Revision Date | Revised By | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
06/28/21 | Sande Meith | Initial draft | Click here to enter Sections Revised. |
8/3/22 | Sande Meith | Updated for PTools 8.59 | |
11/14/22 | Sande Meith | Updated for modifications that implement with W3PA/CHRMP.01 | |
10/2/23 | Sande Meith | Updated for CSUBASOE | |
10/6/23 | Sande Meith | Updated screen shots | |
10/9/23 | Sande Meith | Updated run time for CSUBASDL | |
11/8/24 | Sande Meith | Updated for PTools 8.60 |
Table of Contents |
1. Process Overview
PSPBARUN – Delivered Ben Admin Process
Benefits Administration (Ben Admin or BA) facilitates the management of benefit enrollment activity through automated processes and can be run in a batch job or on-demand. The actual Benefits Administration process, known as PSPBARUN, does the following:
- Determines the employee’s benefit program
- Determines the employee’s benefit plan options
- Processes benefit plan enrollments and dis-enrollments.
The Benefits Administration (Ben Admin) process PSPBARUN runs when you process an employee in the On Demand Event Maintenance page and can also be run as a batch job from the Run Automated Event Processing run control page under specific conditions*. When run as a batch process, PSPBARUN runs for all employees within a designated BAS Schedule ID, or for a designated employee or list of employees.
*Important: Do not run the Ben Admin process, PSPBARUN, independently, especially if you are a full eBenefits Self Service campus, unless you have been instructed to by CMS-Benefits. If you need to run the Ben Admin process (PSPBARUN) in batch, run CSUBAS.
CSUBASDL Nightly Batch Processing
PSPBARUN is also part of a batch process known as CSUBAS that runs nightly at 10:00 pm for all CHRS campuses. CSUBAS is a nightly scheduled job that consists of 29 individual processes to move Ben Admin events through Ben Admin processing for each campuses’ Ben Admin Event Maintenance schedule. The daily CSUBAS process for each campus averages between three to six minutes to process. The daily CSUBAS schedule appears as CSUBASDL in Process Monitor.
The scheduled CSUBAS job also contains CSU custom processes. This guide provides details about PSPBARUN and the individual processes that make up the CSUBAS Ben Admin batch process. It also provides steps to run the CSUBAS jobs ad-hoc for all employees, an individual employee or a small group of employees.
Important: Campuses should not manually run the CSUBAS process at the same time. If you must kick of the CSUBAS process manually during the day instead of waiting for CSUBAS to run at night, please reach out to the Benefits Officers of other CHRS campuses to coordinate that you will be manually running CSUBAS in case they too are planning to manually run CSUBAS. This item will be resolved with a fix it ticket.
CSUBASOE – Seasonal Open Enrollment Nightly Batch Processing
PSPBARUN is also part of a seasonal batch process known as CSUBASOE that runs nightly at 7:00 pm for all CHRS campuses during the Open Enrollment period through 12/31 annually. CSUBASOE is a nightly scheduled job that consist of 21 individual processes to move Ben Admin events through Ben Admin processing for each campuses’ Ben Admin Event Maintenance schedule. The daily CSUBASOE schedule appears as CSUBASOE in Process Monitor.
- The scheduled CSUBASOE job also contains CSU custom processes.
- Please refer to CHRS Open Enrollment User Guide for CSUBASOE information and instructions. (CSUBASOE details are not covered in this article)
2. Related Documentation
In addition to this business process guide, users can review the following CMS user guides and job aids related to this process:
- CHRS Benefits Review BAS Activity User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Manage Events and Election Entry User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Forms User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Employee Self Service User Guide
- Daily Review CSUBAS Logs and Reports
- Daily Review BA Baseline Queries
*Important: Be sure to reference the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event document and the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheatsheet before reprocessing any BAS event in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
3. CSUBAS Processes
This section provides explanations of the processes found in the nightly scheduled CSUBAS process. Use Daily Review CSUBAS Logs and Reports job aid for instructions on reviewing the reports and job logs generated by these processes.
