Leave of Absence, Suspended, Short Work Break, Terminated, Retired, Retired with Pay, Terminated with Pay, Terminated with Benefits, Deceased)
- Benefits Employee Status
- Pay Group
- Benefit Program
- Employee Class
- Eligibility Fields 1-9
- AY Duration of Appointment (CSU_JOB.CSU_APPT_DUR)
The custom CSU_BGRP_BTC process (i.e., CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process) uses this configuration to assign applicable employees the BAS GROUP ID. The CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process evaluates the employee’s JOB.BUSINESS_UNIT and benefits primary job (PRIMARY_JOBS) against the process configuration currently in effect when the process runs and determines/overwrites the BAS Group ID field value based on the configuration requirements and the employee’s benefits primary job currently in effect. The custom CSU_BGRP_BTC process runs as a batch job in the CSUBASOE scheduled job set and can also be run as an on-demand job:
- You will run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process on-demand once JUST BEFORE creating the Open Enrollment or special benefits enrollment event class in Preview mode and then in Final mode to assign a designated BAS GROUP ID on the current JOB row for all jobs for the specified employee population, and,
- The CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process then runs nightly during the annual Open Enrollment period through 12/31 of each calendar year in the OE Batch schedule (CSUBASOE) at the start of the CSUBASOE job stream to assign a designated BAS GROUP ID on the current JOB row for all jobs for
the specific employee population based on the defined custom process configuration for new hire/rehire employees, newly benefit-eligible employees, transfer hires, etc. OE BAS events deemed not required can be voided by campus Benefits Officers.
- Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup >CSU Benefits Setup > CSU BAS GROUP ID Configuration.

- The BAS Group ID Eligibility page appears.

- Click on the Add a New Value tab.
- Enter the BAS Group ID for the applicable open enrollment schedule for your campus. Click the

icon for a list of valid values.
- Click on the Add button.
- The Eligibility Parameters page appears.
- The Business Unit defaults based on your security settings.
- The Effective Date defaults to today’s date. Enter the Effective Date that you want to use for your configuration.
- Click on the View All link to see all sixteen configuration options.
- Click on the View 10 link to see only ten configuration options at a time.
- Use the available configuration options to select the employee population to receive an OE BAS event at your campus. For example, click on the View Details icon

to the right of the HR Status.
- Select that you want employees with an HR Status of Active to be included in the open enrollment population.
- For example, next click on the View Details icon

to the right of Pay Group.
- Select that you want employees in pay groups ACD, MST and POS to be included in the open enrollment population.
- Review all configuration options and determine the configuration settings for your campus based on your campuses’ requirements.
- Click on the Save button when complete.
Populate the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment
The morning open enrollment starts, run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process on-demand to populate the BAS GROUP ID field on applicable Job Data rows for your open enrollment employee population. Please note that the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process does not have an ‘undo’ feature. If needed a BAS Group ID can be manually added to job records when needed so that an employee receives an OE BAS event. Refer to the How to Manually Add a BAS Group ID to an Employee’s Benefit Primary Job section in this document for step-by-step instructions if needed.
For example, there may be times when the employee's Benefits Primary Job is on unpaid leave for active Department Chairs or active employees in interim positions. Also, if the employee's Benefits Primary Job is on unpaid leave, but they are really truly active, such as Department Chairs or active employees in interim positions, the employee will not be able to do OE in eBenefits, and a paper worksheet must be used and the HBO will need to manually enter and process the employee’s OE elections via the On Demand Event Maintenance page. This is because the employee’s eBenefits access is inactivated in CHRS when the employee's Benefits Primary Job is on unpaid leave.
- Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events >

CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment.

- The page CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment page appears.

- Select the appropriate open enrollment Schedule ID for your campus/business unit.
- Select the Preview checkbox.
- Run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process in Preview mode first so you can review the Preview Report and confirm that the correct employee population is selected to receive an OE BAS event.
- Click on the Run button.
- The page Process Scheduler Request page appears.

- If able, select PSUNX for Server Name, else leave blank.
- Select the CSU_BGRP_PRC process.
- Click on the OK button.
- You are returned to the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment page. Write down the Process Instance
number and then click on the Process Monitor link.
- The Process Monitor page appears.
- Locate your process on the Process List. Click the Refresh button until your process shows the Run Status of Success. If the Run Status is Error, work with your technical support resource to resolve before continuing this process.
- Click on the Details link, then click on the View Log/Trace link and then click on the BAS Group ID log to see the Preview Report listing employees who qualify for the open enrollment BAS Group ID assignment per your campuses’ CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment configurations. The Preview Report example below did not select any employees.
Preview Report Example with No Data
The CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process identifies and list on the report employees who received a BAS Group ID and who also have future-dated Job Data rows. Employees with future-dated job rows do not receive an OE BAS event on the future-dated rows. Review and manually assign the OE BAS Group ID for employees on the Job Data > Benefits Program Participation row on future dated rows if an OE BAS event is desired for the employee.
Preview Report Example with Data and an Employee with a Future-dated Job Data Row
The BAS GROUP ID that the process sets stays in the BAS GROUP ID field until 1) the process removes it, or 2) the process updates it the following year, or 3) an end user manually changes it.
- Run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process in final mode (deselect the Preview checkbox) when you are ready to assign the BAS GROUP ID to your open enrollment population. Verify that the process completes successfully.
Create the OE BAS Event
The morning open enrollment starts, after you have successfully run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process in final mode, use the following instructions to manually run first run of the delivered Benefits Administration process (PSPBARUN) to create the OE BAS event for your open enrollment employee population.
Note that after this first, one-time manual run of the PSPBARUN process to initially create the OE BAS events for your employee population, the nightly CSUBASOE jobs take over and assign the BAS GROUP ID and then create OE BAS events for newly eligible employees, such as new hires, transfers and newly benefit- eligible employees during the open enrollment period through 12/31 of the calendar year. Also, after the first, one-time manual run of the PSPBARUN process to initially create the OE BAS events, subsequent manual runs, if done, must utilize the Schedule New Participants checkbox on the OE/Snapshot page in order to select new participants (see the instructions in this document if needed).
- Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events >

Run Automated Event Processing.
- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value
page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The Schedule and Chkpt Restart page appears.

- Enter your open enrollment Schedule ID.
- Enter .50 for Chk Point Interval in Minutes.
- Select the Record Eligibility Results checkbox.
- Click on the Run button in the top right-hand corner.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.
- Enter PSUNX in Server Name or keep the field blank.
- Locate and select the job with the process name PSPBARUN.
- Click on the OK button.

- The Run Control page appears, along with a Process Instance number. The Process Instance number is the job number assigned by the system. Make note of this number in case needed later.

- Click on the Process Monitor link in the top right hand corner to monitor the process.
- Locate the PSPBARUN link on the Process List page.
- Make sure the job is completed successfully.
- Click on the Return button when processing finishes and after you have reviewed the required job log to see if there’s an issue.
Review Schedule Summary Page
The selected employee population should now have an OE BAS event. Go to the Schedule Summary
page to see how many OE BAS events were created (navigation is click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results > Schedule Summary).

