CHRS Benefits Update Dependent Information User Guide
Last Revised: 03/21/23
Document Title: CHRS Benefits Update Dependent Information User Guide
Author: Sande Meith
File Reference: CHRS Benefits Update Dependent Information User Guide
Revision History
Revision Date | Revised By | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
08/18/21 | Sande Meith | Initial draft | All |
08/08/22 | Sande Meith | Updated for PTools 8.59 | All |
3/21/23 | Sande Meith | Added example regarding effective date logic for changing the relationship to employee value for a spouse/registered domestic partner to ex. | 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 |
Review / Approval History
Review Date | Reviewed By | Action (Reviewed, Recommended or Approved) |
Click here to enter Review Date | Click here to enter Reviewer | Click here to enter Reviewed, Recommended or Approved |
Table of Contents Page
3.0 Entering Dependents via Perform Election Entry 6
4.0 Entering Dependents via On Demand Event Maintenance 14
5.0 Update Dependent/Beneficiary Component and Changing to Ex-Spouse/Ex-Domestic Partner 21
6.0 Prevent a Dependent From Displaying in eBenefits Self Service 26
7.0 Appendix A: Name Page Fields Defined 27
8.0 Appendix B: Address Page Fields Defined 28
9.0 Appendix C: Personal Profile Page Fields Defined 29
10.0 Appendix D: Riders/Orders Page Fields Defined 31
Process Overview
The CHRS Benefits Update Dependent Information User Guide provides instructions on how add, change or delete a dependent.
There are four ways to enter dependents into CHRS:
- Use eBenefits Employee Self Service (ESS)
- Use the On Demand Event Maintenance component.
- Use the Perform Election Entry component
- Use the Update Dependent/Beneficiary component.
Employees that have a benefits primary job at a CHRS campus that uses full eBenefits ESS can enter their dependents and benefit elections into CHRS via eBenefits ESS. Employees that have a benefits primary job at a CHRS campus that uses view-only eBenefits ESS cannot enter their dependents and benefit elections into CHRS.
You can find an employee’s benefits primary campus on the CSU Benefits Summary page or the Maintain Flags page.
Example of the CSU Benefits Summary Page
Example of the Maintain Flags Page
Campus Benefits Officers use the On Demand Event Maintenance, Perform Election Entry and Update Dependent/Beneficiary components to enter an employee’s dependents and benefit elections.
The Perform Election Entry component is generally used by campus Benefits Office staff that do not have access to the On Demand Event Maintenance component (i.e., they have access to do data entry, but not to run the Ben Admin process on-demand).
The Perform Election Entry and On Demand Event Maintenance components use Benefits Administration System (BAS) events. The BAS event must have an Event Status of Open and a Process Status of Prepared, Notified or Re-enter and have eligible benefit plans to perform dependent and benefit plan data entry on these components.
The Update Dependent/Beneficiary component does not use BAS events. Adding or changing a dependent on the Update Dependent/Beneficiary component does not change the dependent’s enrollment status on the employee’s benefit plans. The dependent’s enrollment status on an employee’s benefit plan is evaluated when a BAS event for the employee is processed through the Benefits Administration (Ben Admin) system.
You must have dependents entered in CHRS prior to enrolling a dependent on an employee’s benefit plan(s). Dependent information can be added or updated at any time during the benefit cycle of the employee.
Beneficiaries-only are not entered in CHRS.
The Update Dependent/Beneficiary component in CHRS is effective-dated and consists of four pages:
- Name
- Address
- Personal Profile
- CSU Dependent
The Name, Address and Personal Profile pages are used to enter the dependent’s demographic information.
The Personal Profile page defines the personal information about the person. The Relationship to Employee and the Dependent/Beneficiary Type values on this page determine whether the dependent is eligible for benefits.
The CSU Dependent page is a CSU custom page for campus Benefits Officers to:
- *Edit the Affidavit of Parent Child Relationship for a Recognized Child dependent.
- *Print the Affidavit of Parent Child Relationship for a Recognized Child dependent.
- *Edit the Domestic Partner Dependent Certification form for a Domestic Partner dependent.
- *Print the Domestic Partner Dependent Certification form for a Domestic Partner dependent.
- Record that supporting documents were received for a Domestic Partner dependent.
- Enter the tax status for a Domestic Partner dependent who is not added via eBenefits ESS
- Change the tax status for a Domestic Partner dependent.
*Requires that the employee filled out and submitted the form electronically via an eBenefits Self Service transaction in order to edit and/or print the form.
Related Documentation
In addition to this business process guide, users can review the following CMS User Guides and job aids related to this process:
- CHRS Benefits Review BAS Activity User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Manage Events and Election Entry User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Employee Self Service User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Forms User Guide
Important: Be sure to reference the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event document and the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheat sheet before reprocessing any CHRS BAS event in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Entering Dependents via Perform Election Entry
You must have an open BAS event for the Schedule ID with a Process Status of Prepared, Notified or Re-enter in order to enter dependents via the Perform Election Entry page.
Please note that this process contains instructions on how to add a dependent to CHRS, enroll the dependent into benefits plans and also how to enter the CSU permitting event code.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Benefits > Participant Enrollment > Perform Election Entry.
- Enter the Ben Admin Schedule ID. If you do not know the Schedule ID, click on the

