This job aid shows you how to update a spouse or domestic partner’s status after an employee’s divorce or termination of domestic partnership life event.
When an employee divorces or dissolves a domestic partnership, the spouse or domestic partner becomes an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner. A Benefits officer must update the dependent information in the system to reflect this change.
When to use this procedure:
- After Employee new Divorce/Termination of Domestic Partnership BAS events.
- After you have changed the employee’s marital status.
- After you have removed the dependent from benefit plans.
- After the life event has been finalized by CSUBAS.
Update Dependent to Ex
Step 1: Click the Benefits Administrator tile on your CSU Administrator Home page.

Step 2: Ensure that you are on the Update Dependent/Beneficiary page

Step 3: Enter search criteria and then click Search.
- If the search returns only one result, the Update Dependent/Beneficiary page opens. Otherwise, select the employee to open the page.

Step 4: Click Include History.

Step 5: Open the Personal Profile page.

Step 6: Find the row that shows the Spouse or Domestic Partner.

Step 7: In the Personal History section, click Plus to add an effective dated row.

Step 8: Update the Personal History fields:
- Effective Date
- Relationship to Employee
- Marital Status
If you are changing the Relationship to Employee from a Spouse or Domestic Partner to an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner follow these guidelines, make the change after you remove the dependent from benefit plans.
Effective Date: Make the effective-date at least one day after the coverage change effective date so the correct Relationship to Employee value prints on the Medical enrollment form.
- Example: An employee becomes divorced effective 3/21/23.
- The spouse has benefits coverage through 3/31/23.
- Effective 4/1/23, the former spouse is no longer eligible for benefits coverage.
- You need to insert a row effective dated to 4/2/23. If you we set the effective date 3/21/23, the former spouse would lose benefits coverage through 3/31/23, which is not correct.
Relationship to Employee: Select one of the following options:
- ExSpouse if the dependent was a spouse
- ExDomestic Partner if the dependent was a Domestic Partner
- Marital Status: Select current the marital status of the dependent.

Step 9: Click Save.

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