CHRS Benefits Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSO) User Guide
Last Revised: 6/28/23
Document Title: CHRS Benefits Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSO) User Guide
Author: Sande Meith
File Reference:
Revision History
Revision Date | Revised By | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
07/26/21 | Sande Meith | Initial draft | All |
08/08/22 | Sande Meith | Updated for PTools 8.59 | All |
6/28/23 | Sande Meith | Corrected transposed letters in the filename and document title |
Review / Approval History
Review Date | Reviewed By | Action (Reviewed, Recommended or Approved) |
Click here to enter Review Date | Click here to enter Reviewer | Click here to enter Reviewed, Recommended or Approved |
Process Overview
Enforce court ordered coverage for dependents on specific benefits plans in CHRS using the delivered Riders/Orders functionality for benefit-eligible employees in PeopleSoft to prevent benefit eligible employees and Campus Benefits Office staff from dropping QMCSO dependent coverage on specific benefit plans in v9.0 and in CHRS. QMCSOs entered in v9.0 are converted into CHRS.
Example of QMCSO Coverage in Effect in CHRS eBenefits Self Service
Example of QMCSO Coverage in Effect in CHRS On Demand Event Maintenance Page
Employees can change benefit plans with QMCSO dependents within a Plan Type for applicable BAS events via eBenefits Employees Self Service, but they are not able to drop the QMCSO dependent as long as the QMCSO is active and entered on the dependent record in PeopleSoft.
There are three ways to enter the actual court orders/riders for dependents into v9.0 and CHRS:
- Use the On Demand Event Maintenance component when you need to add the dependent(s), QMCSO and then enroll the dependent into the applicable benefit plans.
- Use the Perform Election Entry component when you need to add the dependent(s), QMCSO and then enroll the dependent into the applicable benefit plans, but you do not have access to the On Demand Event Maintenance component.
- Use the Update Dependent/Beneficiary component to enter, update or terminate the QMCSO when the impacted dependent(s) are already in PeopleSoft and are already enrolled in the employee’s benefit plans.
The Perform Election Entry component is generally used by campus staff that do not have access to the On Demand Event Maintenance component to enter dependents and enter/update benefit elections into CHRS from paper enrollment forms.
The Perform Election Entry and the On Demand Event Maintenance components use Benefits Administration System (BAS) events. The BAS event must have an Event Status of Open and a Process Status of Prepared, Notified or Re-enter with benefit plan options to perform dependent data entry, including court riders and court orders, and benefit plan data entry for the BAS event on these components.
The Update Dependent/Beneficiary component does not use BAS events.
Follow the applicable step-by-step instructions in this document to enter the QMCSOs in CHRS.
Use the SQL provided in this document to create a query to help manage the QMCSO population at your campus.
Frequently Asked QMCSO Questions and Answers
When the QMCSO is received, the campus Benefits Office determines if the employee is a benefit-eligible employee. The benefit-employee’s campus Benefits Office contacts the employee and discusses benefits options to facilitate QMCSO enrollment by the court-ordered deadline. In CHRS, the campus that controls the employee’s benefits primary job is the campus responsible for contacting the employee, discussing benefits options to facilitate QMCSO enrollment by the court-ordered deadline, and entering the enrollments into CHRS.
If the benefit-eligible employee has opted out of benefit coverage when the QMCSO is received, how is it determined which plans to enroll the benefit-eligible employee and dependent(s)?
- If the benefit-eligible employee is eligible for health benefits and is not enrolled in any plans, the benefit-eligible employee and dependent are enrolled in applicable medical, dental and vision plans per the QMCSO order using the HBE BAS event in the On Demand Event Maintenance component. If the employee is enrolled in Medical Flex Cash and Dental Flex Cash and the employee must cover the dependents in medical and dental plans, the employee is dis-enrolled from Medical Flex Cash and Dental Flex Cash and instead enrolled into Medical and Dental plans.
