Enable New Hire Benefits
This job aid shows Benefits officers how to enable benefit selection events for new hires.
Before you start
- You need the Employee ID (Empl ID) of the new hire.
- You need access to On Demand Event Maintenance to prepare the event.
Create the event
Step 1: On the CSU Administrator Home page, open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.,

Step 2: Navigate to Enroll in Benefits > Review BAS Activity.

- Alternate navigation
- Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Review BAS Activity

Step 3: Select your Business Unit (campus)
- Recent BAS activity displays.

Step 4: Click the Plus button to add a new row
- The button is at the bottom of the page, above the Save button.

Step 5: Enter the Empl ID in the first column.
- You can use the Lookup (magnifying glass) to search for the employee.
- After your selection, the second column displays the employee’s name.

Step 6: Enter or select NEW or HBE in the BAS Action column.
- Select:
NEW if your campus uses Full Employee Self-Service
- IMPORTANT for Full eBenefits ESS Campuses: Do not create the NEW BAS event if it’s been 60 days or more since the employee was hired. If the employee was hired more than 60 days ago, use the HBE BAS event to process the new hire enrollments. Do not use the NEW BAS event.
- HBE if your campus uses View-Only Employee Self-Service
NEW if your campus uses Full Employee Self-Service

Step 7: Change the Event date to the date of hire.
- The Event Date defaults to the current date.
- For NEW events, change the Event Date to the date of the hire.
- For HBE events, change the Event Date to the Effective Date of the benefits.

Step 8: Click Save

Prepare the event
Step 1: On the CSU Administrator Home page, open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.

Step 2: Navigate to Enroll in Benefits > On-Demand Event Maintenance.

- Alternate navigation
- Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > On-Demand Event Maintenance

Step 3: Enter search criteria and then click Search.
- If the search returns only one result, the On-Demand Event Maintenance page opens. Otherwise, select the employee from the search results to open the page.

Step 4: Confirm that the Action is NEW or HBE.
- If there are multiple Activities, click Show Activities, and then select the NEW or HBE activity.

Step 5: Click Schedule/Prepare Activity

Step 6: Click OK.
- New hire benefit enrollment is now open for this employee.

Step 7: Follow up with the employee.
Inform the employee that new hire benefit options are available for enrollment and that the time limit for submitting benefit options is 60 days from the date of hire.
- Full Employee Self-Service employees can select benefits by going to their Home Page, then clicking the Hire/Newly Eligible enrollment tile.
- View-only Employee Self-Service employees can complete a paper enrollment form and submit the form with supporting documentation.
End of Article
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