Revision History
Revision Date | Revised By | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
08/11/21 | Sande Meith | Initial draft | All |
08/08/22 | Sande Meith | Updated for PTools 8.59 | All |
11/30/22 | Sande Meith | Added Why Did a Benefit Terminate or Isn’t Correct Troubleshooting Checklist |
10 |
11/6/24 | Sande Meith | Clarified the Default – 30 Days check box on pages 27 and 30. | 7; 8 |
12/2/24 | Sande Meith | Removed incorrect Recognized Child age out | All |
Table of Contents
1. Process Overview
5. BAS008.SQR - Report on Flagged Items
6. CSUBAS27.SQR – CSU Process Status Report
8. CSUBAS30.SQR – CSU Benefits Termination Report
9. CSUBAS30.SQR – CSU Job Change Prior to Ben Admin
10. Why Did a Benefit Terminate or Isn’t Correct Troubleshooting Checklist |
1. Process Overview
The CHRS Daily Review and Troubleshooting User Guide details daily processing tasks for Campus Benefits Officers, which includes reviewing daily and nightly Benefits Administration (Ben Admin) CSUBAS process logs, reviewing delivered and custom processing reports, identifying and resolving issues or facilitate resolving issues, and running CHRS Baseline Benefits queries ad-hoc to manage eBenefits self-service processing and identifying employees with missing data.
This guide also provides information for resolving problems on certain reports. The reports in this document provide detailed and summary information about the nightly Benefits Administration processing outcome.
This document provides the following for each report; a report description, report selection criteria, use instruction, navigation, output sample, and, for some reports, examples of use scenarios specific to the report for reviewing and/or resolving issues. The reports are listed in the recommended order of review based on campus input.
Although every possible scenario is not listed, this guide provides examples of common situations to look for while troubleshooting and recommendations for handling the errors encountered. The Benefits Officer responsible for reviewing the reports should conduct a thorough review each time Ben Admin is processed.
Use the troubleshooting checklists in this guide to help review and resolve issues.
2. Related Documentation
In addition to this business process guide, the following CMS-CHRS documents should be referenced and reviewed daily and/or as needed:
- Daily Review CSUBAS Logs and Reports
- Daily Review BA Baseline Queries
- Event Class Cheat Sheet
- Reprocessing a CHRS Event Cheat Sheet
- eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet
- CHRS Benefits Audit Table User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Manual Events and Election Entry Business Process Guide
- CHRS Benefits Employee Self Service Business Process Guide
- Action Reason with PIMS Mapping
- PSR Error Clean Up Position Paper
- Benefits Event Troubleshooting Position Paper
- Benefits Administration Error Messages (Troubleshooting)
3. Daily Benefits Review - Job Aids
The following job aids show Benefits Officers what and how to review daily campus-specific CSUBAS logs from the nightly Ben Admin processing, daily CHRS baseline queries and daily campus specific reports.
Use the information listed in this document if you require more details on what to review on the daily reports and how to resolve issues found on the daily reports.
4. BAS003.SQR - Invalid Elections Report
Invalid Elections Report is a PeopleSoft delivered report which produces, by BAS Schedule ID, a detailed listing of all Ben Admin error and warning situations resulting from running the Benefits Administration process (PSPBARUN). This report lists the schedule ID, the Emplid, the error message description, and the cause of the error. Review all errors/warnings and resolve daily.
Recommended Use and Follow-up
Review and resolve issues that are on this report daily. Note that resolved issues on the report will not drop off the report until PSPBARUN (the delivered Ben Admin process) runs again for the applicable BAS Schedule ID.
Things to Look For
Assign None (AN) errors occur when the system Ben Admin configuration is not configured to determine the employee’s benefit program. Theoretically, there should never be BAS events with the Assign None (AN) process status.
- To resolve BAS events with the Assign None (AN) process status, review the employee’s Job Data record(s) to verify that all Job Data values are correct. If you find incorrect Job Data values, have the incorrect values corrected and then go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, enter the value of A in the field to the right of the Reprocess button, then click on the Reprocess button to re-prepare the election options. If this does not resolve the issue, you may need to submit a Service Now ticket for CMS to review.
- Note that Assign None (AN) BAS events become Finalized None (FN) process status after the next delivered Ben Admin run (PSPBARUN).
- To resolve Assign Errors (AE), determine if incorrect Job Data values require correction. If there are no incorrect Job Data values for the employee, there may be a configuration issue that requires research and resolution. Once the incorrect Job Data value is corrected and/or the configuration issue is corrected:
- If the Assign Error is not for an eBenefits Self Service transaction, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, enter the value of A in the field to the right of the Reprocess button, then click on the Reprocess button to re-prepare the election options.
- If the Assign Error is for an eBenefits Self Service transaction, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, enter the value of A in the field to the right of the Reprocess button, then click on the Reprocess button to re-prepare the election options. Verify that the BAS event is at a Process Status of Prepared. Then advise the employee that they can continue with their life event transaction. If the employee cannot access the corrected BAS event, ask the employee to Cancel their life event transaction in eBenefits and create a new life event transaction.
- To resolve Prep Errors (PE), determine if incorrect Job Data values require correction. If there are no incorrect Job Data values for the employee, there may be a configuration issue that requires research and resolution. Once the incorrect Job Data value is corrected and/or the configuration issue is corrected:
- If the Prep Error is not for an eBenefits Self Service transaction, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, enter the value of A in the field to the right of the Reprocess button, then click on the Reprocess button to re-prepare the election options.
- If the Prep Error is for an eBenefits Self Service transaction, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, enter the value of A in the field to the right of the Reprocess button, then click on the Reprocess button to re-prepare the election options. Verify that the BAS event is at a Process Status of Prepared. Then advise the employee that they can continue with their life event transaction. If the employee cannot access the corrected BAS event, ask the employee to Cancel their life event transaction in eBenefits and create a new life event transaction.
- To resolve Election Errors (EE) first determine what needs to be corrected for the related data entry.
- If the Election Error is not for an eBenefits Self Service transaction, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, click on the Election Entry button and correct the election error. Verify that the correct permitting event codes are entered. Save the transaction.
- If the Election Error is for an eBenefits Self Service transaction, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, click on the Election Entry button and correct the election error. You’ll then need to enter the permitting event codes for the BAS event.
- Do not reprocess the eBenefits Self Service BAS event to a Process Status prior to Re-enter, i.e., do not reprocess to Assign Benefit Program or Prepare Options as you'll lose the employee's submission date (Election Received Date). Election Received Date is used for the eSignature date on forms, the Perm Event HBO Received Date, and is used by the nightly process CSU_BA_EVT_DT to change the event class event date for submission date processing. Refer to the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet for more information.
- There is no need to set anything on the Event Status Update page to resolve the above errors unless the AN error went to a FN error and you are reprocessing the BAS event back to an Assign Process Status in order to resolve.
- This report does not show details for error messages that correspond to disconnected events.
- Benefits Administration Error Messages guide lists error messages that may appear on the report with the error message meaning and suggested resolutions.
Online Processing Messages Page
The BAS003 report information can also be viewed online in CHRS via the Processing Messages page. Messages on this page are not cleared once resolved but instead are cleared once Ben Admin runs again for the applicable Schedule ID.
- Navigation: Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Review Processing Results > Processing Messages
This report is not included in the nightly CSUBAS job schedule in CHRS. Run this report ad-hoc daily to review and resolve Ben Admin processing errors.
- Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then go to Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions > Invalid Elections Rpt
- Example of Run Control Page

- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The Invalid Elections Rpt page appears.
- Enter the Schedule ID. Do not leave this field blank.
- Click on the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.

- Select PSUNX in the Server Name field if able. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
- Verify that the BAS003 process is selected (i.e., check marked), then click on the OK button.
- The Invalid Elections Rpt page appears, along with the Process Instance number. Write down this number in case you need it later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link to monitor the status of the report generation.
- The Process List page appears.
- Locate your job on the Process List, then click on the Refresh button until the job’s Run Status is success
- Click on the Details link.
- The Process Detail page appears. Click on the View Log/Trace link.
- The Process Detail page appears. Click on the View Log/Trace link.
- The View Log/Trace page appears. Click on the link that ends in .PDF as this is the report.

Sample Report
5. BAS008.SQR - Report on Flagged Items
Report Description
The Report on Flagged Items is a report that lists flagged BAS events that require daily review and resolution. Flagged BAS events listed on the report:
- have had Job, Address, or Union eligibility information changes that may impact benefits eligibility and warrant BAS event class review and possible reprocessing.
- have been processed Out of Sequence and warrant BAS event class reprocessing or voiding based on the BAS event that’s out of sequence.
- have been disconnected during processing and require review and resolution.
Report on Flagged Items is a PeopleSoft delivered report which produces, by BAS Schedule ID, a detailed listing of all Ben Admin BAS events that have one of more of the BAS flags enabled:
- Address Eligibility Changed
- MultiJob Indicator Changed
- Job Eligibility Changed
- Event Out of Sequence
- Event Disconnected
This report lists the schedule ID, the Emplid, the error message description, and the cause of the error. Review and resolve all items on the report.
Recommended Use and Follow-up
Review and resolve issues that are on this report daily.
- Audit the flags and re-process BAS events as needed.
- Use the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet every time you need to reprocess a BAS event in CHRS.
- Also use the eBenefits ESS OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet every time you are trying to clear a flag for an eBenefits ESS event, as you may not be able to reprocess the eBenefits ESS event. The eBenefits ESS OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet advises when it is ok to reprocess an eBenefits ESS BAS event based on the BAS event Process Status. The Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet provides the next steps to take when the scenario dictates that you cannot reprocess a particular BAS event.
- If the Address Eligibility Change flag is checked, go to Modify a Person and see if the employee’s home state and/or home zip code changed, then go to Job Data and review the Job Data rows equal to and prior to the reprocess BAS event date to see if the employee’s work location changed that resulted in a zip code or state change. Note that mailing addresses do not impact benefit eligibility.
- If the home or work location address change did not include a zip code or state change, you can uncheck the Address Eligibility Change flag on the Update Event Status page and then click on Save instead of reprocessing the specific BAS event.
- If the home or work location address zip code or state changed, you must reprocess the BAS event to see if the employee’s benefit eligibility changed. The employee may need to or have the option to elect a new benefit plan for certain zip code eligibility changes.
- Before you reprocess any BAS event in CHRS, refer to the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event and the eBenefits ESS OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet to see if it’s OK to reprocess that particular BAS event. The Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet provides the next steps to take when the scenario dictates that you cannot reprocess a particular BAS event.
- If the Job Eligibility Change flag is checked, go to Job Data and review the following fields on the Job Data rows equal to and prior to the reprocess BAS event date to see if changes occurred that would impact the employee’s benefits:
- Location, Empl_Class, Employee Type, FLSA Status, Salary Plan, Grade, Full/Part Time, Regular/Temporary, Service Months, Standard Hours, Union Code, Pay Group, Officer Code, FTE, Combined FTE, ACA
- Eligibility Status, Elig Feld 1, Elig Fld 2, Elig Fld 3, Elig Fld 4, Elig Fld 5, Elig Fld 6, Elig Fld 7, Elig Fld 8 and Elig Fld 9.
- Also check to see if the BAS Group ID changed. The BAS Group ID value is critical for OE BAS events.
- If the Job Data change did not update a field that would impact the employee’s benefits eligibility, you can uncheck the Job Eligibility Change flag on the Update Event Status page and then click on Save instead of reprocessing the specific BAS event.
- If the Job Data change did update a field that would impact the employee’s benefits eligibility, you must reprocess the BAS event to see if the employee’s benefit eligibility changed.
