CHRS Knowledge Base

Daily Review CSUBAS logs and reports

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CSUBASDL runs each night for all campuses to process benefits. Your campus is responsible for:

  • Reviewing its own CSUBAS process logs.
  • Resolving the CSUBAS process errors.

Daily Review items

Benefits Officer must review the following items daily.

Review Item Details Navigation
CSUBA01A (x7)
Reporting tools > Report Manager
CSU Benefits Reports CSU Benefits Termination Rpt
CSU Benefits Transaction Rpt
CSU Job Changes Prior Ben Admin
CSU Process Status Rpt
CSU Snapshot Unique Constraint
Benefits > Reports > CSU Benefits Reports >
Exceptions Reports Invalid Elections Rpt
Report on Flagged Items
Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Investigate Exceptions >
Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer


  • Processes employees’ eligibility for benefits, finalizes HIR and TER BAS events, processes eBenefits enrollment.
  • Deletes BAS events when the employee’s eligibility is not impacted. Deleted BAS events do not process through Ben Admin.
  • Processes eBenefits self-service BAS events and applies submission date rules.
  • Inserts permitting event codes for eBenefits self-service BAS events and deletes orphaned event codes.
  • Comprises several processes that run on a nightly schedule, starting at 7:00 pm, 7 days a week.
  • Runs separately for each campus in the shared CHRS environment.

Distinguish the two (2) jobs

CSUBAS A job that runs several processes. These processes update employee benefits in CHRS.
  • You can run CSUBAS on demand. The process runs for your campus only. 
  • You can view CSUBAS logs directly from Process monitor.
CSUBASDL A job that automatically runs CSUBAS jobs for all campuses daily.
  • You cannot run CSUBASDL on demand. 
  • You cannot view CSUBASDL logs directly from Process Monitor. 
  • You can view CSUBASDL logs from Report Manager. You need to get the process IDs from Process Monitor to do this. 

CSUBAS Processes

Process Information
CSU_PERM_DEL Deletes orphaned CSU Permitting Event Codes
CSU_BA18003 Deletes events from the Review BAS Activity page that do not affect benefit eligibility if configured, such as MSC, ACT, POS, DTA, PAY, JRC. Note: Only Fullerton (the first campus on the CSUBASDL schedule) sees data in this report.

All other campuses must run the CSU_BAS_DELETED_ACTIONS query to see the deleted BAS actions.

If a campus runs CSUBAS manually before the nightly CSUBASDL run, the campus that ran CSUBAS manually will see all deleted BAS actions on the CSUBAS job log.
CSUBA01A Sets HIR and TER BAS events to be finalized by the Ben Admin Process
CSU_BA_EV_DT Updates Employee Self Service (ESS) event dates. Creates custom ESS xx1 events
PSPBARUN The Ben Admin Process schedules employees, prepares options and finalizes elections and events
CSU_PERM_INS Inserts permitting event codes for HIR and self-service events
CSU_BA_SF_CL Soft closes open BAS events except for ESS BAS events that are not disconnected and have not processed
CSU_BA_SFOP1 Reopens soft closed ESS events
CSU_BA_FLAG Removes the Event out of Sequence flag from ESS ‘xx1’ events
CSU_BA_SFOP2 Reopens all soft closed events
CSU_BAS_ACTP This process deletes activity guides for aged-out or finalized Life or Open Enrollment BAS events, deletes voided Life and OE BAS events, and lists employees who are missing their Life and OE electronic signatures.
CSUBASSCHED D Sets the schedule ID on the run control ID. No need to review logs if run shows as a Success.

Review the CSUBASDL Processes

Use this procedure to review the nightly CSUBASDL processes

Step 1:  Navigate to Process Manager.

  • Menu > PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Process Monitor

Step 2:  Enter the search criteria:

  • Process name - CSUBASDL
example of view process request with user ID and name of process

Step 3:  Add the number of days to collect logs for

  • After a weekend or holiday, set this field to include all of the missing days
indicate number and select days, etc.

Step 4:  Click Refresh.

refresh button

Step 5:  Click the instance of CSUBASDL; the process detail page opens

example of process name page

Step 6:  Click Expand Node to expand the CSUBAS instance for your campus.

