This job aid shows Benefits Officers how to update a domestic partner to spouse.
- When an employee's domestic partner becomes a spouse, we need to create HBE events to make the change.
- The change needs to be delivered to SCO and CalPERS by using HBE events with permitting event codes.
- The procedure involves
- Removing the domestic partner (and dp children) from benefits.
- Generating forms
- Adding the spouse and stepchildren to benefits
- Generating the forms again
- The procedure is lengthy, but failing to do the procedures properly can result in family members losing benefits.
If the employee has no medical or dental plans, then you can update the dependents and the employee's marital status and stop here.
Create HBE events
Step 1: Ensure you are on the CSU Administrator Homepage.

Step 2: Click the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.

Step 3: Expand Enroll in Benefits, then click Review BAS Activity.

Step 4: Click the Plus button at the bottom of the page twice to create two new rows.

Step 5: Enter details for the first event:
- Employee ID
- Event Date: Make this the end of the month of the change.
- BAS Action: HBE
Step 6: Enter details for the second event:
- Employee ID
- Event Date: Make this the beginning of the next month.
- BAS Action: HBE.
Make sure there is no gap between the date of the Event 1 and Event 2.
Step 7: Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Process Event 1: Drop Coverage
Step 1: Open On-Demand Event Maintenance.

Step 2: Search for the employee.
- Enter search criteria.
- Click Search.

Step 3: Click Show Activities.

Step 4: Select the earlier activity to process first.

Step 5: Click OK.

Step 6: Click Schedule/Prepare Activity

Step 7: Click Election Entry.

- The BenAdmin Data Entry page opens.
Drop dependents from Medical
Step 1: On Plan Type 10: Medical area, remove the domestic partner and domestic partner children:
- Click the minus button to remove the domestic partner and any domestic partner children.
- If the number of family members changes the option code, select the applicable option code. For example, if it was Employee + Dependents before and Employee Only afterward, you must select the Employee Only option code.
Be sure to select ONLY the domestic partner and domestic partner children.
Step 2: Click OK to the prompt.

Step 3: Scroll down to Plan Type 11: Dental
Drop dependents from Dental
Step 1: On Plan Type 11: Dental area, remove the domestic partner and domestic partner children:
- Click the minus button to remove the domestic partner and any domestic partner children.
- If the number of family members changes the option code, select the applicable option code. For example, if it was Employee + Dependents before and Employee Only afterward, you must select the Employee Only option code.
Be sure to select ONLY the domestic partner and domestic partner children.
Step 2: Click OK to the prompt.

Step 3: Scroll down to Plan Type 14: Vision
Drop dependents from Vision
Step 1: On Plan Type 14: Vision area, remove the domestic partner and domestic partner children:
- Click the minus button to remove the domestic partner and any domestic partner children.
- If the number of family members changes the option code, select the applicable option code. For example, if it was Employee + Dependents before and Employee Only afterward, you must select the Employee Only option code.
Be sure to select ONLY the domestic partner and domestic partner children.
Step 2: Click OK to the prompt.

Enter permitting event code for Medical plan
Step 1: Scroll to the top of the page, then click CSU Perm Event.

Step 2: For the Medical plan type, click the Lookup icon to open Look Up Code menu.

Step 3: Select the Domestic Partner Term option.

Step 3: Enter the HBO Rec'd Date: Use the current date.

If you must also remove domestic partner children, you need to add another permitting event code.
Step 1: click the Plus button to add another Permitting Event Code.

Step 2: For the second Permitting Event Code (2 of 2) click the Lookup icon to open Look Up Code menu.

Step 3: Select the Domestic Partner Child Term option.

Step 3: Enter the HBO Rec'd Date: Use the current date.

Enter Permitting event Code for Dental plan
Step 1: Click the arrow to select the Dental Plan Type.

Step 5: For the Dental plan type, click the Lookup icon to open Look Up Code menu.

Step 6: Select the option to Delete Spouse/DP due to death, divorce or dissolution of domestic partnership, or military service.

Step 3: Enter the HBO Rec'd Date: Use the current date.

If you must also remove domestic partner children, you need to add another permitting event code.
Step 1: click the Plus button to add another Permitting Event Code.

Step 2: For the second Permitting Event Code (2 of 2) click the Lookup icon to open Look Up Code menu.