lookup icon.
- Enter the Empl ID.
- Click on the Search button.
- An open BAS event for the Schedule ID with a Process Status of Prepared, Notified or Re-enter appears in the Available Events section.
- Click the Dependents/Beneficiaries tab.
- The Dependent/Beneficiaries Currently on Record section shows dependents already entered for the employee in CHRS. Notice that the above example screen shot does not show any dependents entered in CHRS for the employee.
- Click on Change/Add Dependent Data link to add a new dependent. The Dependent/Beneficiary component appears.
- If a dependent already exists and you need to add a new dependent, click on the

- To change a dependent, scroll using the arrows until you find the dependent you wish to change and then click on the applicable tab to make the required updates.
- Enter the information on the Name, Address, and Personal Profile pages. For new dependents, note that the Effective Date defaults to the BAS event date for newly added dependents.
- Click on Edit Name to enter the dependent’s name. The Name page appears.

- First Name and Last Name are required fields. Enter the dependent’s name and then click on the OK button, and then click on the Address tab.
- On the Address page, enter the dependent’s address. If the dependent’s address is the same as the employee, select on the Same Address as Employee checkbox. The employee’s address displays. If the dependent’s phone is the same as the employee, select the Same as Employee checkbox.
- Click on the Personal Profile tab. The Personal Profile page appears.
- Enter the dependent’s Date of Birth, Relationship to Employee, Gender and Marital Status. The Dependent/Beneficiary Type automatically populates based on the selected Relationship to Employee.
- Note that the As of Date fields for Marital Status, Student and Disabled only appear on the initial dependent row. Be sure to enter the correct As of Date on the initial row. The Smoker and Smoker As of Date checkbox and field are not used in CHRS.
- If you are updating the Relationship to Employee field for a dependent, click on the

button in the Personal History section to insert a new current row. If changing the Relationship to Employee from a Spouse or Domestic Partner to an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner, make the change after you have removed the dependent from benefit plans, and make the change effective-dated at least one day after the coverage change effective date so the correct Relationship to Employee value prints on the Medical enrollment form. Note that means that, for the dependent, you will not have the correct Marital Status Effective Date for the marital status change, but you will have this information on the employee’s Marital Status in the Modify a Person page.
Example: An employee becomes divorced effective 3/21/23.
- The spouse has benefits coverage through 3/31/23.
- Effective 4/1/23, the former spouse is no longer eligible for benefits coverage. In Update Dependent/Beneficiary, in the Personal History section, insert an effective-dated row to change the spouse dependent to be an ex-spouse dependent effective 4/2/23. If you were to change the spouse to be an ex-spouse in Update Dependent/Beneficiary, in the Personal History section, effective 3/21/23, the former spouse would lose their benefits coverage through 3/31/23, which is not correct.
Important: Make sure that you have updated the employee’s Marital Status in the Modify a Person component if applicable before you generate enrollment forms, especially if the enrollment form contains employee’s Marital Status.
- Enter the dependent’s Social Security Number (SSN) in the National ID field if known, and then select the Primary ID checkbox.
- Click on the Rider/Orders link to enter court orders for required benefit plan coverage, such as Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSOs). While dependent Riders/Orders are in effective, employees via eBenefits Employee Self Service are not able to remove (drop) the dependent from the applicable benefit plan(s) coverage in PeopleSoft. Campus Benefits Staff receive a warning message when they attempt to drop covered dependents with QMSCO orders via the Perform Election Entry page.
- Enter a Riders/Orders row for each plan type where the orders apply. Notice in the example screen shot that the row is for Plan Type 10, Medical. If the order also applies to Dental and Vision, enter a Riders/Orders row for Plan Type 11, Dental, and Plan Type 14, Vision. Use the ‘+’ button to add additional rows for required plan types.
Important: Do not delete QMSCOs when ending or inactivating.
- Plan Type – Click on the Look up Icon and select the applicable plan type. This is a required field.
- Sequence Number – Start this number at 1 on the first row entered, then increase the number by ‘1’ for each subsequent row entered. This is a required field.
- Start Date – Enter the court order/rider start date. This is a required field.
- End Date – Enter the court order/rider end date. This is an optional field but do enter the data.
- State – Enter the state for the court that issued the order/rider.
- Status – Select the applicable court order status. If Inactive is selected, the system will not enforce any stipulations of the court order entered.
- Exception Type – Click the drop down list to select the applicable court order type.
- Court Order Number – Enter the court order/rider number.
- Comment – You have 254 characters to enter applicable comments. Make sure the comments are objective, not subjective.
- OK – Click the OK button to save the court order/rider information. Repeat these steps for each plan type that requires a court order/rider row for the dependent.
- If you are entering a registered Domestic Partner (i.e., the employee is not adding the registered Domestic Partner via eBenefits Self Service), you must fill out the Domestic Partner section on the CSU Dependent tab. The information entered into the Domestic Partner section prints on the Dental Enrollment form.

