Revision Date | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
05/06/2021 | Initial draft | All |
08/08/2022 | Updated for PTools 8.59 | All |
09/07/22 | Added automatically-inserted permitting event codes table to Appendix | Appendix |
11/9/22 | Added PSR Workaround information for permitting event dates with multiple permitting event codes | 4.2, 5.2, 6.2 |
11/14/22 | Updated for new W3Pa CSUBASDL | 4.2, 5.2, 6.2, 8.0 |
2/7/2023 | Added troubleshooting section | Appendix |
2/7/23 | Added troubleshooting item | Appendix |
4/20/23 | Added troubleshooting item | Appendix |
5/11/23 | Added note regarding the Enrollment Preview Statement. | 4.2, 5.2 |
5/17/23 | Added troubleshooting item | Appendix |
6/5/23 | Added sections 2.0 and 3.0 | 2.0 and 3.0 |
7/28/23 | Added report examples for the Delete Activity Guide process | 6.0 and 7.0 |
8/3/23 | Corrected Employee BAS Event Detail cheat sheet reference | |
9/20/23 | Added troubleshooting item | Appendix |
3/6/24 | Updated Events | Appendix |
11/08/24 | Updated
for PTools 8.60 |
All |
11/13/24 | Changed
ELC Perm event code 18 to 05A for Dental |
15 |
2/10/25 | Updated Appendix to reflect correct ELC Perm Event code 05A for Dental | Appendix |
1. Process Overview
This business process guide reviews how campus Benefits Offices process eBenefits Employee Self Service (ESS) transactions. Note that many of the items in this user guide only applies to campuses using full eBenefits Employee Self Service. The majority of items in this user guide does not apply to view-only eBenefits Self Service campuses. This is indicated where applicable.
2. Related Job Aids and Cheat Sheets
Knowledge Base Articles | |
Knowledge Base Cheat Sheets | |
3. Process Prerequisites
- eBenefits Employee Self Service Life Event, New Hire/Newly Benefit Eligible, Open Enrollment benefit enrollment transactions for Full eBenefits ESS transactions
- Benefit enrollments
- Campus must use full eBenefits Employee Self Service
Security Roles
- Campus Benefits Office Staff:
- To access the run control page to generate benefits enrollment forms
- To generate and see benefits enrollment forms and the Affidavit of Parent Child Relationship, Domestic Partner Dependent Certification form and the Dependent Re-Verification Affidavit
- CHR_PT_Report_Manager role to access Report Manager
- CHR_PT_Process_Monitor role to access Process Monitor
CHRXX_BA_CSUBAS_Reports role, where ‘XX’ is specific to each campus.
- This new role allows users to only view their campus reports and job logs processed by nightly batch processing schedules in Report Manager. (Campuses will not be able to view the reports in Process Monitor due to security concerns).
Training Requirements
- Know and understand PeopleSoft Benefits Administration Processing
- Know and understand eBenefits Employee Self Service transaction entry
- Know and understand eBenefits Employee Self Service auditing
- Know and understand the nightly scheduled CSUBASDL and CSUBASOE Employee Self Service batch processes
4. Benefits Primary Job Campus
IMPORTANT: Before you attempt to process a BAS event for an employee, verify that your campus is the Benefits Primary Job for the employee. You cannot process Benefits and Ben Admin changes for employees on your campus’ Ben Admin Schedules IDs if you are not the Benefits Primary Job campus. The campus that owns the Benefits Primary Job is the campus that must process the employee’s benefits and benefit changes.
View Benefits Primary Job campus
- navigate > Benefits > Review Employee Benefits > CSU Benefits Summary
- Example of Current Benefits Primary Job Campus

- To see the future-dated or historic Benefits Primary Job campuses, click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Benefits > Maintain Primary Job > Maintain Flags

Use the left and right arrow buttons to position on the applicable effective-dated row to see the Employment Record (job) that is considered the Benefits Primary Job for the employee.
In the example on the next page, Employment Record 0 is considered the Benefits Primary Job on 12/21/21. The campus that owns Employment Record 0 is the campus that must process the employee’s benefits and benefit changes.
- Example of Historic and Future-Dated Benefits Primary Job Campus
If you are not the Benefits Primary Job campus for the employee, refer the employee to their Benefits Primary Job campus for benefits enrollment and changes.
5. Life Event Transactions in eBenefits
Overview: Employees who are benefit-eligible and who have a benefits primary job in a campus that is using full eBenefits functionality in CHRS 9.2 are able to complete and submit eBenefits Life Event transactions in eBenefits.
- eBenefits Life Event classes are: ADP, BIR, DIV, DGC, DLC, EGC, ELC, DRP, MAR, PCR and LTE.
- Refer to the Event Class Cheatsheet for an explanation of each event class. Refer to the Choosing a Life Event job aid for an explanation on when employees should use each life event.
Important: ADP, BIR, DIV, DGC, DLC, EGC, ELC, DRP, MAR, PCR and LTE event classes can be used only by full eBenefits Employee Self Service (ESS) campuses.
- View-only eBenefits ESS campuses cannot use ADP, BIR, DIV, DGC, DLC, EGC, ELC, DRP, MAR, PCR and LTE event classes in v9.2.
- View-only campuses can use the HBE BAS event for all life event transactions until they implement full eBenefits Self Service.
- View-only and full eBenefits campuses can also continue to use the LIF and the FSA BAS events as needed.
- View-only eBenefits ESS campuses cannot use ADP, BIR, DIV, DGC, DLC, EGC, ELC, DRP, MAR, PCR and LTE event classes in v9.2.
- The Event Date for ADP, BIR, DIV, DGC, DLC, EGC, ELC, DRP, MAR, PCR, LTE and NEW event classes is the date the event occurred (it is not the date of benefit coverage begin). Employees enter the event date when they use full eBenefits ESS.
- Nightly batch processing changes the ADP, BIR, DIV, DGC, DLC, EGC, ELC, MAR, PCR, LTE and NEW event classes Event Date to be the date the employee submitted their enrollment in Benefits Employee Self Service and then determines benefit coverage effective dates based off of the submission date.
- The Election Received Date in the Employee Event Detail page and the permitting event code HBO Received Date is the date that the employee submitted their enrollments via eBenefits ESS.
- See example screen shots below. Refer to the Employee BAS Event Detail cheat sheet for instructions on how to use/read the Employee Event Detail page.
- Example of Election Received Date in Employee Event Detail Page

- Example of HBO Received Date in CSU Hlth Perm Evt Page
- Life Events submitted via eBenefits Employee Self Service will be at an ‘ET’ process status and will be changed to an ‘RE’ status by the CSU_BA_EVT_DT process (part of the nightly CSUBASDL schedule) and will not be finalized-enrolled in PeopleSoft until the employee turns in the required supporting documents up to day 61 (or day 31 for the LTE event class).
- Campus Benefits Office staff use the Update Event Status page or the Update Processing Controls page (field label is Final/Dflt) to manually enable the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox once the employee turns in the supporting documents (do not set the flag in the On Demand Event Maintenance page!). Enabling the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox allows the nightly CSU_BA_EV_DT process to change the ‘RE’ status back to ‘ET’, apply the submission dates rules to set the correct coverage begin dates for all enrolled plan types and then finalize the benefit enrollments into PeopleSoft if there are no election errors.
- Event Coordination: If the employee has multiple ESS BAS events that are ready to finalize, only enable (check) the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag on one ESS BAS event at a time, starting with the oldest (be sure to change the Event Status to Open for Processing if it is closed). CSUBAS is currently designed to process one ESS BAS event, including the like ‘xx1’ BAS event if applicable, for an employee in each campuses’ Event Maintenance (EM) schedule nightly. Once the first ESS BAS event (and like ‘xx1’ BAS event, if applicable) is at a Finalized-Enrolled status, you can enable (check) the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag on the next ESS BAS event to process (be sure to change the Event Status to Open for Processing if it is closed).
New System-generated Event Classes: NW1, AD1, BI1, PC1, DI1, MA1, DG1, DL1, EG1 and EL1
- These new ‘xx1’ Event classes are created by the nightly CSU_BA_EV_DT process for Medical Flex Cash, Dental Flex Cash and HCRA/DCRA enrollments only if the submission date is after the 3rd of the month or meets other criteria where the coverage effective date for Plan Types 1Z, 1Y, 60 and/or 61 differs from Plan Types 10, 11 and/or 14 for full eBenefits ESS campuses using the following new event classes: ADP, BIR, DIV, DGC, DLC, EGC, ELC, DRP, MAR, PCR, LTE and NEW.
- Refer to the submission date rules job aid to see when coverage effective dates diverge among plan types… this is when like xx1 rows are created by the custom CSU_BA_EV_DT process, which is part of CSUBAS. Generally, the only action that you will perform with these new system-generated BAS events is to void them should you need to void their counterpart BAS events (counterpart BAS events are NEW, ADP, BIR, PCR, DIV, MAR, DGC, DLC, EGC and ELC). Note that:
- You cannot manually create/add ‘xx1’ BAS events.
- ‘xx1’ BAS events are only generated for campuses that are using full Benefits Employee Self Service.
- ‘xx1’ BAS events are created for MED FLEX, DEN FLEX and HCRA/DCRA enrollments if defined for the submission scenario in the CSU Submission Date Setup table. In scenarios where the employee doesn’t have Plan Type 10, 11 and 14 enrollments or changes, but does have FLEX and HCRA/DCRA enrollments or changes, an ‘xx1’ row is still created and the original ESS BAS event will process to a Finalized-Enrolled status without any enrollments. (There is a change request submitted to modify the process so this doesn’t occur).
- Each BAS event (event class) has its own Benefits Confirmation Statements. So ‘xx1’ BAS events will have separate Benefits Confirmation Statements.
- ‘xx1’ BAS events are not used by nor created for campuses that use View-Only eBenefits ESS.
- If the employee does not turn in the supporting document and the processing time limit has expired for the ESS BAS event, the CSU_BA_EV_DT nightly processing keeps the process status at ‘RE’ and sets the BAS event to be voided by delivered Ben Admin (PSPBARUN). CSUBAS closes the life event when the time limit expires (see chart below for time period expirations by BAS event) but does not delete the open Life or OE activity guide. (There is a change control request to create a custom process to delete expired/abandoned activity guides).
- Refer to the following table to see what day CSU_BA_EV_DT automatically closes certain ESS BAS events if they are open and in an ‘ET’ or ‘PR’ process status and are not voided or disconnected.
- ESS Life Events BAS events in a ‘PR’ status in the above list that age out at day 31 or 61 are processed to Finalized-Enrolled with no enrollments entered. You can verify that no enrollments were entered by going to the Employee Event Detail>Plan Types page and checking the Enroll Action for Plan Types where Elections Allowed is enabled. See example screen shot. If the Enroll Action is None, no enrollment changes were entered for the plan type, and the current election status (Elect, Waive, Terminate or none(blank)) carried forward for the plan type. You can also go to the Employee Event Detail>Participant page and look at Election Source. If Election Source shows None Entered, no benefit enrollment/changes were entered for the selected BAS event.
EVENT_CLASS | Close on Day |
ADP | 61 |
BIR | 61 |
MAR | 61 |
PCR | 61 |
DGC | 61 |
DLC | 61 |
EGC | 61 |
ELC | 61 |
LTE | 31 |
DIV | 61 |