- Medical: Use PERS Platinum for Out of State dependents; benefit plans for in-state dependents depends on the county residence location for the dependents. CalPERS assigns PERS Platinum as a default. Assign PERS Platinum if the employee does not make a medical plan election by the QSMCO deadline.
- Dental: Use Delta Dental PPO for out of state dependents; benefit plans for in-state dependents depends on the county residence location for the dependents. Assign Delta Dental PPO as a default if the employee does not make an election by the QSMCO deadline.
- Vision: Enroll if applicable into the CSU-provided vision plan if available to the employee.
- How is the benefit-eligible employee notified of the new QMCSO dependent benefit plan enrollments?
- The campus Benefits Office reaches out to the employee via email. CalPERS sends notifications via US Postal Service.
- How does the campus Benefits Office handle instances in which the employee ordered to cover a dependent is currently enrolled in their spouse’s CSU coverage?
- If the employee and spouse are both CSU employees, the dependents will be enrolled onto the spouse’s CSU coverage. If the benefit-eligible employee communicates to the Benefits Office prior to the QMCSO deadline, the employee can be dis-enrolled from the spouse’s plan, then the benefit-eligible employee and the dependent(s) are enrolled into the discussed plans or default plans listed above.
Related Documentation
In addition to this business process guide, users can review the following CMS user guides and job aids related to this process:
- CHRS Benefits Explanation of Review of BAS Activity User Guide
- Overview of BAS Statuses
Important: Be sure to reference the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event document and the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheatsheet before reprocessing any BAS event in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Enter/Change a QMCSO for Existing Dependents Currently Covered by the Employee
Use this process to enter or change, including inactivating a QMCSO for existing dependents who are currently covered by the employee’s benefit plans.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then go to Menu > Benefits > Employee/Dependent Information > Update Dependent/Beneficiary.
- In Update/Display mode or Include History mode, pull up the employee on the Update Dependent/Beneficiary page.
- Use the arrows to position on the dependent you wish to add or change the QMCSO for, and then click on the Personal Profile tab.
- The Personal Profile page appears.
- Click on the Rider/Orders link to enter court orders for required benefit plan coverage, such as Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSOs). While dependent Riders/Orders are in effective, employees via eBenefits Employee Self Service are not able to remove (drop) the dependent from the applicable benefit plan(s) coverage in PeopleSoft. Campus Benefits Staff receive a warning message when they attempt to drop covered dependents with QMCSO orders via the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
- Enter a Riders/Orders row for each plan type where the orders apply. Notice in the example screen shot that the row is for Plan Type 10, Medical. If the order also applies to Dental and Vision, enter a Riders/Orders row for Plan Type 11, Dental, and Plan Type 14, Vision. Enter a Riders/Orders row for each plan type where the orders apply. Notice in the example screen shot that the row is for Plan Type 10, Medical. If the order also applies to Dental and Vision, enter a Riders/Orders row for Plan Type 11, Dental, and Plan Type 14, Vision. Use the ‘+’ button to add additional rows for required plan types.
Important: Do not delete QMCSOs when ending or inactivating.
- Plan Type – Click on the Look up Icon and select the applicable plan type. This is a required field.
- Sequence Number – Start this number at 1 on the first row entered, then increase the number by ‘1’ for each subsequent row entered. This is a required field.
- Start Date – Enter the court order/rider start date. This is a required field.
- End Date – Enter the court order/rider end date. This is an optional field but do enter the date if applicable.
- State – Enter the state for the court that issued the order/rider.
- Status – Select the applicable court order status. To inactivate a QMCSO, select Inactive.
- Exception Type – Click the drop down list to select the applicable court order type.
- Court Order Number – Enter the court order/rider number.
- Comment – You have 254 characters to enter applicable comments. Make sure the comments are objective, not subjective.
- OK – Click the OK button to save the court order/rider information. Repeat these steps for each plan type that requires a court order/rider row for the dependent.