- Tax Dependent – Select if the registered domestic partner is a tax dependent of the employee.
- Tax Year – Enter the tax year using YYYY format if the registered domestic partner is a tax dependent of the employee.
- Certificate on File – Select that you have reviewed and approved the registered domestic partner’s supporting documents.
Certified By (Officer) – Enter your name.
- Click the OK button to save entered dependent data.
- You are returned to the Ben Admin Data Entry page.
- Return to the Option Election tab and enroll the dependents onto the applicable benefit plans by selecting the correct coverage code and benefit plan, and by clicking once for each dependent to add on the

button in the Dependents/Beneficiaries section for each applicable plan type, or by clicking on the Enroll All button and removing non-applicable dependents using the

minus sign.
- Do not delete dependents with active QMSCOs in effect. You will receive the following warning message if you attempt to delete dependents from benefit plans with active QMSCOs in effect. You can change the employee’s benefit plan within a plan type when they have an active QMSCOs in effect, but you should not dis-enroll the QMSCO dependent when the QMSCOs is active.
- Click on the CSU Perm Event tab to enter the permitting event code.
- If enabled, click on the View All link to see all plan types that require permitting event codes.
- Code – click on the Look Up Icon and select the applicable permitting event code for the displayed Plan Type.
- Life Event Date – The Life Event Date automatically defaults to the original BAS Event Date. The Life Event Date needs to be the date of the actual qualifying benefit event (i.e., new hire date, marriage date, divorce date, dependent birth date, adoption date, etc.). Update this date as needed.
HBO Rec’d Date – This is the date that the employee submitted his/her benefit elections. Enter the date that the employee submitted his/her benefit elections.
- Ensure all permitting events codes are entered for each plan type listed.
- Click OK. If the dates entered on the CSU Perm Event page for any plan type are more than 30 days in the past or future from today’s date, the following warning message appears for each plan type. Ensure that the dates entered are correct and click the OK button.
- The Perform Election Entry page appears.
- Click on the Save button. The BAS event will run through the nightly CSUBAS processing.
Entering Dependents via On Demand Event Maintenance
You must have an open BAS event with a Process Status of Prepared, Notified or Re-enter in order to enter dependents via the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Important: Please note that this process contains instructions on how to add a dependent to CHRS, enroll the dependent into benefits plans and also how to enter the CSU permitting event code.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Benefits > Events > On Demand Event Maintenance.
- Enter the Empl ID.
- Click on the Search button.
- An open BAS event for the Schedule ID with a Process Status of Prepared, Notified or Re-enter appears.
- Click on the Election Entry button.
- Click the Dependents/Beneficiaries tab.
- The Dependent/Beneficiaries Currently on Record section shows dependents already entered for the employee in CHRS. Notice that the above example screen shot does not show any dependents entered in CHRS for the employee.
- Click on Change/Add Dependent Data to add a new dependent. The Dependent/Beneficiary page appears.
- If a dependent already exists and you need to add a new dependent, click on the

- To change a dependent, scroll using the arrows until you find the dependent you wish to change and then click on the applicable tab to make the required updates.
- Enter the information on the Name, Address, and Personal Profile pages. For new dependents, note that the effective date defaults to the BAS event date for newly added dependents.
- Click on Edit Name to enter the dependent’s name. The Name page appears.

- First Name and Last Name are required fields. Enter the dependent’s name and then click on the OK button, and then click on the Address tab.
- On the Address page, enter the dependent’s address. If the dependent’s address is the same as the employee, select on the Same Address as Employee checkbox. The employee’s address displays. If the dependent’s phone is the same as the employee, select the Same as Employee checkbox.
- Click on the Personal Profile tab. The Personal Profile page appears.
- Enter the dependent’s Date of Birth, Relationship to Employee, Gender and Marital Status. The Dependent/Beneficiary Type automatically populates based on the selected Relationship to Employee.
- Note that the As of Date fields for Marital Status, Student and Disabled only appear on the initial dependent row. Be sure to enter the correct As of Date on the initial row. The Smoker and Smoker As of Date checkbox and field are not used in CHRS.
- Important: If you are updating the Relationship to Employee field for a dependent, click on the