- Before you reprocess any BAS event in CHRS, refer to the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event and the eBenefits ESS OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet to see if it’s OK to reprocess that particular BAS event. The Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet provides the next steps to take when the scenario dictates that you cannot reprocess a particular BAS event.
- If the MultiJob Eligibility Change flag is checked, go to Job Data and review the following fields for all active jobs for the employee on Job Data rows equal to and prior to the reprocess BAS event date to see if changes occurred that would impact the employee’s benefits:
- Location, Empl_Class, Employee Type, FLSA Status, Salary Plan, Grade, Full/Part Time, Regular/Temporary, Service Months, Standard Hours, Union Code, Pay Group, Officer Code, FTE, Combined FTE, ACA
- Eligibility Status, Elig Fld 1, Elig Fld 2, Elig Fld 3, Elig Fld 4, Elig Fld 5, Elig Fld 6, Elig Fld 7, Elig Fld 8 and Elig Fld 9.
- Also check to see if BAS Group ID changed or needs to change for the employee’s Primary Benefit Job. The BAS Group ID value is critical for OE BAS events.
- If the Job Data change did not update a field that would impact the employee’s benefits, you can uncheck the Job Eligibility Change flag on the Update Event Status page and then click on Save instead of reprocessing the specific BAS event.
- If the Job Data change did update a field that would impact the employee’s benefits eligibility, you must reprocess the BAS event to see if the employee’s benefit eligibility changed.
- Before you reprocess any BAS event in CHRS, refer to the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event and the eBenefits ESS OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet to see if it’s OK to reprocess that particular BAS event. The Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event cheat sheet provides the next steps to take when the scenario dictates that you cannot reprocess a particular BAS event.
Things to Look For
- Address Eligibility Changed Flag – This flag will be checked if there is a change in address that affects the job row. If there is a 9/1/2003 event created from a Job row, and there is an 8/15/2003 change of address entered, the Address Eligibility Changed flag will appear on the 9/1/2003 event in Event Status Update and on this report. The existing event may need to be reprocessed if the address change affects Benefits eligibility.
- MultiJob Indicator Changed Flag – This flag will be checked if Multiple Jobs functionality is being used and information affecting eligibility was changed, inserted, or deleted after the event had begun processing. The event may need to be reprocessed if the change made affects more than one of the employee’s jobs.
- Job Eligibility Changed Flag – This flag will be checked if there is a correction to an existing Job row where one of the fields listed below is changed. The existing event may need to be reprocessed if the Job change affects Benefits eligibility.
- Event Disconnected Flag – Disconnected events represent a broken BAS event. This means information that the system used to track and/or process the BAS event was deleted or changed after the BAS event was created. If a BAS event is disconnected, it can no longer be processed by the Ben Admin system, except to be voided*. There are two ways a BAS event can become disconnected:
- The HR record that previously triggered the event changes. For example, the Job Data row Effective Date was changed, or the Action code was changed, or the Action/Reason code was changed.
- The Job Data row was deleted.
- Disconnected BAS events need to be analyzed one by one to determine the impact on benefit processing. If a BAS event is disconnected after it is finalized, first void the event through reprocessing. Be aware that voiding the BAS event for finalized-enrolled benefit elections may not roll back elections from the Base Benefits tables. In this case, Correction mode is required to remove the finalized-enrolled benefit elections from the applicable Base Benefits tables.
- When the effective date of a particular address or Job Data row is corrected, the system simultaneously creates a new BAS event and disconnects any BAS events that were initially triggered by the address or job record change.
- *Note: If a disconnected event has an Event Status of Closed and the Event Status box is greyed out, the BAS event cannot be reprocessed. This also means that the finalized disconnected event cannot be reprocessed to a status of Void.
Event Out of Sequence Flag – This flag will be checked on events that were processed out of order. This happens when a participant event is in process within Benefits Administration and then another event associated with the same participant is triggered with an event date that precedes the first event. The system closes the first event and opens/processes the second event because Benefits Administration will only process one event per participant at a time.
- An example Out of Sequence scenario is the employee has a future-dated OE BAS event in a Prepared status, and then creates a BIR Life Event to add their newborn child with an event date that precedes the OE event date. In this example, after the BIR event is finalized, the OE event requires reprocessing to pick up the newly added dependent and benefit plan changes.
This report is not included in the nightly CSUBAS job schedule in CHRS. Run this report ad-hoc daily to review and resolve Ben Admin processing errors.
- Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then go to Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions > Report on Flagged Items
- Example of Run Control Page

- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The Report On Flagged Items page appears.
- Verify that the Language is English.
- Enter the Schedule ID. Do not leave this field blank.
- Enter a From Date and Thru Date range.
- Select the flags to include on the report in the Report Participants Flagged for section, and then click on the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.

- Select PSUNX in the Server Name field if able. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
- Verify that the BAS008 process is selected (i.e., check marked), then click on the OK button.
- The Report On Flagged Items page appears, along with the Process Instance number. Write down this number in case you need it later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link to monitor the status of the report generation.
- The Process List page appears.

- Locate your job on the Process List, then click on the Refresh button until the job’s Run Status is success.
- Click on the Details link.
- The Process Detail page appears. Click on the View Log/Trace link.
- The Process Detail page appears.
- Click on the View Log/Trace link.
- The View Log/Trace page appears.
- Click on the link that ends in .PDF as this is the report.

Sample Report
6. CSUBAS27.SQR – CSU Process Status Report
This report includes a listing of all open BAS events for a particular BAS Schedule ID. This SQR was cloned from the delivered BAS27.sqr and customized to exclude events in Void, Closed, or Disconnected statuses.
This report selects all participants in a particular process status or set of status levels. It does not display the transaction if:
- Process Indicator is Void and Event Status is Closed OR
- Event Status is Closed, Disconnected or Void.
Recommended Use and Follow-up
- Use to monitor BAS processing.
- Identify BAS events that are not moving forward and finalizing in a timely manner.
- Remember that eBenefits ESS BAS events automatically expire after 1, 30 or 60 days based on the eBenefits BAS Event.
- For eBenefits ESS BAS events also use the CSU_BAS_SS_EVENTS and CSU_BAS_SS_NT queries (these queries are also discussed on the Daily Review BA Baseline Queries job aid).
- Note that some eBenefits BAS events require reaching out the employee to move the process along.
Things to Look For
- Open events with an Election Error (EE) or Prep Error (PE) Benefits Administration Processing Status - These events are in an error status and should also appear on the BAS003 report.
- Open events with an Assigned (AS) Benefits Administration Processing Status - These events are fine and occur because an event was started while another event for the employee was still in process. When this happens, the new event closes when it gets to Assigned (i.e., the benefit program was assigned) and waits there until the current event finishes processing. It will then “open up” for processing.
This report is not included in the nightly CSUBAS job schedule in CHRS. Run this report ad-hoc daily to review and resolve Ben Admin processing errors.
- Click on the NavBar Icon > Menu > Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Process Status Rpt
Example of Run Control Page

- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The CSU Process Status Rpt page appears.
- Verify that the Language is English.
- Enter the Schedule ID. Do not leave this field blank.
- Select the Process Statuses to include on the report in the Process Status to Include section. and then click on the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.

- Select PSUNX in the Server Name field if able. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
- Verify that the CSUBAS27 process is selected (i.e., check marked), then click on the OK button.
- The CSU Process Status Rpt page appears, along with the Process Instance number. Write down this number in case you need it later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link to monitor the status of the report generation.
- The Process List page appears.

- Locate your job on the Process List, then click on the Refresh button until the job’s Run Status is success
- Click on the Details link.
- The Process Detail page appears. Click on the View Log/Trace link.

- The View Log/Trace page appears. Click on the link that ends in .PDF as this is the report.

Sample Report
Process Statuses
As Ben Admin executes, various process statuses are assigned. After the events are assigned to a schedule and the open event is identified, the system uses Eligibility Rules to assign the employee to a Benefit Program. Typically, an event will move through Program Assignment, and continue through prepare options and then be finalized. Events will receive different process statuses along the way.
The following are Process Status descriptions for the process status values that may be assigned and the steps to enable the event to continue through the process toward finalization.
Program Assignment | |||
Process Status | Description | Troubleshooting Steps | Next Processing Steps |
AS - Program Eligibility Assigned | BAS event is assigned to a benefit program. – Process Successful | Typically, events don’t stay in an AS status for long as they generally move right along to the next process status. However, if you see an event at the AS process status after CSUBAS processing, it means that the employee has another BAS event being processed. The event will stay in AS status until the open event has finalized. |
Once able, the event continues in Ben Admin processing to the prepare options step. |
AN - Program Eligibility Assigned None | BAS event is not assigned to a benefit program. | You should not see events in a status of AN. Run the Eligible Participants Report to evaluate employees who are eligible but not being assigned to a program. | Events with an AN status will continue on through the process and end at a finalized – Assigned None (FA) status. All employees should receive a benefit program assignment. |
AE - Program Eligibility Assigned Error | BAS event is assigned to multiple programs | Employee is eligible for more than one Benefit Program. You'll most likely need to make corrections to participant personal, employment or job information or to program eligibility information. Evaluate Job Data for cross bargaining unit instances. If the employee is qualified for more than one benefit program, EmplID override is necessary. |
The system cannot process the BAS event through the next stage (Option Preparation) until you correct the errors. Each time you run Benefits Administration, the system will reevaluate events with an AE designation and (try to) move them along in the process. |
Prepare Options | |||
Process Status | Description | Troubleshooting Steps | Next Processing Steps |
PR - Prepared | The system has determined eligible benefit plan options for the participant associated with the event. | Event requires Election Entry or finalization. | The batch process will force finalize prepared events so that default benefits can be written to base benefits (for example, the HIR BAS event is customized to finalize and enroll the employee into Life, Vision, and LTD if applicable). The system will bring the event to a process status of FE (Finalized - Enrolled) The BAS event remains at the PR status until benefit elections are entered or, in the case of eBenefits ESS BAS events, expires. |
FA - Finalized - Benefit Program None | BAS event has no program assignment and no current elections. | Benefit Program assignment should occur for all employees. Program eligibility should be reviewed. PeopleBooks suggests running the eligibility reports to determine eligibility issues for this status. |
There is no further processing for this event, other than reprocessing the BAS event once the issue has been identified and resolved. The online page description for this process status (on the Schedule Summary page, for example) is Program None. |
FP - Finalized - Prepared None | System has assigned participant event to a benefit program, but the associated participant is ineligible to elect any new options. | Event did not change eligibility. Prepared none should indicate no change in benefits. No further action required. | No further processing occurs for this BAS event. The online page description for this process status (on the Schedule Summary page, for example) is Prepare None. |
PE - Prepare Error | The system has encountered an error during option preparation for the participant associated with the event. Events are given a PE process status during option eligibility determination or calculation of credits. |
