CHRS Benefits Manual Events and Election Entry User Guide
Last Revised: 3/5/2024
Document Title: CHRS Benefits Manual Events and Election Entry User Guide
File Reference: CHRS Benefits Manual Events and Election Entry User Guide
Revision History
Revision Date | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
06/17/21 | Initial draft | All |
08/08/2022 | Updated for PeopleTools 8.59 | All |
11/9/22 | Added information regarding the PSR interface workaround for multiple permitting event codes for a permitting event date. | 5.0, 6.0 |
2/16/23 | Updated for OVR BAS event | 3.0 |
3/21/23 | Added example regarding effective date logic for changing the relationship to employee value for a spouse/registered domestic partner to ex. | 5.0, 6.0 |
3/27/23 | Corrected FSA and HBE BAS event descriptors | 3.0 |
4/4/23 | Added more information regarding ACT and MSC BAS events | 3.0 |
6/21/23 | Updated the Related Documentation section | 2.0 |
10/23/23 | Updated the Label for the CSU Perm Event Page | All |
3/5/2024 | Updated PeopleTools References, Revision History | Revision Control, 1 |
Review / Approval History
Review Date | Reviewed By | Action (Reviewed, Recommended or Approved) |
Click here to enter Review Date | Click here to enter Reviewer | Click here to enter Reviewed, Recommended or Approved |
Process Overview
Benefits Administration (Ben Admin or BA) facilitates the management of benefit enrollment activity through automated processes.
The Review BAS Activity page the Benefits Administration (BEN Admin) processing queue for all Ben Admin system (BAS) events. BAS events are created by inserting or correcting Job Data rows, by a custom nightly process (CSU_BA_EV_DT) for campuses using full eBenefits Employee Self Service or manually by campus Benefits Office staff. BAS events taken from the Review BAS Activity page and are processed through Ben Admin by a batch process that is scheduled to run nightly (CSUBAS) or BAS events are manually processed by the campus Benefits Office staff through the On-Demand Event Maintenance processing pages.
This guide provides instructions to process BAS events manually through the On-Demand Event Maintenance processing pages.
The On-Demand Event Maintenance page is used to process events on-demand for a single person and a single event. This speeds up the process where people have multiple retro events that have to be processed to get to the event that the administrator might be trying to get to in order to process. For all CSU events there are a number of things that have to occur before the event can actually be processed. Due to multiple job functionality the primary job record needs to be validated before the event can be run, also due to service constraints it has to be determined that the participant has met duration requirements. These items are all processed through the CSU On-Demand Pre-Processing functionality.
The On-Demand Event Maintenance process goes through all the same steps that the regular batch process goes through; however, it only is capable of processing single events for one individual at a time. This makes it cumbersome to process several records but makes it very efficient to do a few emergency type changes.
This guide provides instructions on:
- Using the On-Demand Event Maintenance page
- Entering Election options
- Entering alternative coverage information
- Entering Health and FSA (HCRA/DCRA) Permitting Event Codes
- Generating enrollment forms
- Voiding a Manual Event with wrong date
Related Documentation
In addition to this business process guide, users can review the following CMS User Guides and job aids related to this process:
- CHRS Benefits Review BAS Activity User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Employee Self Service User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Forms User Guide
- Generate and Print Online Confirmation Statements
- Print Benefits Enrollment Forms for Individual Employee
- Print Benefits Enrollment Forms in Batch
- Print Dependent Verification Forms - Benefits Officer
- Daily Review BA Baseline Queries
- Daily Review CSUBAS logs and reports
- eBenefits ESS Event Classes OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet
- Reprocess a BAS Event in On Demand Event Maintenance

Important: Be sure to reference the Reprocessing a BAS Event in On Demand Event Maintenance document and the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheatsheet before reprocessing any CHRS BAS event in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Types of Manual Events and Dates
Certain BAS events are configured to be manually created on the Review BAS Activity page.
BAS events that you can manually create on the Review BAS Activity page are:
NEW: New Hire Newly Eligible – Used for employees making their benefit elections through eBenefits Employee Self Service. Make the event date for the NEW event class the date of hire or the date that the employee became newly benefit eligible. The NEW event date is not equal to the benefit coverage begin date. Do not use the NEW BAS event if it is almost 60 days from the employee’s hire date or benefit eligibility date (i.e., the NEW event date) as the employee may not have the time to submit his/her supporting documents to the campus Benefits Office and the campus Benefits Office staff may not have the time to review the supporting documents before the nightly CSUBAS process closes/voids the NEW BAS event on day 61 when it expires.

Important: The NEW BAS event can only be used by campuses that use full eBenefits Employee Self Service. Campuses that use view-only eBenefits Employee Self Service should not use the NEW BAS event.