Review the Schedule Summary page daily to manage and monitor the open enrollment process at your campus during the open enrollment period.
Use the CSU_BAS_SS_Events query to see all employees who have an OE BAS event for your campus/business unit.
Finalize employee’s OE BAS events using the On Demand Event Mainenance page after you approve the employee’s supporting documentation.
Refer to the Finalizing Open Enrollment section in this document when you are ready to finalize your remaining open enrollment events after the open enrollment period has ended and you have completed your open enrollment processing.
Open Enrollment Process for Full ESS Campuses
If you are a Full eBenefits Self Service campus, follow this procedure when testing open enrollment in a test environment and also when running open enrollment in CHRS Production.
Follow the CHRS Full ESS Campus Open Enrollment Checklist and accompanying instructions below.
CHRS Full ESS Campus Open Enrollment Checklist
# | Task | Owner | Status |
1 | Six weeks to a month before the Open Enrollment exercise begins ask employees to clean up their demographic data, i.e., home and mailing addresses in CHRS. | Campus | |
2 | Create the Balance IDs for the applicable business unit for the next full calendar year. See section 3.0 in this document for the link to the instructions. | Campus | |
3 | Create the payroll calendars for the next full calendar year. See section 3.0 in this document for the link to the instructions. | Campus | |
4 | Determine what employees should be part of the open enrollment exercise and then create the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment configuration for your campus to identify said population. See section 6.2 for step-by-step instructions. | Campus | |
5 | Confirm that CMS-Benefits has created/pushed the remaining Open Enrollment configurations, and that SWHR changes have also been applied in CHRS and CSYOU if applicable. | Campus | |
6 | The morning Open Enrollment starts, run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process in Preview mode and confirm using the Preview Report the BAS GROUP ID is assigned to the applicable OE population at your campus based on your CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment configurations. See step-by-step instructions in this document. | Campus | |
7 | After confirming the BAS GROUP ID assignment, run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process in final mode (i.e., uncheck the Preview checkbox). See step-by- step instructions in this document. | Campus | |
8 | After the BAS GROUP ID is assigned, create the OE BAS event by running the Ben Admin process (PSPBARUN) for your OE Schedule ID. Use step-by-step instructions in this document. | Campus | |
9 | Go to Schedule Summary and review the OE BAS events created and already finalized (set to Finalize-Prep None) by the PSPBARUN process. Review the Schedule Summary page daily throughout the open enrollment period to monitor the progress of the open enrollment exercise at your campus. See step-by-step instructions in this document. | Campus | |
10 | Verify that CMS-Benefits has scheduled CSUBASOE to start processing at the beginning of the Open Enrollment period through 12/31 of the current calendar year. | Campus/CMS | |
11 | Review all CSUBASOE process logs each day and resolve any issues if listed. (CSUBASOE jobs run nightly before CSUBASDL jobs during the open enrollment period and through 12/31 of each calendar year). | Campus | |
12 | Employees at Full eBenefits self-services campuses log onto CHRS eBenefits Full Self Service to enter and submit their open enrollment elections/changes to the campus Benefits Office. | Employees | |
13 | The campus Benefits Office processes open enrollment elections/changes for employees if the campus owns the employee’s Benefits Primary Job. If the campus is not the employee’s Benefits Primary Job owner, the campus advises the employee where to submit their open enrollment elections. | Campus |
# | Task | Owner | Status |
To determine the campus that is the employee’s Benefits Primary Job, click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Maintain Primary Jobs > Maintain Flags, position on the applicable effective-dated row, and determine the EMPL_REC that is the employee’s Benefits Primary Job. Then go to Job Data to determine the campus that owns the applicable EMPL_REC. You can also use the Verify Primary Benefits Campus job aid. Note: Employees cannot access CHRS eBenefits Full Self Service if their Benefits Primary Job campus is a View-Only eBenefits Self Service campus. |
14 | Review the CSUBASOE process logs daily to review processed items and to ensure there are no processing errors. Resolve processing errors if found. Use the Processing Messages page in Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results to review for BAS processing errors. Resolve BAS processing errors. Run and review and resolve issues on the daily Ben Admin reports listed in this document for your OE Schedule ID. Refer to the Reports to Run During Open Enrollment section. Use the CHRS Baseline queries listed in this document to manage your OE BAS events/processes. Run the CSU_BAS_SS_Events, CSU_BAS_SS_NT and the CSU_BAS_ELECTRONIC_ESIGNATURE CHRS Benefits Baseline queries daily to manage OE BAS events. BAS events in RE process status on the queries are awaiting supporting documents and/or HBO auditing before they can be finalized. BAS events in PR process status have had no elections entered. BAS events in NT process status have had elections entered, but the employee has not clicked on the Submit Enrollment button. Please note that once the employee clicks the Submit Enrollment button for an OE election in Full ESS, the system will not recognize any other changes that they make for that OE election. Use the On Demand Event Maintenance to manually audit all electronically submitted OE BAS event once you receive supporting documents or determine that the OE enrollment is ready to audit, using the Audit Employee Benefits Enrollment job aid. If the OE elections do not pass the HBO audit, follow the instructions in this user guide to void the OE BAS event, and then follow instructions in this user guide to create a new OE BAS event, and work with the employee to enter the OE elections correctly. As a rule of thumb during the open enrollment period, do not use the On Demand Event Maintenance to do any data entry or to manually finalize electronically submitted OE BAS events during the open enrollment period. Let CSUBASOE process and finalize electronically submitted OE BAS events during the open enrollment period. Go to the Update Event Status page and select the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox for submitted OE enrollments after you have audited the employee’s enrollment, verified that the employee submitted their electronic signature and have reviewed and approved the employee’s submitted supporting documentation. CSUBASOE then finalizes the OE BAS event once the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox is set and also determines and inserts the applicable permitting event codes for finalized plan types 10 (Medical), 11 (Dental), 1Y (Dental Flex Cash), 1Z (Medical Flex Cash), 60 (HCRA) and 61 (DCRA) in nightly processing. |
Campus |
# | Task | Owner | Status |
Only use the On Demand Event Maintenance page to manually process submitted OE BAS events for paper form enrollments and to process new OE benefit enrollments received after the online open enrollment period has ended (see item 15).** Refer to the Appendix in this document if you need to reprocess an OE BAS event. Refer to the Open Enrollment section in the CHRS Benefits Employee Self Service for Full Service Campuses User Guide for step-by-step daily processing instructions. |
15 | Refer to the Finalize Open Enrollment section in this document when you are ready to finalize all remaining open OE BAS events after the open enrollment period is over. Note that when you finalize all remaining open OE BAS events, the OE BAS events in an RE process status will be finalized-enrolled. **Note that the CSUBASOE job set runs nightly through 12/31 of each calendar year to facilitate BAS GROUP ID assignment and the OE BAS event creation for new hires and newly benefits-eligible employees. Full eBenefits Self Service campuses will have to use the On Demand Event Maintenance page to manually process new OE benefit enrollments received after the online open enrollment period has ended. |
Campus |
Configure the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment
The BAS GROUP ID field is a delivered field in Oracle/PeopleSoft that, if populated, can be used to select a specific population to receive an Open Enrollment (OE) event or a special benefits enrollment event class. The BAS Group ID field is tied to the Benefits Administration open enrollment and/or special enrollment schedule for your campus.
The BAS GROUP ID field is located in Job Data on the Benefits Program Participation page.
Using the delivered BAS GROUP ID field can reduce the time required to manage, process and finalize open enrollments and special benefits enrollments by excluding specific employee populations from receiving an open enrollment and/or special benefits enrollments event. For example, you can use the BAS GROUP ID field to exclude terminated, retired and non-benefit eligible employees (students) and active employees who are on an unpaid leave of absence from receiving an OE BAS event.
Configuration options are to include or exclude employees getting the BAS GROUP ID assignment based on one or a combination of the following:
- HR Status (Active or Inactive)
- Employee Status (Active, Paid Leave of Absence, Unpaid Leave of Absence, Suspended, Short Work Break, Terminated, Retired, Retired with Pay, Terminated with Pay, Terminated with Benefits, Deceased)
- Benefits Employee Status
- Pay Group
- Benefit Program
- Employee Class
- Eligibility Fields 1-9
- AY Duration of Appointment (CSU_JOB.CSU_APPT_DUR)
The custom CSU_BGRP_BTC process uses this configuration to assign applicable employees the BAS GROUP ID. The custom CSU_BGRP_BTC process runs as a batch job in the CSUBASOE scheduled job set and as an on-demand job:
- You will run this process on-demand once JUST BEFORE creating the Open Enrollment or special benefits enrollment event class in Preview mode and then in Final mode to assign a designated BAS GROUP ID on the current JOB row for all jobs for the specified employee population, and,
- This process then runs nightly during the annual Open Enrollment period in the OE Batch schedule (CSUBASOE) at the start of the CSUBASOE job stream to assign a designated BAS GROUP ID on the current JOB row for all jobs for the specific employee population based on the defined custom process configuration for new hire/rehire employees, newly benefit-eligible employees, transfer hires, etc.
- Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup >CSU Benefits Setup > CSU BAS GROUP ID Configuration