To correct, you should make corrections to the personal/employment/job information of the associated participant or to plan and option eligibility information. | Each time you run Benefits Administration, the system will reevaluate events with a PE designation and (attempt to) move them along in the Benefits Administration process. |
Entering Elections | |||
Process Status | Description | Troubleshooting Steps | Next Processing Steps |
ET – Entered | The employee or a benefits administrator has entered the participant's new elections into the system and they are ready for validation by the Benefits Administration process. Note: eBenefits ESS BAS events move to a RE-Re- entered process status automatically during the nightly CSUBAS processing to await review of supporting documentation by the campus Benefits Office. |
Event needs finalization. | If the validation process finds no errors with the elections, the elections will be posted to the appropriate benefit and payroll tables, and the system will update the process status to FE (Finalized - Enrolled). On the other hand, if there are errors with the elections, if any of the employee's choices are invalid, event rules are used to determine whether current elections or defaults should be loaded. The system will set the process status to EE (Election Error). |
EE - Election Error | System encountered an error when processing the elections for the BAS event. No elections are posted to the Base Benefits tables. Errors are posted to the BAS Message table and are identified by participant and event. The previous process status was either ET (entered) or EE (election error). |
You need to correct the errors by reviewing and possibly reentering employee elections. | No further processing occurs for this BAS event until resolved. When the Benefits Administration process runs again it will try to carry the event's process status forward to FE (Finalized - Enrolled). Alternatively, you can arrange to "force finalize" this BAS event (or the entire set of BAS events in the Benefits Administration Open Enrollment schedule) to finalize it with errors. The system loads the default value(s) for the associated participant's erroneous benefit option election(s). If a dependent/beneficiary is in error, the system loads the employee's benefit plan choice but will not load the dependent/beneficiary. |
Example of a Prep Error
- The Process Status shows Prepare Error.
- Review the Ben Admin processing message(s) in the Processing Messages page
- NavBar Icon > Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Events > Review Processing Results > Processing Messages
- via the On Demand Event Maintenance page, or on the BAS003 report and then resolve the issue.
- The example above requires pay calendars to be created, so for the above issues you would create a Service Now ticket to have pay calendars created in CHRS.
- Once pay calendars are created, you can process the person through Ben Admin.
7. CSUBB010.SQR – Benefits Transaction Report
This report includes employee data when the following items changed for the employee for the report run criteria:
- Benefit Primary Job
- Benefits Status
- Employee Class
- Employee Type
- Pay Group
- Union Code
- Duration (eligibility config 1)
- Job Code (eligibility config 2)
- ACA Status (eligibility config 3)
- AY Duration of Appt (on CSU Job).
The CSU Benefits Transaction Rpt includes data when the items listed above changed for an employee. This report includes BAS transactions that have occurred within the last 30 days from the current system date or within a specified date range where the specified employee data in the Description section changed.
Benefit items included on the report if applicable are Medical Plan, Medical Covg Cd, Med FlexCash, Dental Plan, Dental Covg Cd, Dental FlexCash, Vision Plan, Life (20) and Life ADD (23), LTD, HCRA and DCRA.
The CSU Benefits Transaction Rpt is sorted by Employee ID, Employee Record Number, Effective Date, and Effective Sequence.
- The report also includes:
- Employee ID
- Employee Name
- Last Name
- First Name
- Home Address
- City
- State
- Postal Code
- Empl Rec #
- Benefit Rec #
- Action Date
- Effective Date
- Action
- Action/Reason
- Effective Sequence Number
- Current Position Description
- Previous Position Description
- Current Job Code
- Previous Job Code
- Current Employee Class
- Previous Employee Class
- Current Employee Type
- Previous Employee Type
- Current Paygroup
- Previous Paygroup
- Current Duration Met
- Previous Duration Met
- Current ACA Eligible
- Previous ACA Eligible
- Current Benefits Status
- Previous Benefits Status
- Current FTE
- Previous FTE
- Current Total FTE
- Previous Total FTE
- Current Union Code
- Previous Union Code
- Current Benefit Program
- Previous Benefit Program
- Appointment End Date
- Appointment Duration
- CSU Unit
- Current Benefits Primary Job
- Previous Benefits Primary Job
Recommended Use and Follow-up
Use this report to verify that, if applicable, the appropriate benefit changes occurred for the employee.
This report is not included in the nightly CSUBAS job schedule in CHRS. Run this report ad-hoc daily to review and resolve Ben Admin processing errors.
- NavBar Icon > Menu > Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Benefits Transaction Rpt
Example of Run Control Page

- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The CSU Benefits Transaction Rpt page appears.