Important: NEW BAS events in an ET (Entered) process status that are not set to Finalize 61 days from the employee’s hire date or benefit-eligibility date (i.e., the NEW Event Date) are voided by the nightly CSUBAS run. NEW BAS events in a PR (Prepared) process status that are 61 days from the employee’s hire date or benefit-eligibility date (i.e., the NEW Event Date) are Finalized-Enrolled with no enrollments by the nightly CSUBAS run.
ACT: This BAS event class is for transactions that may affect benefits. For example, changes to duration, time base, or union code. ACT events that cause no change to benefit options and/or eligibility are deleted from the Review BAS Activity page by the CSUBAS nightly processing (specifically the CSU_BA_18003 process) and never run through Ben Admin processing. ACT BAS events where the employee qualifies for a waive or change to benefits are processed to a Prepared (PR) Process Status and require the Benefits Officer to manually process and finalize the event via the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Note that this may be a change from 9.0 processing.
CNC: Cancel all Coverage – Used by the campus Benefits Office to cancel (waive) an employee from all voluntary elections (Medical, Dental, Medical Flex Cash, Dental Flex Cash, Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA) and Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA). Coverage change is effective the month begin after the event date.
DEA: Death of a Dependent – Used to delete a dependent from a benefit plan due to death. Coverage change is effective the month begin after the event date.
FSA: Flexible Spending Accounts – Used to update benefit information for HCRA/DCRA enrollments. This option is also used to waive coverage that has been previously elected. The coverage begin date is the month begin after the event date.
HBE: Health Benefit Enrollment – Used to enroll or waive medical coverage, including for family status changes. All benefit options will open up with this event. Make the event date equal to the benefit coverage begin date.

Note that if you use the HBE event class to enroll the employee into FSA (HCRA/DCRA), the coverage begin date is the month begin after the event date.
LIF: Life Insurance changes – Used to enroll eligible Managers and Executives in a lower life insurance option. Make the event date equal to the benefit coverage begin date.
LVE: This BAS event class reflects unpaid leave of absence and disability leave actions. The LVE event allows for the allows for Plan Types 10, 11, 14, 1Y, 1Z, 60, 61, 20, 23, and 31 enrollments to be canceled (i.e., waived). When the LVE event class is used, the Coverage Begin Date is equal to first of the month from the LVE event date plus one month for plan types 10, 11, 14, 60 and 61. The Coverage Begin Date is equal to first of the month from the LVE event date for plan types 1Y, 1Z, 20, 23, and 31. Only use this BAS event if the employee’s Benefits Employee Status is Leave of Absence in the Job Data > Benefits Program Participation page.
MSC: This BAS event class is for miscellaneous transactions that do not typically affect benefits. Most MSC events will most likely cause no change to benefit options and/or eligibility and thus will be deleted from the Review BAS Activity page by the CSUBAS nightly processing (specifically the CSU_BA_18003 process) and never run through Ben Admin processing. MSC BAS events where the employee qualifies for a waive or change to benefits are processed to a Prepared (PR) Process Status and require the Benefits Officer to manually process and finalize the event via the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Note that this may be a change from 9.0 processing.
OVR: Override Benefit Eligibility – The OVR BAS event is a new CHRS BAS event to manage the employee’s override voluntary and default benefits in conjunction with the Override Benefits Eligibility customization. The OVR BAS event is a combination BAS event that includes the potential to prepare the employee’s default benefit options that are normally assigned with the HIR BAS event (if the employee is eligible), and also the potential to prepare voluntary benefit options that are normally assigned with the HBE/NEW BAS events (if the employee is eligible).
The OVR BAS event is tied to the DTA/UBE action / action-reason code. The OVR BAS event can also be manually created by Benefits Officers and Benefits Analysts on the Review BAS Activity page.
All default and voluntary benefit options will open up with this event. Make the event date equal to the benefit coverage begin date.

Note that if you use the HBE event class to enroll the employee into Life and AD/D and/or FSA (HCRA/DCRA), the coverage begin date is the month begin after the event date. If you want the FSA coverage begin date to equal the event date, use the FSA event class to enroll the employee into FSA (HCRA/DCRA).
TBC: Time-based Change – Used to enroll an employee into benefits based on a time-based change. TBC will be tied to action/action-reason codes POS/TBC and PAY/TBC. You can also manually create the TBC BAS event class in the Review BAS Activity page. This new CHRS BAS event class allows enrollment for Plan Types 10, 11, 14, 1Y, 1Z, 60, 61, 20, 23, and 31. The Coverage Begin Date is equal to first of the month from the TBC event date plus one month for plan types 10, 11, 14, 1Y and 1Z. The Coverage Begin Date is equal to first of the month from the TBC event date for plan types 20, 23, and 31.
RFL: Return from Leave – Used to re-enroll an employee into benefit coverage when the benefit coverage was waived (canceled) due to an unpaid leave. Coverage change is effective the month begin after the event date.

Based on the event classification, late paperwork not submitted and/or returned in a timely manner, may be subject to a 90-day waiting period for enrollment. Ben Admin does not calculate this information for you if you are using one of the manual events above. Follow current procedure to calculate the date and enter the Event Date accordingly.
BAS Event Date
The BAS Event Date entered on Review BAS Activity page depends on the event class used. See the list above for Event Date guidance for each BAS event.
The Coverage Begin Date and Deduction Begin Dates are determined by the Event Rules for the BAS event for each plan type. Some rules start and end coverage as of the month begin following the event date. Some rules start and end coverage as of the event date.:
The Event Date is the permitting event date for CalPERS and appears on the CSU Perm Event page access via the On Demand Event Maintenance page. This date is the permitting event date of the job change or life change that allows for enrollment and/or changes:
The Event Date is shown on the HBD-12 Health Enrollment form in field 13, Permitting Event Date.
The Coverage Begin Date is shown on the HBD-12 Health Enrollment form in field 28, Effective Date.