button in the Personal History section to insert a new current row. If changing the Relationship to Employee from a Spouse or Domestic Partner to an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner, make the change after you have removed the dependent from benefit plans, and make the change effective-dated at least one day after the coverage change effective date so the correct Relationship to Employee value prints on the Medical enrollment form. Note that means that, for the dependent, you will not have the correct Marital Status Effective Date for the marital status change, but you will have this information on the employee’s Marital Status in the Modify a Person page.
Example: An employee becomes divorced effective 3/21/23.
- The spouse has benefits coverage through 3/31/23.
- Effective 4/1/23, the former spouse is no longer eligible for benefits coverage. In Update Dependent/Beneficiary, in the Personal History section, insert an effective-dated row to change the spouse dependent to be an ex-spouse dependent effective 4/2/23. If you were to change the spouse to be an ex-spouse in Update Dependent/Beneficiary, in the Personal History section, effective 3/21/23, the former spouse would lose their benefits coverage through 3/31/23, which is not correct.
Important: Make sure that you have updated the employee’s Marital Status in the Modify a Person component if applicable before you generate enrollment forms, especially if the enrollment form contains employee’s Marital Status.
- Enter the dependent’s Social Security Number (SSN) in the National ID field if known, and then select the Primary ID checkbox.
- Click on the Rider/Orders link to enter court orders for required benefit plan coverage, such as Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSOs). While dependent Riders/Orders are in effective, employees via eBenefits Employee Self Service are not able to remove (drop) the dependent from the applicable benefit plan(s) coverage in PeopleSoft. Campus Benefits Staff receive a warning message when they attempt to drop covered dependents with QMSCO orders via the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
- Enter a Riders/Orders row for each plan type where the orders apply. Notice in the example screen shot that the row is for Plan Type 10, Medical. If the order also applies to Dental and Vision, enter a Riders/Orders row for Plan Type 11, Dental, and Plan Type 14, Vision. Use the ‘+’ button to add additional rows for required plan types.
Important: Do not delete QMSCOs when ending or inactivating.
- Plan Type – Click on the Look up Icon and select the applicable plan type. This is a required field.
- Sequence Number – Start this number at 1 on the first row entered, then increase the number by ‘1’ for each subsequent row entered. This is a required field.
- Start Date – Enter the court order/rider start date. This is a required field.
- End Date – Enter the court order/rider end date. This is an optional field but do enter the data.
- State – Enter the state for the court that issued the order/rider.
- Status – Select the applicable court order status. If Inactive is selected, the system will not enforce any stipulations of the court order entered.
- Exception Type – Click the drop down list to select the applicable court order type.
- Court Order Number – Enter the court order/rider number.
- Comment – You have 254 characters to enter applicable comments. Make sure the comments are objective, not subjective.
- OK – Click the OK button to save the court order/rider information. Repeat these steps for each plan type that requires a court order/rider row for the dependent.
- If you are entering a registered Domestic Partner through the On Demand Event Maintenance page (i.e., the employee is not adding the registered Domestic Partner via eBenefits Self Service), you must fill out the Domestic Partner section on the CSU Dependent tab. The information entered into the Domestic Partner section prints on the Dental Enrollment form.

- Tax Dependent – Select if the registered domestic partner is a tax dependent of the employee.
- Tax Year – Enter the tax year using YYYY format if the registered domestic partner is a tax dependent of the employee.
- Certificate on File – Select that you have reviewed and approved the registered domestic partner’s supporting documents.
Certified By (Officer) – Enter your name.
- Click the OK button to save entered dependent data.
- You are returned to the Ben Admin Data Entry page.
- Return to the Option Election tab and enroll the dependents onto the applicable benefit plans by selecting the correct coverage code and benefit plan, and by clicking once for each dependent to add on the

button in the Dependents/Beneficiaries section for each applicable plan type, or by clicking on the Enroll All button and removing non-applicable dependents using the

- Do not delete dependents with active QMSCOs in effect. You will receive the following warning message if you attempt to delete dependents from benefit plans with active QMSCOs in effect. You can change the employee’s benefit plan within a plan type when they have an active QMSCOs in effect, but you should not dis-enroll the QMSCO dependent when the QMSCOs is active.
- Click on the CSU Perm Event tab to enter the permitting event code.
- If enabled, click on the View All link to see all plan types that require permitting event codes.
- Code – click on the Look Up Icon and select the applicable permitting event code for the displayed Plan Type.
- Life Event Date – The Life Event Date automatically defaults to the original BAS Event Date. The Life Event Date needs to be the date of the actual qualifying benefit event (i.e., new hire date, marriage date, divorce date, dependent birth date, adoption date, etc.). Update this date as needed.
HBO Rec’d Date – This is the date that the employee submitted his/her benefit elections. Enter the date that the employee submitted his/her benefit elections.
- Ensure all permitting events codes are entered for each plan type listed.
- Click OK. If the dates entered on the CSU Perm Event page for any plan type are more than 30 days in the past or future from today’s date, the following warning message appears for each plan type. Ensure that the dates entered are correct and click the OK button.
- The On Demand Event Maintenance page appears.
- Click on the Save button or continue with the processing and finalize the event.
Update Dependent/Beneficiary Component and Changing to Ex-Spouse/Ex-Domestic Partner
Use the Update Dependent/Beneficiary component to add and/or change dependent data in lieu of using a BAS event to change dependent data via the Perform Election Entry and the On Demand Event Maintenance components. Changing dependent data on this component does not automatically impact benefit eligibility for the dependent. Create or use an existing BAS event to run the employee through Ben Admin to determine if dependent changes impact benefits eligibility and enrollments.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then click on Menu > Benefits > Employee/Dependent Information > Update Dependent/Beneficiary.

