CHRS Knowledge Base

Process TBC Events

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This job aid shows benefits officers how to  process a Time-Based Change (TBC) event when the employee's time base is changed using the PAY/TBC or POS/TBS action/action-reason codes in Job Data.


  • Changes to Job Data with action/reason codes PAY/TBC and POS/TBC generate TBC BAS events.
  • TBC BAS events can make an employee newly eligible or ineligible for benefits.
  • On the Employee Process Status Report you will see the TBC BAS events.
  • You must process these TBC BAS events promptly to ensure benefit eligibility is correct.

Coverage begin dates

  • The Coverage begin date is equal to the first of the month from the TBC event date plus one month for plan types 10, 11, 14, 1Y, and 1Z.
  • The Coverage Begin Date is equal to the first of the month from the TBC event date for plan types 20, 23, and 31.
  • Reference: Event Class Cheat Sheet.

Process a TBC Event

IMPORTANT: Process the TBC BAS events. Do not create and use an HBE or NEW BAS event to process benefits eligibility for time-base changes.

Step 1: Determine whether the TBC Event adds eligibility or terminates eligibility.

  • If the TBC BAS event terminates the employee's benefits, finalize the TBC event in On-Demand Event Maintenance.
  • If the TBC BAS event adds new eligibility for benefits, continue to the next step.

Step 2: Obtain the employee's election options.

Step 3: Enter the employee's benefit options in On-Demand Event Maintenance.

Step 4: Finalize the TBC Event in OnDemand Event Maintenance

Terminate Flex Cash Medical/Dental

Use this procedure when the employee's Flex Cash Medical or Flex Cash Dental Enrollments terminate because of a Time Base Change where the employee is no longer eligible for the benefit.

Step 1: Click the Navbar button to open the menu.

Navbar button

Step 2: Navigate to Health Benefits

  • Menu > Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > Health Benefits.

Step 3: Search for the employee:

  1. Enter Employee search criteria.
  2. Check Include History.
  3. Click Search.
employee search page

Step 4: Use the arrow keys to select the Plan Type for Medical or Dental Flex Cash (1Z or 1Y).

Health Benefits page showing plan type 1Z. The arrow keys for selecting the plan type are highlighted.

Step 5: Open the CSU Health Perm Event tab.

CSU Health Perm Event tab

Step 6: Complete the permitting event row:

  1. Enter the Code.
  2. Enter the Event Date.
  3. Enter the HBO Rec’d Date.
Permitting event fields:A: CodeB: Event DateC: HBO Received DateW

Step 7: click Save.

Create a TBC Event

Sometimes, HR, Payroll, or Faculty Affairs keys in the wrong action/reason code for time-base changes. If this happens, you will need to create the TBC BAS event.

IMPORTANT: Do not create an HBE BAS event in place of a TBC BAS event. The coverage begin and end dates are different.

Step 1: Create the TBC Event on the Review BAS Activity page.

  • For steps, see Review BAS Activity
    • Event type: TBC
    • Event Date: Use the Effective Date of the Time-Based Change.

End of Article


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