The Event Date and the Coverage Begin Date also appear on the Dental Enrollment form, the Flex Cash Enrollment form, and the HCRA/DCRA Enrollment form.
HBO Received Date
The date entered in HBO Rec’d Date on the CSU Perm Event page access via the On Demand Event Maintenance page is the date that the employee submitted his/her enrollments.
The HBO Rec’d Date appears on the CalPERS HBD12 Health Plan Enrollment form in field 27 – Date Received by Employer.
The HBO Rec’d Date also appears on the Dental Enrollment form, the Flex Cash Enrollment form, and the HCRA/DCRA Enrollment form.

Other Dates
The Marital Status Date from the Modify a Person page for the employee prints in field 12 when the permitting event is Marriage or Domestic Partnership: Make sure to update the employee’s Marital Status and Marital Status Date in the Modify a Person page before generating benefits enrollment forms.

Note that the Hire Date displayed in fields 2 and 21 on the medical enrollment form is from the employee’s Benefit Primary Job.

The Review BAS Activity page is a place to maintain the BAS Activity events or start new events. Only Manual Events can be manually entered into the Review BAS Activity page.
Entering a Manual Event
Benefits Primary Job
IMPORTANT: Before you enter a manual event for an employee, verify that your campus is the Benefits Primary Job for the employee. You cannot process Benefits and Ben Admin changes for employees on your campus’ Ben Admin Schedules IDs if you are not the Benefits Primary Job campus. The campus that owns the Benefits Primary Job is the campus that must process the employee’s benefits and benefit changes.
To see the current Benefits Primary Job campus, click on the NavBar Icon

, then click on Menu > Benefits > Review Employee Benefits > CSU Benefits Summary.
Example of Current Benefits Primary Job Campus

To see the future-dated or historic Benefits Primary Job campuses, click on the NavBar Icon

, then click on Menu > Benefits > Maintain Primary Job > Maintain Flags.
Use the left and right arrow buttons to position on the applicable effective-dated row to see the Employment Record (job) that is considered the Benefits Primary Job for the employee.
In the example on the next page, Employment Record 0 is considered the Benefits Primary Job on 12/21/21. The campus that owns Employment Record 0 is the campus that must process the employee’s benefits and benefit changes.
Example of Historic and Future-Dated Benefits Primary Job Campus
If you are not the Benefits Primary Job campus for the employee, refer the employee to their Benefits Primary Job campus for benefits enrollment and changes.
Enter Manual Events
If you are the Benefits Primary Job campus, click on the NavBar Icon

, then click on Menu > Benefits> Manage Automated Enrollment > Events >Review BAS Activity.
The Review BAS Activity page displays BAS event classes waiting for Ben Admin processing, BAS event classes are created when Job Data rows are inserted or corrected, by custom nightly process CSU_BA_EV_DT or are manually added by campus Benefits Office staff.
Verify that the Business Unit for your campus appears. If you have access to multiple campus business units, click on the Business Unit drop down arrow and select the appropriate business unit for the employee and BAS event that you are creating.
- Note: When the Ben Admin process processes the BAS event, the Ben Admin process assigns the Schedule ID (for example, FUL-EM, STA-EM, CMA-EM, etc.) to the BAS event based on the employee’s benefits primary job, not the Business Unit on the Review BAS Activity page.
- Click

to insert a new row to enter a new event.
- Enter the Empl ID.
- The name populates after saving the row.
- The Action Source field defaults to Manual Event.
- The All Jobs checkbox should default to being turned on.
- Ben Rcd #- This field contains the Benefit Record Number the employee is attached to for benefits. All Benefits Eligible jobs should be assigned a Benefit Record Number of 0. This field is automatically populated.
- Empl Rcd #- This field contains the Employee Record Number the employee is attached to for JOB. Enter the employee’s applicable Empl Rcd #.
- Enter the Event Date. See page five for the correct Event Date to use.
- The Event Eff Seq will default to 0.
- Enter the BAS Action (this is the BAS event class).
- Only those events designated as manual events can be entered into the Review BAS Activity page.
- Leave the Suppress Forms field blank.
- The COBRA Action field will default to blank since the COBRA module is not being used at CSU.
- Click the Save button to save the entry.
Using the Perform Election Entry Page
The Perform Election Entry page is used to as a data entry page to enter elections for BAS events. You cannot run the Ben Admin process from the Perform Election Entry page. Grant access to the Perform Election Entry page for staff that need to enter benefit enrollments, but do not need to run the enrollments through the Ben Admin process. One example of giving an employee access to this component is to enter Open Enrollment elections.
IN order to use the Perform Election Entry page, the corresponding BAS event must have an Event Status of Open for Processing, and the Process Status must be Notified, Prepared, Re-enter or Entered.
If you are a campus that uses full eBenefits Employee Self Service (ESS) do not use the Perform Election Entry page to process eBenefits ESS events. eBenefits Employee Self Service events are processed by the nightly CSUBAS scheduled job. eBenefits Employee Self Service events are not designed to be processed on the Perform Election Entry nor the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Refer to the CHRS eBenefits Employee Self Service Business Process Guide for instructions regarding reviewing and updating eBenefits ESS events.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon

, then click on Menu > Benefits> Manage Automated Enrollment > Participant Enrollment > Perform Election Entry.