- The Update Dependent/Beneficiary component appears, positioned on the Name page.
- If a dependent already exists and you need to add a new dependent, click on the

- The Dependent/Beneficiary ID value automatically increments. You do not need to update this value.
- To change a dependent, scroll using the arrows until you find the dependent you wish to change and then click on the applicable tab to make the required updates.
- Enter the information on the Name, Address, and Personal Profile pages. For new dependents, note that the effective date defaults to the BAS event date for newly added dependents.
- Change the Effective Date if needed. The effective date is the date that the dependent record is active. This date defaults to the current system date when you add a dependent row. Update this date to the correct effective date.
- The dependent record effective date cannot be later than the BAS event date that you will use to add the dependent to a benefit plan.
- Verify that the Format Type is English.
- Click on Edit Name to enter the dependent’s name. The Name page appears.

- First Name and Last Name are required fields. Enter the dependent’s name and then click on the OK button, and then click on the Address tab.
- On the Address page, enter the dependent’s address. If the dependent’s address is the same as the employee, select on the Same Address as Employee checkbox. The employee’s address displays. If the dependent’s phone is the same as the employee, select the Same as Employee checkbox.
- Click on the Personal Profile tab. The Personal Profile page appears.
- Enter the dependent’s Date of Birth, Relationship to Employee, Gender and Marital Status. The Dependent/Beneficiary Type automatically populates based on the selected Relationship to Employee.
- Note that the As of Date fields for Marital Status, Student and Disabled only appear on the initial dependent row. Be sure to enter the correct As of Date on the initial row. The Smoker and Smoker As of Date checkbox and field are not used in CHRS.
- If you are updating the Relationship to Employee field for a dependent, click on the

button in the Personal History section to insert a new current row. If changing the Relationship to Employee from a Spouse or Domestic Partner to an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner, make the change after you have removed the dependent from benefit plans, and make the change effective-dated at least one day after the coverage change effective date so the correct Relationship to Employee value prints on the Medical enrollment form. Note that means that, for the dependent, you will not have the correct Marital Status Effective Date for the marital status change, but you will have this information on the employee’s Marital Status in the Modify a Person page.
- Example: An employee becomes divorced effective 3/21/23.
- The spouse has benefits coverage through 3/31/23.
- Effective 4/1/23, the former spouse is no longer eligible for benefits coverage. In Update Dependent/Beneficiary, in the Personal History section, insert an effective-dated row to change the spouse dependent to be an ex-spouse dependent effective 4/2/23. If you were to change the spouse to be an ex-spouse in Update Dependent/Beneficiary, in the Personal History section, effective 3/21/23, the former spouse would lose their benefits coverage through 3/31/23, which is not correct.
- Important: Make sure that you have updated the employee’s Marital Status in the Modify a Person component if applicable before you generate enrollment forms, especially if the enrollment form contains employee’s Marital Status.
- Enter the dependent’s Social Security Number (SSN) in the National ID field if known, and then select the Primary ID checkbox.
- Click on the Rider/Orders link to enter court orders for required benefit plan coverage, such as Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSOs). While dependent Riders/Orders are in effective, employees via eBenefits Employee Self Service are not able to remove (drop) the dependent from the applicable benefit plan(s) coverage in PeopleSoft. Campus Benefits Staff receive a warning message when they attempt to drop covered dependents with QMSCO orders via the Perform Election Entry and On Demand Event Maintenance pages.
- Enter a Riders/Orders row for each plan type where the orders apply. Notice in the example screen shot that the row is for Plan Type 10, Medical. If the order also applies to Dental and Vision, enter a Riders/Orders row for Plan Type 11, Dental, and Plan Type 14, Vision. Use the ‘+’ button to add additional rows for required plan types.
Important: Do not delete QMSCOs when ending or inactivating.
- Plan Type – Click on the Look up Icon and select the applicable plan type. This is a required field.
- Sequence Number – Start this number at 1 on the first row entered, then increase the number by ‘1’ for each subsequent row entered. This is a required field.
- Start Date – Enter the court order/rider start date. This is a required field.
- End Date – Enter the court order/rider end date. This is an optional field but do enter the data.
- State – Enter the state for the court that issued the order/rider.
- Status – Select the applicable court order status. If Inactive is selected, the system does not enforce any stipulations of the court order entered.
- Exception Type – Click the drop down list to select the applicable court order type.
- Court Order Number – Enter the court order/rider number.
- Comment – You have 254 characters to enter applicable comments. Make sure the comments are objective, not subjective.
- OK – Click the OK button to save the court order/rider information. Repeat these steps for each plan type that requires a court order/rider row for the dependent.
- If you are entering a registered Domestic Partner (i.e., the employee is not adding the registered Domestic Partner via eBenefits Self Service), you must fill out the Domestic Partner section on the CSU Dependent tab. The information entered into the Domestic Partner section prints on the Dental Enrollment form.