*Important: Campuses should not manually run the CSUBAS process at the same time. If you must kick of the CSUBAS process manually during the day instead of waiting for CSUBAS to run at night, please reach out to the Benefits Officers of other CHRS campuses to coordinate that you will be manually running CSUBAS in case they too are planning to manually run CSUBAS. This item will be resolved with a fix it ticket.
- CSU_PERM_DEL – This application engine process deletes permitting event codes that are not tied to a plan type row for plan types 10, 11, 1Y, 1Z, 60 and 61 (Medical, Dental, Dental Flex Cash, Medical Flex Cash, Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA) and Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA). Permitting event codes that are not tied to a plan type are considered orphaned permitting event codes. The CSU_PERM_DEL process runs twice in CSUBAS, once at the beginning, and once at the end. This process generates a log listing the orphaned permitting event codes deleted by employee ID and plan type. Common permitting event codes that become orphaned are 600 and 60 for plan types 10 and 11. 600 and 60 are default waive permitting event codes that become orphaned if the employee later elects medical (10) or dental (11) coverage. Be sure to review this report to check for errors or warnings that require review and resolution.
- CSU_BA18003 – This application engine process evaluates certain BAS Actions (event classes) awaiting Ben Admin processing in the Review BAS Activity page and deletes awaiting BAS Actions for employees who have no benefit eligibility change, thus reducing the number of events that run through Ben Admin processing. BAS actions to evaluate for deletion are configured at Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup > CSU BAS Events Evaluation Tbl. The process evaluates all BAS Actions for all campuses when it runs the first time in CSUBAS. Use the CSU_BAS_DELETED_ACTIONS baseline query to see what actions were deleted for your campus. The baseline query is available to run from the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile or via Query Manager and Query Viewer.
- CSU_BA01A – This application engine process sets the FINALIZE_ENROLL flag to Y for HIR and TER BAS events in a PROCESS_STATUS of Prepared so the next time that the Ben Admin process (PSPBARUN) runs, the HIR and TER events finalize. This process also sets the PROCESS_INDICATOR to Void for disconnected BAS events. This process must precede PSPBARUN and CSU_PERM_INS and runs seven times in CSUBAS.
CSU_BA_EV_DT - This application engine process changes the BAS event date to the submission date for the following eBenefits Self Service event classes: ADP, BIR, DIV, DGC, DLC, EGC, ELC, MAR, PCR LTE and NEW. This process uses two configuration tables: CSU Benefits Submission Dates and CSU Submission Date Setup (go to Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup). This process also:
- Creates like ‘xx1’ BAS events when multiple submission date rules exist for a self-service BAS event when the BAS event is at an Entered status and the Finalize/Apply Defaults is Y.
- Voids expired submitted self-service transactions at an Entered status and the Finalize/Apply Defaults is Y.
- Closes expired self-service BAS events at a Prepared status to Finalize-Enrolled. Note that no enrollments exist for BAS events at a Prepared status.
- CSU_PERM_INS - This application engine process inserts the permitting event code for plan types 10, 11, 1Y, 1Z, 60 and 61 for configured event classes (go to Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup > CSU Automate Permitting Event Adds). It also inserts the permitting event codes of 600 and 60 for the default waive row on the HIR BAS event. This process runs three times in CSUBAS; the first run processes eBenefits Self Service BAS events, the second run processes ‘xx1’ BAS events, and the third run processes HIR BAS events.
- CSU_BA_SF_CL - This application engine process soft-closes opened BAS events except for eBenefits self-service BAS events to facilitate submission date processing.
- CSU_BA_SFOP1 - This application engine process re-opens certain soft-closed BAS events to facilitate submission date processing.
- CSU_BA_SFOP2 - This application engine process re-opens certain soft-closed BAS events to facilitate submission date processing.
- CSU_BA_FLAG - This application engine process removes the Event Out of Sequence flag from like ‘xx1’ BAS events created by the CSU_BA_EV_DT process.