Step 3: Select the Domestic Partner Child Term option.

Step 3: Enter the HBO Rec'd Date: Use the current date.

Finalize the event
Step 1: Click OK. The BenAdmin Data Entry page closes.

Step 2: Check the Finalize/Apply Defaults check box.

Step 3: Click Validate/Finalize.

Step 4: Click OK.

Print enrollment forms
Step 1: Click the CSU On Demand Printing tab.

Step 2: Print each of the forms.
You might need to disable your popup blocker if the form does not display when you click Print.
Step 3: Review the information to ensure that the form is correct.
Change Employee status to Married
Step 1: Navigate to Modify a Person
From the CSU Benefits Administrator tile, Expand Review Employee Data > Modify a Person
Step 2: Search for the employee.
- Enter search criteria.
- Select the Include History option.
- Click Search.

Step 3: Click the Plus button in Biographical History to add a new row.

Step 4: Change Marital Status to Married.
- Enter Effective date = date of marriage
- Enter As of date = date of marriage
- Enter Marital Status = married

Step 5: Click Save.

Change the dependent relationships
In this procedure, you change the domestic partner to spouse. If there are domestic partner children, you change them to stepchildren.
Step 1: Navigate to Update Dependent/Beneficiary. Expand Employee/Dependent Information, then click update Dependent/Beneficiary.

Step 2: Search for the employee:
- Enter search criteria.
- Select Include History.
- Click Search.

Step 3: Open the Personal Profile tab.

Step 4: Use the selection tools to select the dependents that need to change.
Make sure to change the domestic partner and domestic partner children.

Step 5: Click the Plus button in the Personal History area to add a new row for that dependent.
Step 6: Enter the new information for that dependent.
- Effective Date: Use the marriage date.
- Relationship to Employee: Spouse or Stepchild
Step 7: Select the other participants Repeat this procedure for all of the domestic partner dependents.

Step 8: Click Save when all of the domestic partner dependents have been updated.

Process Event 2: Adding Dependents back to plans
When you processed the first HBE event, you removed domestic partner dependents from medical, dental, and vision. Now you will add them back to these plans, but as spouse and stepchildren.
Step 1: Open On-Demand Event Maintenance.

Step 2: Search for the employee.
- Enter search criteria.
- Click Search.

Step 3 Optional: If the second HBE event is not displayed, click Show Activities to select it. Remember that this HBE event is on the first of the month following the prior event.

Step 4: Click Schedule/Prepare Activity

Step 5: Click Election Entry.

Add dependents to Medical
Step 1: Change the option code if applicable. In this example, the option code did not need to change.

Step 2: Click Enroll All.

Step 3: Click OK.

Step 4: Verify the dependents and their relationships to the employee are all correct.

Step 5: Scroll down to type 11: Dental.
Add dependents to Dental
Step 1: Change the option code if applicable. In this example, the option code did not need to change.

Step 2: Click Enroll All.

Step 3: Click OK.

Step 4: Verify the dependents and their relationships to the employee are all correct.

Step 5: Scroll down to type 14: Vision.
Add dependents to Vision
Step 1: Click Enroll All.

Step 3: Click OK.

Step 4: Verify the dependents and their relationships to the employee are all correct.

Enter permitting event code for Medical plan
Step 1: Scroll to the top of the page, then click CSU Perm Event.

Step 2: For the Medical plan type, click the Lookup icon to open Look Up Code menu.

Step 3: Select the Marriage option.

Step 3: Enter the HBO Rec'd Date: Use the current date.

Enter Permitting event Code for Dental plan
Step 1: Click the arrow to select the Dental Plan Type.

Step 5: For the Dental plan type, click the Lookup icon to open Look Up Code menu.

Step 6: Add permitting event 17: New spouse and/or stepchildren or registered domestic partner.

Step 3: Enter the HBO Rec'd Date: Use the current date.

Finalize the event
Step 1: Click OK. The BenAdmin Data Entry page closes.

Step 2: Check the Finalize/Apply Defaults check box.

Step 3: Click Validate/Finalize.

Step 4: Click OK.

Print enrollment forms
Step 1: Click the CSU On Demand Printing tab

Step 2: Print each of the forms.
You might need to disable your popup blocker if the form does not display when you click Print.
Step 3: Review the information to ensure that the form is correct.
End of Article
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