- The BAS Group ID Eligibility page appears.

- Click on the Add a New Value tab.
- Enter the BAS Group ID for the applicable open enrollment schedule for your campus. Click the

icon for a list of valid values.
- Click on the Add button.
- The Eligibility Parameters page appears.
- The Business Unit defaults based on your security settings.
- The Effective Date defaults to today’s date. Enter the Effective Date that you want to use for your configuration.
- Click on the View All link to see all sixteen configuration options.
- Click on the View 10 link to see only ten configuration options at a time.
- Use the available configuration options to select the employee population to receive an OE BAS event.
For example, click on the View Details icon

to the right of the HR Status.
- Select that you want employees with an HR Status of Active to be included in the open enrollment population.
- For example, then click on the View Details icon

to the right of Pay Group.
- Select that you want employees in pay groups ACD, MST and POS to be included in the open enrollment population.
- Review all configuration options and determine the configuration settings for your campus based on your campuses’ requirements.
- Click on the Save button when complete.
Populate the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment
The morning open enrollment starts, run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process on-demand to populate the BAS GROUP ID field on applicable Job Data rows for your open enrollment employee population.
- Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events >

CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment.

- The page CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment page appears.

- Select the appropriate open enrollment Schedule ID for your campus/business unit.
- Select the Preview checkbox.
- Run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process in Preview mode first so you can review so you can review the Preview Report and confirm that the correct employee population is selected to receive an OE BAS event.
- Click on the Run button.
- The page Process Scheduler Request page appears.

- If able, select PSUNX for Server Name, else leave blank.
- Select the CSU_BGRP_PRC process.
- Click on the OK button.
- You are returned to the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment page. Write down the Process Instance
number and then click on the Process Monitor link.
- The Process Monitor page appears.
- Locate your process on the Process List. Click the Refresh button until your process shows the Run Status of Success. If the Run Status is Error, work with your technical support resource to resolve before continuing this process.
- Click on the Details link, then click on the View Log/Trace link and then click on the BAS Group ID log to see the Preview Report listing employees who qualify for the open enrollment BAS Group ID assignment per your campuses’ CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment configurations. The Preview Report example below did not select any employees.
Preview Report Example with No Data
The CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process identifies and list on the report employees who received a BAS Group ID and who also have future-dated Job Data rows. Employees with future-dated job rows do not receive an OE BAS event on the future-dated rows. Review and manually assign the OE BAS Group ID for employees on the Job Data > Benefits Program Participation row on future dated rows if an OE BAS event is desired for the employee.
Preview Report Example with Data and an Employee with a Future-dated Job Data Row
The BAS GROUP ID that the process sets stays in that field unless 1) the process removes it, or 2) the process updates it the following year, or 3) an end user manually changes it.
- Run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process in final mode (deselect the Preview checkbox) when you are ready to assign the BAS GROUP ID to your open enrollment population. Verify that the process completes successfully.
Create the OE BAS Event
The morning open enrollment starts, after you have successfully run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process in final mode, use the following instructions to manually run the delivered Benefits Administration process (PSPBARUN) to create the OE BAS event for your open enrollment employee population.
Note that after this one-time manual run of the PSPBARUN process to initially create the OE BAS events for your employee population, the nightly CSUBASOE jobs take over and assign the BAS GROUP ID and then create OE BAS events for eligible employees during the open enrollment period.
Also, after the first, one-time manual run of the PSPBARUN process to initially create the OE BAS events, subsequent manual runs, if done, must utilize the Schedule New Participants checkbox on the OE/Snapshot page in order to select new participants (see the instructions in this document if needed).
- Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events >

Run Automated Event Processing.
- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value
page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The Schedule and Chkpt Restart page appears.

- Enter your open enrollment Schedule ID.
- Enter .50 for Chk Point Interval in Minutes.
- Select the Record Eligibility Results checkbox.
- Click on the Run button in the top right-hand corner.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.
- Enter PSUNX in Server Name or keep the field blank.
- Locate and select the job with the process name PSPBARUN.
- Click on the OK button.

- The Run Control page appears, along with a Process Instance number. The Process Instance number is the job number assigned by the system. Make note of this number in case needed later.

- Click on the Process Monitor link in the top right-hand corner to monitor the process.
- Locate the PSPBARUN link on the Process List page.
- Make sure the job is completed successfully.
- Click on the Return button when processing finishes and after you have reviewed the required job log to see if there’s an issue.
Review Schedule Summary Page
The selected employee population should now have an OE BAS event. Go to the Schedule Summary
page to see how many OE BAS events were created (click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results > Schedule Summary).

