CHRS Knowledge Base

Fix Unique Constraint Errors

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  • This job aid shows benefits officers how to correct errors that are indicated by the daily CSU Snapshot Unique Constraint report.
  • Be sure to review and resolve employees with unique constraint issues daily.
  • Make sure there are no unique constraint errors for your campus before you generate the Delta Dental Interface file.


The CSU Snapshot Unique Constraint report shows a list of CSU Employees that have Benefits Primary Job problems. You need to run a process to correct each employee’s Benefits Primary job data.

Run the CSU Snapshot Unique Constraint Report

Use this report to provide the Employee IDs that have unique constraint errors.

Step 1:  Navigate to the report location

  • Menu > Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Snapshot Unique Constraint
    • The Benefits Snapshot Unique Constraint Errors list opens.


menu icon

Step 2:  Copy an Employee ID from Empl ID column.,

example copy employee ID column

Step 3:  Open a new window

  • The new window opens in a new browser tab. You might need to switch back and forth between tabs to complete the procedure.
arrow pointing to open new window

Step 4:  In the new window, navigate to CSU On Demand Pre-Processing

  • Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > CSU On Demand Pre-Processing
menu icon

Step 5:  On the CSU On Demand Pre-Processing page:

  1. Paste the Employee ID into the Empl ID field.
  2. Click Search.
example paste employee ID into search criteria

Step 6:  Click the first row

  • The CSU On Demand Pre-Processing page opens.
  • An employee might have multiple rows. Process the top row. If the first row fixes the problem, you do not need to process the other rows.
example of results of search

Step 7:  Click Prepare Employee

  • The process runs when you click the Prepare Employee button.
  • The On-Demand Event Maintenance page opens.
prepare employee button

Step 8:  Click the CSU On Demand Pre-Processing tab to go back

  • You return to the CSU On Demand Pre-Processing page.
example to click on top menu to go back

Step 9:  On the CSU On Demand Pre-Processing page, click Return to Search.

return to search button

Step 10:  Switch to the CSU Snapshot Unique Constraint browser tab.,

csu snapshot unique constraint tab

Step 11:   Reload the CSU Snapshot Unique Constraint page:

  1. Open the Navbar
  2. Click CSU Snapshot Unique Constraint
  • Currently, there is no refresh button on this page.
menu list showing csu snapshot unique constraint

Step 12:  Copy the next Employee ID

  • If the first Employee is still on the list, that means the first row that you processed was not the problem.
  • Process the employee again by selecting the next row on the CSU On Demand Pre-Processing page, then check this list again until the employee no longer displays on this list.
exampleof a snapshop of unique constraint errors

End of Article


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