- As a rule, Campus Benefits Office should never use the On Demand Event Maintenance page to finalize benefit enrollments for ADP, BIR, DIV, DGC, DLC, EGC, ELC, MAR, PCR and LTE event classes as this will mess up benefit enrollments done via eBenefits Employee Self Service (i.e., the submission date rules will not be applied to the benefit enrollments if you manually finalize in ODEM). Let the nightly CSUBASDL process complete the enrollment processing.
- Campus Benefits Offices must void expired ESS events in an NT status in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
- Campus Benefits Offices always needs to finalize benefit enrollments for the DRP Self Service event class. This can be done via the On Demand Event Maintenance page or by setting the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag in the Update Event Status or the Update Processing Controls pages. Use the CSU Process Status Rpt to manage processing the DRP self-service event.
- Be sure the employee uses the correct Relationship to Employee values for new dependents added with the corresponding BAS event code. If the incorrect Relationship to Employee value is used, incorrect permitting event codes will be inserted by the CSUBASDL nightly process.
BAS Event Code | Relationship to Employee |
Adopted Child |
BIR | Child |
MAR | Spouse, Step Children, Recognized Child, Domestic Partner Adult, Domestic Partner Child |
PCR | Recognized Child |
DLC | Spouse, Child, Step Children, Recognized Child, Domestic Partner Adult, Domestic Partner Child, Adopted Child |
ELC | Spouse, Child, Step Children, Recognized Child, Domestic Partner Adult, Domestic Partner Child, Adopted Child |
LTE | Spouse, Child, Step Children, Recognized Child, Domestic Partner Adult, Domestic Partner Child, Adopted Child |
Daily Process Steps
- Run and review the CSU_BAS_SS_EVENTS query daily to monitor open self-service events (also refer to the Daily Review BA Baseline Queries job aid).
- This query lists Employee ID, Name, Event Class, Event ID, Event Date, Event Expiration (60 or 30 or 1-day time limit), Event Status, BAS Process Status, and the employee’s email address. If employees do not submit their elections before the life event time limit expires, their benefit elections will not be processed. Campus Benefits Office staff can use this query to reach out to employees to alert them that they need to submit their benefit elections for processing.
- Run and review the CSU_BAS_SS_NT query daily to monitor open self-service events with a Process Status of Notified (NT).
- The NT status means the employee has looked at the self-service event and may have made some benefits enrollments but has not submitted their elections. If employees do not submit their elections before the life event time limit expires, their benefit elections will not be processed. Campus Benefits Offices must void expired ESS events in an NT process status in the On Demand Event Maintenance page as the CSU_BAS_EV_DT process doesn’t closed or void ESS events in a NT status.
- This query includes the Employee ID, Name, Event Class, Event ID, Event Date, Event Expiration (60 or 30 or 1-day time limit), Event Status, BAS Process Status and the employee’s email address. Campus Benefits Office staff can use this query to reach out to employees to alert them that they need to submit their benefit elections for processing. Campus Benefits Office staff must use the Manage Benefits Instances page to delete the employee’s open enrollment/life event activity guide that has exceeded the time limit and is in an NT status.
3. Review the nightly CSUBASDL job logs and reports (also refer to the Daily Review CSUBAS Logs and Reports job aid.
- List of CSUBASDL Jobs

- First verify that all jobs in the CSUBASDL process for your campus successfully completed.
- If a job did not successfully complete, work with your local functional and technical resources to identify and resolve the issue, and to have the CSUBASDL process restarted so it can complete processing.
- IMPORTANT: Campuses cannot manually run the CSUBAS process at the same time. If you must kick of the CSUBAS process manually during the day instead of waiting for CSUBAS to run at night, please reach out to the Benefits Officers of other CHRS campuses to coordinate the manually CSUBAS run with other CHRS campuses This item will be resolved with a fix it ticket.
- If a job did not successfully complete, work with your local functional and technical resources to identify and resolve the issue, and to have the CSUBASDL process restarted so it can complete processing.
- PSPBARUN: Delivered Ben Admin process. This process runs five times each night for your campus. Review the log generated by each run and make sure the log says process successfully completed. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
- CSU_PERM_DEL: This process runs twice each night for your campus. This log lists the orphaned permitting event code found for your campus and deleted. Review the log generated by each run and make sure the log says process ended normally. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
CSU_BA18003: This process runs once each night for your campus. This process evaluates and determines which of the following BAS Actions can be deleted and not process through Ben Admin since the employees benefits are not impacted: MSC, ACT, POS, DTA, JRC, PAY, DEM, PRO, ACT, JED, LOA, MJC, PLA, STD, STO, SUS and XFR. Review the log generated make sure the log says process ended normally. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
- The .csv report generated by this process lists the BAS Actions deleted from the Review BAS Activity page. The first run of this process nightly deletes applicable BAS Actions for all campuses on CHRS. If your campus is not the first campus to process the CSUBASDL jobs, this report will be empty. Instead, use the CSU_BAS_DELETED_ACTIONS baseline query to see BAS Actions deleted specifically for your campus.

CSU_PERM_INS: This process runs multiple times each night for your campus. This log lists permitting event codes automatically inserted for employees by plan type. Review the log generated by each run and make sure the log says process ended normally. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process. Warning messages requiring review. See the Appendix for a list of BAS events and permitting event codes that are automatically inserted by custom process CSU_PERM_INS.
- Important Note: The CSU_PERM_INS process does not re-evaluate the permitting event codes when BAS event are reprocessed. Validation of correct permitting event codes when reprocessing BAS events is a manual step performed by the campus Benefits Office staff in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
- Use the PSR Interface workaround to report one permitting event code at a time for employees who have multiple permitting event codes listed for the same permitting event date. Refer to the CHRS Benefits PSR Interface User Guide for workaround instructions.

- Example of CSU_PERM_INS report w/o warnings
- Example of CSU_PERM_INS report with warning
- Example of CSU_PERM_INS report with warning
CSU_BA_EV_DT: This process runs once each night for your campus. This process determines the submission date rules for eBenefits ESS event classes once the eBenefits ESS event class is set to finalize. Review the log generated by each run and make sure the log says process ended normally. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
CSU_BA_EV_DT first evaluates ESS BAS events and performs the following:
- Wait for Proof Docs - For Like ‘EM’ Schedule IDs, if the Process Status is ET and not day 61 for ESS BAS events except LTE (day 31 for LTE) and FINALIZE_ENROLL is not equal to Y, set the Process Status to RE. The Ben Admin process (PSPBARUN) bypasses BAS events in a RE process status.
- Got proof docs – For Like ‘EM’ Schedule IDs, if the Process Status is RE and not day 61 for ESS BAS events except LTE (day 31 for LTE) and FINALIZE_ENROLL = Y, set the Process Status to ET. (Campus Benefits Office staff manually sets the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag on the ESS BAS event when they approve the proof/supporting documents, and this process will change the process status from RE to ET to finalize the enrollments/changes).
No Proof Docs Received and time expired – For Like ‘EM’ Schedule IDs, if the Process Status is RE and day 61 or greater for ESS BAS events except LTE (day 31 or greater for LTE) and FINALIZE_ENROLL is not Y, then Void the event. (The process will void the ESS BAS event if the employee doesn’t turn in proof documents before the life event time limit expires. The process status remains at RE (it remains at a RE status so the employee’s entries are preserved for audit trail purposes).
- Note that dependents added in the self service transaction are not deleted from the system when the event is voided.
- Note that the electronic signature is not deleted when the event is voided.
- There are two .txt reports to review from the CSU_BA_EVT_DT process.
- The CSU_Health_Effective_Dates.txt log lists:
- ESS BAS events that had the original event date change due to submission date processing.
- ESS BAS events changed by the process from an RE process status to a ET process status for finalization by Ben Admin.
- ESS BAS events in a PR status that reached day 61 or greater and were closed.
- The CSU_Health_Effective_Dates.txt log lists:
CSU_BA_EV_DT first evaluates ESS BAS events and performs the following:
- Report Example

- The CSU_Health_Effective_Dates_Errors.txt log lists employee/life BAS events where the system was unable to create the like ‘xx1’ BAS event due to a duplicate BAS event already existing. If this error occurs, the like ‘xx1’ BAS event was not created because it would overwrite another like ‘xx1’ enrollment with the same coverage effective date. This duplicate issue occurs when employees create another Life Event with a different effective date in the hopes of fixing an error made on their previous submission. For example, an employee created and submitted a MAR life event on 10/1/20, realized they made a mistake, and instead of contacting the campus Benefits Office, created another MAR event on 10/2/20 with different enrollment updates. If a BAS event appears on this report, the campus Benefits Office staff needs contact the employee and determine the correct enrollments and void the incorrect enrollments. Void the incorrect enrollments from the On Demand Event Maintenance page. If the original enrollment must be voided, complete the benefits enrollment using the applicable BAS event(s) (HBE, LIF and/or FSA) via the On Demand Event Maintenance page instead of the employee using self-service.
Report Example

