This job aid shows Benefits Officers how to enroll employee benefits options with On Demand Event Maintenance (ODEM).
- Campuses that use view-only eBenefits must enroll employees’ benefits using ODEM.
- Campuses that have full eBenefits must sometimes enroll employees’ benefits using ODEM when employees turn in paper forms.
- After enrollment, you must finalize the event.
Open the BAS Event in ODEM for Data Entry
Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.

Step 2: Navigate to On-Demand Event Maintenance.

Step 3: Enter search criteria and then click Search.
If the search returns one result, the On-Demand Event Maintenance page opens. Otherwise select an employee to continue. All employee records roll up to the Benefit Record 0

Step 4 Optional: If the activity is Pending, do the following:
- Click Schedule/Prepare Activity.
- Click OK.

Step 5 Optional: If there are multiple pending activities:
- Click Show Activities.
- Select the activity to process.
- Click OK.
- Process BAS events in the correct order, based on date, the event priority, and event ID, to minimize reprocessing.

Step 6: Click Election Entry.
- The BenAdmin Data Entry interface opens.

Optional: Add a Dependent to the employee record
Use this procedure add a dependent to the employee record. Dependents must be in the employee record before you can add them to benefit options.
If you are not adding new dependents, skip to: Enter Benefits Enrollment Options.
Step 1: On BenAdmin Data Entry interface, Open the Dependents/Beneficiaries tab.

Step 2: Click Change/Add Dependent Data.

Step 3: Click the Plus button in the Dependent/Beneficiary ID section.

Step 4: Edit Name

Step 5: Enter the dependent’s name

Step 6: Click OK

Step 7: Open the Address Tab

Step 8: Enter the dependent’s address.
- If the dependent lives with the employee, check the Same Address as Employee box. Otherwise, click Edit Address.

Step 9 Optional: If you click Edit Address, complete the Address fields:
- Address #1
- City
- State
- Postal

Step 10: . Enter the dependent’s phone number.
- If the dependent lives with the employee, click the Same as Employee check box. Otherwise, complete the Phone Type and Telephone number fields.

Step 11: Open the Personal Profile tab

Step 12: Enter the Date of Birth.

Step 13: Select the Relationship to Employee.

Step 14 Optional: Select a gender.

Step 15 Optional: Enter the Social Security Number.

Step 16: Click OK
- You have added the new dependent to the employee record.
- IMPORTANT: When you add or remove dependents you might need to update the enrollment code when you Enter Permitting Event Codes.
- What to do next: Enter Permitting Event Codes.

Remove a dependent
Use this procedure to remove a dependent from a benefit.
Step 1: On BenAdmin Data Entry interface, Open the Option Election tab.

Step 2: Scroll to find the Plan Type to remove the dependent from

Step 3: Click the Minus button to remove dependents from the benefit.

Step 4: Click OK

Step 5 Optional: Remove the dependent from other benefits if applicable.
Step 6: Click OK
- You have removed an employee from a benefit.
- IMPORTANT: When you add or remove dependents you might need to update the enrollment code when you Enter Permitting Event Codes.
- What to do next: Enter Permitting Event Codes.

Enter Benefits Enrollment Options
- Use this procedure to change the elective benefits options that the employee has requested.
- Be sure to scroll down to review all the benefits.
- If you need to add, remove, or update dependents, see CHRS Benefits Update Dependent Information User Guide for instructions.
Step 1: Update the Option Code.
When you select the code, the description is updated.
IMPORTANT: Carefully select the correct benefit option for the employee and the number of dependents.
- For example, Kaiser has three options:
- 83: Employee Only
- 84: Employee + 1
- 85: Employee + Dependents

Step 2: If you are adding dependents to this benefit, enroll new dependents for the benefit.
- If the dependent is not in the employee record, go to: Add a Dependent to the employee record.
- Use the enrollment method that is appropriate to the situation:
- Click Enroll All to enroll all dependents to the benefit or
- Click the Plus button to add a dependent individually.

Step 3: Repeat steps 1 - 3 for any benefit plans that need to be updated.
Step 4: Click OK

Enter Permitting Event Codes
Step 1: Open the CSU Perm Event tab.

Step 2: Enter the Permitting Event Codes for each plan types:
- Click View All (if enabled)
- Select the permitting event code
- Enter the Event Date
- Enter the HBO Rec’d Date
- Code – Use the Look Up Icon to select the applicable permitting event code for the displayed Plan Type.
- To prevent the transaction from transmitting to CalPERS, use these codes:
- 610 prevents transmitting medical plan changes to CalPERS
- 61 prevents transmitting dental plan changes to CalPERS
- To prevent the transaction from transmitting to CalPERS, use these codes:
- Event Date – Enter the date of the actual qualifying event. Update this date as needed.
- HBO Rec’d Date – Enter the date that the employee submitted the benefit elections.

Step 3: Click Ok

What to do next: To finalize benefits after you complete the enrollment navigate to Finalize BAS Events with ODEM.
End of Article
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