- CSU_BAS_ACTP - This application engine process deletes Life Event activity guides for finalized Life events BAS events, voided Life events BAS events, and aged-out Life events. The process log also lists employees missing their Life event electronic signature. Be sure to manually reach out to employees’ show are missing their Life event electronic signature and have them sign back into eBenefits ESS and the Life event and submit their Life event electronic signature and complete the Life event.
- CSUBASSCHED - This application engine process resets the PSPBARUN Schedule ID. This process runs four times in CSUBAS and precedes each run of PSPBARUN.
- PSPBARUN - This is the delivered Benefits Administration (COBOL) process that determines the employee’s benefit program, determines benefit eligibility, prepares benefits options and finalizes benefit elections and BAS events. PSPBARUN runs five times in CSUBAS.
*Important: Do not run the Ben Admin process, PSPBARUN, independently, especially if you are a full eBenefits Self Service campus. If you need to run the Ben Admin process in batch, run CSUBAS.
4. Benefits Administration Reports
This section lists Benefits Administration Reports that you can generate to review CSUBAS and Ben Admin processing results. Note that these reports do not run as part of the CSUBAS process. Use Daily Review CSUBAS Logs and Reports job aid for instructions on running and reviewing these reports daily.
- BAS003.SQR - Invalid Elections Report – This is a PeopleSoft delivered report which produces, by schedule, a detailed listing of all error/warning situations resulting from running the Benefits Administration processes. This report lists the schedule, the Emplid, the error message description, and the cause of the error. Review all errors/warnings and resolve if applicable.
BAS008.SQR - Report on Flagged Items – This report lists flagged events that require daily review and resolution. Flagged events listed on the report:
- have had Job, Address, or Union eligibility information changes, that may impact benefits eligibility and warrant BAS event class reprocessing.
- have been processed Out of Sequence and warrant BAS event class reprocessing or voiding based on the BAS event.
- have been disconnected during processing and require review and resolution.
- CSUBAS27.SQR – CSU Process Status Report - This report includes a listing of all events and the associated Event Status and Process Status. This SQR was cloned from the delivered BAS27.sqr and updated to exclude events in Void, Closed, or Disconnected statuses.
CSUBB010.SQR – Benefits Transaction Report - This report includes data when the following items changed for the employee:
- Benefit Primary Job
- Benefits Status
- Employee Class
- Employee Type
- Pay Group
- Union Code
- Duration (eligibility config 1)
- Job Code (eligibility config 2)
- ACA Status (eligibility config 3)
- AY Duration of Appt (on CSU Job).
- CSUBAS30.SQR – CSU Benefits Termination Report – This report identifies employees with benefits in plan types 10, 11, 14, 20, 23, 31, 60, 61, 1Y and 1Z that have or will be terminated during a specified time period. The inclusion in the report is determined by one of two dates: Coverage Begin Date or Coverage Elect Date. Includes terminated records for each Plan Type if the coverage is Term and the previous coverage was Elect.
- CSUBAS30.SQR – CSU Job Change Prior to Ben Admin - details any changes in Job Data that pre-date the Benefits Administration Start Date.
5. Manual Execution of CSUBAS
CSUBAS is a nightly scheduled job that consists of 29 individual processes to move Ben Admin events through Ben Admin processing for each campuses’ Ben Admin Event Maintenance schedule. The daily CSUBAS runs nightly at 10:00 pm for all CHRS campuses. The daily CSUBAS processing for each campus averages between three to six minutes to process. The daily CSUBAS schedule appears as CSUBASDL in Process Monitor.
There are times, however, where a campus is unable to wait until nightly processing and needs to run the daily CSUBAS job ad hoc (on-demand). For example, a campus may need to run the daily CSUBAS job ad-hoc in order to process eBenefits Self Service transactions in time to meet payroll processing deadlines.