You do not need to run the CSU On Demand Pre Processing before using the Perform Election Entry page in CHRS.
- Enter the applicable Schedule ID for the BAS event.
- Enter the Empl ID.
- Click on the Search button.
- The Available Events section shows the BAS events open for processing. The Event ID field automatically populates with the open and available BAS event.
- The checkbox defaults enabled. Do not remove this checkbox. This checkbox enabled means that all data entry validations occur at once when the data entry is saved.
- Click on the Search button.
- Additional pages appear. Benefit elections are entered on the Option Election page. Dependents are entered on the Dependents/Beneficiaries page. Permitting Event codes for plan types 10, 11, 1Y, 1Z, 60 and 61 (Medical, Dental, Med Flex Cash, Den Flex Cash, Health Care Reimbursement Account and Dependent Care Reimbursement Account) are entered on the CSU Perm Event page.
- Click on the Option Election tab to enter the benefit elections for the event.
- Enter benefit elections by clicking on the Option Code magnifying glass for plan types that the employee has selected. The eligible benefit options per plan type show in the drop down list. Select the applicable plan and coverage level (1 for Employee Only,2 for Employee + Dependent, and 3 for Employee + Dependents). Select W for Waive if the employee waives coverage in the plan type.

Note that the nightly CSUBAS processing inserts default Waive rows and permitting event codes 600 and 60 for Medical and Dental (plan types 10 and 11) on the HIR BAS event if the permitting event codes are not manually entered. The system automatically vacates (deletes) the HIR default waive rows for Medical and Dental if the employee elects benefit coverage or selects waive.
- Enter alternative coverage information for Plan Types 1Y and 1Z (Dental Flex Cash and Medical Flex Cash) if the employee elects these benefits. You must enter at least the alternative coverage Carrier and Policy # information. Click on the Enter Non-CSU Insurance Info link for the applicable plan type to enter the alternative coverage information. The Non-CSU Insurance information window appears. An example of the Dental Flex Cash Non-CSU Insurance information window follows.

The information in the Enter Non-CSU Insurance Info link is cleared automatically if the election option is Waive or the Option Code field is blank.
- Coverage Through Another Subscriber? – Select the checkbox if true. This is an optional field.
- Dental (or Medical) Subscriber SSN – This is an optional field that appears only if the Coverage Through Another Subscriber? checkbox is enabled. The Social Security Number (SSN) is automatically formatted when you tab out of the field. The Dental Subscriber SSN and Medical Subscriber SSNs can differ.
- Dental (Medical) Carrier – Enter the Dental (Medical) Carrier Name. This is a required field.
- Policy # - Enter the policy number. This is a required field.
- Remarks – This is an optional field. You can enter up to 254 characters in the Remarks field. These comments apply to both Dental Flex Cash and Medical Flex Cash and print before the permitting event code description in the Remarks fields on the Flex Cash Enrollment form.
- Save – Click on the Save button to store the alternative coverage information entered.
- If the employee elects or changes Plan Type 60 Flex Spending Health or Plan Type 61 Flex Spending Dependent Care, be sure to manually calculate based on the payroll calendar the employee’s monthly contribution amount and enter/update the amount in the Employee Contribution Override amount field.
- Click on the Dependent/Beneficiaries tab to enter dependents, if applicable. Beneficiaries are not entered in CHRS.
- The Dependent/Beneficiaries Currently on Record section shows dependents already entered into CHRS. Notice that the above example screen shot does not show any dependents entered into CHRS.
- Click on Change/Add Dependent Data to add a new dependent. The Dependent/Beneficiary page appears.
- If a dependent already exists and you need to add a new dependent, click on the

- To change a dependent, scroll using the arrows until you find the dependent you wish to change and then click on the applicable tab to make the required updates.
- Enter the information on the Name, Address, and Personal Profile pages. For new dependents, note that the effective date defaults to the BAS event date for newly added dependents.
- Click on Edit Name to enter the dependent’s name. The Name page appears.

- First Name and Last Name are required fields. Enter the dependent’s name and then click on the OK button, and then click on the Address tab.
- On the Address page, enter the dependent’s address. If the dependent’s address is the same as the employee, select on the Same Address as Employee checkbox. The employee’s address displays. If the dependent’s phone is the same as the employee, select the Same as Employee checkbox.
- Click on the Personal Profile tab. The Personal Profile page appears.
- Enter the dependent’s Date of Birth, Relationship to Employee, Gender and Marital Status. The Dependent/Beneficiary Type automatically populates based on the selected Relationship to Employee.
- Note that the As of Date fields for Marital Status, Student and Disabled only appear on the initial dependent row. Be sure to enter the correct As of Date on the initial row. The Smoker and Smoker As of Date checkbox and field are not used in CHRS.
- If you are updating the Relationship to Employee field for a dependent, click on the

