CHRS Knowledge Base

Prepare Employee for ACA Benefits

Updated on


  • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a comprehensive federal health care reform law enacted in March 2010.
  • Employees who are in the AC1 or AC2 (except Work-study students) benefit program can elect Medical, Medical Flex Cash, and HCRA/DCRA.
  • The CIRS (CSU Information Reporting System) Annual Lookback Report identifies employees who qualify for AC2 benefits but do not currently have medical coverage.
  • You must ensure that qualifying employees are eligible for benefits under the AC2 Benefits program.

Prepare an employee for AC2 Benefit eligibility

Complete this procedure for an employee that is ACA eligible and on the SWHR lookback report.

Step 1: Open the Navbar.

Navbar button

Step 2: Navigate to Menu > Benefits > Employee/Dependent Information > ACA Employee Eligibility Details.

Step 3: Search for the employee.

  1. Enter search criteria.
  2. Click Search.
Employee search page
Add a new value

If the employee is not returned in the ACA search, use this procedure to add an initial row for the employee.

Step 1: Click Add a New Value

Add a New Value

Step 2: Complete the Add a New Value fields.

  1. Employee ID
  2. Affordable Care Act Common ID - Enter ADA
Add a new value fields

Step 3: Click Add.

Add button

Enter ACA Eligibility Information

Step 5: Complete the Eligibility Information section.

  1. Effective Date: The date the employee is benefits eligible. ACA Effdt should be the most effective dated row on or prior to the current date. Do not use the Job effective Date for ACA Eligibility.
  2. ACA Eligibility Status: Set to Eligible.
  3. Average Service Hours: Enter 130 hours.
  4. Evaluation Begin Date: Enter the begin date for year that found the employee benefits eligible.
  5. Evaluation End Date: Enter the end date for year that found the employee benefits eligible.
  6. Administration Begin Date: Set to one day after the Evaluation End date.
  7. Administration End Date: Set to 60 days after the Administration Begin Date.
  8. Stability Begin Date: Set to one day after the Administration End Date on this page.
  9. Stability End Date: Set to one year after Stability Begin Date.
ACA Eligibility Information Section

By default, the Calculation Method is set to Look Back. Do not change it.

Step 6: Complete the ACA Calculation Hours section:

  1. Empl Record
  2. Company: Campus
  3. Total Hours: 130
ACA Calculation HOurs

Step 7: Click Save.


What happens next:

  • Nightly CSUBAS processing updates the Elig Fld 3 from N to Y and creates an ACA BAS action.
  • After Benefits staff receives election choices and supporting documents, they enter the employee's benefit enrollments.


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