Review the Schedule Summary page daily to manage and monitor the open enrollment process at your campus.
Use the CSU_BAS_SS_Events query to also see all employees who have an OE BAS event for your campus/business unit.
CSUBASOE finalizes the employee’s OE BAS event after you approve the employee’s supporting documentation and enable the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag in the Update Event Status page. CSUBASOE also automatically inserts the appropriate permitting event codes for finalized enrollments for plan types 10- Medical, 11-Dental, 1Y-Dental Flex Cash, 1Z-Medical Flex Cash, 60-Health Care Reimbursement Account and 61-Dependent Care Reimbursement Account. CSUBASOE also deletes OE activity guides for finalized OE BAS events and for voided OE BAS events.
Only use the On Demand Event Maintenance to manually process submitted OE BAS events for paper form enrollments and to process new OE benefit enrollments received after the online open enrollment period has ended.
Refer to the Finalizing Open Enrollment section in this document when you are ready to finalize your remaining open enrollment events after the open enrollment period has ended and you have completed your open enrollment processing.
CHRS Benefits Baseline Queries to Run During Open Enrollment
All campuses, where indicated below, regardless of if the campus is a View-Only eBenefits Self Service campus or a Full eBenefits Self Service campus, should run the following CHRS Benefits Baseline queries to help manage the CHRS Open Enrollment process. The CHRS Benefits Baseline queries are found in Query Manager, Query Viewer, and on the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile.
CHRS Benefits Baseline Query Name | Query Explanation | Use if View-Only eBenefits Self Service campus? |
CSU_BAS_SS_Events | Shows employees with an OE BAS event and the OE BAS event Process Status and Event Status. | Yes |
CSU_BAS_SS_NT | Shows employees who have looked at the OE BAS event in Full eBenefits self-service, and who may have entered benefit elections in Full eBenefits self-service but have not submitted their benefit enrollments. Benefit enrollments not submitted are not processed (finalized-enrolled) in CHRS. Follow-up with employees who have an OE BAS event Process Status of NT. | No |
CSU_BAS_ELECTRONIC_ESIGNATURE | Displays the employee’s electronic signature for benefit enrollments if the employee has submitted their open enrollment electronic signature. Follow-up with employees who have submitted their OE benefit changes but have not submitted their electronic signature. |
No |
Review the Schedule Summary page daily to monitor the OE Schedule ID for your campus (click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results >

Schedule Summary).
Daily Benefits Review - Job Aids
The following job aids show Benefits Officers what and how to review daily campus specific CSUBASDL and CSUBASOE process logs from the nightly Ben Admin processing, daily CHRS baseline queries and daily campus specific reports.
- Daily Review CSUBAS Logs and Reports
- Daily Review CSUBASOE Logs and Reports
Use the information listed in this document if you require more details on what to review on the daily reports and how to resolve issues found on the daily reports.
Reports to Run During Open Enrollment
BAS003.SQR - Invalid Elections Report
Report Description
BAS003.SQR - Invalid Elections Report is a PeopleSoft delivered report which produces, by BAS Schedule ID, a detailed listing of all Ben Admin error and warning situations resulting from running the Benefits Administration process (PSPBARUN). This report lists the schedule ID, the Emplid, the error message description, and the cause of the error. Review all errors/warnings and resolve daily.
Recommended Use and Follow-up
Review and resolve issues that are on this report daily. Note that resolved issues on the report will not drop off the report until PSPBARUN (the delivered Ben Admin process) runs again for the applicable BAS Schedule ID.
Things to Look For
Assign None (AN) errors occur when the system Ben Admin configuration is not configured to determine the employee’s benefit program. Theoretically, there should never be BAS events with the Assign None (AN) process status.
- To resolve BAS events with the Assign None (AN) process status, review the employee’s Job Data record(s) to verify that all Job Data values are correct. If you find incorrect Job Data values, have the incorrect values corrected and then go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, enter the value of A in the field to the right of the Reprocess button, then click on the Reprocess button to re-prepare the election options. If this does not resolve the issue, you may need to submit a Service Now ticket for CMS to review.
- Note that Assign None (AN) BAS events become Finalized None (FN) process status after the next delivered Ben Admin run (PSPBARUN).
- To resolve Assign Errors (AE), determine if incorrect Job Data values require correction. If there are no incorrect Job Data values for the employee, there may be a configuration issue that requires research and resolution. Once the incorrect Job Data value is corrected and/or the configuration issue is corrected:
- If the Assign Error is not for an eBenefits Self Service transaction, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, enter the value of A in the field to the right of the Reprocess button, then click on the Reprocess button to re-prepare the election options.
- If the Assign Error is for an eBenefits Self Service transaction, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, enter the value of A in the field to the right of the Reprocess button, then click on the Reprocess button to re-prepare the election options. Verify that the BAS event is at a Process Status of Prepared. Then advise the employee that they can continue with their life event transaction. If the employee cannot access the corrected BAS event, ask the employee to Cancel their life event transaction in eBenefits and create a new life event transaction.
- To resolve Prep Errors (PE), determine if incorrect Job Data values require correction. If there are no incorrect Job Data values for the employee, there may be a configuration issue that requires research and resolution. Once the incorrect Job Data value is corrected and/or the configuration issue is corrected:
- If the Prep Error is not for an eBenefits Self Service transaction, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, enter the value of A in the field to the right of the Reprocess button, then click on the Reprocess button to re-prepare the election options.
- If the Prep Error is for an eBenefits Self Service transaction, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, enter the value of A in the field to the right of the Reprocess button, then click on the Reprocess button to re-prepare the election options. Verify that the BAS event is at a Process Status of Prepared. Then advise the employee that they can continue with their life event transaction. If the employee cannot access the corrected BAS event, ask the employee to Cancel their life event transaction in eBenefits and create a new life event transaction.
- To resolve Election Errors (EE) first determine what needs to be corrected for the related data entry.
- If the Election Error is not for an eBenefits Self Service transaction, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, click on the Election Entry button and correct the election error. Verify that the correct permitting event codes are entered. Save the transaction.
- If the Election Error is for an eBenefits Self Service transaction, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, click on the Election Entry button and correct the election error. You’ll then need to enter the permitting event codes for the BAS event.
- Do not reprocess the eBenefits Self Service BAS event to a Process Status prior to Re-enter, i.e., do not reprocess to Assign Benefit Program or Prepare Options as you'll lose the employee's submission date (Election Received Date). Election Received Date is used for the eSignature date on forms, the Perm Event HBO Received Date, and is used by the nightly process CSU_BA_EVT_DT to change the event class event date for submission date processing. Refer to the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet for more information.
- There is no need to set anything on the Event Status Update page to resolve the above errors unless the AN error went to a FN error and you are reprocessing the BAS event back to an Assign Process Status in order to resolve.
- This report does not show detail for error messages that correspond to disconnected events.
Online Processing Messages Page
The BAS003 report information can also be viewed online in CHRS via the Processing Messages page. Messages on this page are not cleared from this page once resolved but instead are cleared once Ben Admin runs again for the applicable Schedule ID.
Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results > Processing Messages
This report is not included in the nightly CSUBASOE job schedule in CHRS. Run this report ad-hoc daily to review and resolve Ben Admin processing errors.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then go to Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions > Invalid Elections Rpt

Example of Run Control Page

- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value
page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The Invalid Elections Rpt page appears.
- Enter the Schedule ID. Do not leave this field blank.
- Click on the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.