button in the Personal History section to insert a new current row. If changing the Relationship to Employee from a Spouse or Domestic Partner to an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner, make the change after you have removed the dependent from benefit plans, and make the change effective-dated at least one day after the coverage change effective date so the correct Relationship to Employee value prints on the Medical enrollment form. Note that means that, for the dependent, you will not have the correct Marital Status Effective Date for the marital status change, but you will have this information on the employee’s Marital Status in the Modify a Person page.
- Example: An employee becomes divorced effective 3/21/23.
- The spouse has benefits coverage through 3/31/23.
- Effective 4/1/23, the former spouse is no longer eligible for benefits coverage. In Update Dependent/Beneficiary, in the Personal History section, insert an effective-dated row to change the spouse dependent to be an ex-spouse dependent effective 4/2/23. If you were to change the spouse to be an ex-spouse in Update Dependent/Beneficiary, in the Personal History section, effective 3/21/23, the former spouse would lose their benefits coverage through 3/31/23, which is not correct.
- Important: Make sure that you have updated the employee’s Marital Status in the Modify a Person component if applicable before you generate enrollment forms, especially if the enrollment form contains employee’s Marital Status.
- Enter the dependent’s Social Security Number (SSN) in the National ID field if known, and then select the Primary ID checkbox.
- Click on the Rider/Orders link to enter court orders for required benefit plan coverage, such as Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSOs). While dependent Riders/Orders are in effective, employees via eBenefits Employee Self Service are not able to remove (drop) the dependent from the applicable benefit plan(s) coverage in PeopleSoft. Campus Benefits Staff receive a warning message when they attempt to drop covered dependents with QMSCO orders via the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
- Enter a Riders/Orders row for each plan type where the orders apply. Notice in the example screen shot that the row is for Plan Type 10, Medical. If the order also applies to Dental and Vision, enter a Riders/Orders row for Plan Type 11, Dental, and Plan Type 14, Vision. Use the ‘+’ button to add additional rows for required plan types.

Do not delete QMSCOs when ending or inactivating.
- Plan Type – Click on the Look up Icon and select the applicable plan type. This is a required field.
- Sequence Number – Start this number at 1 on the first row entered, then increase the number by ‘1’ for each subsequent row entered. This is a required field.
- Start Date – Enter the court order/rider start date. This is a required field.
- End Date – Enter the court order/rider end date. This is an optional field but do enter the data.
- State – Enter the state for the court that issued the order/rider.
- Status – Select the applicable court order status. To inactivate a QMSCO, select Inactive.
- Exception Type – Click the drop down list to select the applicable court order type.
- Court Order Number – Enter the court order/rider number.
- Comment – You have 254 characters to enter applicable comments. Make sure the comments are objective, not subjective.
- OK – Click the OK button to save the court order/rider information. Repeat these steps for each plan type that requires a court order/rider row for the dependent.
- If you are entering a registered Domestic Partner through the On Demand Event Maintenance page (i.e., the employee is not adding the registered Domestic Partner via eBenefits Self Service), you must fill out the Domestic Partner section on the CSU Dependent tab. The information entered into the Domestic Partner section prints on the Dental Enrollment form.

- Tax Dependent – Select if the registered domestic partner is a tax dependent of the employee.
- Tax Year – Enter the tax year using YYYY format if the registered domestic partner is a tax dependent of the employee.
- Certificate on File – Select that you have reviewed and approved the registered domestic partner’s supporting documents.
- Certified By (Officer) – Enter your name.
- Click the OK button to save entered dependent data.
- You are returned to the Ben Admin Data Entry page.
- Return to the Option Election tab and enroll the dependents onto the applicable benefit plans by selecting the correct coverage code and benefit plan, and by clicking once for each dependent to add on the

button in the Dependents/Beneficiaries section for each applicable plan type, or by clicking on the Enroll All button and removing non-applicable dependents using the

- Do not delete dependents with active QMSCOs in effect. You will receive the following warning message if you attempt to delete dependents from benefit plans with active QMSCOs in effect. You can change the employee’s benefit plan within a plan type when they have an active QMSCOs in effect, but you should not dis-enroll the QMSCO dependent when the QMSCOs is active.
- You are returned to the Ben Admin Data Entry page. Click on the CSU Perm Event tab to enter the applicable permitting event codes for updated benefit plans. Permitting event codes can be entered on the CSU Perm Event page for Plan Types 10, 11, 1Y, 1Z, 60 and 61 (Medical, Dental, Med Flex Cash, Den Flex Cash, Health Care Reimbursement Account and Dependent Care Reimbursement Account).
- Enter the permitting event code.
- If enabled, click on the View All link to see all plan types that require permitting event codes.
- Code – click on the Look Up Icon and select the applicable permitting event code for the displayed Plan Type.
- Event Date – The Event Date automatically defaults to the original BAS Event Date. The Event Date needs to be the date of the actual qualifying benefit event (i.e., new hire date, marriage date, divorce date, dependent birth date, adoption date, etc.). Update this date as needed.
- HBO Rec’d Date – This is the date that the employee submitted his/her benefit elections. Enter the date that the employee submitted his/her benefit elections.
- Ensure all permitting events codes are entered for each plan type. Use the PSR Interface workaround to report one permitting event code at a time for employees who have multiple permitting event codes listed for the same permitting event date. Refer to the CHRS Benefits PSR Interface User Guide for workaround instructions.
- Click OK. If the dates entered on the CSU Perm Event page for any plan type are more than 30 days in the past or future from today’s date, the following warning message appears for each plan type. Ensure that the dates entered are correct and click the OK button.
- The Perform Election Entry page appears.
- Click on the Validate Elections button. Resolve any issues that appear.
- Click on the Save button. Data entry is completed. The enrollment can be finalized via the On Demand Event Maintenance page or via Ben Admin batch processing.
Using the On Demand Event Maintenance Page
The On-Demand Event Maintenance page is used to quickly process BAS events through Ben Admin for a single person, one BAS event at a time, instead of waiting the nightly CSUBAS process to process events. You can also use the On-Demand Event Maintenance page to process retro transactions and to reprocess BAS events when needed.
The On-Demand Event Maintenance page runs the Ben Admin process for a single employee and one BAS event at a time. Once one BAS event is finalized, you can processing the next BAS event for the employee. Because of this, using the On-Demand Event Maintenance page can be cumbersome to do a lot of records, but it is very efficient to use to finalize a few records for emergency type changes, such as when needing to complete enrollments in time for the next payroll.
You can use the On-Demand Event Maintenance page when the employee has a non-eBenefits ESS BAS event in the Review BAS Activity page and when the employee has a non-eBenefits ESS BAS event that requires processing or reprocessing.