- Refer to the Job Aid – Submission Date Rules – Like Rows Created Schedule. This job aid depicts the submission date rules by event class and date submitted.
- Review the CSU_BAS_ACTP job log. This process deletes Life Event activity guides for finalized Life events BAS events, voided Life events BAS events and related activity guides, and aged-out Life event activity guides. The process log also lists employees missing their Life event electronic signature. Be sure to manually reach out to employee’s who are missing their Life event electronic signature and have them sign back into eBenefits ESS and the Life event and submit their Life event electronic signature and complete the Life event so you can then mark their finalize enrollments ready to finalize after approving their supporting documents.
Important: Extremely Rare Timing Issue and Solution: This issue may never happen, but it could. If the employee submits an ESS enrollment right when the nightly schedule is running for his/her campus (the nightly schedules take about 3-6 minutes to run for each campus), there’s a slight chance that the employee’s ESS BAS event will finalize without submission date processing rules being applied. If this occurs, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, open the finalized ESS event, and process it back to a RE (re-open) process status. The campus will find this issue when the EE brings their supporting documents into the Benefits Office and the Benefits staff goes to the Update Event Status page to set the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag. There is no report or query to identify these employees where this issue occurs.
- Delete Activity Guide Report Example
- Issues Section Listing Employees Missing Electronic Signature Example
- Employees must use MOVEit or physically turn in their supporting documents to their campus Benefits Office after submitting their benefit elections via Benefits ESS. Once the employee has turned in his/her supporting documents:
- Audit the employee’s benefits enrollment in the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, pull up the applicable BAS event, click on the Election Entry button, review the enrollments made and the dependents selected for coverage for Medical, Dental and Vision benefits. Compare the new enrollment and/or changes against the employee’s current benefits enrollments in the Base Benefits tables (Health Benefits and Spending Accounts), if applicable. (A PeopleSoft defect exists where employees can add and delete dependents in eBenefits for BAS events where they should not be able to. It is not known when bug fix can be applied/developed for CHRS.
- Be sure the employee uses the correct Relationship to Employee values for the new dependent with the corresponsing BAS event code. If the incorrect Relationship to Employee value is used, incorrect permitting event codes will be inserted by the CSUBASDL nightly process.
- Audit the employee’s benefits enrollment in the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, pull up the applicable BAS event, click on the Election Entry button, review the enrollments made and the dependents selected for coverage for Medical, Dental and Vision benefits. Compare the new enrollment and/or changes against the employee’s current benefits enrollments in the Base Benefits tables (Health Benefits and Spending Accounts), if applicable. (A PeopleSoft defect exists where employees can add and delete dependents in eBenefits for BAS events where they should not be able to. It is not known when bug fix can be applied/developed for CHRS.
BAS Event Code | Relationship to Employee |
Adopted Child |
BIR | Child |
MAR | Spouse, Step Children, Recognized Child, Domestic Partner Adult, Domestic Partner Child |
PCR | Recognized Child |
DLC | Spouse, Child, Step Children, Recognized Child, Domestic Partner Adult, Domestic Partner Child, Adopted Child |
ELC | Spouse, Child, Step Children, Recognized Child, Domestic Partner Adult, Domestic Partner Child, Adopted Child |
LTE | Spouse, Child, Step Children, Recognized Child, Domestic Partner Adult, Domestic Partner Child, Adopted Child |
- If you find an issue:
- If needed, speak to the employee to determine the employee’s enrollment intention (for example, if the employee added or deleted dependents from his or her Medical, Dental or Vision Plan that they should not have on the Life Event, contact the employee, and ask the employee what their intention was in using that particular Life Event). You can adjust the enrollment and/or dependent coverage in the On Demand Event Maintenance page per the employee’s explanation by clicking on the Election Entry button. But if you do this, you will also need to insert the permitting event codes in the On Demand Event Maintenance page and you will need to check the Finalize Apply/Defaults checkbox on the Update Event Status page (do not select the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox on the On Demand Event Maintenance page). Best practice instead is to do the following:
Void the Life Event and also delete the Life Event Activity guide and then request that the employee redo their Life Event in eBenefits Self Service following your instructions.
- Audit the newly submitted Life Event.
- Run the CSU_BAS_ELECTRONIC_ESIGNATURE query for the employee ID to verify that the employee electronically signed their eBenefits enrollment. If the employee did not electronically sign their enrollment, have the employee sign back into eBenefits, go to the Live Event Activity Guide and electronically sign and complete the Life Event Activity guide.
- If the review of the employee’s enrollments/changes passed your audit and the supporting documents meet the requirements for the life event, go the Update Event Status page or the Update Processing Controls page (field label is Final/Dflt) and manually enable the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox and save.
- Enabling the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox allows the nightly CSU_BA_EV_DT process to change the RE status back to ET, apply the submission dates rules to set the correct coverage begin dates for all enrolled plan types and finalize the benefit enrollments into PeopleSoft if there are no election errors.
- If applicable, update the employee’s marital status in Modify a Person > Biographical Details, or work with the applicable workgroup to update this information. This information must be updated prior to generating the Dental Enrollment form, if applicable for the transaction. Employees are not able to update their Marital Status in Workforce Administration Self Service and Benefits Employee Self Service in CHRS Release 1.
- CSUBASDL processes the life event set to finalize.
- Review the CSUBASDL reports and logs the next business day to ensure that no issues or errors occurred. Also review and resolve issues on the following reports daily:
- Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions > Report on Flagged Items
- Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Process Status Rpt
- Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Benefits Transactions Rpt
- Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Benefits Termination Rpt
- Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Job Changes Prior Ben Admin
- Refer to daily CHRS Ben Admin business processing guides to see additional reports to review and resolve daily.
- If the life event(s) are at a Process Status of Finalized Enrolled, you can generate the Online Benefits Confirmation Statement for the employee if desired. Refer to the Generate and Print Online Confirmation Statements job aid.
- Run the Process Status report to see voided life events.
- Note: The Enrollment Preview Statement is automatically generated when the employee submits the enrollment during the fluid ESS Benefits Enrollment process. CSU only uses the Enrollment Preview Statement for Open Enrollment (OE) schedules. Employees will only see this statement for OE schedules, but Benefits Officers will see the Enrollment Preview Statement for EM and OE schedules via the Review Employee Statements page. Benefits Officers can ignore the Enrollment Preview Statement for EM schedules on the Review Employee Statements page as they will not be correct due to submission date processing for EM schedules.
6. New Hire/Newly Benefit Eligible Transactions in eBenefits
Employees who are benefits-eligible and who have a benefits primary job in a campus that is using full eBenefits functionality in CHRS 9.2 are able to complete and submit a New Hire/Newly Benefit Eligible transaction in eBenefits.
The eBenefits New Hire/Newly Benefit Eligible event class is: NEW. Refer to the Event Class Cheatsheet for an explanation of the NEW event class.
Important: The NEW BAS event can be used only by full eBenefits ESS campuses. View-only eBenefits ESS campuses should not use the NEW BAS event in v9.2.
For new hires and newly benefit eligible employees, create a NEW BAS event if the employee will use eBenefits ESS to do their benefits enrollments (and you are a campus that is using full eBenefits ESS), or create the HBE BAS event if the employee is submitting paper forms to do their benefit enrollments. If you are a campus that is using View-only eBenefits ESS, do not use the NEW BAS event. Instead, if you are a campus that is using View-only Benefits ESS, continue to use the HBE BAS event for benefit enrollments.
For full eBenefits ESS campuses: You can use HBE or NEW, one or the other, to process new hires/newly benefit eligible employees!
Important: Do not create the NEW BAS event if it’s been 60 days or more since the employee was hired. If the employee was hired 60 or more days ago, use the HBE BAS event to process the new hire enrollments. Do not use the NEW BAS event.
If you use NEW, make the NEW Event Date the date of the hire. Process the NEW event to Prepared (PR) status on On Demand Event Maintenance page and then notify the employee that he/she can go into Benefits ESS and do their benefit enrollments. You can also let the nightly CSUBAS take the NEW BAS event to a Prepared status for you. Remember that the employee has 60 days from the date of hire to enter and submit their benefit elections. Nightly batch processing will change the NEW Event Date to be the date the employee submitted their enrollment in Employee Self Service after you have reviewed their supporting documents and marked the event ready to finalize, and at that time will then determine benefit coverage effective dates based off of the submission date.
- If you use HBE, make the HBE event date the date of benefit coverage, just like you did in v9.0, and process the HBE enrollments in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Benefit elections submitted via Benefits Employee Self Service will be at an ET process status and will be changed to an RE status by the CSU_BA_EVT_DT process (part of CSUBAS) and will not be finalized-enrolled in PeopleSoft until the employee turns in the required forms and/or supporting documents up to day 61. Campus Benefits Office staff will use the Update Event Status page or the Update Processing Controls page (field label is Final/Dflt) to manually enable the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox for the NEW event class once the employee turns in the required forms and supporting documents (do not set the flag in the On Demand Event Maintenance page!). Enabling the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox will allow the nightly CSU_BA_EV_DT process to change the RE status back to ET, apply the submission dates rules to set the correct coverage begin dates for all enrolled plan types and finalize the benefit enrollments into PeopleSoft if there are no election errors.
- The Election Received Date in the Employee Event Detail page and the permitting event code HBO Received Date is the date that the employee submitted their enrollments via eBenefits ESS. See the example screen shots below. Refer to the Employee BAS Event Detail cheat sheet for instructions on how to use/read the Employee Event Detail page.
- Example of Election Received Date in Employee Event Detail Page
- Example of HBO Received Date in CSU Hlth Perm Evt Page
Event Coordination: If the employee has multiple ESS BAS events that are ready to finalize, only enable (check) the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag on one ESS BAS event at a time, starting with the oldest (be sure to change the Event Status to Open for Processing if it is closed). CSUBAS is currently designed to process one ESS BAS event, including the like ‘xx1’ BAS event if applicable, for an employee in each campuses’ Event Maintenance (EM) schedule nightly. Once the first ESS BAS event (and like ‘xx1’ BAS event, if applicable) is at a Finalized-Enrolled status, you can enable (check) the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag on the next ESS BAS event to process (be sure to change the Event Status to Open for Processing if it is closed).
- If the employee does not turn in the required forms and/or proof documents and the time limit has expired for the ESS BAS event, CSU_BA_EV_DT nightly processing keeps the process status at RE and sets the BAS event to be voided by delivered Ben Admin (PSPBARUN).
- If the employee does not turn in the required forms and/or proof documents for NEW BAS events, nightly processing will void the NEW event.
New System-generated Event Classes: NW1
- The ‘NW1’ Event class is created by the nightly CSU_BA_EVT_DT process for FLEX and HCRA/DCRA enrollments only if the submission date is after the 3rd of the month or meets other criteria where the coverage effective date for Plan Types 1Z, 1Y, 60 and/or 61 differs from Plan Types 10, 11 and/or 14 for full Benefits ESS campuses using the NEW event class. ‘NW1’ BAS events are not created by campuses that use View-Only Benefits ESS. Refer to the submission date rules job aid to see when coverage effective dates diverge among plan types… this is when like xx1 rows are created by the custom CSU_BA_EV_DT process, which is part of CSUBAS. Generally, the only action that you will perform with these new system-generated BAS events is to void them should you need to void their counterpart BAS events (counterpart BAS events are NEW, ADP, BIR, PCR, DIV, MAR, DGC, DLC, EGC and ELC).
- You cannot manually create/add ‘xx1’ BAS events.
- ‘xx1’ BAS events are only generated for campuses that are using full eBenefits Employee Self Service.
- ‘xx1’ BAS events are created for MED FLEX, DEN FLEX and HCRA/DCRA enrollments if defined for the submission scenario in the CSU Submission Date Setup table. In scenarios where the employee doesn’t have Plan Type 10, 11 and 14 enrollments or changes, but does have FLEX and HCRA/DCRA enrollments or changes, and ‘xx1’ row is still created and the original ESS BAS event will process to a Finalized-Enrolled status without any enrollments. (There is a change request submitted to modify the process so this doesn’t occur).
- Each BAS event (event class) has its own Benefits Confirmation Statements. So ‘xx1’ BAS events will have separate Benefits Confirmation Statements.
- The ‘NW1’ Event class is created by the nightly CSU_BA_EVT_DT process for FLEX and HCRA/DCRA enrollments only if the submission date is after the 3rd of the month or meets other criteria where the coverage effective date for Plan Types 1Z, 1Y, 60 and/or 61 differs from Plan Types 10, 11 and/or 14 for full Benefits ESS campuses using the NEW event class. ‘NW1’ BAS events are not created by campuses that use View-Only Benefits ESS. Refer to the submission date rules job aid to see when coverage effective dates diverge among plan types… this is when like xx1 rows are created by the custom CSU_BA_EV_DT process, which is part of CSUBAS. Generally, the only action that you will perform with these new system-generated BAS events is to void them should you need to void their counterpart BAS events (counterpart BAS events are NEW, ADP, BIR, PCR, DIV, MAR, DGC, DLC, EGC and ELC).
- NEW BAS events in a PR process status in the above list that age out at day 61 are processed to Finalized-Enrolled with no enrollments entered. You can verify that no enrollments were entered by going to the Employee Event Detail>Plan Types page and checking the Enroll Action for Plan Types where Elections Allowed is enabled. See the following example screen shots. If the Enroll Action is None, no enrollment changes were entered for the plan type, and the current election status (Elect, Waive, Terminate or none(blank)) carried forward for the plan type. You can also go to the Employee Event Detail>Participant page and look at Election Source. If Election Source shows None Entered, no benefit enrollment/changes were entered for the selected BAS event.
- As a rule, Campus Benefits Office should never use the On Demand Event Maintenance page to finalize benefit enrollments for NEW event classes as this will mess up benefit enrollments done via Benefits Employee Self Service (i.e., the submission date rules will not be applied to the benefit enrollments if you manually finalize in ODEM). Let the nightly CSUBASDL process complete the enrollment processing.
- Be sure the employee uses the correct Relationship to Employee values for the new dependent with the corresponsing BAS event code. If the incorrect Relationship to Employee value is used, incorrect permitting event codes will be inserted by the CSUBASDL nightly process.
- Campus Benefits Offices must void expired NEW events in an NT status in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Daily Process Steps
Run and review the CSU_BAS_SS_EVENTS query daily to monitor open NEW self-service events (also refer to the Daily Review BA Baseline Queries job aid).
- This query lists Employee ID, Name, Event Class, Event ID, Event Date, Event Expiration (60 or 30 or 1-day time limit), Event Status, BAS Process Status, and the employee’s email address. If employees do not submit their elections before the life event time limit expires, their benefit elections will not be processed. Campus Benefits Office staff can use this query to reach out to employees to alert them that they need to submit their benefit elections for processing.
2. Run and review the CSU_BAS_SS_NT query daily to monitor open NEW self-service events with a Process Status of Notified (NT).
- The NT status means the employee has looked at the self-service event and may have made some benefits enrollments but has not submitted their elections. If employees do not submit their elections before the life event time limit expires, their benefit elections will not be processed. Campus Benefits Offices must void expired ESS events in an NT process status in the On Demand Event Maintenance page as the CSU_ABS_EV_DT process doesn’t closed or void ESS events in a NT status.
- This query includes the Employee ID, Name, Event Class, Event ID, Event Date, Event Expiration (60 or 30 or 1-day time limit), Event Status, BAS Process Status and the employee’s email address. Campus Benefits Office staff can use this query to reach out to employees to alert them that they need to submit their benefit elections for processing.
3. Review the nightly CSUBASDL job logs and reports (also refer to the Daily Review CSUBASDL Logs and Reports job aid).
- List of CSUBASDL Jobs

