Document Title: CHRS Benefits Impacts of HR Data Entry User Guide
Author: Sande Meith
File Reference: CHRS Benefits Impacts of HR Data Entry User Guide
Revision History
Revision Date | Revised By | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
08/17/21 | Sande Meith | Initial draft | All |
08/08/22 | Sande Meith | Updated for PTools 8.59 | All |
Review / Approval History
Review Date | Reviewed By | Action (Reviewed, Recommended or Approved) |
Click here to enter Review Date | Click here to enter Reviewer | Click here to enter Reviewed, Recommended or Approved |
Table of Contents Page
3.0 Job and Personal Data Transactions 4
4.0 View BAS Events and Benefits Status Mapped to Action/Action-Reason Codes 5
5.0 Job Data Ben Admin Impacts 6
6.0 Modify a Person Ben Admin Impacts 7
7.0 Use of Correction Mode in Job Data 7
8.0 Entering Retroactive Transactions 9
11.0 Facilitating Communication between HR and Benefits Staff 10
12.0 APPENDIX A – HR Related Fields Used by Ben Admin 12
Benefits Administration (Ben Admin or BA) facilitates benefit enrollment activity through automated processes. This guide is designed to help staff in CSU Central Human Resources (HR) and Academic Personnel offices who enter employee information into CHRS to understand which items impact Benefits processing and how to avoid adverse downstream impacts to campus Benefits Officers and ultimately the employee’s benefits. This is not meant as a complete guide for data entry of HR information.
Ben Admin automatically performs the following functions as appropriate and in accordance with CSU processing rules based on the employee’s Job Data and Modify a Person data:
- Assigns (or re-assigns) the employee to the appropriate Benefit Program,
- Determines the employee’s eligibility, continued eligibility or loss of eligibility for each benefit plan, and
- Processes the appropriate benefit transaction and enrollments/dis-enrollments, if applicable.
This guide explains how the following impact or facilitate Ben Admin processing:
- Job (Job Data) and Personal Data (Modify a Person) entry transactions
- Specific Job Data and Modify a Person field updates
- Non-routine transactions: Corrections, retroactive actions, deletions and mass updates.
Note that all employees, whether benefits eligible or non-benefits eligible, are assigned Benefit Record Number 0 in CHRS. No other Benefit Record Number is used in CHRS.
Related Documentation
In addition to this guide, users can review the following CMS baseline design specification documents related to this process:
- BA10884_CHRS92_DS_Benefits_Dept_Security
- BA05004_CHRS92_DS_CSUPreProcessing GRP 53
Job and Personal Data Transactions
Data items entered into the Personal and Job data records, once saved, are used to determine an employee’s benefits eligibility. Therefore, data must be entered accurately the first time. In the case of a New Hire transaction, all fields should be entered as of the Hire Effective Date. This includes the current local home address, SSN, Date of Birth and Gender. Any omission of benefit-related data impacts the timely enrollment of the employee into eligible benefit plans.
When employee data is saved in Job Data, a Benefit Administration System (BAS) event is created and written to the Review BAS Activity page. When updated home address data with zip code and/or state and/or country changes is saved in the Modify a Person component, a BAS event is created and written to the Review BAS Activity page. The record behind the Review Bas Activity page is BAS_Activity.
The Review BAS Activity page is the Ben Admin processing queue; BAS events reside on the Review BAS Activity page until picked up for Ben Admin processing. CSUBAS nightly Ben Admin processing starts at 7pm for all campuses. Campus Benefits Officers can also process BAS events on demand for an employee via the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Once Ben Admin processing starts for a BAS event, the BAS event leaves the Review BAS Activity page.
Job Data Action/Action-Reason codes are mapped to specific BAS events. The BAS event, also known as the Event Class or BAS Action, determines the benefit processing that will occur in the Ben Admin module. Job Data Action/Action-Reason codes are also mapped to set the Benefits Employee Status. The Benefits Employee Status, also known as the Benefits Status, is a critical status that’s used in Ben Admin eligibility rules and Ben Admin processing. The Benefits Employee Status is independent of the PeopleSoft Payroll Status and the PeopleSoft HR Status. The Benefits Employee Status can only be set via a Job Data Action/Action-Reason code.
