This job aid shows you how to find and use the CSU Benefits Summary Page.
The CSU Benefits Summary page is the starting point for reviewing the Event Maintenance issues that were reported on the Ben Admin processing reports. The page includes the employee current, historical, and future benefit enrollments, with the current enrollments highlighted in blue for ease of reference.
What's New
- New field: Benefit Primary Campus
- New field: CSU CalPERS ID
- No CSU Employee Summary page
Access CSU Benefits Summary Page
Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile

Step 2: Navigate to CSU Benefits Summary
- Review Employee Benefits > CSU Benefits Summary
- Enter any search criteria and click on search button
- Name: Format is Last name, First Name (no space) i.e. JonesJane
- Use a percent symbol (%) if you want to search for first name in the name field i.e. %Lucy
- If the search returns only one result the summary page will open; if multiple returns then scroll to select employee.

Step 3: Review the information
- Benefit Primary Campus (New): indicates the campus of the benefits primary job. An employee can enroll in benefits through one campus. Eligibility is determined by the benefits primary job.
- CSU CalPERS ID (New)
- Event Status Update Page: Opens Event Status Update page.
- View All: Toggles the page to show all historical coverage as well as current or future coverage. There is another View All link in the table that expands the table if there are too many rows
- Download to Excel
- Current elections are shown in bold blue text
End of Article
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