This job aid shows benefits officers how to process a Time-Based Change (TBC) event when the employee's time base is changed using the PAY/TBC or POS/TBS action/action-reason codes in Job Data.
- Changes to Job Data with action/reason codes PAY/TBC and POS/TBC generate TBC BAS events.
- TBC BAS events can make an employee newly eligible or ineligible for benefits.
- On the Employee Process Status Report you will see the TBC BAS events.
- You must process these TBC BAS events promptly to ensure benefit eligibility is correct.
Coverage begin dates
- The Coverage begin date is equal to the first of the month from the TBC event date plus one month for plan types 10, 11, 14, 1Y, and 1Z.
- The Coverage Begin Date is equal to the first of the month from the TBC event date for plan types 20, 23, and 31.
- Reference: Event Class Cheat Sheet.
Process a TBC Event
IMPORTANT: Process the TBC BAS events. Do not create and use an HBE or NEW BAS event to process benefits eligibility for time-base changes.
Step 1: Determine whether the TBC Event adds eligibility or terminates eligibility.
- If the TBC BAS event terminates the employee's benefits, finalize the TBC event in On-Demand Event Maintenance.
- If the TBC BAS event adds new eligibility for benefits, continue to the next step.
Step 2: Obtain the employee's election options.
Step 3: Enter the employee's benefit options in On-Demand Event Maintenance.
- For steps, see Enter Employee Benefits with ODEM.
Step 4: Finalize the TBC Event in OnDemand Event Maintenance
- For steps, see Finalize BAS Events with ODEM.
Terminate Flex Cash Medical/Dental
Use this procedure when the employee's Flex Cash Medical or Flex Cash Dental Enrollments terminate because of a Time Base Change where the employee is no longer eligible for the benefit.
Step 1: Click the Navbar button to open the menu.

Step 2: Navigate to Health Benefits
- Menu > Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > Health Benefits.
Step 3: Search for the employee:
- Enter Employee search criteria.
- Check Include History.
- Click Search.

Step 4: Use the arrow keys to select the Plan Type for Medical or Dental Flex Cash (1Z or 1Y).
Step 5: Open the CSU Health Perm Event tab.

Step 6: Complete the permitting event row:
- Enter the Code.
- Enter the Event Date.
- Enter the HBO Rec’d Date.

Step 7: click Save.

Create a TBC Event
Sometimes, HR, Payroll, or Faculty Affairs keys in the wrong action/reason code for time-base changes. If this happens, you will need to create the TBC BAS event.
IMPORTANT: Do not create an HBE BAS event in place of a TBC BAS event. The coverage begin and end dates are different.
Step 1: Create the TBC Event on the Review BAS Activity page.
- For steps, see Review BAS Activity
- Event type: TBC
- Event Date: Use the Effective Date of the Time-Based Change.
End of Article
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