View BAS Events and Benefits Status Mapped to Action/Action-Reason Codes
View how BAS events and the Benefits Employee Status are tied to Action/Action-Reason code configuration. Access to this Workforce Administration module configuration table is based on your PeopleSoft security settings.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon

, then click on Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Action Reasons.

- Enter an Action code. Use the

lookup icon to see a list of available Job Data action codes.
- If you know the Reason Code if know. Otherwise, keep this field blank.
- Select the Include History checkbox.
- Click on the Search button.
- The Search Results list appears.

- Select the desired Action/Action-Reason Code combination.
Example Action/Action-Reason Code Configuration
The above example shows that the LOA/MED action/action-reason code sets the Benefits Employee Status to Leave of Absence for the employee and creates the LVE BAS event for Ben Admin processing. The LVE BAS event in CHRS allows for all of the employee’s benefit coverages to be canceled (waived).
Job Data Ben Admin Impacts
The following Job Data fields are used by CSU in CHRS Ben Admin eligibility and processing:
- Effective Date
- Job Code
- Union Code
- Employee Type
- Benefits Employee Status
- Employee Class
- Pay Group
- Duration of Appointment (Elig Fld 1)
- Job Code (Elig Fld 2)
- ACA Eligibility (Elig Fld 3)
- AFTERTAX (Elig Fld 5)
- Work Location Postal Code
- Work Location State
- Work Location Country
- BAS Group ID
- Company
- Benefits System
From the above list, the following three fields are automatically determined when a Save occurs in Job Data using custom PeopleCode:
- Duration of Appointment (Elig Fld 1)
- Job Code (Elig Fld 2)
- ACA Eligibility (Elig Fld 3)
The following fields are manually populated under the direction of the Benefits Officer via correction mode (there is a change control request roadmapped to create a process that sets the BAS Group ID):
- AFTERTAX (Elig Fld 5)
- BAS Group ID
Modify a Person Ben Admin Impacts
Delivered PeopleCode creates the ADR BAS event when an employee’s home address zip code, state and/or country changes.
- Home Address Postal Code
- Home Address State Code
- Home Address Country
Delivered Ben Admin processing uses the following employee and dependent demographic field values to determine benefit plan participation eligibility:
- Effective Date
- Date of Birth
- Gender
Use of Correction Mode in Job Data
Using correction mode in Job Data to:
- Change a Job Data Effective Date
- Change the Action code
- Change the Action-Reason code, or to
- Delete a Job Data row
can immediately and adversely impact an employee’s benefits since changing the above fields or deleting a Job Data row creates disconnected BAS events in the Ben Admin module. A disconnected event is a broken event that can never be processed or reprocessed by the Ben Admin system. A disconnected BAS event may also require further corrections with the SCO, benefit carriers and CalPERS. Correcting disconnected BAS events is a timely manual process for campus Benefits Officers.
If you need to change the Job Data Effective Date, the Job Data Action Code or Action-Reason Code, or delete a Job Data row using correction mode, use the following steps along with the Campus Benefits Officer to minimize adverse benefit impacts to the employee.
- Workforce Administration: Contact your campus Benefits Office and tell them that you need to correct the Job Data effective date, delete a Job Data row or change the Action/Reason codes for an existing Job Data row. Provide the current Job Data row effective date, the employee ID and the applicable employment record numbers to the campus Benefits Officer, then stop. Do not continue with your correction until you hear from the campus Benefits Officer that you can continue with your process.
- Campus Benefits Office: Before the Job Data effective date, Action, Action/Reason has been corrected or the Job Data row deleted, determine if an associated BAS event requires voiding. Prior to voiding the BAS event(s), be sure to print out the employee’s Benefit elections if applicable as you may need to re-enter them after Workforce Administration enters the correction.
- Campus Benefits Office: After voiding the applicable BAS event(s), go to the Base Benefit pages, Health Benefits, Life and AD/D, Disability, Spending Accounts and verify that the applicable benefit plan enrollments have been deleted.
- Campus Benefits Office: Advise the Workforce Administration staff member that they can make the Job Data correction/deletion.
- Workforce Administration: Once you hear from the campus Benefits Office that you can continue your process, make the correction in Job Data and then advise the campus Benefits staff that the correction was made.