Important: Do not run the Ben Admin process, PSPBARUN, independently, especially if you are a full eBenefits Self Service campus. If you need to run the Ben Admin process in batch, run CSUBAS.
Executing CSUBAS Ad-hoc and Processing ALL Employees
- Click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Run Automated Event Processing.
If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.
- The Schedule and Chkpt Restart page appears.
- Enter your event maintenance Schedule ID.
- Select Schedule and Process Events for the EM Process Mode field. This field defaults to Schedule and Process Events.
- Enter 3 for Chk Point Interval in Minutes.
- Select the Record Eligibility Results checkbox.
- Click on the Run button in the top right hand corner.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.
- Enter PSUNX in Server Name or keep the field blank.
- Locate and select the job with the process name CSUBAS.
- Click on the OK button.

- The Run Control page appears, along with a Process Instance number. The Process Instance number is the job number assigned by the system. Make note of this number in case needed later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link in the top right hand corner to monitor the process.
- Locate the CSUBAS link on the Process List page and click on the CSUBAS link to monitor all 29 jobs processing in CSUBAS.
Below is example of CSUBAS Jobs to monitor:

- Make sure each job completes successfully. Use the BA_Job_Aid_Daily_Review CSUBAS job aid to review the required job logs. Note that if you have access to Process Monitor and if you ran CSUBAS ad-hoc, you could review the required job logs on this page instead of going to Report Manager.
- Click on the Return button when all processing finishes, and you have reviewed the required job logs.
Executing CSUBAS Ad-hoc and Processing One Employee or a List of Employees
- Click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Run Automated Event Processing.
- If you have a run control ID for this process, enter the Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value page and then click the Search button.
- If you do not have a run control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab, enter your initials in the Run Control ID field, and then click on the Add button.
- The Schedule and Chkpt Restart page appears.
- Enter your event maintenance Schedule ID.
- Select Schedule and Process Events for the EM Process Mode field. This field defaults to Schedule and Process Events.
- Enter 3 for Chk Point Interval in Minutes.
- Select the Record Eligibility Results checkbox.
- Click on the Participant Lists tab.
- Select the Process From Participant List checkbox.
- If the BAS event to process for the employee currently resides in the Review BAS Activity page, enter the employee ID in the EMPL ID field in the Schedule Only Employee(s) section. Click on the plus symbol button to add additional employees with BAS actions in the Review BAS Activity page that require processing.
- If the BAS event is not currently on the Review BAS Activity page and is already in the Ben Admin process, for example, at a Process Status of Entered, skip the Schedule Only Employee(s) section.
- Enter the employee ID in the EMPL ID field in the Process Only Participant(s) section only if the BAS event is not on the Review BAS Activity page and is already in the Ben Admin process. The Ben Record is always 0. Enter the Event ID for the BAS event that you want to complete processing.
- If you do not have the Event ID, click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Event Status.
- Enter the employee ID and locate the Event ID for the applicable BAS event. See the example below showing the Event ID of 5.
- If you do not have the Event ID, click on the NavBar Icon
- Click on the plus symbol button to add additional employees that require processing.
- Click on the Run button in the top right hand corner.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.
- Click on the Run button in the top right hand corner.
- The Process Scheduler Request page appears.
- Enter PSUNX in Server Name or keep the field blank.
- Locate and select the job with the process name CSUBAS.
- Click on the OK button.

- The Run Control page appears, along with a Process Instance number. The Process Instance number is the job number assigned by the system. Make note of the number in case needed later.
- Click on the Process Monitor link in the top right hand corner to monitor the process.
- Locate the CSUBAS link on the Process List page and click on the link to monitor all jobs processing in CSUBAS.

- Make sure each job completes successfully. Use the Daily Review CSUBAS Logs and Reports Job Aid to review the required job logs. Note that if you have access to Process Monitor and if you ran CSUBAS ad-hoc, you could review the required job logs on this page instead of going to Report Manager.
- Click on the Return button when all processing finishes, and you have reviewed the required job logs.
End of Article
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