- Select PSUNX in the Server Name field if able. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
- Verify that the BAS003 process is selected (i.e., check marked), then click on the OK button.
- The Invalid Elections Rpt page appears, along with the Process Instance number. Write down this number in case you need it later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link to monitor the status of the report generation.
- The Process List page appears.
- Locate your job on the Process List, then click on the Refresh button until the job’s Run Status is
- Click on the Details link.
- The Process Detail page appears. Click on the View Log/Trace link.
- The Process Detail page appears. Click on the View Log/Trace link.
- The View Log/Trace page appears. Click on the link that ends in .PDF as this is the report.
- Note that resolved errors do not fall off the report or the Processing Messages page after they are resolved until PSPBARUN is run again for the applicable Schedule ID.

BAS008.SQR - Report on Flagged Items
Report Description
The Report on Flagged Items is a report that lists flagged BAS events that require daily review and resolution. Flagged BAS events listed on the report:
- have had Job, Address, or Union eligibility information changes that may impact benefits eligibility and warrant BAS event class review and possible reprocessing.
- have been processed Out of Sequence and warrant BAS event class reprocessing or voiding based on the BAS event that’s out of sequence.
- have been disconnected during processing and require review and resolution.
BAS008.SQR - Report on Flagged Items is a PeopleSoft delivered report which produces, by BAS Schedule ID, a detailed listing of all Ben Admin BAS events that have one of more of the BAS flags enabled:
- Address Eligibility Changed
- MultiJob Indicator Changed
- Job Eligibility Changed
- Event Out of Sequence
- Event Disconnected
This report lists the schedule ID, the Emplid, the error message description, and the cause of the error. Review and resolve all items on the report.
Recommended Use and Follow-up
Review and resolve issues that are on this report daily.
- Audit the flags and re-process BAS events as needed.
- Use the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet every time you need to reprocess a BAS event in CHRS.
- Also use the eBenefits ESS OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet every time you are trying to clear a flag for an eBenefits ESS event, as you may not be able to reprocess the eBenefits ESS event. The eBenefits ESS OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet advises when it is ok to reprocess an eBenefits ESS BAS event based on the BAS event Process Status. The Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet provides next steps to take when the scenario dictates that you cannot reprocess a particular BAS event.
- If the Address Eligibility Change flag is checked, go to Modify a Person and see if the employee’s home state and/or home zip code changed, then go to Job Data and review the Job Data rows equal to and prior to the reprocess BAS event date to see if the employee’s work location changed that resulted in a zip code or state change. Note that mailing addresses do not impact benefit eligibility.
- If the home or work location address change did not include a zip code or state change, you can uncheck the Address Eligibility Change flag on the Update Event Status page and then click on Save instead of reprocessing the specific BAS event.
- If the home or work location address zip code or state changed, you must reprocess the BAS event to see if the employee’s benefit eligibility changed. The employee may need to or have the option to elect a new benefit plan for certain zip code eligibility changes.
- Before you reprocess any BAS event in CHRS, refer to the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event and the eBenefits ESS OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet to see if it’s OK to reprocess that particular BAS event. The Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet provides next steps to take when the scenario dictates that you cannot reprocess a particular BAS event.
- If the Job Eligibility Change flag is checked, go to Job Data and review the following fields on the Job Data rows equal to and prior to the reprocess BAS event date to see if changes occurred that would impact the employee’s benefits: Location, Empl_Class, Employee Type, FLSA Status, Salary Plan, Grade, Full/Part Time, Regular/Temporary, Service Months, Standard Hours, Union Code, Pay Group, Officer Code, FTE, Combined FTE, ACA Eligibility Status, Elig Feld 1, Elig Fld 2, Elig Fld 3, Elig Fld 4, Elig Fld 5, Elig Fld 6, Elig Fld 7, Elig Fld 8 and Elig Fld 9. Also check to see if the BAS Group ID changed. The BAS Group ID value is critical for OE BAS events.
- If the Job Data change did not update a field that would impact the employee’s benefits eligibility, you can uncheck the Job Eligibility Change flag on the Update Event Status page and then click on Save instead of reprocessing the specific BAS event.
- If the Job Data change did update a field that would impact the employee’s benefits eligibility, you must reprocess the BAS event to see if the employee’s benefit eligibility changed.
- Before you reprocess any BAS event in CHRS, refer to the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event and the eBenefits ESS OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet to see if it’s OK to reprocess that particular BAS event. The Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet provides next steps to take when the scenario dictates that you cannot reprocess a particular BAS event.
- If the MultiJob Eligibility Change flag is checked, go to Job Data and review the following fields for all active jobs for the employee on Job Data rows equal to and prior to the reprocess BAS event date to see if changes occurred that would impact the employee’s benefits: Location, Empl_Class, Employee Type, FLSA Status, Salary Plan, Grade, Full/Part Time, Regular/Temporary, Service Months, Standard Hours, Union Code, Pay Group, Officer Code, FTE, Combined FTE, ACA Eligibility Status, Elig Fld 1, Elig Fld 2, Elig Fld 3, Elig Fld 4, Elig Fld 5, Elig Fld 6, Elig Fld 7, Elig Fld 8 and Elig Fld 9. Also check to see if BAS Group ID changed or needs to change for the employee’s Primary Benefit Job. The BAS Group ID value is critical for OE BAS events.
- If the Job Data change did not update a field that would impact the employee’s benefits, you can uncheck the Job Eligibility Change flag on the Update Event Status page and then click on Save instead of reprocessing the specific BAS event.
- If the Job Data change did update a field that would impact the employee’s benefits eligibility, you must reprocess the BAS event to see if the employee’s benefit eligibility changed.
- Before you reprocess any BAS event in CHRS, refer to the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event and the eBenefits ESS OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet to see if it’s OK to reprocess that particular BAS event. The Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet provides next steps to take when the scenario dictates that you cannot reprocess a particular BAS event.
Things to Look For
- Address Eligibility Changed Flag – This flag will be checked if there is a change in address that affects the job row. If there is a 9/1/2003 event created from a Job row, and there is an 8/15/2003 change of address entered, the Address Eligibility Changed flag will appear on the 9/1/2003 event in Event Status Update and on this report. The existing event may need to be reprocessed if the address change affects Benefits eligibility.
- MultiJob Indicator Changed Flag – This flag will be checked if Multiple Jobs functionality is being used and information affecting eligibility was changed, inserted, or deleted after the event had begun processing. The event may need to be reprocessed if the change made affects more than one of the employee’s jobs.
- Job Eligibility Changed Flag – This flag will be checked if there is a correction to an existing Job row where one of the fields listed below is changed. The existing event may need to be reprocessed if the Job change affects Benefits eligibility.
- Event Disconnected Flag – Disconnected events represent a broken BAS event. This means information that the system uses to track and/or process the BAS event was deleted or changed
after the BAS event was created. If a BAS event is disconnected, it can no longer be processed by the Ben Admin system, except to be voided*. There are two ways a BAS event can become disconnected:
- The HR record that previously triggered the event changes. For example, the Job Data row Effective Date was changed, or the Action code was changed, or the Action/Reason code was changed.
- The Job Data row was deleted.
- Disconnected BAS events need to be analyzed one by one to determine impact on benefit processing. If a BAS event is disconnected after it is finalized, first void the event through reprocessing. Be aware that voiding the BAS event for finalized-enrolled benefit elections may not roll back elections from the Base Benefits tables. In this case, Correction mode is required to remove the finalized-enrolled benefit elections from the applicable Base Benefits tables.
- When the effective date of a particular address or Job Data row is corrected, the system simultaneously creates a new BAS event and disconnects any BAS events that were initially triggered by the address or job record change.
- *Note: If a disconnected event has an Event Status of Closed and the Event Status box is greyed out, the BAS event cannot be reprocessed. This also means that the finalized disconnected event cannot be reprocessed to a status of Void.
- Event Out of Sequence Flag – This flag will be checked on events that were processed out of order. This happens when a participant event is in process within Benefits Administration and then another event associated with the same participant is triggered with an event date that precedes the first event. The system closes the first event and opens/processes the second event because Benefits Administration will only process one event per participant at a time.
- An example Out of Sequence scenario is the employee has a future-dated OE BAS event in a Prepared status, and then creates a BIR Life Event to add their newborn child with an event date that precedes the OE event date. In this example, after the BIR event is finalized, the OE event requires reprocessing to pick up the newly added dependent and benefit plan changes.
This report is not included in the nightly CSUBASOE job schedule in CHRS. Run this report ad-hoc daily to review and resolve Ben Admin processing errors.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then go to Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions > Report on Flagged Items

