CHRS Benefits SCO Interface User Guide
Last Revised: 08/8/22
Document Title: CHRS Benefits SCO Interface User Guide
Author: Sande Meith
File Reference: CHRS Benefits SCO Interface User Guide
Revision History
Revision Date | Revised By | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
08/23/21 | Sande Meith | Initial draft | All |
08/08/22 | Sande Meith | Updated for PTools 8.59 | All |
Review / Approval History
Review Date | Reviewed By | Action (Reviewed, Recommended or Approved) |
Click here to enter Review Date | Click here to enter Reviewer | Click here to enter Reviewed, Recommended or Approved |
Table of Contents Page
3.0 Process Prerequisites/Assumptions 5
5.0 Run the CSU SCO Interface in Preliminary Mode 6
6.0 Run the CSU SCO Interface in Final Mode 9
7.0 Future Use: Re-run the CSU SCO Interface in Final Mode 13
8.0 Resubmit Submitted Interface Transactions 17
9.0 FERP Processing – Initial Deduction 18
10.0 FERP Subsequent Deduction Search – CSU FERP Vision Deduction 18
Process Overview
This user guide provides a high-level overview of how to electronically generate the interface file for Vision, Life AD&D and LTD enrollments and/or terminations. Once the interface file is generated, it should be FTP’d to the State Controller’s Office (SCO). This is a monthly process and normally all files should be transmitted by the 16th of each month.
There are two types of files that are generated:
- Changes only – deductions with effective dates that fall within the current period
- Retro – deductions that are for a prior period.
The CHRS CSU SCO Interface extracts data for the following benefit plan types:
- Plan Type 14 – Vision
- Plan Tyes 20 and 23 – Life and AD/D
- Plan Type 31 – Long Term Disability (LTD)
The CHRS CSU SCO Interface has two run modes:
Preliminary – Produces six reports which can be used for auditing purposes
- Vision, Ongoing & Retro
- Life and AD/D Ongoing & Retro
- Long Term Disability Ongoing & Retro
Final – Produces six reports plus, six extract files, writes deductions transmitted to CSU SCO History table.
- Vision, Ongoing & Retro and extract files for both if applicable
- Life and AD/D Ongoing & Retro and extract files for both if applicable
- Long Term Disability Ongoing & Retro and extract files for both if applicable
Additionally, there is a separate process for CSU FERP Vision Deductions. CSU FERP Vision Deductions appear on the Vision Retro file. They are:
- Initial one-time annual deductions
- Subsequent one-time annual deductions
This process produces three deduction types that appear on the files:
- Deduction Type 1 – Add: Used when a new benefit deduction should be added.
- Deduction Type 2 – Delete: Used when the deduction should be deleted, such as terminations of employment or the employee is no longer benefit eligible.
- Deduction Type 4 – One-Time: Used to submit a FERP annual deduction.
Related Documentation
In addition to this business process guide, users can review the following CMS User Guides and job aids related to this process:
- CHRS Benefits Review BAS Activity User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Manage Events and Election Entry User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Forms User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Employee Self Service User Guide
- Daily Review CSUBAS Logs and Reports
- Daily Review BA Baseline Queries
Important: Be sure to reference the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event document and the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheatsheet before reprocessing any CHRS BAS event in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Process Prerequisites/Assumptions
Prerequisite/Assumption |
Detail |
Non-FERP |
Employees have been hired | Employees must be eligible for Vision, Life and AD& D and/or LTD benefits |
Employees are enrolled or coverage has been cancelled in Base Benefit tables | Applicable plan types based on eligibility - Vision, Life and AD& D and/or LTD benefits |
FERP | |
Employees have been hired |
Employees are enrolled in Base Benefit tables | Applicable plan types based on eligibility - FERP Vision only |
CSU SCO Inquiry Page
Use the CSU SCO Inquiry page see the SCO interface inclusion and interface status for an employee by plan type.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then go to Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Interface with Providers > CSU SCO Interface Inquiry

- Enter an Empl ID and then click on the Search button. Click on the Search by drop down arrow to change your search criteria.
- The CSU SCO Interface Inquiry page appears.
- Scroll through the plan types and look for the SCO Interface section on each page for the applicable plan types (14, 20, 23 and 31). SCO Interface inclusion and interface status information appears in this section.
Run the CSU SCO Interface in Preliminary Mode
Run the CSU SCO Interface in preliminary mode first to review the changes selected for interface inclusion without creating a final interface file.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then go to Menu > Benefits > Interface with Providers > CSU SCO Interface Process

- Enter an existing Run Control ID and then click on the Search button.
- If you do not have a Run Control ID, click on Add a New Value and create one, and then and then click on the Search button. A Run Control ID can have up to 30 characters but cannot have any spaces.