- First verify that all jobs in the CSUBASDL process for your campus successfully completed.
- If a job did not successfully complete, work with your local functional and technical resources to identify and resolve the issue, and to have the CSUBASDL process restarted so it can complete processing.
- PSPBARUN: Delivered Ben Admin process. This process runs five times each night for your campus. Review the log generated by each run and make sure the log says process successfully completed. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
- CSU_PERM_DEL: This process runs twice each night for your campus. This log lists the orphaned permitting event code found for your campus and deleted. Review the log generated by each run and make sure the log says process ended normally. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
CSU_BA18003: This process runs once each night for your campus. This process evaluates and determines which of the following BAS Actions can be deleted and not process through Ben Admin since the employees benefits are not impacted: MSC, ACT, POS, DTA, JRC, PAY, DEM, PRO, ACT, JED, LOA, MJC, PLA, STD, STO, SUS and XFR. Review the log generated make sure the log says process ended normally. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
- The .csv report generated by this process lists the BAS Actions deleted from the Review BAS Activity page. The first run of this process nightly deletes applicable BAS Actions for all campuses on CHRS. If your campus is not the first campus to process the CSUBASDL jobs, this report will be empty. Instead, use the CSU_BAS_DELETED_ACTIONS baseline query to see BAS Actions deleted specifically for your campus.

CSU_PERM_INS: This process runs multiple times each night for your campus. This log lists permitting event codes automatically inserted for employees by plan type. Review the log generated by each run and make sure the log says process ended normally. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process. Warning messages requiring review. See the Appendix for a list of BAS events and permitting event codes that are automatically inserted by custom process CSU_PERM_INS.
- Important Note: The CSU_PERM_INS process does not currently re-evaluate the permitting event codes when BAS event are reprocessed. Validation of correct permitting event codes when reprocessing BAS events is a manual step by the campus Benefits Office staff in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
- Use the PSR Interface workaround to report one permitting event code at a time for employees who have multiple permitting event codes listed for the same permitting event date. Refer to the CHRS Benefits PSR Interface User Guide for workaround instructions.

- Example of CSU_PERM_INS report w/o warnings
- Example of CSU_PERM_INS report with warning
- Example of CSU_PERM_INS report with warning
CSU_BA_EV_DT: This process runs once each night for your campus. This process determines the submission date rules for eBenefits ESS event classes once the eBenefits ESS event class is set to finalize. Review the log generated by each run and make sure the log says process ended normally. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
CSU_BA_EV_DT first evaluates ESS BAS events and performs the following:
- Wait for Proof Docs - For Like ‘EM’ Schedule IDs, if the Process Status is ET and not day 61 for ESS BAS events except LTE (day 31 for LTE) and FINALIZE_ENROLL not equal to Y, set the Process Status to RE. The Ben Admin process (PSPBARUN) bypasses BAS events in a RE process status.
- Got proof docs – For Like ‘EM’ Schedule IDs, if the Process Status is RE and not day 61 for ESS BAS events except LTE (day 31 for LTE) and FINALIZE_ENROLL = Y, set to ET. (Campus Benefits Office staff manually sets the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag on the ESS BAS event when they approve the proof/supporting documents, and this process will change the process status from RE to ET to finalize the enrollments/changes).
No Proof Docs Received and time expired – For Like ‘EM’ Schedule IDs, if the Process Status is RE and day 61 for ESS BAS events except LTE (day 31 for LTE) and FINALIZE_ENROLL is not Y, then Void event. (The process will void the ESS BAS event if the employee doesn’t turn in proof documents before the life event time limit expires. The process status remains at RE (it remains at a RE status so the employee’s entries are preserved for audit trail purposes).
- Note that dependents added in the self service transaction are not deleted from the system when the event is voided.
- Note that the electronic signature is not deleted when the event is voided.
- There are two .txt reports to review from the CSU_BA_EVT_DT process.
- The CSU_Health_Effective_Dates.txt log lists:
- ESS BAS events that had the original event date change due to submission date processing.
- ESS BAS events changed by the process from an RE process status to a ET process status for finalization by Ben Admin.
- ESS BAS events in a PR status that reached day 61 or greater and were closed.
- The CSU_Health_Effective_Dates.txt log lists:
CSU_BA_EV_DT first evaluates ESS BAS events and performs the following:
- Report Example

