Employee Event Detail component
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Review Processing Results >
Employee Event Detail

Component Explanation
The Employee Event Detail component resides in the CHRS Benefits Administration System (BAS) module. This component provides BAS event status, eligibility and processing information. The data for this
component comes from the BAS Participant Tables (BAS Participant, BAS Participant Plan, BAS Participant Option, BAS Participant Cost, BAS Participant Dependent, and BAS Participant Investment), which are updated as an employee moves through each phase of the Benefits Administration process. Updates to this component occur each time the delivered Benefits Administration process runs and processes open BAS events. A BAS event is what the CHRS Benefits Administration system uses to facilitate an employee’s benefits eligibility determination and facilitate the employee’s benefit enrollments. BAS events are automatically created when Job Data rows are inserted and corrected in CHRS, when the employee’s home address is changed in CHRS, and by custom CHRS benefit process CSU_BA_EV_DT (GRP 95). Use the Employee Event Details component to research, troubleshoot, and resolve Benefits Administration and related Base Benefits issues.
Search Criteria
♦ Search for an employee's BAS events by Schedule ID or keep Schedule ID blank to see all BAS events for all Schedule IDs for an employee.
♦ Use the Schedule ID of XXX-EM, where XXX is your campus CHRS company code, to see BAS events in the daily Event Maintenance processing schedule. BAS events are created as a result of additions and corrections to Job Data, changes to the employee’s home and work location address and by custom process CSU_BA_EVT_DT.
♦ Schedule IDs with OE are for Open Enrollment. Each calendar year has a unique OE Schedule ID for each CHRS business unit.
♦ Schedule IDs starting with SNP are for CSU Wave implementations into CHRS.
Employee Event Detail Search Results
♦ The Employee Event Detail Search Results page is a grid page. This means you can sort the Search Results list by a given column by clicking on the column header.
♦ The Search Results list provides a summary status for each BAS event based on your search criteria.
♦ There are times that the Search Results page provides all the information you need.
♦ The example above shows the OE BAS event is Closed in an Enrolled status. This means the employee made his/her elective benefit elections and is enrolled in the elected benefits.
♦ Refer to the Event Class Cheat Sheet for a complete list of BAS events and an explanation of each BAS event.
Search Results Field |
Field Explanation/Instructions |
Benefit Record Number | Benefit Record Number is always 0 in CHRS. |
Event Identification | BAS events are automatically assigned a unique Event Identification number for each BAS schedule by the CHRS Benefits Administration module. |
Benefit Program | This is the employee’s benefit program at the time this BAS event was last processed. |
Event Classification | Event Classification Is another name for BAS event and event class. BAS action is also another name for Event Classification. |
Event Status |
Event Status is Open, Closed, Void or Disconnected. The CHRS Benefits Administration module processes Open BAS events. The CHRS Benefits Administration module ignores Closed, Void or Disconnected BAS events. Refer to the Overview of BAS Statuses job aid for more information. |
Process Status | Process Status indicates where the BAS event is in Benefits Administration processing, for example, PR-Prepared, PE-Prepare Error, EE-Election Error, ET-Entered, FE-Finalized-Enrolled, FP-Finalized-Prep None. Refer to the Overview of BAS Statuses job aid for more information. |
Event Date | Event Date is the effective date of the BAS event. |
Participant page
♦ The Participant page displays the BAS event status, processing status and eligibility information. This page also displays flag indicators.
♦ The Event Information section shows the event's ID, Status, Class, Source, Date, Effseq and Priority
♦ The Eligibility Information section shows the information CHRS used to determine eligibility for the BAS event. If the BAS event originated from an address or Job Data change, the Addr Effdt, Job Effdt and Effseq appear.