Example of Run Control Page

- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value
page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The Report On Flagged Items page appears.
- Verify that the Language is English.
- Enter the Schedule ID. Do not leave this field blank.
- Enter a From Date and Thru Date range.
- Select the flags to include on the report in the Report Participants Flagged for section, and then click on the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.

- Select PSUNX in the Server Name field if able. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
- Verify that the BAS008 process is selected (i.e., check marked), then click on the OK button.
- The Report On Flagged Items page appears, along with the Process Instance number. Write down this number in case you need it later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link to monitor the status of the report generation.
- The Process List page appears.

- Locate your job on the Process List, then click on the Refresh button until the job’s Run Status is
- Click on the Details link.
- The Process Detail page appears. Click on the View Log/Trace link.
- The Process Detail page appears. Click on the View Log/Trace link.
- The View Log/Trace page appears. Click on the link that ends in .PDF as this is the report.

CSUBAS27.SQR – CSU Process Status Report
This report includes a listing of all open BAS events for a particular BAS Schedule ID. This SQR was cloned from the delivered BAS27.sqr and customized to exclude events in Void, Closed, or Disconnected statuses.
This report selects all participants in a particular process status or set of status levels. It does not display the transaction if:
Process Indicator is Void and Event Status is Closed
Event Status is Closed, Disconnected or Void.
Recommended Use and Follow-up
Use to monitor OE BAS processing.
Identify BAS events that are not moving forward and finalizing in a timely manner.
Remember that eBenefits ESS BAS events automatically expire after 1, 30 or 60 days based on the eBenefits BAS Event.
- For eBenefits ESS BAS events also use the CSU_BAS_SS_EVENTS and CSU_BAS_SS_NT
queries (these queries are also discussed on the Daily Review BA Baseline Queries job aid). Note that some eBenefits BAS events require reaching out the employee to move the process along.
Things to Look For
- Open events with an Election Error (EE) or Prep Error (PE) Benefits Administration Processing Status - These events are in an error status and should also appear on the BAS003 report.
- Open events with an Assigned (AS) Benefits Administration Processing Status - These events are fine and occur because an event was started while another event for the employee was still in process. When this happens, the new event closes when it gets to Assigned (i.e., the benefit program was assigned) and waits there until the current event finishes processing. It will then “open up” for processing.
This report is not included in the nightly CSUBASOE job schedule in CHRS. Run this report ad-hoc daily to review and resolve Ben Admin processing errors.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then go to Menu > Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports

> CSU Process Status Rpt Example of Run Control Page

- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value
page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The CSU Process Status Rpt page appears.

- Verify that the Language is English.
- Enter the Schedule ID. Do not leave this field blank.
- Select the Process Statuses to include on the report in the Process Status to Include section. and then click on the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.

- Select PSUNX in the Server Name field if able. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
- Verify that the CSUBAS27 process is selected (i.e., check marked), then click on the OK button.
- The CSU Process Status Rpt page appears, along with the Process Instance number. Write down this number in case you need it later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link to monitor the status of the report generation.
- The Process List page appears.

- Locate your job on the Process List, then click on the Refresh button until the job’s Run Status is
- Click on the Details link.
- The Process Detail page appears. Click on the View Log/Trace link.

- The View Log/Trace page appears. Click on the link that ends in .PDF as this is the report.

Sample Report
Refer to the CHRS Benefits Daily Review and Troubleshooting User Guide for more information on these reports.
How to Manually Add a BAS Group ID to an Employee’s Benefits Primary Job
Use this process to manually add a BAS Group ID ro an employee’s Benefit Primary Job when needed so that an employee receives an OE BAS event.
An example of when you would use this process is when the employee's Benefits Primary Job is on unpaid leave for active Department Chairs or active employees in interim positions. Also be aware that, if the employee's Benefits Primary Job is on unpaid leave, but they are really truly active, such as Department Chairs or active employees in interim positions, the employee will not be able to do OE in eBenefits, and a paper worksheet must be used and the HBO will need to manually enter and process the employee’s OE elections via the On Demand Event Maintenance page. This is because the employee’s eBenefits access is inactivated in CHRS when the employee's Benefits Primary Job is on unpaid leave.
- Use the Verify Benefits Primary Campus job aid to determine the employee’s Benefits Primary Job EMPL_REC number.

- Then, click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Workforce Administration > Job Information >
Job Data. Pull up the employee’s EMPL_REC number job that is the Benefits Primary Job.
- In Correction mode, position on the most recent current Job Data row (i.e., not a historic row, not a future-dated row greater than the OE period), and then click on the Benefits Program Participation link.
- Go to the BAS Group ID field and select the applicable OE BAS Group ID for your campus and then click on the Save button. The nightly CSUBASOE process will create an OE BAS event for the employee.
When to Void OE BAS Events
Void future-dated OE BAS events due to:
- Termination of employment prior to the OE BAS event effective date.
- Loss of benefits eligibility prior to the OE BAS event effective date, including due to ACA.
- The employee transfers to another business unit during the open enrollment period that will become the employee’s benefits primary job.
- The OE BAS event is not applicable for the employee.
Note that the nightly CSU Delete Activity Guide process deletes the OE Activity Guide and the related voided OE BAS event for Full eBenefits Employee Self Service campuses (this action does not occur for View Only ESS campuses). Query the AUDIT_CSU_BBPRT record to find deleted voided BAS events, including voided and deleted OE BAS events. The reason the system deletes the voided OE BAS event is to allow for a new OE BAS event to be created for the employee if applicable/desired for Full eBenefits Employee Self Service campuses due to a Benefits incorrect election entry or benefits primary job campus transfer, for example (view only ESS campuses need to use the HBE BAS event if they need to create an OE transaction after the OE BAS event is voided for their campuses).
Also note that, if the employee’s voided OE BAS event was previously finalized or OE elections were at an ET
or RE process status, the AUDIT_CSU_BBPRT record will contain the employee’s elections.
Void OE BAS Event and Create New OE BAS Event
Use this process to create a new OE BAS event for an employee in the same campus where you just voided an OE BAS event for the employee and the CSU Delete Activity Guide process deleted the OE Activity Guide and the related voided OE BAS event. Note that this process works for Full eBenefits ESS campuses only. View Only eBenefits ESS campuses need to use the HBE BAS event if they need to create an OE transaction after the OE BAS event is voided for their campuses
- Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events >