Enter a QMCSO for a Dependent via Perform Election Entry
Use this process to enter a QMCSO for dependents via the Perform Election Entry page when you need to add the dependent(s) and also enroll the dependent(s) into the applicable benefit plans, and you do not have access to the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
The Perform Election Entry component is generally used by campus staff that do not have access to the On Demand Event Maintenance component to enter dependents and enter/update benefit elections into CHRS from paper enrollment forms.
The Perform Election Entry component use Benefits Administration System (BAS) events. The BAS event must have an Event Status of Open and a Process Status of Prepared, Notified or Re-enter with benefit plan options to perform dependent data entry, including court riders and court orders, and benefit plan data entry for the BAS event on the Perform Election Entry component.
Create or have someone in your office create an HBE BAS event to process this change via the Perform Election Entry page.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then go to Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Participant Enrollment > Perform Election Entry.
- Schedule ID – Enter the applicable Schedule ID. This is a required field.
- Empl ID – Enter the PeopleSoft employee ID. The employee must have an open BAS event in the Schedule ID with a Process Status of Prepared, Notified or Re-enter in order to enter or select the employee ID from the look up icon. This is a required field.
- Validate When Saved – This defaults as checked. Checked is considered a data entry time-saving feature where all field validations are checked when you save your entries.
- Validate Elections – Use this button to apply the Benefits Administration System module rules against the data entered. Error messages appear if the entry correction is needed.
- Excess Credit Rollover To – This feature is not used at this time in CHRS. Ignore this field.
- Save – Always save after data entry in the Perform Election Entry component.
- Enter the applicable Schedule ID. This is a required field.
- Enter the applicable Empl ID – Enter the PeopleSoft employee ID. The employee must have an open BAS event in the Schedule ID with a Process Status of Prepared, Notified or Re-enter in order to enter or select the employee ID from the look up icon. This is a required field.
- Click on the Search button.
- Click on the Option Election tab.
- Option Code - Verify the correct benefit plan and coverage level is selected. If not, update the option code.
- Click on the Dependents / Beneficiaries tab, and then click on the Change/Add Dependent Data link.
- Locate the dependent(s). If the dependent(s) do not exist, add the dependent(s).
- To add the dependent(s), click once for each dependent to add on the

button in the Dependent/Beneficiaries section. A new blank effective-dated row appears and the Dependent/Beneficiary ID is automatically incremented by 1.
- Click on Edit Name to enter the dependent’s name. The Name page appears.

- First Name and Last Name are required fields. Enter the dependent’s name and then click on the OK button, and then click on the Address tab.
- On the Address page, enter the dependent’s address. If the dependent’s address is the same as the employee, select on the Same Address as Employee checkbox. The employee’s address displays. If the dependent’s phone is the same as the employee, select the Same as Employee checkbox.
- Click on the Personal Profile tab. The Personal Profile page appears.
- Enter the dependent’s Date of Birth, Relationship to Employee, Gender and Marital Status. The Dependent/Beneficiary Type automatically populates based on the selected Relationship to Employee.
- Note that the As of Date fields for Marital Status, Student and Disabled only appear on the initial dependent row. Be sure to enter the correct As of Date on the initial row. The Smoker and Smoker As of Date checkbox and field are not used in CHRS.
- If you are updating the Relationship to Employee field for a dependent, click on the

button in the Personal History section to insert a new current row. If changing the Relationship to Employee from a Spouse or Domestic Partner to an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner, make the change after you have removed the employee from benefit plans, and make the change effective-dated at least one day after the coverage change effective date so the correct Relationship to Employee value prints on the Medical enrollment form. Note that means that, for the dependent, you will not have the correct Marital Status Effective Date for the marital status change, but you will have this information on the employee’s Marital Status in the Modify a Person page.
Important: Make sure that you have updated the employee’s Marital Status if applicable before you generate enrollment forms, especially if the enrollment form contains employee’s Marital Status.