- The CSU_Health_Effective_Dates_Errors.txt log lists employee/life BAS events where the system was unable to create the like ‘xx1’ BAS event due to a duplicate BAS event already existing. If this error occurs, the like ‘xx1’ BAS event was not created because it would overwrite another like ‘xx1’ enrollment with the same coverage effective date. This duplicate issue occurs when employees create another Life Event with a different effective date in the hopes of fixing an error made on their previous submission. For example, an employee created and submitted a MAR life event on 10/1/20, realized they made a mistake, and instead of contacting the campus Benefits Office, created another MAR event on 10/2/20 with different enrollment updates. If a BAS event appears on this report, the campus Benefits Office staff needs contact the employee and determine the correct enrollments and void the incorrect enrollments. Void the incorrect enrollments from the On Demand Event Maintenance page. If the original enrollment must be voided, complete the benefits enrollment using the applicable BAS event(s) (HBE, LIF and/or FSA) via the On Demand Event Maintenance page instead of the employee using self-service.
- Report Example

- Refer to the Job Aid – Submission Date Rules – Like Rows Created Schedule. This job aid depicts the submission date rules by event class and date submitted.
Important: Extremely Rare Timing Issue and Solution: This issue may never happen, but it could. If the employee submits an ESS enrollment right when the nightly schedule is running for his/her campus (nightly schedules take about 3-6 minutes to run for each campus), there’s a slight chance that the employee’s ESS BAS event will finalize without submission date processing rules being applied. If this occurs, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, open the finalized ESS event, and process it back to a RE (re-open) process status. The campus will find this when the EE brings their proof documents into the Benefits Office and the Benefits staff goes to the Update Event Status page to set the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag. There is no report or query to identify these employees where this issue occurs.
- Employees must use MOVEit or physically turn in their supporting documents to their campus Benefits Office after submitting their benefit elections via Benefits ESS. Once the employee has turned in his/her supporting documents:
- Audit the employee’s benefits enrollment in the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, pull up the applicable BAS event, click on the Election Entry button, review the enrollments made and the dependents selected for coverage for Medical, Dental and Vision benefits. Compare the new enrollment and/or changes against the employee’s current benefits enrollments in the Base Benefits tables (Health Benefits and Spending Accounts), if applicable.
- Be sure the employee uses the correct Relationship to Employee values for the new dependent with the corresponsing BAS event code. If the incorrect Relationship to Employee value is used, incorrect permitting event codes will be inserted by the CSUBASDL nightly process.
- If you find an issue:
- If needed, speak to the employee to determine the employee’s enrollment intention. You can adjust the enrollment and/or dependent coverage in the On Demand Event Maintenance page per the employee’s explanation by clicking on the Election Entry button. But if you do this, you will also need to insert the permitting event codes in the On Demand Event Maintenance page and you will need to check the Finalize Apply/Defaults checkbox on the Update Event Status page (do not select the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox on the On Demand Event Maintenance page). Best practice instead is to do the following:
- Have the employee sign into eBenefits and correct and re-submit their NEW Event following your instructions if the NEW event is not more than 60 days old.
- Audit the corrected and re-submitted NEW event.
- If the review of the employee’s enrollments/changes passed your audit and the supporting documents meet the requirements for the life event, go the Update Event Status page or the Update Processing Controls page (field label is Final/Dflt) and manually enable the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox and save.
- Enabling the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox allows the nightly CSU_BA_EV_DT process to change the RE status back to ET, apply the submission dates rules to set the correct coverage begin dates for all enrolled plan types and finalize the benefit enrollments into PeopleSoft if there are no election errors.
- If applicable, update the employee’s marital status in Modify a Person > Biographical Details, or work with the applicable workgroup to update this information. This information must be updated prior to generating the Dental Enrollment form, if applicable for the transaction. Employees are not able to update their Marital Status in Workforce Administration Self Service and Benefits Employee Self Service in CHRS Release 1.
- CSUBASDL processes the life event set to finalize.
- Review the CSUBASDL reports and logs the next business day to ensure that no issues or errors occurred. Also review and resolve issues on the following reports daily:
- Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions > Report on Flagged Items
- Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Process Status Rpt
- Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Benefits Transactions Rpt
- Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Benefits Termination Rpt
- Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Job Changes Prior Ben Admin
- Refer to daily CHRS Ben Admin business processing guides to see additional reports to review and resolve daily.
- If the NEW event is at a Process Status of Finalized Enrolled, you can generate the Online Benefits Confirmation Statement for the employee if desired. Also refer to the Generate and Print Online Confirmation Statements job aid.
- Note: The Enrollment Preview Statement is automatically generated when the employee submits the enrollment during the fluid ESS Benefits Enrollment process. CSU only uses the Enrollment Preview Statement for Open Enrollment (OE) schedules. Employees will only see this statement for OE schedules, but Benefits Officers will see the Enrollment Preview Statement for EM and OE schedules via the Review Employee Statements page. Benefits Officers can ignore the Enrollment Preview Statement for EM schedules on the Review Employee Statements page as they will not be correct due to submission date processing for EM schedules.
7. Open Enrollment Transactions in eBenefits
Employees are benefits-eligible and who have a benefits primary job in a campus that is using full eBenefits functionality in CHRS 9.2 are able to complete and submit a Open Enrollment transaction in eBenefits.
The eBenefits Open Enrollment event class is: OE. The OE event class is used for all open enrollment transactions, regardless if the campus uses full eBenefits ESS or view-only eBenefits ESS. Refer to the Event Class Cheatsheet for an explanation of the OE event class.
- Important: The employee’s Marital Status is not updated via eBenefits Employee Self Service. HR or BN staff must manually update the employee’s marital status and the employee’s marital status date once they have reviewed and approved the benefits enrollment/de-enrolment proof docs, and before benefit forms (i.e., Medical Enrollment, Dental Enrollment, Flex Cash Enrollment and HCRA/DCRA Enrollment forms) are generated.
- The employee does not submit their proof documents via eBenefits Employee Self Service (there is a change request to be able to do this in the future). Employees must use MOVEit or physically turn in their supporting documents to their campus Benefits Office after submitting their benefit elections via eBenefits ESS.
- OE Events submitted via eBenefits Employee Self Service will be at an ET process status and will be changed to an RE process status by the CSU_BA_EVT_DT process (part of the nightly CSUBASOE schedule) and will not be finalized-enrolled in PeopleSoft until the employee turns in the required supporting documents.
- The Election Received Date in the Employee Event Detail page and the permitting event code HBO Received Date is the date that the employee submitted their enrollments via eBenefits ESS. See example screen shots below.Refer to the Employee BAS Event Detail cheat sheet for instructions on how to use/read the Employee Event Detail page.
- Example of Election Received Date in Employee Event Detail Page
- Example of HBO Received Date in CSU Hlth Perm Evt Page
- Campus Benefits Office staff use the Update Event Status page or the Update Processing Controls page (field label is Final/Dflt) to manually enable the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox once the employee turns in the supporting documents (do not set the flag in the On Demand Event Maintenance page!). Enabling the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox allows the nightly CSU_BA_EV_DT process to change the RE process status back to ET, apply the submission dates rules to set the correct coverage begin dates for all enrolled plan types and finalize the benefit enrollments into PeopleSoft if there are no election errors.
- Event Coordination: If the employee has multiple ESS BAS events that are ready to finalize, only enable (check) the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag on one ESS BAS event at a time, starting with the oldest (be sure to change the Event Status to Open for Processing if it is closed). CSUBAS is currently designed to process one ESS BAS event, including the like ‘xx1’ BAS event if applicable, for an employee in each campuses’ Event Maintenance (EM) schedule nightly. Once the first ESS BAS event (and like ‘xx1’ BAS event, if applicable) is at a Finalized-Enrolled status, you can enable (check) the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag on the next ESS BAS event to process (be sure to change the Event Status to Open for Processing if it is closed).
- The OE event class is only open in eBenefits for self-service entry for full eBenefits ESS campuses during the annual open enrollment period. Benefit-eligible employees at campuses using full eBenefits ESS campuses use the Open Enrollment Tile to enter their open enrollment changes.
- CMS-CHRS maintains most open enrollment configurations in CHRS. Campuses maintain three open enrollment configurations in CHRS. Refer to the CHRS Benefits Open Enrollment User Guide for more information.
- The recommendation from the State Controller’s Office (SCO) and SWHR is for campuses to finalize enrollments during open enrollment on a flow basis in CHRS instead of waiting until the end of the open enrollment period; i.e., as enrollments are electronically submitted and supporting documentation is received, open enrollment events will be audited and set to finalize by the campus Benefits Office staff. The nightly CSUBASOE schedule processes and finalizes OE BAS events for Full eBenefits Self Service campuses.
- CSUBASOE is a seasonal nightly scheduled job definition runs only during the OE period, and is not run year around.
Daily Process Steps
Run and review the CSU_BAS_SS_EVENTS query daily to monitor open OE self-service events (also refer to the Daily Review BA Baseline Queries job aid).
- This query lists Employee ID, Name, Event Class, Event ID, Event Date, Event Expiration (60 or 30 or 1-day time limit), Event Status, BAS Process Status, and the employee’s email address. If employees do not submit their elections before the life event time limit expires, their benefit elections will not be processed. Campus Benefits Office staff can use this query to reach out to employees to alert them that they need to submit their benefit elections for processing.
2. Run and review the CSU_BAS_SS_NT query daily to monitor open OE self-service events with a Process Status of Notified (NT).
- The ‘NT’ status means the employee has looked at the self-service event and may have made some benefits enrollments but has not submitted their elections. If employees do not submit their elections before the life event time limit expires, their benefit elections will not be processed. Campus Benefits Offices must void expired ESS events in an NT process status in the On Demand Event Maintenance page as the GRP 95 process doesn’t closed or void ESS events in a NT status.
- This query includes the Employee ID, Name, Event Class, Event ID, Event Date, Event Expiration (N/A for OE), Event Status, BAS Process Status and the employee’s email address. Campus Benefits Office staff can use this query to reach out to employees to alert them that they need to submit their benefit elections for processing.
3. Review the nightly CSUBASOE job logs and reports (also refer to the Daily Review CSUBASOE Logs and Reports job aid).
- First verify that all jobs in the CSUBASOE process for your campus successfully completed.
- If a job did not successfully complete, work with your local functional and technical resources to identify and resolve the issue, and to have the CSUBASOE process restarted so it can complete processing.

