CHRS Knowledge Base

Verify Benefits Primary Job campus

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This job aid shows Benefits Officers how to verify an employee’s Benefits Primary Campus.


  • Benefits Officers should verify the Benefits Primary Campus before they create manual events for employees.
  • Only one campus is the employee’s Benefits Primary Campus.
  • Only the Benefits Primary Campus can update the employee’s benefits.
  • For present dates, verify the Benefits Primary Campus.
  • For future dates, verify the Benefits Primary Job.

Verify Benefits Primary Campus for current-dated events

Verify the current Benefits Primary Campus before you create a manual event for the employee for a current or past event.

Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.

image of benefits administrator tile

Step 2: Navigate to CSU Benefits Summary.  

Review Employee Benefits > CSU Benefits Summary

Step 3: Enter any search criteria and then click Search.

image of search fields
  • Name: Format is Lastname,Firstname (no space).
  • Use a percent symbol (%) if you want to search for first name in the Name field (Example: %,Lucy).
  • If the search returns only one result, the CSU Benefits Summary page opens. Otherwise, select an employee to open the page.

Step 4: Find the Benefit Primary Campus.

  • If the Benefit Primary Campus is your campus, you can proceed to create a manual event.
  • If the Benefit Primary campus is NOT your campus, stop. Contact the employee’s Benefit Primary Campus Benefits office to have them process the request.
image of summary and primary campus name

Verify Benefits Primary Job for future-dated events

Use this procedure to verify the Benefits Primary Job for a future-dated event.

Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.

image of benefits administrator tile

Step 2: Navigate to Maintain Flags.  

Benefits Management > Maintain Flags.

Step 3: Enter any search criteria and then click Search.

image of search criteria fields

Step 4: Identify the Benefits Primary Job Employment Record:

  1. Use the arrows to find the job at the applicable date.
  2. Identify the Primary Job (checked box).
  3. Note the Employment Record number on that row.
  • In this example, the Employment Record for the Benefit Primary Job is number 1.
image of maintain flags page and highlighting example of effective dates

Step 5: Navigate to Job Data.

  • From the CSU Benefits Administration tile, go to Review Employee Data > Job Data.
image of job data tab

Step 6: Click Clear to clear the search fields.

  • The search sometimes automatically adds a 0 to the employment record field, which limits your search returns.
image of clear button

Step 7: Enter the employee ID.

image of search criteria by employee ID

Step 8: Click Search.

image of search button

Step 9: Identify the campus that corresponds to the Benefit Primary Job Employment Number that you identified in step 4.

  • In this example, Stanislaus (STCMP) is associated with Employment Record number 1, so the Benefits Primary Job is with Stanislaus.  
image of example of employment records for employee

Appendix: How CHRS Determines Benefits Primary Job

CHRS uses the following rules to determine an employee’s benefits primary job. Note that only one job (employment record) can be designated as an employee’s benefits primary job for a given effective date:

  1. Evaluate only Active jobs (employment record numbers) when determining Benefit Primary Job. An active job is when EMPL STATUS (Payroll Status) is Active, Leave, Leave with Pay, Short Work Break and Suspended (A, L, P, W, and S). When an assignment has EMPL STATUS (Payroll Status) of Short Work Break (W), the employee can remain in existing enrollments while on Short Work Break. The assignment cannot be used as consideration with new assignments/jobs to add benefits or make them eligible if they were not previously.
  2. When setting the active Benefit Primary Job, uncheck/deactivate the Benefit Primary Job flag of terminated jobs/employment records where the EMPL STATUS (Payroll Status) is not equal to A, L, P, W, and S.
  3. When an employee has only one job/employment record in CHRS, the one job/employment record is the benefits primary job.
  4. If the job determined as the benefits primary job is different from the job currently selected as the benefits primary job, insert the benefits primary job change with the effective date from Job Data onto the Maintain Flags page.
  5. For Employee Type Salaried and Hourly: Do not sum FTE between hourly and salaried positions. If the same employee has jobs that are both hourly and salary, uncheck the Include in Eligibility flag on the Maintain Flags page for all jobs that have an employee type of hourly and are not the benefits primary job.
  6. If an employee has multiple jobs, select all active jobs where the Elig Config Field 1 = 'Y'. If there is only one job found meeting duration, designate that employment record as the benefits primary job.
  7. If an employee has multiple jobs meeting duration, evaluate the Union Code on the employment records and select the benefits primary job based on following union hierarchy: M98, M80, R03, C99, R04, R01, R02, R05, R07, R09, R08, R11, R06, E99, and then R10.
  8. If an employee has multiple jobs with duration and the same Union Code, evaluate FTE and select the employment record with the highest FTE as the benefits primary job.
  9. If additional evaluation is required, evaluate multiple jobs meeting duration, Union code and FTE, then determine which employment record has the longest Duration of Appointment and select that job as the benefits primary job.
  10. If multiple jobs all meet these criteria, select the lowest Employee Record Number as the benefits primary job.


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