Run Automated Event Processing.
- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value
page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The Schedule and Chkpt Restart page appears.
- Enter your open enrollment Schedule ID.
- Click on the Participant Lists tab.
- Select the Process from Participant List checkbox.
- Enter the employee ID into the Schedule Only Employee section.
- Click on the OE/Snapshot tab.
- Select the Schedule New Participants checkbox.
- Do not select the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox.
- Click on the Run button in the top right hand corner.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.
- Enter PSUNX in Server Name or keep the field blank.
- Locate and select the job with the process name PSPBARUN.
- Click on the OK button.

- The Run Control page appears, along with a Process Instance number. The Process Instance number is the job number assigned by the system. Make note of this number in case needed later.

- Click on the Process Monitor link in the top right hand corner to monitor the process.
- Locate the PSPBARUN link on the Process List page.
- Make sure the job completes successfully.
- Go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page to see the newly re-created OE BAS event.
Business Unit Transfers During the Open Enrollment Period
Employees transfer between business units daily, including during the open enrollment period. When an employee transfers to a new business unit during the actual open enrollment period that will become the employee’s new benefits primary job, the OE BAS event at the old business unit must be voided. CSUBASOE processes will assign a new BAS GROUP ID and also create a new OE BAS event based on the employee’s new business unit if the new business unit will be the employee’s new benefits primary job for the current effective - dated row. This allows the new campus business unit to easily manage and reprocess the OE BAS event going forward for the employee as needed.
The old business unit campus Benefits Office must void the old OE event. Before the old business unit campus Benefits Office voids the OE event, the old business unit campus Benefits Office must check the OE BAS event in the On Demand Event Maintenance page for enrollments. The old business unit campus Benefits Office prints out all enrollment detail if entered and provides the OE enrollment detail to the new business unit campus Benefits Office. The new business unit campus Benefits Office manually enters the employee’s enrollments on the new business unit OE BAS event.
It is recommended that these steps be incorporated into campus Transfer/Termination Checklists.
Finalizing Open Enrollment – All Campuses
Each campus, when ready to finalize remaining open enrollment BAS events, needs to manually run the PSPBARUN process (the delivered Benefits Administration process), with the Finalize/Apply Default checkbox selected for the applicable OE Schedule ID. You do not have to wait until the start of the next calendar year to finalize the remaining open enrollment BAS events. Finalize your remaining open enrollment events in late October/early November after you have completed your open enrollment processing. See section 11.1 for step- by-step instructions.
Note that the CSUBASOE nightly job schedule is Active during the Open Enrollment period and through 12/31 of each year and is INACTIVE at all other times during the year. For example, if the OE period is 9/20/21 to 10/15/21, the CSUBASOE nightly job schedule is ACTIVE and runs from 9/20/21 to 12/31/21 to assign the BAS GROUP ID and to create OE events for new hires, transfers and newly benefit-eligible employees. You can

finalize your open enrollment when CSUBASOE is still running nightly to pick up new hires, transfers and newly benefit-eligible employees. You will use the On Demand Event Maintenance page to manually process and finalize singular OE events that occur after the open enrollment period has ended.

Important: Note that, if the system creates an OE BAS event for an employee after you have finalized the Open Enrollment schedule (i.e., after the open enrollment period has ended) and after CSUBASOE is inactivated and you are a Full eBenefits ESS campus, the campus Benefits Officer must enter the employee’s OE BAS event elections manually via the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Important: Note that when you run the PSPBARUN process to finalize remaining open OE BAS events, OE
BAS events in an RE process status will be finalized-enrolled. Disconnected OE BAS events will not finalize.
Finalizing Open OE BAS Events
- Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events >

Run Automated Event Processing.
- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value
page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The Schedule and Chkpt Restart page appears.

- Enter your open enrollment Schedule ID.
- Select Open Enrollment for the Process Mode field.
- Enter .50 for Chk Point Interval in Minutes.
- Select the Record Eligibility Results checkbox.
- Click on the OE/Snapshot tab.
- Select the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox.
- Do not select the Schedule New Participants checkbox when you are finalizing OE.
- Click on the Run button in the top right hand corner.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.
- Enter PSUNX in Server Name or keep the field blank.
- Locate and select the job with the process name PSPBARUN.
- Click on the OK button.

- The Run Control page appears, along with a Process Instance number. The Process Instance number is the job number assigned by the system. Make note of this number in case needed later.

- Click on the Process Monitor link in the top right hand corner to monitor the process.
- Locate the PSPBARUN link on the Process List page.
- Make sure the job completes successfully.
- Click on the Return button when processing finishes and after you have reviewed the required job log to see if there’s an issue.
- OE BAS events for the schedule ID should now be at an Event Status of Closed, and at a Process Status of Finalized Enrolled or Finalized Prep None. You can confirm this on the Schedule Summary

page (click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results > Schedule Summary). Manually resolve/finalize OE BAS events that are not closed by this process.
- PSPBARUN does not finalize disconnected BAS events. If an OE BAS event is disconnected,
void the disconnected event.
- Verify that there are no OE BAS events that require reprocessing due to Address or Job Changes or have become Out of Sequence. Run the delivered Report on Flagged Items report to see OE BAS

events that require reprocessing. To run this report, click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions > Report on Flagged Items.
- Verify that there are no processing messages for the OE BAS events. Run the delivered Invalid Elections report to see if there are processing messages that require review and resolution for OE BAS.

To run this report, click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions > Invalid Elections Rpt.
Create an OE BAS Event after Finalizing the Open Enrollment Schedule and CSUBASOE is Inactivated– All Campuses
You can create an OE BAS event for an employee after you finalize the Open Enrollment schedule and after
CSUBASOE is inactivated.
Examples of when you need to follow this process is when you are processing benefits for employees with retroactive hire, transfer and benefit eligibility dates.
Note that, if you are creating an OE BAS event for an employee after you have finalized the Open Enrollment schedule (i.e., after the open enrollment period has ended) and after CSUBASOE is inactivated and you are a Full eBenefits ESS campus, the employee will not be able to enter their OE elections via Full eBenefits ESS. The campus Benefits Officer must enter and finalize the employee’s OE BAS event elections manually via the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Populate the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment
First run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process on-demand to populate the BAS GROUP ID field on applicable Job Data rows for your open enrollment employee population.
- Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events >

CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment.

- The page CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment page appears.

- Select the appropriate open enrollment Schedule ID for your campus/business unit.
- Select the Preview checkbox.
- Run the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment process in Preview mode first so you can review and confirm that the correct employee population is selected to receive an OE BAS event.
- Click on the Run button.
- The page Process Scheduler Request page appears.