Important: Be sure to reference the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event document and the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheatsheet before reprocessing any BAS event, especially eBenefits ESS BAS events.
If you are a campus that uses full eBenefits Employee Self Service (ESS) do not use the On Demand Event Maintenance page to process eBenefits ESS events. eBenefits Employee Self Service events are processed by the nightly CSUBAS scheduled job. eBenefits Employee Self Service events are not designed to be processed on the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Refer to the CHRS eBenefits Employee Self Service Business Process Guide for instructions regarding reviewing and updating eBenefits ESS events.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon

, then click on Menu > Benefits> Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > On-Demand Event Maintenance.

You do not need to run the CSU On Demand Pre Processing before using the On Demand Event Maintenance page in CHRS.
- If there is a BAS event awaiting Ben Admin processing in the Review BAS Activity page, the Show Activities button will be enabled. Click on the Show Activities button to go to the Event Selection page and see all BAS events for the employee that are awaiting processing.
- Click on Show Activities button.
- The Event Selection page displays.
- The Event Selection page displays the next BAS event that will process for the employee with an enabled checkbox. Click the

for the applicable BAS Action on the Event Selection page if you want to delete and not process the BAS event. Do not click on the

button in the Event Selection page. You cannot add a new BAS event in the Event Selection page.
- If there are multiple BAS actions in the Event Selection page and you need to process a BAS Action first that is not selected, click on the applicable Select checkbox and then click on the OK button.
- The On-Demand Event Maintenance page reappears.
- Click the Schedule/Prepare Activity button to begin processing the event. The Benefits Administration process runs for just the Emplid and the selected BAS event to determine the employee’s benefit program and assigns the Schedule ID (FUL-EM, STA-EM, CMA-EM, etc.).When the process completes successfully, a message appears. Click the OK button.
- New buttons enable, and the event moves from the top portion of the page into the center of the page.
- The Enrollment Statement button is now enabled. Ignore the Enrollment Statement button. The Enrollment Statement button is not used in CHRS.
- The Election Entry button is now enabled.
- The Reprocess button is active. This allows the event to be reprocessed at any time from this page as long as the event is open.

- Notice that the Show Plans button is enabled and just to the left of the Show Plans button it shows the number of plan types the employee is eligible for and the number of plan types that have been entered.
- Click on the Election Entry button. Additional pages appear. Benefit elections are entered on the Option Election page. Dependents are entered on the Dependents/Beneficiaries page. Permitting Event codes for plan types 10, 11, 1Y, 1Z, 60 and 61 (Medical, Dental, Med Flex Cash, Den Flex Cash, Health Care Reimbursement Account and Dependent Care Reimbursement Account) are entered on the CSU Perm Event page.
- Click on the Option Election tab to enter the benefit elections for the event.
- Enter benefit elections by clicking on the Option Code magnifying glass for plan types that the employee has selected. The eligible benefit options per plan type show in the drop down list. Select the applicable plan and coverage level (1 for Employee Only,2 for Employee + Dependent, and 3 for Employee + Dependents). Select W for Waive if the employee waives coverage in the plan type.

Note that the nightly CSUBAS processing inserts default Waive rows and permitting event codes 600 and 60 for Medical and Dental (plan types 10 and 11) on the HIR BAS event if the permitting event codes are not manually entered. The system automatically vacates (deletes) the HIR default waive rows for Medical and Dental if the employee elects benefit coverage or selects waive.
- Enter alternative coverage information for Plan Types 1Y and 1Z (Dental Flex Cash and Medical Flex Cash) if the employee elects these benefits. You must enter at least the alternative coverage Carrier and Policy # information. Click on the Enter Non-CSU Insurance Info link for the applicable plan type to enter the alternative coverage information. The Non-CSU Insurance information window appears. An example of the Dental Flex Cash Non-CSU Insurance information window follows.

