This job aid shows benefits officers how to update an employee's benefits after the death of a dependent.
When an employee's dependent dies, you must make the changes to the employee's benefits. There is no self-service procedure for employees to do change their own benefits.
Create the DEA event
Step 1: Click the CSU Benefits Administrator tile on the CSU Administrator home page.

Step 2: Navigate to Enroll in Benefits > Review BAS Activity.

Step 3: Click the Plus button to add a new row.

Step 3: Create a new Death Event:
- Use the Lookup to find the Employee ID.
- Select the DEA event class.
- Enter the event date. The event date must be the date of death.
Step 4: Click Save.

Prepare the event
Step 1: Navigate to Enroll in Benefits > On-Demand Event Maintenance.

Step 2: Search for the employee.

Step 3: Select the employee.

Step 4: Confirm the correct event is open.
- Class: DEA
- Event date is correct
- Event Status: Open for Processing
If the DEA event is not currently selected, click Event Status Update to select it.
Step 5: Click Schedule/Prepare Activity.

Step 6: Click OK.

Enter the date of death
Step 1: Click Election Entry.

Step 2: Open the Dependents/Beneficiaries tab.

Step 3: Click Change/Add Dependent Data.

Step 4: Click the Personal Profile tab.

Step 5: Use the arrow buttons to select the decedent.
Step 6: Enter the Date of Death.

Step 7: Scroll down and then click OK.

Update Elections
The procedure to follow depends on whether the option code changes after the death of the dependent.
In this scenario | Use this procedure |
Number of dependents goes from 1 to 0 |
Change option code to Employee Only |
Number of dependents goes from 2 to 1 |
Change Option Code to Employee + 1 |
Number of dependents remains > 2 |
Remove Dependent without code change |
Step 1: Open the Option Election tab.

Step 2: Click the Option Code lookup.

Step 3: Select the option for Employee Only.

Step 4: Confirm the option is for Employee Only.

Step 5: Click the minus button to remove the decedent.
- The dependent is removed from the list of Dependents/Beneficiaries
Step 6: Repeat this procedure for Dental and Vision plans if applicable.
For Vision, you do not need to change the option code - only remove the dependent.
Step 1: Open the Option Election tab.

Step 2: Delete the decadent from the list of Dependents/Beneficiaries.
Step 3: Click OK.

Step 4: Click the Option Code lookup.

Step 5: Select the option for Employee + 1.

Step 6: Confirm the option is for Employee + 1.

Step 7: Repeat this procedure for Dental and Vision plans if applicable.
For Vision, you do not need to change the option code - only remove the dependent.
Step 1: Open the Option Election tab.

Step 2: Click the minus button to remove the decedent.
Step 3: Click OK.

- The dependent is removed from the list of Dependents/Beneficiaries
Step 4: Repeat this procedure for Dental and Vision plans if applicable.
For Vision, you do not need to change the option code - only remove the dependent.
Enter Permitting Event Code
Step 1: Click the CSU PERM Event tab.

Step 2: Use the arrow buttons to select the Plan Type to enter the Permitting Event Code for.
Step 3: Enter the information:
- Select the Permitting Event Code.
- Enter the HBO Rec'd Date (the date that you received notification).
Step 4: Select the next plan type (if applicable) and repeat this procedure until both medical and dental plans have been updated.
Finalize the Event
Step 1: Scroll down and then click OK.

Step 2: Select Finalize/Apply Defaults.

Step 3: Click Validate/Finalize.

Step 4: Click OK.

Print Forms
Step 1: Click CSU On Demand Printing

Step 2: Click the Print button to print the Medical and Dental forms.
Step 3: Inspect the forms to ensure the information is correct.
Step 4: Print applicable forms to send to the State Controller's Office:
- Dental
- Flex Cash
- Flex Spending
You do not need to print the Medical form. This transaction automatically updates CalPERS. CalPERS sends the Medical form to the State Controller's Office.
End of Article
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