- PSPBARUN: Delivered Ben Admin process. This process runs multiple times each night for your campus. Review the log generated by each run and make sure the log says process successfully completed. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
- CSU_PERM_DEL: This process runs twice each night for your campus. This log lists the orphaned permitting event code found for your campus and deleted. Review the log generated by each run and make sure the log says process ended normally. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
- CSUOEREETAS: This process sets the OE event Process_Status to RE for the applicable schedule ID being run after the employee submits their OE enrollments to prevent the OE BAS event from finalizing and to allow the employee time to submit supporting documents and for the campus Benefits Officer to review and approve the documents. This process also sets the OE event Process_Status to ET once the campus Benefits Officer enables the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox in the Update Event Status page after approving the employee’s supporting documentation so the OE BAS event will finalize. Review the process job log to see the employee population that submitted their OE enrollments (Process_Status set to RE) and employees who have had their OE enrollments finalized (Process_Status set to ET). If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution.
- CSU_BASRUNUP: This process enables the Schedule New Participants flag for the next PSPBARUN so new hires, transfers and newly benefit-eligible employees with the applicable OE BAS Group ID for the applicable schedule ID being run receive an OE BAS event. If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution.
CSU_PERM_INS: This process runs multiple times each night for your campus. This log lists permitting event codes automatically inserted for employees by plan type. Review the log generated by each run and make sure the log says process ended normally. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process. Warning messages requiring review. See the Appendix for a list of BAS events and permitting event codes that are automatically inserted by custom process CSU_PERM_INS.
- Important Note: The CSU_PERM_INS process does not currently re-evaluate the permitting event codes when BAS event are reprocessed. Validation of correct permitting event codes when reprocessing BAS events is a manual step by the campus Benefits Office staff in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
- Use the PSR Interface workaround to report one permitting event code at a time for employees who have multiple permitting event codes listed for the same permitting event date. Refer to the CHRS Benefits PSR Interface User Guide for workaround instructions.

- Example of CSU_PERM_INS report w/o warnings
- Example of CSU_PERM_INS report with warning
- Example of CSU_PERM_INS report with warning
Important: Extremely Rare Timing Issue and Solution: This issue may never happen, but it could. If the employee submits an ESS enrollment right when the nightly schedule is running for his/her campus (nightly schedules take about 3-6 minutes to run for each campus), there’s a slight chance that the employee’s ESS BAS event will finalize without submission date processing rules being applied. If this occurs, go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, open the finalized ESS event, and process it back to a RE (re-open) process status. The campus will find this when the EE brings their proof documents into the Benefits Office and the Benefits staff goes to the Update Event Status page to set the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag. There is no report or query to identify these employees where this issue occurs.
- Review the CSU_BAS_ACTP job log. This process deletes Life Event activity guides for finalized OE events BAS events and voided OE events BAS events and related activity guides. The process log also lists employees missing their Life event electronic signature. Be sure to manually reach out to employee’s who are missing their OE event electronic signature and have them sign back into eBenefits ESS and the OE event and submit their OE event electronic signature and complete the OE event so you can then mark their finalize enrollments ready to finalize after approving their supporting documents.
- Delete Activity Guide Report Example
- Issues Section Listing Employees Missing Electronic Signature Example
- Employees must use MOVEit or physically turn in their supporting documents to their campus Benefits Office after submitting their benefit elections via Benefits ESS. Once the employee has turned in his/her supporting documents:
- Audit the employee’s benefits enrollment in the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, pull up the applicable BAS event, click on the Election Entry button, review the enrollments made and the dependents selected for coverage for Medical, Dental and Vision benefits. Compare the new enrollment and/or changes against the employee’s current benefits enrollments in the Base Benefits tables (Health Benefits and Spending Accounts), if applicable. (A PeopleSoft defect exists where employees can add and delete dependents in eBenefits for BAS events where they should not be able to. It is not known a defect fix can be applied to CHRS).
- Be sure the employee uses the correct Relationship to Employee values for the new dependent with the corresponsing BAS event code. If the incorrect Relationship to Employee value is used, incorrect permitting event codes will be inserted by the CSUBASDL nightly process.
- If you find an issue:
- If needed, speak to the employee to determine the employee’s enrollment intention (for example, if the employee added or deleted dependents from his or her Medical, Dental or Vision Plan that they should not have on the Open Enrollment Event, contact the employee, and ask the employee their intention). You can adjust the enrollment and/or dependent coverage in the On Demand Event Maintenance page per the employee’s explanation by clicking on the Election Entry button. But if you do this, you will also need to insert the permitting event codes in the On Demand Event Maintenance page and you will need to check the Finalize Apply/Defaults checkbox on the Update Event Status page (do not select the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox on the On Demand Event Maintenance page). Best practice instead is to do the following:
Reprocess the Open Enrollment Event and then request that the employee redo all of their Open Enrollment elections in eBenefits Self Service following your instructions.
- Once resubmitted, audit the newly submitted Open Enrollment Event.
- Run the CSU_BAS_ELECTRONIC_ESIGNATURE query for the employee ID to verify that the employee electronically signed their eBenefits enrollment. If the employee did not electronically sign their enrollment, have the employee sign back into eBenefits, go to the Live Event Activity Guide and electronically sign and complete the Life Event Activity guide.
- If the review of the employee’s enrollments/changes passed your audit and the supporting documents meet the requirements for the life event, go the Update Event Status page or the Update Processing Controls page (field label is Final/Dflt) and manually enable the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox and save.
- Enabling the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox allows the nightly CSU_BA_EV_DT process to change the RE status back to ET, apply the submission dates rules to set the correct coverage begin dates for all enrolled plan types and finalize the benefit enrollments into PeopleSoft if there are no election errors.
- Audit the employee’s benefits enrollment in the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, pull up the applicable BAS event, click on the Election Entry button, review the enrollments made and the dependents selected for coverage for Medical, Dental and Vision benefits. Compare the new enrollment and/or changes against the employee’s current benefits enrollments in the Base Benefits tables (Health Benefits and Spending Accounts), if applicable. (A PeopleSoft defect exists where employees can add and delete dependents in eBenefits for BAS events where they should not be able to. It is not known a defect fix can be applied to CHRS).
- Employees must use MOVEit or physically turn in their supporting documents to their campus Benefits Office after submitting their OE benefit elections via Benefits ESS.
- First, audit the employee’s benefits enrollment in the On Demand Event Maintenance page once the employee submits his or her supporting documents to the Campus benefits office. Ppull up the OE BAS event, click on the Election Entry button, review the enrollments and review the dependents selected for coverage for Medical, Dental and Vision benefits.
- If the employee made an enrollment error, you can one of the following:
- Resolve the error in the On Demand Event Maintenance page per the employee’s explanation, if needed, or
- You can ask the employee to correct their OE enrollments in eBenefits.
- If the supporting documents meet the requirements for the OE event, go the Update Event Status page or the Update Processing Controls page (field label is Final/Dflt) and manually enable the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox and save.
- Enabling the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox allows the nightly CSU_BA_EV_DT process to change the RE process status back to ET, apply the submission dates rules to set the correct coverage begin dates for all enrolled plan types and finalize the benefit enrollments into PeopleSoft if there are no election errors.
- If applicable, update the employee’s marital status in Modify a Person > Biographical Details, or work with the applicable workgroup to update this information. This information must be updated prior to generating the Dental Enrollment form, if applicable for the transaction. Employees are not able to update their Marital Status in Workforce Administration Self Service and Benefits Employee Self Service in CHRS Release 1.
- CSUBASOE processes the OE event set to finalize. If CSUBASOE is no longer running, finalize the enrollment in the On Demand Event Maintenance page. If you finalize the enrollment in the On Demand Event Maintenance page you will also need to insert the permitting event code information and Non-CSU Insurance information if the employee elected Medical Flex Cash Plan and/or Dental Flex Cash plan.
- Review the CSUBASOE reports, process logs and Benefits Baseline queries to manage open enrollment processing and to ensure that no issues or errors occurred. Also review and resolve issues on the following reports daily:
- Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions > Report on Flagged Items
- Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Process Status Rpt
- Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Benefits Transactions Rpt
- Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Benefits Termination Rpt
- Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports > CSU Job Changes Prior Ben Admin
- Refer to daily CHRS Ben Admin business processing guides to see additional reports to review and resolve daily.
- If the OE event is at a Process Status of Finalized Enrolled,
- you can generate the Online Benefits Confirmation Statement for the employee if desired. Refer to the Generate and Print Online Confirmation Statements job aid.
8. Reprocessing eBenefits Transactions in On Demand Event Maintenance
As a rule, you will not process or reprocess most in-process (i.e., open for processing) ESS BAS events in the On Demand Event Maintenance page: ADP, BIR, DIV, DGC, DLC, EGC, ELC, MAR, PCR, LTE, NEW, NW1, AD1, BI1, PC1, DI1, MA1, DG1, DL1, EG1, EL1.
If you have to process/reprocess ESS BAS events that are not finalized back to an Assign or Prepared status to clear BAS flags and resolve issues or errors (i.e., Event Out of Sequence, Address Eligibility Changed, Job Eligibility Changed, Multi Job Eligibility Changed), void the original ESS BAS event and the applicable ‘xx1’ enrollment BAS event if it exists (NW1, AD1, BI1, PC1, DI1, MA1, DG1, DL1, EG1, EL1), and then use the BAS event HBE and/or FSA to manually enroll/re-enroll/change the voided enrollments. You must do this because the new CSU_BA_EVT_DT Submission Date process is not designed to work in the On Demand Event Maintenance page at this time, and reprocessing a eBenefits ESS event class back to an Assign or Prepared status will remove the date used to determine the submission date. Change control request 1112 is submitted to modify submission date processing to include the ability to set the submission date in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
You can reprocess a submitted and open ESS BAS event in ODEM back to the ‘Re-entered’ status.
- Important: If you use ODEM to finalize an XX1 row or reprocess a finalized ESS BAS event back to re-entered status, you must enter the permitting event codes in ODEM for the applicable plan types. Do not reprocess a submitted ESS BAS event back to the ‘Assign Benefit Program’ or ‘Prepared Option’ process indicator in ODEM if it has yet to be processed by the nightly CSU_BA_EVT_DT process.
You can finalize XX1 enrollments in ODEM that have already been processed by the nightly CSU_BA_EVT_DT process (i.e., the submission date has been applied).
Process Steps
- Use the eBenefits ESS OK to Reprocess Cheat sheet job aid to determine how much reprocessing you can do for a eBenefits ESS event class.
- Use the Reprocessing A CHRS BAS Event job aid when reprocessing a 9.2 eBenefits ESS event class.
9. Manually Delete Activity Guides in eBenefits
Campus Benefits Office staff can manually delete Life Events and Open Enrollment activity guides on the Manage Benefits Instance page instead of waiting for the nightly CSU_BAS_ACTP process to Life Events and Open Enrollment activity guides. The reason is that the system will not allow employees to create another life event if an open and abandoned and/or an open yet expired life event exists.
Process Steps
- The Manage Benefits Instances page does not use row level security by business unit. Use the CHRS USER ID on the page to identify the employee and his/her expired and/or abandoned activity guides for your campus. The first two digits of the CHRS USER ID is the two-digit campus code (see table below). The rest of the CHRS USER ID is the Campus Solutions EMPLID. Note that the Campus Solution EMPLID and the CHRS EMPLID are not the same. Query the CSU EMPLID Mapping table (CSU_EMPLID_MAP) to find the employee’s Campus Solutions EMPLID. You will need the employee’s Campus Solutions ID to determine the employee’s CHRS USER ID.
- The CSU_EMPLID_MAP table is on CSU_QRY_TREE_HR and CSU_QRY_TREE_PT query access trees in CHRS. Campuses will be allowed to grant the role/permission list that in turn gives the user access to the table to query.