- Tax Dependent – Select if the registered domestic partner is a tax dependent of the employee.
- Tax Year – Enter the tax year using YYYY format if the registered domestic partner is a tax dependent of the employee.
- Certificate on File – Select that you have reviewed and approved the registered domestic partner’s supporting documents.
Certified By (Officer) – Enter your name.
- Click the Save button to save entered dependent data.
Prevent a Dependent From Displaying in eBenefits Self Service
Delivered PeopleSoft eBenefits Employee Self Service (ESS) displays all the employee’s dependents that have ever been entered into the system, regardless of if they are currently or have ever been enrolled on a benefit plan. In certain circumstances, this can cause the employee distress such as when the dependent is deceased, or the dependent is an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner. PeopleSoft does not provide a delivered means to hide certain dependents from appearing in eBenefits ESS pages. This document provides a workaround until Change Control 1101 is completed.
Important: To do this work-around, the Dependent cannot be currently enrolled in any benefit plan.
Use the following process as an interim solution to override a Dependent Beneficiary Type when a Date of Death is entered until a system solution is in place (CC1101). This process may also be used when having a particular Dependent/Beneficiary visible is causing emotional distress. The reverse process may also be performed when an ex-spouse becomes a spouse again or ex-domestic partner becomes a domestic partner again.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then click on Menu > Benefits > Employee Dependent Information > Update Dependent/Beneficiary.
- Enter the Search Criteria for Employee.
- Select the Employee.
- Using the top-level key toggle to select the Dependent/Beneficiary you wish to update.
- Click on the Personal Profile tab and then locate the Personal History section in the middle of the page.
- Use the + to add a row to the Personal History section.
- Enter the Effective Date to hide a Dependent from Self Service pages - Set the effective date to one day after the dependent was last removed from benefit plans (failure to do so will cause an error regarding ineligible dependents). To make a Dependent visible on Self Service pages, set the effective date to the day before your intended Life Event or benefit change.
- Enter Date of Death if applicable.
- To hide the dependent, change the Beneficiary Type to None. This will remove the Dependent/Beneficiary from visibility in ESS and will prevent the Dependent/Beneficiary from being selected during enrollment. To make the dependent visible, change the Beneficiary Type to Both. This will enable visibility for the Dependent/Beneficiary in ESS and allow for Qualifying Dependent Types to be selected for enrollment.
- Click Save.