The information in the Enter Non-CSU Insurance Info link is cleared automatically if the election option is Waive or the Option Code field is blank.
- Coverage Through Another Subscriber? – Select the checkbox if true. This is an optional field.
- Dental (or Medical) Subscriber SSN – This is an optional field that appears only if the Coverage Through Another Subscriber? checkbox is enabled. The Social Security Number (SSN) is automatically formatted when you tab out of the field. The Dental Subscriber SSN and Medical Subscriber SSNs can differ.
- Dental (Medical) Carrier – Enter the Dental (Medical) Carrier Name. This is a required field.
- Policy # - Enter the policy number. This is a required field.
- Remarks – This is an optional field. You can enter up to 254 characters in the Remarks field. These comments apply to both Dental Flex Cash and Medical Flex Cash and print before the permitting event code description in the Remarks fields on the Flex Cash Enrollment form.
- Save – Click on the Save button to store the alternative coverage information entered.
- If the employee elects or changes Plan Type 60 Flex Spending Health or Plan Type 61 Flex Spending Dependent Care, be sure to manually calculate based on the payroll calendar the employee’s monthly contribution amount and enter/update the amount in the Employee Contribution Override amount field.
- Click on the Dependent/Beneficiaries tab to enter dependents, if applicable. Beneficiaries are not entered in CHRS.
- The Dependent/Beneficiaries Currently on Record section shows dependents already entered into CHRS. Notice that the above example screen shot does not show any dependents entered into CHRS.
- Click on Change/Add Dependent Data to add a new dependent. The Dependent/Beneficiary page appears.
- If a dependent already exists and you need to add a new dependent, click on the

- To change a dependent, scroll using the arrows until you find the dependent you wish to change and then click on the applicable tab to make the required updates.
- Enter the information on the Name, Address, and Personal Profile pages. For new dependents, note that the effective date defaults to the BAS event date for newly added dependents.
- Click on Edit Name to enter the dependent’s name. The Name page appears.

- First Name and Last Name are required fields. Enter the dependent’s name and then click on the OK button, and then click on the Address tab.
- On the Address page, enter the dependent’s address. If the dependent’s address is the same as the employee, select on the Same Address as Employee checkbox. The employee’s address displays. If the dependent’s phone is the same as the employee, select the Same as Employee checkbox.
- Click on the Personal Profile tab. The Personal Profile page appears.
- Enter the dependent’s Date of Birth, Relationship to Employee, Gender and Marital Status. The Dependent/Beneficiary Type automatically populates based on the selected Relationship to Employee.
- Note that the As of Date fields for Marital Status, Student and Disabled only appear on the initial dependent row. Be sure to enter the correct As of Date on the initial row. The Smoker and Smoker As of Date checkbox and field are not used in CHRS.
- If you are updating the Relationship to Employee field for a dependent, click on the

button in the Personal History section to insert a new current row. If changing the Relationship to Employee from a Spouse or Domestic Partner to an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner, make the change after you have removed the dependent from benefit plans, and make the change effective-dated at least one day after the coverage change effective date so the correct Relationship to Employee value prints on the Medical enrollment form. Note that means that, for the dependent, you will not have the correct Marital Status Effective Date for the marital status change, but you will have this information on the employee’s Marital Status in the Modify a Person page.
- Example: An employee becomes divorced effective 3/21/23.
- The spouse has benefits coverage through 3/31/23.
- Effective 4/1/23, the former spouse is no longer eligible for benefits coverage. In Update Dependent/Beneficiary, in the Personal History section, insert an effective-dated row to change the spouse dependent to be an ex-spouse dependent effective 4/2/23. If you were to change the spouse to be an ex-spouse in Update Dependent/Beneficiary, in the Personal History section, effective 3/21/23, the former spouse would lose their benefits coverage through 3/31/23, which is not correct.
- Important: Make sure that you have updated the employee’s Marital Status in the Modify a Person component if applicable before you generate enrollment forms, especially if the enrollment form contains employee’s Marital Status.
- Enter the dependent’s Social Security Number (SSN) in the National ID field if known, and then select the Primary ID checkbox.
- Click on the Rider/Orders link to enter court orders for required benefit plan coverage, such as Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSOs). While dependent Riders/Orders are in effective, employees via eBenefits Employee Self Service are not able to remove (drop) the dependent from the applicable benefit plan(s) coverage in PeopleSoft. Campus Benefits Staff receive a warning message when they attempt to drop covered dependents with QMSCO orders via the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
- Enter a Riders/Orders row for each plan type where the orders apply. Notice in the example screen shot that the row is for Plan Type 10, Medical. If the order also applies to Dental and Vision, enter a Riders/Orders row for Plan Type 11, Dental, and Plan Type 14, Vision. Use the ‘+’ button to add additional rows for required plan types.

Do not delete QMSCOs when ending or inactivating.
- Plan Type – Click on the Look up Icon and select the applicable plan type. This is a required field.
- Sequence Number – Start this number at 1 on the first row entered, then increase the number by ‘1’ for each subsequent row entered. This is a required field.
- Start Date – Enter the court order/rider start date. This is a required field.
- End Date – Enter the court order/rider end date. This is an optional field but do enter the data.
- State – Enter the state for the court that issued the order/rider.
- Status – Select the applicable court order status. To inactivate a QMSCO, select Inactive.
- Exception Type – Click the drop down list to select the applicable court order type.
- Court Order Number – Enter the court order/rider number.
- Comment – You have 254 characters to enter applicable comments. Make sure the comments are objective, not subjective.
- OK – Click the OK button to save the court order/rider information. Repeat these steps for each plan type that requires a court order/rider row for the dependent.
- If you are entering a registered Domestic Partner through the On Demand Event Maintenance page (i.e., the employee is not adding the registered Domestic Partner via eBenefits Self Service), you must fill out the Domestic Partner section on the CSU Dependent tab. The information entered into the Domestic Partner section prints on the Dental Enrollment form.

