Generate and Print Online Confirmation Statements
This job aid shows Benefits officers how to generate and print online confirmation statements.
- Before employees can print out their online confirmation statements, a Benefits officer must generate them.
- Although the On-Demand Event Maintenance page has a Confirmation Statement button, this button is not configured to work in CHRS.
- Employees at campuses with full eBenefits employee self-service (ESS) can view their statements online via the Benefits Statement tile.
- Employees at campuses with view-only eBenefits ESS can receive hard-copy (PDF) confirmation statements. Benefits Officers need to print.
- If the confirmation statements are not generated, employees can still see their finalized benefits enrollments and changes in the CSU Benefits Summary tile.
- Benefits Confirmation Statements are not mandatory to generate.
Before you start
- For self-service life events, if the event date is not the effective date, the date on the confirmation statement is incorrect. For this reason, do NOT generate confirmation statements for ESS Life Events. Instead, tell the employee to find confirmation information on the Benefits Summary page.
- You have reviewed the employee’s supporting documentation and finalized the event.
- CSUBAS has finalized and entered the data into the system.
Generate Option Recommendations
If you need to… | Do this... | With these options |
Initially generate for all employees | Generate online confirmation statements |
Initially generate for specific employees | Generate online confirmation statements |
Reprint | Reprint Online Confirmation Statements to PDF |
Regenerate and reprint |
Regenerate Online Confirmation Statements to PDF |
Optional: Get the Event ID
If you are generating confirmation statements for a specific employee event, get the event ID from the Update Event Status page.
Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.,

Step 2: Navigate to Update Event Status
- Enroll in Benefits > Update Event Status
Step 3: Search for the event:
- Enter search criteria
- Click Search

Step 4: Find the Event ID for the qualifying event for which you are printing the confirmation statements.,

Generate online confirmation statements
Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.,

Step 2: Navigate to Online Confirmation Statements
- Forms Statements Letters > Online Confirmation Statements
Step 3: Search for your Run Control ID
- If you do not have a Run Control ID, click Add a New Value to create one.

Step 4: Use the Lookup (magnifying glass) to find the Schedule ID.,

Step 5: Select the following options:
- Online and Print
- Finalized – Enrolled
- Include All Employees
- Online Only – Use this option when you do not want to print hard copies. Use this option if your campus is full self-service eBenefits. Employees can access their own statements.
- Online and Print – Use this option when you want to print hard copies for employees who cannot access their own statements. Do not change the language.
- Print only – Do not use this option.
- Draft – Do not use this option.
- Include All Employees – Generates a confirmation statement for all finalized enrolled employees in this schedule ID.

Step 6 Optional: Generate a statement for a single employee:
- Clear Include All Employees option.
- Use the Lookup (magnifying glass) to find the employee ID.
- Verify the correct Event ID is selected.,

Step 7: Click Run
- The Process Scheduler Request opens.

Step 8: Click OK.,

Optional: Monitor the process
If you do not have access to Process Monitor, skip this procedure.
Step 1: From the Online Confirmation Statements page, click Process Monitor

Step 2: Click Refresh until the Distribution Status is Posted

Step 3: Click Details

Step 4: Click View Log/Trace

Step 5: Click to open each of the files:
- Log file (log)
- Trace file (trc)
- Verify no errors are listed in each file

Step 6: Click Return to close View Log/Trace.,

Step 7: Click Cancel to close Process Detail.,

Download and optionally print online confirmation statements
- CSU does not require that you print online confirmation statements.
- Full eBenefits campuses can direct their employees to view and print their confirmation statements, so you do not need to print them out.
- View-only eBenefits campuses must print out the confirmation statement to PDF as view-only eBenefits campus employees do not have a means to view confirmation statements in eBenefits.
Step 1: Open Report Manager
- From CSU Benefits Administrator page, click Report Manager

- Optional navigation: Menu > Reporting Tools > Report Manager

Step 2: Click the BENCFSTMT PDF entry
- The File List opens.

Step 3: Click the BEN_Conf_Stmt.pdf file in the File List.,

Step 4: Click the Download or Print button to download or print the statement
- Full eBenefits campuses can direct their employees to view and print their confirmation statements, so you do not need to print them out.

Step 5: Close the PDF browser tab when you are finished.,

Regenerate Online Confirmation Statements to PDF
Use this procedure when you need to Regenerate an existing confirmation statement. You need to Regenerate confirmation statements for employees when you re-process the employee’s BAS event and the reprocessing resulted in a benefits enrollment change.
Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile

Step 2: Navigate to Online Confirmation Statements
- Forms Statements Letters > Online Confirmation Statements
Step 3: Search for your Run Control ID
- If you do not have a Run Control ID, click Add a New Value to create one

Step 4: Use the Lookup (magnifying glass) to find the Schedule ID.,

Step 5: Select the following options:
- Online Only
- Finalized – Enrolled
- Include All Employees
- Online Only – Use this option when you do not want to print hard copies. Use this option if your campus is full self-service eBenefits. Employees can access their own statements.
- Online and Print – Use this option when you want to print hard copies for employees who cannot access their own statements. Do not change the language.
- Print only – Do not use this option.
- Draft – Do not use this option.
- Include All Employees – Generates a confirmation statement for all finalized enrolled employees in this schedule ID.

Step 6 Optional: Generate a statement for a single employee:
- Clear Include All Employees option.
- Use the Lookup (magnifying glass) to find the employee ID.
- Verify the correct Event ID is selected.,

Step 7: Decide how to proceed., If you are a Full eBenefits campus, this is the end of the process. If you are a View-only eBenefits campus, continue to Reprint Online Confirmation Statements to PDF.
Reprint Online Confirmation Statements to PDF
Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.,

Step 2: Navigate to Review Employee Statements
- Review Employee Benefits > Review Employee Statements.
Step 3: Search for the employee
- If the search returns multiple employees, select one. Otherwise, the search opens to the Review Employee Statements page.

Step 4: Select the Confirmation Statement type.,

Step 5: Select the re-generated confirmation statement

Step 6: Click Print View.,

Step 7: Click the Print button to print the statement.,

End of Article
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