2. The screen shot above is a query of the CSU_EMPLID_MAP table. For the employee on line one, CHRS employee ID 100000551, the employee's CHRS USER ID is 50800230005 (adding the 50 for the Fullerton campus to the 8000230005 in the EMPLOYEE column). For this example, the CHRS User ID that will display for the employee on the Manage Benefits Instances page is 50800230005.
Code | Campus |
35 |
Bakersfield |
66 | Calexico |
01 | CO |
73 | Channel Islands |
20 | Chico |
55 | Dominguez Hills |
05 | East Bay |
25 | Fresno |
50 | Fullerton |
30 | Humboldt |
40 | Long Beach |
45 | Los Angeles |
07 | Maritime Academy |
06 | Monterey Bay |
70 | Northridge |
94 | Moss Landing |
10 | Pomona |
60 | Sacramento |
63 | San Bernardino |
65 | San Diego |
75 | San Francisco |
80 | San Jose |
15 | San Luis Obispo |
68 | San Marcos |
85 | Sonoma |
90 | Stanislaus |
- Before you delete abandoned or expired activity guides, click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollments > Review Processing Results > Employee Event Detail

- Determine the BAS events associated with the activity guide. Deleting the activity guide will delete open ESS BAS event associated with the guide (it will not deleted voided ESS BAS events associated with the activity guide). There shouldn’t be any open ESS BAS events associated with the activity guide. If an open ‘xx1’ BAS event also exists and is associated with the guide and the event time limit has passed, you will have to void it as manually deleting the abandoned or expired activity guide will not delete the open associated ‘xx1’ BAS event. A scenario where an open ‘xx1’ BAS event exists for an abandoned or expired activity guide is not anticipated to occur but it’s good to double check just in case.
10. Void Expired ESS Events in Process Status ‘NT’
- Campus Benefits Offices must manually void expired ESS events that are open and are not disconnected in an NT (Notified) process status in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Daily Process Steps
- Run the CSU_BAS_SS_NT query to identify expired that are open and in an NT process status.
- Go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page and enter the employee ID.
- If the open and expired ESS event in at NT process status is ready to process in the On Demand Event Maintenance page, enter ‘V’ in the the Process Indicator field, and then click on the Reprocess button.
4. If the open and expired ESS event in at NT process status is not ready to process in the On Demand Event Maintenance page, click on the Event Status Update button, locate the BAS event to void, change the Event Status to Open for Processing, select Void in the Process field, and close other open BAS events. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on OK to return to the On Demand Event Maintenance page, and then click on the Reprocess button.
11. Finalize Submitted DRP eBenefits ESS Events
DRP events (Drop All Dependents) expire after day 2. Campus Benefits Offices need to finalize submitted benefit enrollments for the DRP Self Service event class.
Daily Process Steps
- Use the CSU Process Status Rpt or the CSU_BAS_SS_EVENTS query to manage DRP self-service events.
- Finalize submitted (Process Status is Entered)DRP BAS events. Go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page and by enable (checkmark) the Finalize/Apply Defaults flag and then click on the Validate/Finalize button.
12. View eBenefits Life Event and Open Enrollment eSignatures
You will be able to query to see the employee’s electronic signature data for Life Events and Open Enrollment activity guides (FYI, Oracle delivered online pages for Benefits Office staff and employees to see electronic signatures in PUM 33. It is unknown when CSU will upgrade to PUM 33 or to a more recent PUM. In the meantime, the CSU_BAS_ELECTIONIC_SIGNATURE query will be the only way to pull electronic signature data from CHRS for Life Events and Open Enrollment Events performed in eBenefits).
Process Steps
Run the CSU_BAS_ELECTRONIC_ESIGNATURE query to see the employee’s electronic signature data for Life Events and Open Enrollment activity guides. There are two ways to access this query:
- Click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer or Query Manager

Enter the query name and then click on the link to run the query to HTML (online) or to Excel. Then enter the employee’s CHRS employee ID.
- Navigate to the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile. Expand the Queries menu, then locate the query in the list and then click on the query name and then enter the employee’s CHRS employee ID.
13. View eBenefits NEW Event eSignatures
Use this process to query to see the employee’s electronic signature data for NEW events.
Process Steps
- Run the CSU_BAS_NEW_NW1_ELECTRONIC_SGN query to see the employee’s electronic signature data for NEW events. There are two ways to access this query:
- Click on the NavBar Icon > Menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer or Query Manager

- Enter the query name and then click on the link to run the query to HTML (online) or to Excel. Then enter the employee’s CHRS employee ID.
- Navigate to the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile. Expand the Queries menu, then locate the query in the list and then click on the query name and then enter the employee’s CHRS employee ID.
Permitting Event Codes Automatically Inserted by CSU_PERM_INS
The following table represents the permitting event codes that are configured to be inserted by custom process CSU_PERM_INS where appropriate by BAS event class and plan type. To see the current configuration in PeopleSoft,
- click on the NavBar Icon > Menu > Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup > CSU Automate Perm Event Adds.