- The CSU SCO Interface page appears.
- Select the Process Plans to include in the interface file; choices are Life AD/D, LTD and Vision.
- Make sure there’s no checkmark in the Final Load checkbox.
- If you want to exclude employees for certain plan types (20 (Life), 23 (Life), 14 (Vision) and 31 (Long Term Disability)) from the interface file, enter the Empl ID and select the Plan Type to exclude. Insert a row for the employee for each plan type to exclude from the interface file. Select the Bypass Retro Only checkbox if you only want to exclude retro transactions for the employee and plan type on the interface file.
- Click

- Click on the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears
- If able, select the Server Name of PSUNX. Otherwise keep Server Name blank.
- Verify that CSUBAS05 process is selected in the Process List.
- Click on OK.
- The CSU SCO Interface Run Control page appears, along with a Process Instance number. The Process Instance number is the job number assigned by the system. Make note of this number in case needed later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link in the top right hand corner to monitor the process.
- Locate the CSUBAS05 link on the Process List page and click on the Refresh button until the Run Status shows Success. If the Run Status shows Error, work with your technical resource to determine the error and correct the issue and then restart the job. If needed, create a Service Now ticket for CMS assistance.
- Click on the Details link.
- The Process Details page appears.
- Click on View Log/Trace.
- The View Log/Trace page appears. This page shows the interface process error report, reports for Life, LTD and Vision current deduction changes, reports for Life, LTD and Vision retroactive deductions, and the process output file report. Review all reports. If there are issues, resolve the issues. You can re-run the CSU SCO Interface process in preliminary mode as many times as needed before generating the SCO interface in final mode.
- Be sure to review the errors PDF and resolve listed errors before generating the SCO interface in final mode.

- Click on Return and the OK when done.
Run the CSU SCO Interface in Final Mode
Run the CSU SCO Interface in final mode to create a final interface file. Data is written to the SCO history tables when the CSU SCO Interface is run in final mode.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then go to Menu > Benefits > Interface with Providers > CSU SCO Interface Process

- Enter an existing Run Control ID and then click on the Search button.
- If you do not have a Run Control ID, click on Add a New Value and create one, and then and then click on the Search button. A Run Control ID can have up to 30 characters but cannot have any spaces.

- The CSU SCO Interface page appears.
- Select the Process Plans to include in the interface file; choices are Life AD/D, LTD and Vision.
- Select the Final Load checkbox.
- If you want to exclude employees for certain plan types (20 (Life), 23 (Life), 14 (Vision) and 31 (Long Term Disability)) from the interface file, enter the Empl ID and select the Plan Type to exclude. Insert a row for the employee for each plan type to exclude from the interface file. Select the Bypass Retro Only checkbox if you only want to exclude retro transactions for the employee and plan type on the interface file.
- Click

- Click on the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears
- If able, select the Server Name of PSUNX. Otherwise keep Server Name blank.
- Verify that CSUBAS05 process is selected in the Process List.
- Click on OK.
- The CSU SCO Interface Run Control page appears, along with a Process Instance number. The Process Instance number is the job number assigned by the system. Make note of this number in case needed later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link in the top right hand corner to monitor the process.
- Locate the CSUBAS05 link on the Process List page and click on the Refresh button until the Run Status shows Success. If the Run Status shows Error, work with your technical resource to determine the error and correct the issue and then restart the job. If needed, create a Service Now ticket for CMS assistance.
- Click on the Details link.
- The Process Details page appears.
- Click on View Log/Trace.
- The View Log/Trace page appears. This page shows the interface process error report, reports for Life, LTD and Vision current deduction changes, reports for Life, LTD and Vision retroactive deductions, the process output file report, and the interface flat files. Review all reports.
- The interface flat files start with TRN. Flat files with V are the vision files. Flat files with VR are the vision retro files. Flat files with L are the Life files. Flat Files with LR are Life retro files. Flat files with B are Disability files. Flat files with BR are disability retro files.
- After reviewing the.pdf reports, save the six (6) interface flat files to a controlled location on your computer or shared drive. Use your FTP software to FTP the interface flat files to the SCO. Be sure to FTP protocols established by CSU and SCO.
Files may be FTP’d from the 1st through the 16th of the month. Files must be FTP’d to the SCO by 11:00 A.M. Files cannot be sent on NO CYCLE days or state holidays.

- Click on Return and the OK when done.
Future Use: Re-run the CSU SCO Interface in Final Mode
This functionality is not yet operational in CHRS. Do not use this functionality in CHRS.
Use this process to re-run the CSU SCO Interface in final mode to create another final interface file(s).
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then go to Menu > Benefits > Interface with Providers > CSU SCO Interface Process

- Enter an existing Run Control ID and then click on the Search button.
- If you do not have a Run Control ID, click on Add a New Value and create one, and then and then click on the Search button. A Run Control ID can have up to 30 characters but cannot have any spaces.