- Campus Benefits Office: Once notified by the Workforce Administration staff that the corrections were made, process the new, correct BAS event(s) if applicable, which may mean entering the employee’s benefit enrollments, and then reprocess any other impacted BAS events using the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Notify benefit carriers/CalPERS of the correction or change, if needed.
Entering Retroactive Transactions
When a BAS event to be processed precedes events that have already been processed or when an event has a lower Event Priority value than another event being processed for that participant, the system marks that event with an Out of Sequence flag. This flag indicates that the eligibility information for this event may have changed (may be impacted by these earlier, pending events). Therefore, the event might need to be reprocessed in the Benefits Administration System. Retroactive hire, termination and transfer transactions may cause additional analysis to be completed by the benefits staff and may delay the availability of an employee’s benefits.
Based on campus classification review and Systemwide bargaining unit changes, some retroactive changes are inevitable. When these are entered, communication to the benefits staff must occur so that they can monitor the BAS_ACTIVITY table (Review BAS Activity page) and ensure that the employee’s benefits are updated appropriately.
Deleting Job Data
When information that the system uses to track and/or process an event is deleted at some point after the BAS event was first triggered, the system flags the participant event as being “disconnected”. Once an event is disconnected, it can no longer be processed by the system, except to be voided. There are two ways an event can become disconnected:
- The updated HR record that originally triggered the event is deleted.
- One or more HR records needed for eligibility processing no longer exist, i.e., Job Data rows were changed using correction mode.
The disconnection needs to be analyzed to determine any impact on benefit processing. If a BAS event is disconnected after it is finalized, the benefits staff needs to void the event through reprocessing. Correction of the disconnection occurs once the Ben Admin process is executed again.
Mass Updates
GSI/SSI (L15) – General Salary Increases Load will still occur in 9.2
Facilitating Communication between HR and Benefits Staff
Use the Notify toolbar button to send workflow notifications/emails to co-workers regarding a particular employee.
The email notification includes a link to the specific application page requiring review or reference.
The Notify functionality is PeopleSoft delivered as part of the application and requires no special setup.
The next snapshot is of the generic email notification (workflow) created when the user clicks the button.

- Be sure to copy yourself on the notification so you have a record of it.
- Enter your message in Message.
- Below is a snapshot of the email notification the recipient receives (in their email “in” box).
Field |
Description |
To |
Enter the user names or email addresses of those who need to take action. This field can contain one or more email addresses or user names separated by a semicolon. |
CC (Carbon Copy) | Enter the names or email addresses of CC recipients, who are made publicly aware of the notification. Include yourself so you have a copy of the communication. |
BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) | Enter the names or email addresses of BCC recipients, who are made aware of this notification privately. |
Priority | Select a priority level for the notification: low, medium, or high. This priority is reflected in the notification only if the %Notification Priority variable is in the template text. |
Subject | Enter the topic or a brief description of the notification. The subject value may appear by default from a template, but you can edit it. |
Template Text | Displays the template text, which is based on a predefined notification template. The text in this field is sent in the language of the recipient. However, the notification template has to be defined with template text for each language. |
Message | Enter your own comments. The message text is sent in the language of the sender. |
Lookup Recipient | Click to access the Lookup Address page. Enter the first characters of a recipient and click Search to receive a list of people who match your search. To use someone as a recipient, select the check box for the type of recipient (To ,cc, bcc) and click Add to Recipient List. |