Field |
Field Explanation/Instructions |
ID | BAS events are automatically assigned a unique identification number for each BAS schedule by the CHRS Benefits Administration module. |
Empl Record | Empl Record is assigned by CHRS when the employee is entered into CHRS. Empl Record starts at 0 and increases by one for each concurrent CHRS job (appointment) the employee holds. |
Status | Event Status is Open to Processing, Closed to Processing, Void or Disconnected. The CHRS Benefits Administration module processes Open BAS events. The CHRS Benefits Administration module ignores Closed to Processing, Void or Disconnected BAS events. Refer to the Overview of BAS Statuses job aid for more information. |
Class |
Class is another name for BAS event, and is short for Event Classification. BAS action is also another name for Event Classification. |
Source | Source is the source of the BAS event, i.e., the transaction that creates the BAS event. Inserting a row into Job Data, changing an employee's address, union code, job information, and running custom processes create BAS events. Valid values are Snapshot, Manual Event, Multi Job Indicator Change, Open Enrollment, Address Change, Job Data Change. Manual Event indicates that the BAS event was manually created on the Review BAS Activity page or by a custom process. |
Date | Date is the event date of the BAS event. |
Effseq | Effective sequencing is used when more than one BAS event exists for the same event date. Effective sequencing starts at 0 and increases by one for each BAS event created with the same event date. |
Field |
Field Explanation/Instructions |
Priority | This is the BAS event processing priority. The lower the number, the higher the processing priority. The CHRS Benefits Administration module processes BAS events in priority order when PSPBARUN (the Ben Admin job) is run as a batch job. |
COBRA Action | COBRA Action is not used in CHRS. Ignore this field. |
Addr Effdt | This is the effective date of the current address row. |
Job Effdt | This is the effective date of the current Job Data row. |
Effseq | This is the effective sequence of the current Job Data row. |
♦ The Processing Information section shows the current processing status of the event.
Field |
Field Explanation/Instructions |
Benefit Program | This is the employee’s benefit program at the time this BAS event was last processed. |
Process Status | Process Status indicates where the BAS event is in Benefits Administration processing, for example, PR-Prepared, PE-Prepare Error, EE-Election Error, ET-Entered, FE-Finalized-Enrolled, FP-Finalized-Prep None. Refer to the Overview of BAS Statuses job aid for more information. |
Status Date | Status Date is the last date the CHRS Benefits Administration module processed the BAS event (i.e., the last date that the employee was run through PSPBARUN (the Ben Admin job)). |
Process Indicator | Process indicator tells the system the level to which you want the system to process or reprocess the specific BAS event on the next delivered Benefits Administration run (PSPBARUN). Refer to the Overview of BAS Statuses job aid for more information. |
Election Source | None Entered means that no benefit elections have been entered or |
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Field Explanation/Instructions |
defaulted for the BAS event. Web means the most recent benefit election entry was from eBenefits Employee Self Service. Online means the most recent election entry was from the On Demand Event Maintenance component or the Perform Election Entry component. Using the Finalize/Apply Defaults feature sets the Election Source to Online. |
Excess Credit | This is not used in CHRS. Ignore this field. |
Option Notify | This is the date that the employee first looked at the ESS event in eBenefits. |
Confirm Notify | This is the date that the confirmation statement was generated. |
Election Rcvd | This is the date that the employee submitted their enrollments in CHRS. This date is also used at the electronic signature date that an employee submit their enrollments when using the NEW BAS event. |
Confirm Rcvd | This is not used in CHRS. Ignore this field. |
Suppress Forms | This is not used in CHRS. Ignore this field. |
Enrl/Print Days | This is not used in CHRS. Ignore this field. |
Address Eligibility Changed | This check box indicates that changes to the employee’s address have occurred since the BAS event was scheduled that could impact the employee’s benefit eligibility. A date appears to the right of this field if the checkbox is selected. The date is when the flag selected. Research is required to determine the appropriate next steps. Reprocessing BAS events may be required. Refer to the Overview of BAS Statuses job aid for more information. |