What Not to Do
- Do not change Dependent/Beneficiary Type to None prior to ensuring the individual is not enrolled in any plans.
Appendix A: Name Page Fields Defined
For a detailed explanation of the field terms, see the Field Type Legend in Appendix F.
Field |
Function |
Definition |
Name | System Display | This field contains values entered in the First Name, Middle, and Last Name fields and places them in PeopleSoft's standard name format. PeopleSoft's standard name format is [lastname],[firstname] [middle name/initial]. |
Person ID | System Display | This field contains the unique employee identification number assigned by the system when an employee is hired. This definition is maintained by the California State University System, Office of the Chancellor. |
Dependent/ Beneficiary ID |
System Populated | The system assigns the dependent ID. You can change it, although you can’t have duplicate IDs for dependents of the same employee. |
Effective Date | Required | The system enters the current system date in this field, and this date is carried through to all pages of the component. You can change this date, if necessary, however in the first row of data for this dependent, the effective date must be the same on all of the pages in this component. |
Format Type | Required | This field contains the name of the Country that determines the format of the dependent name. When working with names, the Country you select for the Format Using field may change the fields shown. You will then enter the dependent’s name using PeopleSoft's standard name format. |
Name | System Populated | This field displays the dependent’s name as <Last>, <First>, Middle. When USA is selected, PeopleSoft will format the information you enter and populate the Name field. |
Prefix | Campus Optional | This field contains the prefix for the dependent name. Examples of a prefix include Mr., Mrs., and Dr. Select the appropriate value from the drop-down list box. |
First Name | Required | This field contains the first name of the dependent. The name should be entered in mixed case and allows up to 30 characters. Enter only alpha characters; commas and periods can negatively affect name formats for reports. |
Middle Name | Campus Optional | This field contains the middle name or initial of the dependent. This should be entered in mixed case and allows up to 30 characters. Enter only alpha characters; commas and periods can negatively affect name formats for reports. |
Last Name | Required | This field contains the last name of the dependent. This field should be entered in mixed case and allows up to 30 characters. Enter only alpha characters; commas and periods can negatively affect name formats for reports. |
Suffix | Campus Optional | This field contains the suffix to the dependent’s last name. |
Display Name | System Populated | The first name and last name are displayed in the Display Name field. |
Formal Name | System Populated | PeopleSoft formats the first name, last name, and prefix and displays them in the Formal Name field. |
Name | System Populated | The first, last and middle name are displayed in the Name field. |
Appendix B: Address Page Fields Defined
For a detailed explanation of the field terms, see the Field Type Legend in Appendix F.
Field |
Function |
Definition |
Dependent/ Beneficiary ID |
System Display | This field contains the dependent’s ID number. This ID distinguishes the dependents/beneficiaries entered and applies all information associated with that dependent when they are enrolled in benefit plans. |
Name | System Display | This field contains values entered in the First Name, Middle, and Last Name fields and places them in PeopleSoft's standard name format. PeopleSoft's standard name format is [lastname],[firstname] [middle name/initial]. |
Effective Date | Required | This is the date the address information is effective. |
Same Address as Employee | Conditional | Select if the dependent has the same address information as the employee, and then select the employee's address type that matches the dependent’s address. If selected, you don’t need to complete any of the address fields. |
Address Type | Conditional | This field can be selected if the dependent if the “Same Address as Employee” box is checked. |
Country | Required | This field contains the country of the dependent’s home address. The country selected determines the format and name of the remaining address fields on this page. |
Address 1 | Required | This field contains the home address of the dependent. The address is stored in mixed case and allows up to 30 characters. |
Address 2, 3 | Campus Optional | These fields contain additional home address information. These are stored in mixed case and allow up to 30 characters. These addresses are for informational purposes only. These fields are not used in any of the delivered reports. |
City | Required | This field contains the city of the dependent home address. The city is stored in mixed case and allows up to 30 characters. |
County | Campus Optional | This field contains the county in which the dependent’s home address is located. The county is stored in mixed case and allows up to 30 characters. This field is for informational purposes only. |
Postal | Required | This field contains the zip code in which the dependent home address is located. The postal code is formatted based upon the Country entered. For example, if the Country is listed as Canada, then an alphanumeric combination of 6 characters is accepted as the postal code. |
State | Required | This field contains the state in regard to the dependent’s home address. The name of this field is updated dynamically based on the country selected. For example, if CAN is selected as the country code, then the field is called Province. |
County | Conditional | This is the country for the address used. |
Same Phone as Employee | Conditional | Select if the dependent has the same phone information as the employee and then select the employee phone type that is the same as this dependent. If selected, you don’t need to complete any of the phone fields. A dependent can have the same address as the employee but a different phone number |
Phone | Campus Optional | This field contains the primary telephone number for the dependent. The system automatically formats the phone number based on the standard phone number format for the Country indicated for the address information. Do not use spaces when entering a phone number. |
Phone Type | Conditional | This field can be selected if the dependent if the “Same Phone as Employee” box is checked. |
Appendix C: Personal Profile Page Fields Defined
For a detailed explanation of the field terms, see the Field Type Legend in Appendix F.
Field |
Function |
Definition |
Dependent/ Beneficiary Name |
System Display | This field contains values entered in the First Name, Middle, and Last Name fields and places them in PeopleSoft's standard name format. PeopleSoft's standard name format is [lastname],[firstname] [middle name/initial]. |
Person ID | System Display | This field contains the dependent's ID number. This ID distinguishes the dependents/beneficiaries entered and applies all information associated with that dependent when they are enrolled in benefit plans. |
Dependent/ Beneficiary ID |
System Display | This field contains the dependent's ID number. This ID distinguishes the dependents/beneficiaries entered and applies all information associated with that dependent when they are enrolled in benefit plans. |
Name | System Display | This field contains values entered in the First Name, Middle, and Last Name fields and places them in PeopleSoft's standard name format. PeopleSoft's standard name format is [lastname],[firstname] [middle name/initial]. |
Relationship to Employee | System Display | This field contains the relation of the dependent to the employee. The Relationship field determines which benefits the dependent is eligible for, particularly for health benefits in which coverage codes are selected for the plan. |
Date of Birth | Required | This field contains the dependent’s date of birth. This value is used by PeopleSoft to calculate the person's age. The age of a dependent may then be used to determine benefit eligibility and premiums. |
Date of Death | Not Used | CSU currently does not use this field. |
Medicare Entitled Date | Campus Optional | This field contains the date when the dependent is entitled to Medicare. |
Birth Country | Campus Optional | This field contains the dependent’s country of birth. Depending on the country selected, other fields may display for data entry. |