- Click on the Rider/Orders link to enter court orders for required benefit plan coverage, such as Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSOs). While dependent Riders/Orders are in effective, employees via eBenefits Employee Self Service are not able to remove (drop) the dependent from the applicable benefit plan(s) coverage in PeopleSoft. Campus Benefits Staff receive a warning message when they attempt to drop covered dependents with QMCSO orders via the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
- Enter a Riders/Orders row for each plan type where the orders apply. Notice in the example screen shot that the row is for Plan Type 10, Medical. If the order also applies to Dental and Vision, enter a Riders/Orders row for Plan Type 11, Dental, and Plan Type 14, Vision. Enter a Riders/Orders row for each plan type where the orders apply. Notice in the example screen shot that the row is for Plan Type 10, Medical. If the order also applies to Dental and Vision, enter a Riders/Orders row for Plan Type 11, Dental, and Plan Type 14, Vision. Use the ‘+’ button to add additional rows for required plan types.
Important: Do not delete QMCSOs when ending or inactivating!
- Plan Type – Click on the Look up Icon and select the applicable plan type. This is a required field.
- Sequence Number – Start this number at 1 on the first row entered, then increase the number by ‘1’ for each subsequent row entered. This is a required field.
- Start Date – Enter the court order/rider start date. This is a required field.
- End Date – Enter the court order/rider end date. This is an optional field but do enter the data.
- State – Enter the state for the court that issued the order/rider.
- Status – Select the applicable court order status. To inactivate a QMCSO, select Inactive
- Exception Type – Click the drop down list to select the applicable court order type.
- Court Order Number – Enter the court order/rider number.
- Comment – You have 254 characters to enter applicable comments. Make sure the comments are objective, not subjective.
- Click the OK button to save the court order/rider information. Repeat these steps for each plan type that requires a court order/rider row for the dependent.
- Click the OK button to save the court order/rider information. Repeat these steps for each plan type that requires a court order/rider row for the dependent. Note that a checkmark appears in the Riders/Orders exists checkbox to denote that the dependent has riders/orders on record.
- Click on the Option Election tab to add the dependent to the applicable benefit plans. You can click on the Enroll All button and remove non-applicable dependents, or individually add the dependent. Complete the enrollment by entering the applicable permitting event code on the CSU Perm Event tab, then finalizing the enrollment. If applicable, be sure that you had dis-enrolled the employee from Medical Flex Cash and/or Dental Flex Cash benefit plans.
Enter a QMCSO for a Dependent via On Demand Event Maintenance
Use this process to enter a QMCSO for dependents via the On Demand Event Maintenance page when you need to add the dependent(s) and also enroll the dependent(s) to the applicable benefit plans.
First, create an HBE BAS event in the Review BAS Activity page. If needed, refer to the CHRS Benefits Explanation of Review of BAS Activity Business Process Guide. Once the HBE BAS event has been created and saved in the Review BAS Activity page, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page to add the dependent(s) and process the enrollment(s).
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then go to Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > On Demand Event Maintenance.
- Schedule/Prepare Activity– Click this button if needed to schedule and prepare the HBE BAS event for use.
- Election Entry – Click on the Election Entry button once the Process Status is Prepared or Re-enter to add the dependent(s) and then to enroll the dependents into the applicable benefit plans.
- Click on the Schedule/Prepare Activity button to prepare the HBE BAS event, then click on OK in the Process Successfully Completed message box.

- Click on the Election Entry button. The Ben Admin Data Entry window appears.
- Click on the Option Election tab.
- Verify the correct benefit plan and coverage level is selected for the Option Code of applicable benefit plans.
- Click on the Dependents / Beneficiaries tab, and then click on the Change/Add Dependent Data link.
- Locate the dependent(s). If the dependent(s) do not exist, add the dependent(s).
- To add the dependent(s), click once for each dependent to add on the

button in the Dependent/Beneficiaries section. A new blank effective-dated row appears and the Dependent/Beneficiary ID is automatically incremented by 1.
- Click on Edit Name to enter the dependent’s name. The Name page appears.

- First Name and Last Name are required fields. Enter the dependent’s name and then click on the OK button, and then click on the Address tab.