Delivery Options | The check boxes are populated based on the delivery options that are defined in the recipient's user profile. The Worklist check box is unavailable for external email addresses. |
APPENDIX A – HR Related Fields Used by Ben Admin
# |
Record |
Field |
Required Fields* |
BAS Activity Triggers** |
CSU Eligibility Fields*** |
Description of Use |
Comments/Notes |
1 |
Personal Data | Effective Date NAMES.EFFDT |
X | --- | --- | Many of the Event Rules are running off of the date entered. Any date is okay to enter but note the date as you process benefits and identify your expected results. | --- |
2 | --- | Birth Date PERSON.BIRTHDATE |
X | --- | --- | Birth date is used to determine age limit processing. It is required for proper assignment of the Benefit Program. | If left blank Benefit Prog Assigned is :NOB" Pgm None. |
3 | --- | Gender PERS_DATA_EFFDT.SEX |
X | --- | --- | Gender must be populated. It is required for proper life insurance enrollment. | If left blank, no life ins. enrollment. |
X | --- | --- | SSN must be populated. | --- |
5 | --- | Postal Code ADDRESSES.POSTAL |
X | X | X | The Postal Code and State information is used to determine eligibility based on geographic location. | Used for health eligibility |
6 | --- | State ADDRESSES.STATE |
X | X | X | The Postal Code and State information is used to determine eligibility based on geographic location. | Used for health eligibility |
7 | Job | Employee Status JOB.EMPL_STATUS |
--- | X | X | --- | CSUBAS01 - BA Preprocessing only |
8 | --- | Effective Date (=Benefits Event Date) JOB.EFFDT |
X | --- | --- | This date determines the Benefits Event Date. Many of the Event Rules are running off of the date entered. Any date is okay to enter but note the date as you process benefits and identify your expected results. | --- |
X | X | --- | Action/Reason values translate to Benefits actions. Each Action/Reason indicates what type of action Ben Admin should take. (Action Reasons mapped to the HIR event may automatically process and enroll an employee in Vision, Life AD&D or LTD benefits, based on eligibility.) | Mapped to BAS Event Classes |
10 | --- | Expected End Date JOB.EXPECTED_END_DATE |
X | X | X | This field is used to determine if a temporary employee meets the eligibility criteria for duration. Elig Config 1 is updated to a “Y” (Yes) or “N” (No). | Used for benefits eligibility |
11 | --- | Position JOB.POSITION_NBR |
X | --- | --- | In order for an employee to have an Enrollment Worksheet generated, a position must be used. | --- |
12 | --- | Regulatory Region JOB.REG_REGION |
--- | X | --- | --- | --- |
13 | --- | Company JOB.COMPANY |
--- | X | --- | --- | --- |
14 | --- | Business Unit/SetID JOB.BUSINESS_UNIT |
--- | X | --- | --- | --- |
15 | --- | Location JOB.LOCATION |
--- | X | --- | --- | --- |
16 | --- | Job Code JOB.JOBCODE |
X | X | Used to determine types of benefits available and program eligibility. This value is stored in Elig Config 2. | ||
17 | --- | Regular/Temporary JOB.REG_TEMP |
--- | X | --- | --- | --- |
18 | --- | Empl Class JOB.EMPL_CLASS |
X | X | X | Used to determine eligibility to Benefit Programs and what types of benefits are available. FERP and Rehired Annuitant are the only employee classes that are used in the eligibility rules. | Used for benefits eligibility |
19 | --- | Full/Part Time Status JOB.FULL_PART_TIME |
--- | X | --- | --- | --- |
20 | --- | Standard Hours JOB.STD_HOURS |
--- | X | --- | --- | --- |
21 | --- | FTE JOB.FTE |
X | X | X | Used to determine Benefit eligibility. For employees with one active job, the system will look at FTE to determine if the minimum FTE requirement has been met. For employees with more than one active job, the system will combine the FTE’s for all benefits-eligible jobs and determine if the minimum FTE requirement is met. | CSUBAS01 and used for health eligibility |
22 | --- | FLSA Status JOB.FLSA_STATUS |
--- | X | --- | --- | --- |
23 | --- | Union Code JOB.UNION_CD |
X | X | X | Used to determine Benefit Program eligibility. It auto populates when a position is entered. This field should not be overridden. | Used for benefits eligibility and used by CSUBAS01 - BA Preprocessing |
24 | --- | Pay Group JOB.PAYGROUP |
X | X | X | Used to determine program eligibility. It drives benefits for AY employees who have a start date prior to a pay period. For example, faculty who have a start date in August, but don’t get paid until September, will have a benefits effective date of October 1. The Pay group value of “ACD” is used to identify these employees who use the Academic Year Pay Calendar. | Used to determine Benefit Program and used for benefits eligibility |
25 | --- | Employee Type JOB.EMPL_TYPE |