Birth State | Campus Optional | This field contains the state in which the dependent was born. The name of this field is updated dynamically based on the country selected. For example, if CAN is selected as the Birth Country, then the field is called Province. |
Birth Location | Campus Optional | This field contains the location in which the dependent was born. |
Effective Date | Required | This is the date the Personal Profile information is effective. |
Relationship to Employee | Required | This field contains the relation of the dependent to the employee. The Relationship field determines which benefits the dependent is eligible for, particularly for health benefits in which coverage codes are selected for the plan. |
Dependent Beneficiary Type | Required | This field contains the type of dependent. The DepBenef Type determines which benefits the dependent is eligible to be enrolled or assigned. |
Gender | Required | This field contains the gender of the dependent. |
Marital Status | Required | This field contains the marital status of the dependent. The default value for this field is Single. |
Marital Status Date | Required | This field contains the date of the dependent’s displayed marital status. The date a dependent’s marital status changes can have an impact on benefits eligibility and enrollment. For example, the system will flag benefits eligibility if the dependent daughter of an employee becomes married while covered on the employee’s benefits. |
Student | Campus Optional | This checkbox, when selected, indicates the dependent is a student. This checkbox is interrelated with determining the dependent’s eligibility for benefits enrollment. For example, some benefit plans allow employees to carry dependents beyond a specified age if that dependent is a student at a college or university. |
Disabled | Campus Optional | This checkbox, when selected, indicates the dependent is disabled. |
Smoker | Not Used | CSU currently does not use this field. |
Student As of: | Campus Optional | When adding a new dependent, enter the As of date for the individual's student status. When an individual undergoes a subsequent change in status, the effective date for the change is recorded and the system no longer uses the As of date. This field is critical for determining eligibility for benefits enrollment. |
Disabled As of: | Campus Optional | When adding a new dependent, enter the as of date for the individual's disability status. When an individual undergoes a subsequent change in status, the effective date for the change is recorded and the system no longer uses the As of date. This field is critical for determining eligibility for benefits enrollment. |
Smoker As of: | Campus Optional | CSU currently does not use this field. |
Occupation | Campus Optional | This field contains the occupation of the dependent. |
National ID Type | System Populated | This field contains the type of National ID in use. The default value for this field is PR-Payroll ID, associated with ‘USA’ as the Country entered. |
Description | System Display | This field contains a description of the type of National ID that was entered. This field will default based on the Country entered. The default value for this field is Social Security Number. |
National ID | Required | This field contains the national ID of the dependent. The format of this field is based on the value selected in the Country field. For example, if USA was entered as the Country, the nine-digit social security number would be entered in the National ID field. |
Country | Conditional | This is the country that issued the dependent’s national ID. |
National ID Type | System Populated | The system populates this field automatically with the default value that was established for this country on the National ID Type Table page. You can select another valid type. |
Description | System Display | This is the description for the National ID Type. |
National ID | Enter the dependent’s national ID number. The system automatically checks the format of your entry against the default format that you entered on the National ID Type Table page | |
Primary ID | Required | Select if the national ID is the dependent’s primary ID. If this is the only data row for this person, the system selects the check box by default. You can override this default. The dependent can list more than one National ID; however, only one can be selected as the Primary ID. |
Appendix D: Riders/Orders Page Fields Defined
For a detailed explanation of the field terms, see the Field Type Legend in Appendix F.
Field |
Function |
Definition |
Plan Type | Campus Optional | This field contains the benefit plan type for which the riders/orders mandate coverage for the specified dependent. |
Start Date | Campus Optional | This field contains the date when the court-ordered benefit will become or became effective. |
Sequence | Campus Optional | This field contains a number which prioritizes court orders/riders if more than one order/rider takes effect on the same day. The number indicates which court orders take precedence over others. Enter a value of 1 if there is only one court order taking effect on that particular day. |
Status | Campus Optional | These radio buttons allow you to select whether the court order is Active or Inactive. This is most often used to void a court order before the end date takes effect. If Inactive is selected, the system will not enforce any stipulations of the court order entered. |
Exception Type | Campus Optional | This field indicates whether this is a Court Order, Spousal Waiver, or Neither. Select court order if an order exists that grants the dependent the right to receive benefit coverage. |
State | Campus Optional | This field contains the state in which the court order applies. |
End Date | Campus Optional | This field contains the date when the court ordered benefit will end. When the End Date occurs, the system will not enforce any stipulations of the court-ordered benefit. For example, PeopleSoft will not cease benefits on an End Date for a dependent who has a medical coverage mandated by a court order. |
Court Order Number | Campus Optional | This field contains the official Court Order Number as issued by the state. |
Comment | Campus Optional | This field contains any comments: as specified by the issuing court, that indicate any circumstances behind the court order, and/or that clarify the court order's intended function. |
Appendix E: Phone Numbers Page Fields Defined
For a detailed explanation of the field terms, see the Field Type Legend in Appendix F.
Field |
Function |
Definition |
Phone Type |
Campus Optional | This field contains the type of phone number you are recording. Each phone number you record must have a unique phone type. For example, you can record one phone number for the phone type of Home and another phone number for the phone type for FAX |
Phone | Campus Optional | This field contains the alternate phone number provided for the dependent. The format of the phone number depends on the country selected on the Address page. To ensure the system uses PeopleSoft's standard format for phone numbers, enter all numbers without formatting or spaces. When you tab out of the field, the system will automatically format the value entered according to the country on the Address page. |
Appendix F: Field Type Legend
Field |
Description |
System Display | Fields that contain values that are key fields, which default from other pages, and other display-only values. Fields marked as System Display cannot be changed. |
System Populated | Fields containing values that default based on your user settings or when other values are selected. System Populated indicates that the field defaults, but that it can be changed. By definition, all fields that are populated by the system are required; the list of fields next to each screen shot reflects this. |
Required | Fields that are either required by PeopleSoft to save the data or required by CSU according to business process. These fields are not populated and require entry by the user. |
Conditional | Fields that may require entry depending on specific information. Use of these fields is situational rather than campus specific. |
Campus Optional | Fields that can be used at the discretion of a campus and are not required. |
Not Used for this Procedure | Fields that are not used due to the procedure itself. For example, the Termination Date is not used in a hire procedure and contract numbers are not used except in the case of Temporary Faculty. For these fields, a brief definition is provided. |
Not Used | Fields that are not used at all by CSU. For these fields, no definition is provided. |
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