Void BAS Events
This job aid shows benefits officers how to void a BAS event.
Void BAS Events
Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.

Step 2: Navigate to On-Demand Event Maintenance.
- Enroll in Benefits > On-Demand Event Maintenance
Step 3: Enter search criteria, then click Search.
- If the search returns only one result, the On-Demand Event Maintenance page opens. Otherwise, click the row to open the page.

Step 4: If the event that you need to void is currently displayed, skip to step 9.
- Review the Event Date and the event class to confirm the event.

Step 5: Click Event Status Update.
- The BenAdmin Event Status Update page opens.

Step 6: Locate the BAS event to void. You might need to scroll to find the event
Step 7: On the event that you need to void, set Event Status to Open for Processing.

Step 8: Click OK.

Step 9: Void the BAS event.
- Set the Process Indicator to V.
- Click Reprocess.

- The BAS event is voided
End of article
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