- If able, select PSUNX for Server Name, else leave blank.
- Select the CSU_BGRP_PRC process.
- Click on the OK button.
- You are returned to the CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment page. Write down the Process Instance
number and then click on the Process Monitor link.
- The Process Monitor page appears.
- Locate your process on the Process List. Click the Refresh button until your process shows the Run Status of Success. If the Run Status is Error, work with your technical support resource to resolve before continuing this process.
- Click on the Details link, then click on the View Log/Trace link and then click on the BAS Group ID log to see the Preview Report listing employees who qualify for the open enrollment BAS Group ID assignment per your campuses’ CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment configurations. The Preview Report example below did not select any employees.
Create OE BAS Event
After you have populated the BAS GROUP ID field on applicable Job Data rows for your open enrollment employee population, you can run the PSPBARUN process to create the OE BAS event.
- Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events >

Run Automated Event Processing.
- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value
page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The Schedule and Chkpt Restart page appears.

- Enter your open enrollment Schedule ID.
- Select Open Enrollment for the Process Mode field.
- Enter .50 for Chk Point Interval in Minutes.
- Select the Record Eligibility Results checkbox.
- Click on the Participant List tab.

- Select the Process from Participant List checkbox.
- Enter the EMPLID in the Schedule Only Employee(s) section. Click on the

to add additional
- Click on the OE/Snapshot tab.
- Select the Schedule New Participants checkbox.
- Do not select the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox when you are scheduling new participants for an OE BAS event.
- Click on the Run button in the top right hand corner.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.

- Enter PSUNX in Server Name or keep the field blank.
- Locate and select the job with the process name PSPBARUN.
- Click on the OK button.

- The Run Control page appears, along with a Process Instance number. The Process Instance number is the job number assigned by the system. Make note of this number in case needed later.

- Click on the Process Monitor link in the top right hand corner to monitor the process.
- Locate the PSPBARUN link on the Process List page.
- Make sure the job completes successfully.
- Click on the Return button when processing finishes and after you have reviewed the required job log to see if there’s an issue.
- The employee should now have an OE BAS event. Go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page to
confirm (click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > On Demand Event Mainenance). Remember that if you are creating an OE BAS event for an employee after you have finalized the Open Enrollment schedule or after CSUBASOE has been inactivated and if you are a Full eBenefits ESS campus, the employee will not be able to enter their OE elections via Full eBenefits ESS. Enter and finalize the employee’s OE BAS event elections manually via the On Demand Event Maintenance page.

Reprocessing Individual Open Enrollment BAS Events – All Campuses
There are times when the employee’s benefit enrollments/dis-enrollments require reprocessing. Reprocessing means that the BAS event must be re-evaluated by the Benefits Administration module to determine the employee’s benefit program and/or benefit plan eligibility.
When reprocessing an OE BAS event, reference the following cheat sheet in the CHRS Training Library in addition to following this user guide:

- Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event
Important: If you are a Full eBenefits ESS campus, also reference the following cheat sheet in addition to following this user guide when reprocessing an OE BAS event:

- eBenefits ESS Event Classes OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet
Important: Be sure to reference the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event document and the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheat sheet before reprocessing any BAS event in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Reprocess an OE BAS Event
- Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events

> On Demand Event Maintenance.
- Enter the EMPLID and click on the Search button. Select any line for the employee from the Search Results list.
- If you are a Full eBenefits ESS campus, refer to the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheatsheet. Look for the section for OE BAS events on the cheat sheet. Be aware of what may occur when you reprocess the OE BAS event for the employee.
- Refer to the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet. Reprocess the OE BAS event by following the step-by-step instructions on the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet.
Event Coordination
There are times that multiple BAS events occur for employees within the same period, at times even on the same day, which can adversely impact the employee’s benefit enrollments. Remember that the Oracle/PeopleSoft BAS module does not automatically reprocess finalized BAS events when other BAS events that change the employee’s benefit enrollments occur.
When multiple BAS events occur for employees within the same period and/or day, existing finalized BAS events which have an event date equal to or after the newly processed BAS events must be reprocessed in a logical order so that the existing finalized BAS events to incorporate the employee’s benefits changes.
BAS events that require reprocessing have the Out of Sequence flag enabled. You can run the delivered Report on Flagged Items report to see BAS events that require reprocessing. To run this report, click on the NavBar

Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions > Report on Flagged Items.
For example, let’s say an employee has a finalized, future-dated OE BAS event that changes their employee-only medical plan from Anthem to Kaiser Permanente effective 1/1/2023. On 11/15/2022, the employee gives birth to a new child and adds the new child to their current health plan, Anthem, and changes coverage level from Employee Only (1) to Employee Plus Dependent (2). If the 1/1/2023 OE BAS event is not reprocessed, the system will not pick up the newly added dependent that is effective on 11/15/2022, and the employee will be enrolled with Kaiser Permanente at employee only coverage effective 1/1/2023.
If you are reprocessing out of sequence BAS events manually, the order to manually reprocess BAS events is as follows:
- Date order from the oldest BAS event to the newest BAS event with the Out of Sequence flag enabled (reprocess 1/1/2015 BAS event, then reprocess 2/1/2015 BAS event and then reprocess 3/1/2015 BAS event).
- If you have multiple BAS events for the same date, process those BAS events in Event Priority order from lowest to highest (reprocess Event Priority 75, then 200, 290, 375, 900, etc.). Refer to the Event Class Cheat Sheet job aid for BAS event priority information.
- If you have multiple BAS events for the same date and same Event Priority, process those BAS events by Event ID from lowest to highest (1, 2, 3, etc.).
Refer to the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet in the CHRS Training Library for step-by-step reprocessing instructions.
Permitting Event Codes Automatically Inserted by CSU_PERM_INS
The following table represents the permitting event codes that are configured to be inserted by custom process
CSU_PERM_INS where appropriate by plan type for the OE BAS event. To see the current configuration in
PeopleSoft, click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup > CSU Automate Perm Event Adds.

CSU_PERM_INS is a process that runs in the seasonal CSUBASOE nightly Benefits job schedule and also in the CSUBASDL nightly Benefits job schedule. While this process is designed for Full ESS campuses, this process will insert permitting event codes for View Only ESS campuses for BAS events that have a Process Status of ‘ET’ – Entered.
Event Class | Event Description | Medical Perm Code | Dental Perm Code | MedFlex Perm Code | DenFlex Perm Code | HCRA Perm Code |
DCRA Perm Code |
OE | Open Enrollment |
104-New Enroll and all dependents 206-Add Dep (SP, DP, Child, Step Child, Adopted Child, DP Child) 203-Rec Child 320-Del Dep (SP, DP, Child, Step Child, Adopted Child, DP Child, Rec Child) 400-Chge Plan 530-OE Cancel |
03-New (and all deps) 28-Chg Plan 15-Add or Drop Dep 28a-Multiple 36-Waive (cancel); 16- Rec child |
03-New Enrollment, Cancel or Change | 03-New Enrollment, Cancel or Change | 00-enroll | 00-enroll |
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