  • Each campus instance of CSUBAS is identified by the campus two-letter suffix. For example, CSUBASFL is the run for Fullerton.
    • Make sure to click the expand node icon, and not the process itself
example of process and list of reports, click on plus symbol to expand

Step 7:  Click Expand Node to expand the CSUBAS instance

example of process and list of reports, click on plus symbol to expand

Step 8:  Click Expand Node for your campus CSUBAS instance

example of process and list of reports, click on plus symbol to expand

Step 8:  Ensure all processes ran successfully

  • Each process must be followed by a Success message. If any process shows Error or Abend:
    • Review the log files for the process that failed.
    • Fix the issue that cause the process failure.
    • Open a Service Now support they can restart the job. The assignment group will be CMS operations.
list of CSUBAS processes

Obtain CSUBASDL Process IDs in Process Monitor

CSUBASDL logs are not available directly from the Process Monitor. Use the following procedure to get the process IDs for the CSUBASDL logs. You need these process IDs to find the logs in Report Manager. You are viewing the Process Detail from the previous procedure

Step 1:  Highlight the text only on the process list for your campus and copy

  • Click just before the text and drag to after the text that you want to capture. Do not click directly on the links.
  • Right-click the highlighted text and then select Copy. - Optionally: Press CTRL+C.
example of highlighting the list

Step 2: Right-click the highlighted text and then select Copy.

  • Optionally: Press CTRL+C.
  • The text is copied to your workstation buffer
screenshot of copy button

Step 3:  Open a text editor; i.e. Notepad

  • Paste the text into a text editor
example of pasting list into notepad

Step 4:  In CHRS, Click return to go back to process list to navigate to report manager to review the log files

Step 5:  Keep the file with the process IDs available while you review the CSUBASDL log files in Report Manager.

Review CSUBASDL Log files in Report Manager

Log files in Report Manager are secured by campus. This is why you open CSUBASDL logs in Report Manager instead of Report Monitor. Use the text file that you created in the previous procedure to look up the process IDs in Report Manager

Step 1:  Navigate to Report Manager

  • Menu > Reporting Tools > Report Manager

Step 2:  Enter the process ID for one of the following processes that you obtained from the prior procedure.

  • Any process that has error
  • CSU_BA18003
  • CSUBA01A

In this example below, you are going to view the log for CSU_PERM_DEL. The process ID that you copied is 50496. Search for this Process ID to view the log files for this process.

  • Copy the Process ID from the Text File and paste the ID into the Report Instance Fields

Tip: Although you can search for a range of processes, the CSUBAS processes do not always run in an uninterrupted sequence. Search for each process individually to ensure that you are getting precisely the process that you need to review

example of searching range of processes

Step 3:  Click Refresh

refresh button

Step 4:  For each listed report, click the report to open the logs.

screenshot of a report log title

Step 5:  Review all of the files in the File List

  • These logs detail what the CSUBAS process did for this run.
  • LOG and TXT files open in a new browser tab.
  • When you finish reviewing them, close the browser tab.
  • CSV files are downloaded. After you review the files, close them.
  • If there are any errors or issues, you must resolve them.
example of file list name

Step 6:  Click return to go back to the report manager page.


Review reports for every day, including those generated on weekends and holidays.

You must review and fix any issues that are mentioned in the following reports:

    • Delivered Ben Admin process. Make sure the log says process successfully completed.
    • If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
    • Make sure the log says process ended normally.
    • If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
  • CSU_BA18003:
    • Make sure the log says process ended normally. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
    • The .csv report lists BAS Actions deleted from the Review BAS Activity page.
    • The first run of this process nightly deletes applicable BAS Actions for all campuses on CHRS. Use the CSU_BAS_DELETED_ACTIONS baseline query to see BAS Actions deleted for your campus.
    • Only Fullerton (the first campus on the CSUBASDL schedule), sees data in this report in the CSUBASDL runs. All other campuses must run the CSU_BAS_DELETED_ACTIONS query to see the deleted BAS actions.
    • If a campus runs CSUBAS manually before the nightly CSUBASDL run, the campus that ran CSUBAS manually see all deleted BAS actions on the CSUBAS job log.
    • Make sure the log says process ended normally. If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.
    • This log lists the employees and permitting events that were inserted.
    • For HCRA/DCRA perm event codes, use this log to review and update the monthly HCDRA/DCRA contribution amounts for employees in the Spending Accounts Component.
    • Follow up with employees who are missing their electronic signatures. 
    • If the process is not completed to Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution.
    • Make sure the log says process ended normally.
    • If it says it aborted or abend, there’s a problem with the process.