- Tax Dependent – Select if the registered domestic partner is a tax dependent of the employee.
- Tax Year – Enter the tax year using YYYY format if the registered domestic partner is a tax dependent of the employee.
- Certificate on File – Select that you have reviewed and approved the registered domestic partner’s supporting documents.
- Certified By (Officer) – Enter your name.
- Click the OK button to save entered dependent data.
- You are returned to the Ben Admin Data Entry page.
- Return to the Option Election tab and enroll the dependents onto the applicable benefit plans by selecting the correct coverage code and benefit plan, and by clicking once for each dependent to add on the

button in the Dependents/Beneficiaries section for each applicable plan type, or by clicking on the Enroll All button and removing non-applicable dependents using the

- Do not delete dependents with active QMSCOs in effect. You will receive the following warning message if you attempt to delete dependents from benefit plans with active QMSCOs in effect. You can change the employee’s benefit plan within a plan type when they have an active QMSCOs in effect, but you should not dis-enroll the QMSCO dependent when the QMSCOs is active.
- You are returned to the Ben Admin Data Entry page. Click on the CSU Perm Event tab to enter the applicable permitting event codes for updated benefit plans. Permitting event codes can be entered on the CSU Perm Event page for Plan Types 10, 11, 1Y, 1Z, 60 and 61 (Medical, Dental, Med Flex Cash, Den Flex Cash, Health Care Reimbursement Account and Dependent Care Reimbursement Account).
- Enter the permitting event code.
- If enabled, click on the View All link to see all plan types that require permitting event codes.
- Code – click on the Look Up Icon and select the applicable permitting event code for the displayed Plan Type.
- Event Date – The Event Date automatically defaults to the original BAS Event Date. The Event Date needs to be the date of the actual qualifying benefit event (i.e., new hire date, marriage date, divorce date, dependent birth date, adoption date, etc.). Update this date as needed.
- HBO Rec’d Date – This is the date that the employee submitted his/her benefit elections. Enter the date that the employee submitted his/her benefit elections.
- Ensure all permitting events codes are entered for each plan type. Use the PSR Interface workaround to report one permitting event code at a time for employees who have multiple permitting event codes listed for the same permitting event date. Refer to the CHRS Benefits PSR Interface User Guide for workaround instructions.
- Click OK. If the dates entered on the CSU Perm Event page for any plan type are more than 30 days in the past or future from today’s date, the following warning message appears for each plan type. Ensure that the dates entered are correct and click the OK button.
- The On-Demand Event Maintenance page appears.
- Notice that the Status is now Entered.
- Select the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox and then click the Validate/Finalize button. The Ben Admin process runs to finalize the elections and writes the enrollment to the applicable Base Benefit tables. If Ben Admin run successfully, a message displays that the process completed successfully. Click the OK button.
- You may receive an informational warning message stating the enrollments processed overwrote existing enrollments. This is a valid message in certain events, such as overwriting default waive rows for medical and dental. If this message appears, validate that it is correct and then click on the Return button.
- The On Demand Event Maintenance page appears with the Status changed to Finalized-Enrolled.
- Click on the New Window link in the top right corner of the page and go to the Health Benefits page and the Spending Accounts page if applicable and verify that the correct enrollments were written to these Base Benefits pages. Navigation to these pages is Benefits > Enroll in Benefits.
- The Confirmation Statement button is now enabled. Ignore the Confirmation Statement button. The Confirmation Statement button is not used in CHRS.
- Note that the Event Status Update button is always enabled.

Notice the Reprocess button is not enabled. To reprocess a closed BAS event, you will have to go the Event Status Update page, locate the BAS event, reopen the Event Status to Open for Processing and also set the Process Indicator to the correct reprocessing step. Important: Be sure to reference the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event document and the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheatsheet before reprocessing any BAS event, especially eBenefits ESS BAS events.
Printing Medical, Dental, Flex Cash and HCRA/DCRA Enrollment Forms
Click on the CSU On Demand Printing tab to generate Medical, Dental, Flex Cash and HCRA/DCRA enrollment forms for the BAS event that you just processed. Make sure to disable your browser pop-up blocker in order to print enrollment forms on demand.
For Dental forms:
- Click the Print button to generate the form in PDF in a new window.
- Print the form from the PDF menu that appears at the bottom of the PDF document.
For Medical forms:
- Click the Print button to generate the form in PDF in a new window.
- Print the form from the PDF menu that appears at the bottom of the PDF document.
For Flex Cash (DenFlex/MedFlex)forms:
- Click the Print button to generate the form in PDF in a new window. You only have to print one Flex Cash form as all changes to Medical Flex Cash and Dental Flex Cash if applicable are included on one form.
- Print the form from the PDF menu that appears at the bottom of the PDF document.
For FSA Health/FSA Depnd (HCRA/DCRA) forms:
- Click the Print button to generate the form in PDF in a new window. You only have to print one FSA form as all changes to HCRA and DCRA if applicable are included on one form
- Print the form from the PDF menu that appears at the bottom of the PDF document.

Refer to the CHRS Benefits Forms Business Process Guide for more information and ways to print benefits enrollment forms.
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