- CSU_PERM_INS is a process that runs in the CSUBASDL nightly Benefits job schedule and also in the seasonal CSUBASOE nightly Benefits job schedule.
Event Class |
Event Description |
Medical Perm Code |
Dental Perm Code |
MedFlex Perm Code |
DenFlex Perm Code |
HCRA Perm Code |
DCRA Perm Code |
Adoption | 200-Birth/placement | 22-Newborn or adopted child(ren) | 16-New/Incr | 16-New/Incr | ||
AD1 | Adoption Plus 1 Mth | 16-New/Incr | 16-New/Incr | ||||
BIR | Birth | 200-Birth/placement | 22-Newborn or adopted child(ren) | 16-New/Incr | 16-New/Incr | ||
BI1 | Birth Plus 1 Mth | 16-New/Incr | 16-New/Incr | ||||
CNC | Cancel all Med/Den Covg | Manual Entry | Manual Entry | Manual Entry | Manual Entry | Manual Entry | Manual Entry |
DGC | Dependent Gained Coverage Elsewhere | 307-Gains other coverage | 23-any Child (add all child rel codes) 24-SP/DP |
37-Enroll / Change due to change in employee's or spouse's employment status | 37-Enroll / Change due to change in employee's or spouse's employment status | 23-waive/Decr | 23-waive/Decr |
DG1 | Dependent Gained Coverage+1 mth | 37-Enroll / Change due to change in employee's or spouse's employment status | 37-Enroll / Change due to change in employee's or spouse's employment status | 23-waive/Decr | 23-waive/Decr | ||
DIV | Divorce/Terminate Domestic Partnership | 302-SP 318-DP 302-Step Child, Child, Adopted Child, Rec Child, Employee 319 – DP Child term |
27-Delete spouse/DP due to death; divorce or dissolution of domestic partnership, or military service | 16-New/Incr. 23-waive/Decr |
16-New/Incr. 23-waive/Decr |
DI1 | Divorce/Terminate Domestic Partnership + 1Mth | 16-New/Incr. 23-waive/Decr |
16-New/Incr. 23-waive/Decr |
DLC | Dependent Loses Coverage Elsewhere | 204 (SP, DP, Child, Adopted Child, Step Child, DP Child) 203-Rec child |
05A - Addition due to loss of family member's other coverage or return from Military Service (SP, DP, Child, Adopted Child, Step Child, DP Child,); 16-Rec child | 37-Enroll / Change due to change in employee's or spouse's employment status | 37-Enroll / Change due to change in employee's or spouse's employment status | 16-New/Incr. | 16-New/Incr. |
DL1 | Dependent Loses Coverage +1mth | 37-Enroll / Change due to change in employee's or spouse's employment status | 37-Enroll / Change due to change in employee's or spouse's employment status | 16-New/Incr. | 16-New/Incr. | ||
DRP | Drop all Dependents from Med/Den | 311-Optional Delete | 25-Deleting all family members | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed |
EGC | Employee Gains Coverage Elsewhere | 505-Subscriber request | 23-any child 24-Spouse 24-DP 36 to waive |
05a-Enrollment due to gain of alternative non-CSU medical and/or dental coverage | 05a-Enrollment due to gain of alternative non-CSU medical and/or dental coverage | 23-waive/Decr | 23-waive/Decr |
EG1 | Employee Gains Coverage +1mth | 05a-Enrollment due to gain of alternative non-CSU medical and/or dental coverage | 05a-Enrollment due to gain of alternative non-CSU medical and/or dental coverage | 23-waive/Decr | 23-waive/Decr | ||
ELC | Employee Loses Coverage Elsewhere | 101 – SP, DP, Child, Adopted, Step Child, DP Child, Employee 203-Rec child |
05A-Enroll after dependent coverage ends for reasons other than parent enrollment deletion; 16-Rec child | 37-Enroll / Change due to change in employee's or spouse's employment status | 37-Enroll / Change due to change in employee's or spouse's employment status | 16-New/Incr. | 16-New/Incr. |
EL1 | Employee Loses Coverage+1 | 37-Enroll / Change due to change in employee's or spouse's employment status | 37-Enroll / Change due to change in employee's or spouse's employment status | 16-New/Incr. | 16-New/Incr. | ||
LTE | Late Enrollment (EE and deps cannot use to just add deps) | 101 – SP, DP, Child, Adopted, Step Child, DP Child, Employee 203-Rec child | 01-Enrollment - New Employee; 16-Rec child; | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed |
MAR | Marriage/Domestic Partnership | 201-Sp 201-Child, Adopted Child, Step Child, Employee 215-DP 203-Rec child 216 for DP child |
17-New spouse and/or stepchild(ren), or registered domestic partner; 16-Rec child | 16-New/Incr. 23-waive/Decr |
16-New/Incr. 23-waive/Decr |
MA1 | Mar/Dom Part Plus 1 Mth | 16-New/Incr. 23-waive/Decr |
16-New/Incr. 23-waive/Decr |
NEW | Hire or Newly Eligible | 100 - SP, DP, Child, Adopted, Step Child, DP Child, Employee 203-Rec child 610-Waive |
01 61-Waive; 16-Rec child |
01-New employee | 01-New employee | 01-New employee enrollment | 01-New employee enrollment |
NW1 | Hire/Newly Eligible +1Mth | 01-New employee | 01-New employee | 01-New employee enrollment | 01-New employee enrollment | ||
OE | Open Enrollment | 104-New Enroll and all dependents 206-Add Dep (SP, DP, Child, Step Child, Adopted Child, DP Child) 203-Rec Child 320-Del Dep (SP, DP, Child, Step Child, Adopted Child, DP Child, Rec Child) 400-Chge Plan 530-OE Cancel |
03-New (and all deps) 28-Chg Plan 15-Add or Drop Dep 28a-Multiple 36-Waive (cancel); 16-Rec child |
03-New Enrollment, Cancel or Change | 03-New Enrollment, Cancel or Change | 00-enroll | 00-enroll |
PCR | Parent/Child Relationship | 203 – Rec Child | 16-New economically dependent child | 16-New/Incr | 16-New/Incr | ||
PC1 | Parent/Child Plus 1 Mth | 16-New/Incr | 16-New/Incr | ||||
HIR | New Hire | 600 | 60 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Full ESS Troubleshooting Guide for Issues that are Not Self Explanatory
- Employee clicks on the Medical, Dental, Vision, Medical Flex Cash and/or Dental Flex Cash and receives the following page (see screen shot). This is an issue. Employees will not be able to enroll in benefits using self service until the issue is resolved.
- Benefits Officers: If this error occurs for a Life Event Activity Guide, have the employee click on the Cancel button to cancel the Life Event Activity Guide. If this error occurs for the Open Enrollment Activity Guide, have the employee exit the OE Activity Guide. The Benefits Office will need to process the change using the HBE BAS event on the On Demand Event Maintenance page if the employee has a dependent that has a dependent that has aged out and has not been removed from the applicable benefit plan(s), or if there is an invalid dependent with benefit plan coverage.
- Benefits Officers: The Benefits Office will need to process the change using the HBE BAS event on the On Demand Event Maintenance page if the campus is not configured for Full ESS but the employee was assigned to the Full ESS security role in error. View Only eBenefits ESS campuses do not/should not have the “Available in Self Service” flag enabled on the Schedule ID table, and should not assign the Full ESS security role to any campus employee PeopleSoft User Profiles.
- Employee clicks on the Start My Enrollment button in the Open Enrollment or Life Event Activity Guide and receives a message to contact their Benefit Administrator instead of seeing prepared benefit options. For example, a possible message could be “The system encountered a Prepare Error (PE) for the life BAS event” appears. This example message means that the Benefits Administration module is unable to determine and prepare the employee’s benefit eligibility and benefit plan options. This is an issue. Employees will not be able to enroll in benefits using self-service until the issue is resolved.
Benefits Officers: If this error occurs, the Benefits Office will need to determine why the error is occurring.
- Review the employee’s Job Data field settings on all job data pages and Benefits Eligibility Field settings on the Benefits Program Participation page to see if there are benefit eligibility changes. Check to see if the employee is active in their benefits primary job or perhaps there has been a change to a job status or benefits primary job status.
- Fields to check are:
- Payroll Status
- HR Status
- Benefits Employee Status
- Employee Class
- Combined FTE
- Employee Type
- Pay Group
- Elig Field 1
- Elig Field 2
- Elig Field 3
- Elig Field 5
- After determining and resolving the error, reprocess the applicable BAS event back to Assign Benefit Program so the benefit options are re-determined and advise the employee to continue with the transaction in self-service.
- Check to see if there is a duplicate BAS event for the same date and time. There cannot be a duplicate BAS events (for example., two MAR events) for the same date, have the employee click on the Cancel button to cancel the Life Event Activity Guide. Sometimes employees try to create a duplicate BAS event in order to change a previously submitted enrollment. Work with the employee to determine if this is the case and to determine if the previously submitted enrollment requires voiding.
- Review the employee’s Job Data field settings on all job data pages and Benefits Eligibility Field settings on the Benefits Program Participation page to see if there are benefit eligibility changes. Check to see if the employee is active in their benefits primary job or perhaps there has been a change to a job status or benefits primary job status.
Benefits Officers: If this error occurs, the Benefits Office will need to determine why the error is occurring.
- Employee receives the “You must fill out the Required Form prior to clicking Add/Update Dependent” but no form appears to fill out for a Domestic Partner Adult and/or a Recognized Child dependent.
- Uncheck the checkbox for the Domestic Partner Adult and/or a Recognized Child, then click on the Add/Update Dependent button, then click on the X to close the Add/Update Dependent window and return to the Enroll Your Dependents page. The applicable form will then appear. This issue happens when the Domestic Partner Adult and/or a Recognized Child is added manually via the On Demand Event Maintenance page or prior to the CHRS implementation.
- The employee creates and submits a life event (so the applicable BAS Process Status equals ET), completes the life event activity guide, then forgets that they did the former and 20 minutes later creates the same life event again for the same life event date on the same day. When the employee gets to the Benefits Enrollment step in the life event activity guide, the employee sees the changes that they originally submitted, panics, and the employee clicks on the Cancel button. This results in the employee inadvertently deleting their originally submitted life event.
- If the employee had waited one day and tried to create another same life event for the same life event date, the employee would receive the following error because the applicable BAS event would have been at an RE Process Status, not an ET Process Status:
- The employee receives the message “Your benefit options for this event have not yet been prepared” when they click on the Start My Enrollment button. The employee has probably submitted another Life event for the same day or has an existing finalized BAS/Life event for the same date. Have the employee Cancel the new life event and work with the employee to determine the correct life event to process. This means you may need to void a BAS event.
- The employee receives the message “After analyzing your information, it has been determined that no changes can be made to your benefit enrollments.” This generally means that the Ben Admin process (PSPBARUN) did not find the employee eligible for any benefit changes.
- Go to the Update Event Status page. Navigation is Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Event Status.
- Locate the applicable life event and check the Process Status. More than likely the Process Status is Finalized – Prep None. This Process Status means that the Ben Admin process (PSPBARUN) did not find the employee eligible for benefit changes.
- If you feel that this is incorrect, do some troubleshooting. First go to Job Data and review the employee’s job(s) to ensure that they are benefit eligible and the Job Data information for the employee is entered correctly.
- If they are benefits eligible and Job Data information appears correct, then go to the Health Benefits page. Navigation is Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > Health Benefits. Pull up the employee and see if they are currently enrolled in any medical, dental or vision plans with an effective date equal to or greater than the Event Date of the life event in question. If they are not enrolled in any medical, dental or vision plans, then go to the Spending Accounts page. If the employee is not enrolled in HCRA, DCRA or any medical, dental or vision plans with an effective date equal to or greater than the Event Date of the life event in question, that is why the employee is not eligible to use the applicable life event. Contact the employee and have the employee cancel the life event activity guide as they are not eligible to use the applicable life event.
- If the employee is enrolled in medical,dental, vision, HCRA and/or DCRA with an effective date equal to or greater than the Event Date of the life event in question, go back to the Update Event Status page, locate the applicable life event and change the Process Status to Assign Benefit Program, then change the Event Status to Open, and click on the Save button.
- Go to Run Automated Event Processing, enter the applicable Schedule ID, select the Review Eligibiity Results checkbox, then click on the Participant List tab, select the Process from Participant List checkbox, and in the Process Only Participant(s) section, enter the Employee ID and the applicable Event ID, and then click on the Run button, and then select the PSPBARUN process.
- After PSPBARUN completes processing, go to the Review Eligibility Results page. Navigation is Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exception > Review Eligibility Results.
- Enter the Empl ID and click on the Search button. Review the Eligibility Rules to see if there’s a clue as to why the employee was not found eligible.
- No Life Event options appear for the employee. See the screen shot below. If the employee clicks on the navigator and then Self Service > Benefits > Life Events, they will see this page. Life Events will not appear on this page. Have the employee go to the home landing page, select Employee Self Service, and then click on the CSU Life Events Tile.
End of Article
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