Run CSUBAS on demand

Use this procedure to manually run CSUBAS for your event maintenance schedule in situations where you made updates and do not want to wait for the nightly process run

Step 1:  Navigate to Run Automated Event Processing.

  • Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Run Automated Event Processing

Step 2: Select the schedule ID.

  • In this example, the schedule for Fullerton event maintenance is selected. Each campus has its own schedule for event maintenance
example highlighting schedule ID name

Step 3:  Click Run

  • The process schedule will open
Run button

Step 4:  Prepare the Process:

  1. Select the active server
  2. Select CSU Ben Admin Job


  • When you run the CSUBAS process on demand, always run CSUBAS not CSUBASDL. The CSUBASDL process runs for all campuses. 
  • If the Server Name field is blank and you cannot select a server, you can still run the process: the active server is set by default.
example of server name

Step 5: Click OK

okay button

Find CSUBAS process logs after on-demand

When you run the CSUBAS process on-demand just for your campus, you can review the process logs directly from Process Monitor. Use this procedure to find and view the CSUBAS logs. You are on the Run Automated Processing page.

Step 1: Open the Process Monitor.

  • Menu > PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Process Monitor

Step 2:  Click the CSUBAS process

example of CSUBAS process

Step 3: Click Refresh

Step 4: Scan the CSUBAS process list. - Confirm that each process resulted in a Success.

  • If any process shows Error or Abend, open a Service Now support ticket.
example of process list and indicating success

View CSUBASDL process logs

Step 1:  Click the process

  • This example shows the CSU_PERM_DEL process. You need to review each of the listed processes.
example of successful process

Step 2:  Click View/Log/Trace under the Action drop down menu

menu to select actions, arrow pointing to view log and trace

Step 3:  Click to open or download each file.


Step 4: Review the log

example of log to review

Step 5:  If the process has another file, click that as well.

  • The file is downloaded to your browser’s download folder.
example of additional files available for process

Step 6:  Open the file to review the system changes of that process

example of file to review

Step 7: Click Return then Click OK

return button
okay button

Appendix: CSUBAS log error issues

Location File Name What to look for What to do
CSU_PERM_DEL AE_CSU_PERM_DEL_[xxxxx].log Did not end normally Research*
CSU_BA18003 AE_CSU_BA18003_[xxxxx].log Did not end normally Research*
  BasActivityDeletes_[xxxxx].csv Empty file**  
CSUBA01A AE_CSUBA01A_[xxxxx].log Did not end normally Research*
CSU_BA_EV_DT AE_CSU_BA_EV_DT_[xxxxx].log Did not end normally Research*
  CSU_Health_Effective_Dates.txt Dates that were changed by the process Confirm dates are correct
  CSU_Health_Effective_Dates_Errors.txt Errors Research: Void incorrect enrollment (page 39)
PSPBARUN CBL_PSPBARUN_[xxxxx].log Errors Research*
CSU_BAS_ACTP AE_CSU_BAS_ACTP_[xxxxx].log Processes that did not complete to Success Look for errors that require a solution.
    Missing employee signature Contact the employee to get the signature completed
CSU_PERM_INS AE_CSU_PERM_INS_[xxxxx].log Warning, different perm event code already exists

Already exists on health perm
If applicable, determine the correct permitting code and delete the incorrect permitting event code.

*Research the reason the job did not end. Resolve the issue. Open a Service Now ticket to restart the CSUBASDL job.

** BasActivityDeletes_[xxxxx].csv. The first time this process runs, it deletes BAS events for all campuses. This file is blank for all subsequent runs. To see the BAS events that were deleted, the campus must run a query

End of Article


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