- On the Address page, enter the dependent’s address. If the dependent’s address is the same as the employee, select on the Same Address as Employee checkbox. The employee’s address displays. If the dependent’s phone is the same as the employee, select the Same as Employee checkbox.
- Click on the Personal Profile tab. The Personal Profile page appears.
- Enter the dependent’s Date of Birth, Relationship to Employee, Gender and Marital Status. The Dependent/Beneficiary Type automatically populates based on the selected Relationship to Employee.
- Note that the As of Date fields for Marital Status, Student and Disabled only appear on the initial dependent row. Be sure to enter the correct As of Date on the initial row. The Smoker and Smoker As of Date checkbox and field are not used in CHRS.
- If you are updating the Relationship to Employee field for a dependent, click on the

button in the Personal History section to insert a new current row. If changing the Relationship to Employee from a Spouse or Domestic Partner to an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner, make the change after you have removed the employee from benefit plans, and make the change effective-dated at least one day after the coverage change effective date so the correct Relationship to Employee value prints on the Medical enrollment form. Note that means that, for the dependent, you will not have the correct Marital Status Effective Date for the marital status change, but you will have this information on the employee’s Marital Status in the Modify a Person page.
Important: Make sure that you have updated the employee’s Marital Status if applicable before you generate enrollment forms, especially if the enrollment form contains employee’s Marital Status.
- Click on the Rider/Orders link to enter court orders for required benefit plan coverage, such as Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSOs). While dependent Riders/Orders are in effective, employees via eBenefits Employee Self Service are not able to remove (drop) the dependent from the applicable benefit plan(s) coverage in PeopleSoft. Campus Benefits Staff receive a warning message when they attempt to drop covered dependents with QMCSO orders via the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
- Enter a Riders/Orders row for each plan type where the orders apply. Notice in the example screen shot that the row is for Plan Type 10, Medical. If the order also applies to Dental and Vision, also insert a Riders/Orders row for Plan Type 11, Dental, and Plan Type 14, Vision. Enter a Riders/Orders row for each plan type where the orders apply. Notice in the example screen shot that the row is for Plan Type 10, Medical. If the order also applies to Dental and Vision, enter a Riders/Orders row for Plan Type 11, Dental, and Plan Type 14, Vision. Use the ‘+’ button to add additional rows for required plan types.
Important: Do not delete QMCSOs when ending or inactivating.
- Plan Type – Click on the Look up Icon and select the applicable plan type. This is a required field.
- Sequence Number – Start this number at 1 on the first row entered, then increase the number by ‘1’ for each subsequent row entered. This is a required field.
- Start Date – Enter the court order/rider start date. This is a required field.
- End Date – Enter the court order/rider end date. This is an optional field but do enter the data.
- State – Enter the state for the court that issued the order/rider.
- Status – Select the applicable court order status.
- Exception Type – Click the drop down list to select the applicable court order type.
- Court Order Number – Enter the court order/rider number.
- Comment – You have 254 characters to enter applicable comments. Make sure the comments are objective, not subjective.
- Click the OK button to save the court order/rider information. Repeat these steps for each plan type that requires a court order/rider row for the dependent. Note that a checkmark appears in the Riders/Orders exists checkbox to denote that the dependent has riders/orders on record.
- Click the OK button to save the entered dependent data.
- Click on the Option Election tab to add the dependent to the applicable benefit plans. You can click on the Enroll All button and remove non-applicable dependents, or individually add the dependent. Complete the enrollment by entering the applicable permitting event code on the CSU Perm Event tab, then finalizing the enrollment. If applicable, be sure that you had dis-enrolled the employee from Medical Flex Cash and/or Dental Flex Cash benefit plans.
Query to Manage QMCSOs
In v9.0 and CHRS, use this SQL to create a query to manage QMCSOs at your campus. This query prompts by Business Unit and lists employees who have dependents with court orders/riders (QMCSOs).
AND A1.OPRID = 'Your Operator ID will be inserted here'
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