- Enter your Business Unit.
- The Default - 30-Days checkbox looks for Coverage Begin/End EFFDT equal to or less than 30 days from the report run date. You can select this checkbox, or you can enter a From Date and Thru Date range, but you cannot use both.
- If you did not select the Default – 30 Days checkbox, enter a From Date and Thru Date range.
- Click on the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.
- Select PSUNX in the Server Name field if able. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
- Verify that the CSUBB010 process is selected (i.e., check marked), then click on the OK button.
- The CSU Benefits Transaction Rpt page appears, along with the Process Instance number. Write down this number in case you need it later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link to monitor the status of the report generation.
- The Process List page appears.
- Locate your job on the Process List, then click on the Refresh button until the job’s Run Status is success.
- Click on the Details link.
- The Process Detail page appears. Click on the View Log/Trace link.

- The View Log/Trace page appears. Click on the link that ends in .CSV as this is the report.

Sample Report
8.0 CSUBAS30.SQR – CSU Benefits Termination Report
This report identifies employees with benefits in plan types 10, 11, 14, 20, 23, 31, 60, 61, 1Y and 1Z that have or will be terminated during a specified time period.
Inclusion in the report is determined by one of two dates: Coverage Begin Date or Coverage Elect Date. This report includes terminated records for each Plan Type if the coverage is Term and the previous coverage was Elect. Future dated Terminations are included in the report if the COVERAGE_ELECT_DT is within the date range on the run control.
Rehires are included on the termination report if there is a termination row in the previous 30 days and the employee has benefit enrollments in benefits eligible job codes. This report also includes FERP rehires for vision-only coverage. Benefit ineligible job codes are excluded (this report does not include jobs in the CSU Exclude or ACA Exclude lists). The report does identify if the employee has at least one active job as of the report run date.
- The following items appear on the report:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Empl ID
- Job Code
- Job Code Description
- DeptID
- Department Description
- Empl Class
- Active Job Y/N
- Rehire <30 days
- Current Ben Prog
- Event Date
- Event ID
- Event Class
- Medical Status
- Dental Status
- Vision Status
- MedFlex Status
- DenFlex Status
- Life Status
- Life ADD Status
- Disability Status
- HCRA Status
- DCRA Status
Recommend Use and Follow-up
Use this report to audit job terminations with regards to benefit plan participation.
This report is not included in the nightly CSUBAS job schedule in CHRS. Run this report ad-hoc daily to review and resolve Ben Admin processing errors.
Click on the NavBar Icon > Menu > Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Benefits Termination Rpt
Example of Run Control Page

- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The CSU Benefits Termination Rpt page appears.
- Enter your Business Unit.
- Select the Default – 30 Days checkbox if you want to run the report to check for Coverage Begin/End Effective Date or Coverage Elect Date equal to or less than 30 days from the report run date. You can select this checkbox or you can enter a From Date and Thru Date range, but you cannot use both.
- If you did not select the Default – 30 Days checkbox, enter a From Date and Thru Date range.
- Click on the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.
- Select PSUNX in the Server Name field if able. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
- Verify that the CSUBAS030 process is selected (i.e., check marked), then click on the OK button.
- The CSU Benefits Termination Rpt page appears, along with the Process Instance number. Write down this number in case you need it later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link to monitor the status of the report generation.
- The Process List page appears.
- Locate your job on the Process List, then click on the Refresh button until the job’s Run Status is success
- Click on the Details link.
- The Process Detail page appears. Click on the View Log/Trace link.

- The View Log/Trace page appears. Click on the link that ends in .CSV as this is the report.
Sample Report
9.0 CSUBAS30.SQR – CSU Job Change Prior to Ben Admin
This report details any changes in a Job Data row where the Job Data Effective Date pre-dates the Benefits Administration Start Date where specific fields are updated.
A compare occurs for the following fields on the previous and subsequent Job Data rows to determine if there was an impact to benefits enrollment or eligibility:
- Benefit Primary Job
- Benefits Status
- Employee Class
- Employee Type
- Full Time Equivalent
- Pay Group
- Union Code
- Duration (eligibility config 1)
- Job Code (eligibility config 2)
- ACA (eligibility config 3)
- AY Duration of Appt.
Recommended Use for Follow-Up
Use this report to determine if you need to modify the Base Benefit rows for the employee and then reprocess the employee’s BAS events.
This report is not included in the nightly CSUBAS job schedule in CHRS. Run this report ad-hoc daily to review and resolve Ben Admin processing errors.
- NavBar Icon > Menu > Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Job Changes Prior BenAdmin
Example of Run Control Page

- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.