MultiJob Indicator Changed | This check box indicates that changes to the employee’s jobs (appointments) have occurred since the BAS event was scheduled that could impact the employee’s benefit eligibility. A date appears to the right of this field if the checkbox is selected. The date is when the flag selected. Research is required to determine the appropriate next steps. Reprocessing BAS events may be required. Refer to the Overview of BAS Statuses job aid for more information. |
Job Eligibility Changed | This check box indicates that changes to the employee’s job(s) (appointment(s)) have occurred since the BAS event was scheduled that could impact the employee’s benefit eligibility. A date appears to the right of this field if the checkbox is selected. The date is when the flag selected. Research is required to determine the appropriate next steps. Reprocessing BAS events may be required. Refer to the Overview of BAS Statuses job aid for more information. |
Event Out of Sequence | This check box indicates that other BAS events have occurred for the employee before this BAS event that may impact this BAS event. A common out of sequence example is when a Birth BAS event occurs prior to a finalized Open Enrollment (OE) BAS event. A date appears to the right of this field if the checkbox is selected. The date is when the flag selected. Out of sequence events require reprocessing. Research is required to determine the appropriate next steps. Refer to the Overview of BAS Statuses job aid for more information. |
Event Disconnected | If the Event Disconnected check box is selected, the BAS event has been |
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Field Explanation/Instructions |
disconnected. This means information that the system used to track and/or process the BAS event was deleted after the BAS event was triggered. If an event is disconnected, it can no longer be processed by the CHRS Benefits Administration system, except to be voided. There are two ways a BAS event can become disconnected: ♦ The HR record that previously triggered the event changes. ♦ One or more HR records needed for eligibility processing no longer exist (for example, is deleted). When the effective date of a particular address or Job Data row is corrected, the system simultaneously creates a new BAS event and disconnects any BAS events that were initially triggered by the address or job record change. |
Available through Self Service | If selected, this BAS event is available to employees via eBenefits Employee Self Service when open for election entry. |
Finalize/Apply Defaults | If the check box is selected, CHRS manual or nightly processing forcefinalizes the employee’s elections, enrolls the employee in default benefit elections, or both, even if the current elections are in error. |

♦ The Eligibility Source section shows the Empl Record (appointment) used to determine benefit eligibility. The Benefits Primary job is defined on the Maintain Flags component in CHRS. You can also see the CSU campus that currently owns the benefits primary job in the CSU Benefits Summary page.
Field |
Field Explanation/Instructions |
Empl Record | Empl Record indicates job record. CSU employees in CHRS have an Empl Record 0. Employees with concurrent appointments in CHRS have an Empl Record for each appointment. The screen shot above shows the Eligibility Source for an employee with multiple appointments in CHRS. |
Effdt | This is the effective date of the current Job Data row for the Empl Record. |
Effseq | This is the effective sequence of the current Job Data row for the Empl Record. |
Field |
Field Explanation/Instructions |
Primary Job | If enabled, this indicates the Empl Record that is the employee’s benefits primary job. |
Include Job for Eligibility | If enabled, the job (Empl Record) criteria, such as employee class, FTE, etc. is used by the delivered Benefits Administration process to determine benefit eligibility for the BAS event. |
Include Job for Deductions | If enabled, the job (Empl Record) criteria, such as employee class, FTE, etc. is used by the delivered Benefits Administration process to determine benefit eligibility for the BAS event. |
Eligibility Source | This indicates the source record: JOB refers to the Job Data page, ADDRESS refers to the employee’s home address on Modify a Person and the employee’s work location address, found in Job Data > Work Location. |
Plan Type page
♦ The Plan Type page displays the benefit plan election details for each plan type. If the page details are blank, benefit plan elections have not been made.