- The CSU SCO Interface page appears.
- Click on the Process Monitor link.
- The Process Monitor page appears.
- Locate the final run of the CSU SCO Interface and copy the Process Instance.
- Select the Process Plans to include in the interface file; choices are Life AD/D, LTD and Vision.
- Select the Final Load checkbox. The Rerun checkbox appears.
- Select the Rerun checkbox. The Process Instance field appears.
- Enter the Process Instance from the previously generated final CSU SCO interface run.
- Click

- Click on the Run button.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears
- If able, select the Server Name of PSUNX. Otherwise keep Server Name blank.
- Verify that CSUBAS05 process is selected in the Process List.
- Click on OK.
- The CSU SCO Interface Run Control page appears, along with a Process Instance number. The Process Instance number is the job number assigned by the system. Make note of this number in case needed later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link in the top right hand corner to monitor the process.
- Locate the CSUBAS05 link on the Process List page and click on the Refresh button until the Run Status shows Success. If the Run Status shows Error, work with your technical resource to determine the error and correct the issue and then restart the job. If needed, create a Service Now ticket for CMS assistance.
- Click on the Details link.
- The Process Details page appears.
- Click on View Log/Trace.
- The View Log/Trace page appears. This page shows the interface process error report, reports for Life, LTD and Vision current deduction changes, reports for Life, LTD and Vision retroactive deductions, the process output file report, and the interface flat files. Review all reports.
- The interface flat files start with TRN. Flat files with V are the vision files. Flat files with VR are the vision retro files. Flat files with L are the Life files. Flat Files with LR are Life retro files. Flat files with B are Disability files. Flat files with BR are disability retro files.
- After reviewing the.pdf reports, save the six (6) interface flat files to a controlled location on your computer or shared drive. Use your FTP software to FTP the interface flat files to the SCO. Be sure to FTP protocols established by CSU and SCO.
Files may be FTP’d from the 1st through the 16th of the month. Files must be FTP’d to the SCO by 11:00 A.M. Files cannot be sent on NO CYCLE days or state holidays.

- Click on Return and the OK when done.
Resubmit Submitted Interface Transactions
Use the CSU SCO Inquiry page resubmit specific interface transactions that were previously submitted on an SCO interface. For example, use this process to resubmit a previously submitted interface transaction for an employee’s Vision plan enrollment.
Navigation: click on the NavBar Icon,

then go to Menu > Benefits > Interface with Providers > CSU SCO Interface Inquiry

- Enter an Empl ID and then click on the Search button. Click on the Search by drop down arrow to change your search criteria.
- The CSU SCO Interface Inquiry page appears.
- Scroll through the plan types and look for the SCO Interface section on each page for the applicable plan types (14, 20, 23 and 31). SCO Interface inclusion and interface status information appears in this section.
- Position on the transaction to resubmit, then select the Resubmit Transaction checkbox.
- Click on the Save button. This transaction will be included on the next SCO Interface run.
FERP Processing – Initial Deduction
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then go to Menu > Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > Health Benefits
The employee should have an enrollment in the Base Benefit pages (Plan Type 14) in order for a deduction to appear on the Vision Retro File. The employee must also meet the prerequisite requirements mentioned at the outset in this document.
Once the employee has been enrolled in the FERP vision plan, he will appear on the Preliminary and Final files, if the Deduction Begin Date falls within the processing period.
FERP Subsequent Deduction Search – CSU FERP Vision Deduction
Use this page to send a subsequent* FERP Annual One Time deduction. A subsequent FERP deduction should only be sent after an initial deduction has been sent.
The first deduction for a FERP employee is sent by enrolling the employee in the FERP vision plan in Base Benefits and running the CSU SCO Interface in Preliminary and then in Final process so that an initial deduction is produced. Once an initial deduction is produced, use this page to send a subsequent deduction for the next FERP processing period.
This page should be updated prior to running the CSU SCO Interface in Final mode.
* Note that in Base Benefits, the employee will not be terminated from vision benefits until the employees’ final termination is processed. If the employee is terminated, the employee does not appear on the CSU FERP Vision Deduction page.
Navigation: click on the NavBar Icon,

then go to Menu > Benefits > Interface with Providers > CSU FERP Vision Deduction

- Enter the Business Unit and then click on the Search button.
- The CSU FERP Vision Deduction page appears.
- If needed, select the Submit check box to process the FERP Vision deduction with the next CSU SCO interface.
- Click on the Save button.
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