- The CSU Job Changes Prior BenAdmin page appears.
- Enter your Business Unit.
- Select the Default – 30 Days checkbox if you want to run the report to check for transactions that occurred within the last 30 days from the current system date. You can select this checkbox or you can enter a From Date and Thru Date range, but you cannot use both.
- If you did not select the Default – 30 Days checkbox, enter a From Date and Thru Date range.
- Click on the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.
- Select PSUNX in the Server Name field if able. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
- Verify that the CSUBAS030 process is selected (i.e., check marked). Note that the description says CSU Benefits Termination Rpt, but the CSU Job Changes Prior BenAdmin will generate.
- Click on the OK button.
- The CSU Job Changes Prior BenAdmin page appears, along with the Process Instance number. Write down this number in case you need it later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link to monitor the status of the report generation.
- The Process List page appears.
- Locate your job on the Process List, then click on the Refresh button until the job’s Run Status is success.
- Click on the Details link.
- The Process Detail page appears. Click on the View Log/Trace link.

- The View Log/Trace page appears. Click on the link that ends in .CSV as this is the report.
Sample Report
10. Why Did a Benefit Terminate or Isn’t Correct Troubleshooting Checklist
- Use the following checklist to troubleshoot and to help determine why a benefit or benefits are incorrect or why a benefit or benefits terminated for an employee and/or dependent.
- When researching the issue, do not assume that the Base Benefit tables for the employee are correct, especially when the employee has flagged BAS events that haven’t been reviewed and resolved.
- Flagged BAS events are the result of retroactive changes keyed or processed into CHRS.
- late paperwork processing for new hires, rehires, transfers, terminations, life events, etc., future-dated benefit enrollments, current, future-dated and historic corrections keyed into Job Data, Benefits Officers picking and choosing what to process and not process (i.e., not processing all BAS events for all employees), and daily processing of new BAS events for employees who already have flagged BAS events that haven’t been reviewed and resolved.
- Base Benefit tables may be incorrect for employees with flagged BAS events, especially for Out of Sequence BAS events.
- If BAS events are processed or reprocessed in the incorrect order, the employee’s benefits enrollments will be incorrect in the Base Benefit tables (see # 8 in the following checklist).
Task | Questions to ask/answer |
Employee and dependent missing from interface file - determine why the employee or dependent is missing from the interface file for the applicable time period. |
If the employee or dependent is not on the interface file, one of these possibilities may exist:
Check the employee’s Payroll
Status in Job Data>Work Location page for the applicable time period. |
Check the employee’s Benefits
Employee Status in Job Data>Benefits Program Participation page for the applicable time period. |
Did the employee lose benefits eligibility for the applicable time period? |
Did the dependent lose benefit eligibility for the applicable time period? |
Did the employee recently transfer between CSU campuses? For example, the employee terminated from Fullerton and transferred to Stanislaus? |
Are there flagged BAS events for the applicable time period? |
Flagged BAS events are the result of retroactive changes keyed or processed in CHRS (late paperwork processing for new hired, rehires, transfers, terminations, etc.), corrections keyed into Job Data, Benefits Officers picking and choosing what to process for employees and not processing all BAS events that may impact benefit eligibility for employees, and daily processing of new BAS events for employees who already have flagged BAS events that haven’t been resolved.
Were BAS events processed or reprocess in the incorrect order for the applicable time period? |
Processing or reprocessing BAS events out of order will erroneously terminate an employee’s benefits. There is not a way to determine the order BAS events were originally manually processed or reprocessed in delivered PeopleSoft. You can use the applicable Ben Admin and the Base Benefit Audit table baseline queries in the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile or via Query Viewer to review and determine if BAS event processing order to a certain point, but it won’t provide the entire answer. If interested in using audit tables, refer to the CHRS Benefits Audit Table User Guide for more information. The best solution is to reprocess an employee’s BAS event using the correct processing/reprocessing rules as follows to correct an employee’s benefit enrollments.
Possible CSU Benefit configuration issue? | There are many delivered and CSU-custom eBenefits, Ben Admin and Base Benefit configuration pages. If you suspect that there is a CHRS Benefits configuration issue, create a Service Now ticket for CMS-Benefits to review. |
End of Article
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