Field |
Field Explanation/Instructions |
Plan Seq | Plan Seq defines the plan type sort order for online viewing. The lowest number is the first plan to appear in the sort. |
Plan Type | This is the benefit plan type in CHRS. For example, Plan Type 10 is Medical, 11 is Dental, 14 is Vision, 1Y is Dental Flex Cash, 1Z is Medical Flex Cash, 20 and 23 is Life and AD/D, 31 is Long Term Disability, 60 is HCRA and 61 is DCRA. |
Option Code | This is the benefit option code for the benefit plan displayed on the page. |
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Option Code is defined in the benefit program. | |
Benefit Plan | This is the benefit plan selected by the employee or defaulted by CHRS. The example above shows benefit plan KFH, Kaiser Foundation. |
Coverage Code | This is the coverage level for the benefit plan. The example screen shot shows Coverage Code 3, which is Employee plus Dependents. |
Curr Election | Valid options are: Yes: The employee had coverage in this plan type as of the event date; No: The employee did not have coverage in this plan type as of the event date; Only: The employee had coverage in this plan type as of the event date, but is no longer eligible as a result of the event. Coverage is displayed here only because it will be terminated; Future: The employee has a future-dated election in this plan type that the system will terminate |
Elections Allowed | If selected, elections for this plan type are allowed for this BAS event. |
Enroll Action and Coverage Elect | Until the BAS event is finalized, these fields have default values of None and Elect. After the BAS event is finalized, Enroll Action can be None: No action occurred for this plan; Enroll: If Enroll, Coverage Elect is set to Waive or Elect; Term: If Term, Coverage Elect is set to Terminate. A BAS event receives an Enroll Action of None if the election for the given plan type matches the participant's current election. This way, if the employee stays in the same benefit plan for twenty years, only one enrollment record exists rather than twenty enrollment records. BAS events also receive an Enroll Action of None if an error occurs with the election, when the BAS event is finalized. |
Ignore Plan | Yes or No – Yes means the plan type was not made available for election, but benefit eligibility was still applied (CHRS Benefits Administration always reviews for benefit eligibility for all plan types when a BAS event is processed.) |
BAS Error | If selected, an error has occurred during eligibility, event rule, or election processing for this plan type and the error has not been resolved. |
Proof Received | If selected, proof was received for this plan type. |
Coverage Begin | The effective date of the coverage begin for the benefit plan shown. If the benefit plan is terminated, this is the effective date of the coverage end for the benefit plan shown. This date is also shown on the applicable Base Benefit table. |
Deduction Begin | The effective date of the deduction begin for the benefit plan shown. If the benefit is terminated, this is the effective date of the deduction end for the benefit plan shown. This date is also shown on the applicable Base Benefit table. |
Addl Pay Eff | This is used with Benefit Flex Credits. This is not used in CHRS. Ignore this field. |
Billing | This indicates the BAS event’s effect on Benefits Billing (Direct Billing) for this plan type. This is not used in CHRS. Ignore this field. |
Dependent link
Click the link to see the
Benefit Plan
♦ The Dependents link shows the dependents enrolled into the displayed benefit plan on this BAS event. This link is hidden if dependents were not enrolled into the benefit plan.
Option and Cost page
♦ The Option and Cost page displays the benefit plan options and costs for all plans until the BAS event is finalized. Once the BAS event is finalized, this page displays the benefit plan options and costs for the elected/defaulted benefit plan for each plan type.
Field |
Field Explanation/Instructions |
Default Election | When selected, this option indicates that the option will be assigned as a default benefit to employees who fail to make their benefit elections. It does not mean that this option has been assigned to the employee as a default benefit. |
Coverage Base | This indicates the coverage base for life and AD/D plans. |
Potential Tax Impact | If selected, indicates that the displayed benefit plan may have an employee tax impact, such as imputed income. |
History Only | Identifies options that the employee is eligible for but are not the result of the current event, and so cannot be chosen. |
Dedn Class | After-Tax and Before-Tax are employee deductions. Nontaxable Benefits and Nontaxable Before-tax Benefits are the employer benefit costs. Employer benefit costs do not come out of the employee’s pocket. Taxable benefit indicates imputed income. Imputed income means that the employee’s taxable gross earnings will increase by the Taxable amount of the benefit. |
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Field Explanation/Instructions |
Applies to Pay Periods | Selected boxes indicate the deduction schedule for the benefit plan displayed. First is the only box selected for employees paid monthly. |
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