X | X | X | This is one of the factors used in looking at multiple jobs to determine which job is primary. | CSUBAS01- BA Preprocessing & Used for health eligibility |
26 | --- | Salary Administration Plan JOB.SAL_ADMIN_PLAN |
--- | X | --- | --- | --- |
27 | --- | Salary Grade JOB.GRADE |
--- | X | --- | --- | |
28 | CSU Job | AY Duration of Appointment (CSU custom trigger) CSU_JOB.CSU_APPT_DUR |
X | X | X | This value is used to determine if a temporary employee meets the eligibility criteria for duration. Elig Config 1 is updated to a “Y” (Yes) or “N” (No). | BA Save Edit - CSUBAS01 BA Preprocessing |
29 | Benefit Program Participation | Benefit Record Number PER_ORG_ASGN.BENEFIT_RCD_NBR |
X | X | X | All Benefits Eligible jobs should be assigned a Benefit Record Number of 0. Non-eligible jobs should have a Benefit Record Number of 1. This field is automatically populated on the Save | --- |
30 | --- | Benefits System JOB.BENEFIT_SYSTEM |
X | X | --- | This value will default to Benefits Administration. | --- |
31 | --- | Benefits Status JOB.BEN_STATUS |
--- | X | X | --- | Used to determine Benefit Program and used for benefits eligibility |
32 | --- | Elig Config 1 JOB.ELIG_CONFIG1 |
--- | X | X | This field is automatically populated whenever data is save in Job Data. This field will be set to a Y if the employee meets the duration requirement, otherwise it will be set to N. | Set by custom PeopleCode (GRP 53) whenever data is save in Job Data. Also set by the CSU Pre Processing job. Used for benefits eligibility |
33 | --- | Elig Config 2 JOB.ELIG_CONFIG2 |
--- | X | X | This field is automatically populated whenever data is save in Job Data. This is the employee’s job code. | Set by custom PeopleCode (GRP 53) whenever data is save in Job Data. Also set by the CSU Pre Processing job. Used for benefits eligibility |
34 | --- | Elig Config 3 JOB.ELIG_CONFIG3 |
--- | X | X | This field is automatically populated whenever data is save in Job Data. This field will be set to a Y if the employee meets the ACA requirement, otherwise it will be set to N.. | Set by custom PeopleCode (GRP 53) whenever data is save in Job Data. Also set by the CSU Pre Processing job. Used for benefits eligibility |
35 | Elig Config 5 JOB.ELIG_CONFIG5 |
--- | X | X | This field is manually populated with AFTERTAX by direction of the Benefits Officer. If populated with AFTERTAX, aftertax benefit plans appear for selection in On Demand Event Maintenance and eBenefits Employee Self Service if the campus uses full eBenefits. | Set by custom PeopleCode (GRP 53) whenever date is save in Job Data. Also set by the CSU Pre Processing job. Used for benefits eligibility |
34 | --- | Benefit Program Effective Date BEN_PROG_PARTIC.EFFDT |
--- | --- | --- | This date must match the date on job if the Action is Hire. This date is used to determine when the employee is eligible for a particular benefit program. It is updated as appropriate when the Ben Admin process runs. | --- |
35 | --- | Benefit Program BEN_PROG_PARTIC.BENEFIT_PROGRAM |
--- | --- | --- | This value should initially be set to “NOB”. (Default is set to “NOB” in Pay group). It will be populated with the appropriate benefit program after the Ben Admin process runs. | --- |
Delivered PS Triggers Not Currently Used by CSU
# |
Record |
Field |
Required Fields* |
BAS Activity Triggers** |
CSU Eligibility Fields*** |
Description of Use |
Comments/Notes |
1 |
--- | Officer Code JOB.OFFICER_CD |
--- | X | --- | Available delivered but not used by CSU. | Not currently used for CSU |
2 | --- | Elig Config 4, 6-9 JOB.ELIG_CONFIG 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
--- | X | --- | Available delivered but not used by CSU. | Not currently used for CSU |
Column Legend:
* Required Fields: These fields must be populated, either manually or automatically by the system, in order for Ben Admin to process successfully.
** BAS Activity Triggers: The system triggers "job" and "non-job" BAS events from a variety of different tables. Non-job events are caused by changes in employees’ personal or demographic information that affect benefits eligibility or elections (such as postal code & state code). Ben Admin inserts events into the Benefits Administration (BAS) Activity table when a change to one of these fields occurs. These fields are considered eligibility fields which can be used to determine what programs and plan options employees are eligible for.
*** CSU Eligibility Fields: Are used by the custom CSU Ben Admin Save Edit in Job Data & CSU Preprocessing modifications
End of BPG
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