CHRS Benefits PSR Interface User Guide
Last Revised: 12/14/23
Document Title: | CHRS Benefits PSR Interface User Guide |
Author: | Sande Meith |
File Reference: | CHRS Benefits PSR Interface User Guide |
Revision History
Revision Date | Revised By | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
10/19/21 | Sande Meith | Initial draft | All |
1/12/22 | Sande Meith | Updated Rescind section | |
5/18/22 | Sande Meith | Corrected navigation | |
8/8/22 | Sande Meith | Updated for PTools 8.59 | All |
11/9/22 | Sande Meith | Clarified the manual workaround when there are multiple permitting event codes for a permitting event date. | 3.0 |
1/20/23 | Sande Meith | Clarified in overview that the PSR interface selection selects subscribers and dependents with the gender types of Male, Female and Nonbinary, but does not select subscribers and dependents with the gender type of Unknown. | 1.0 |
6/29/23 | Sande Meith | Added new section, “Prevent Enrollment Rows from Transmitting to CalPERS” |
3.0 |
7/21/23 | Sande Meith | Added Address Length Maximum for PSR Interface section | 1.1 |
12/14/23 | Sande Meith | Added run order for Outbound/Inbound files | 5.0, 6.0 |
Review / Approval History
Review Date | Reviewed By | Action (Reviewed, Recommended or Approved) |
Click here to enter Review Date |
Click here to enter Reviewer |
Click here to enter Reviewed, Recommended or Approved |
Table of Contents Page
1.0 Process Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Address Length Maximum for PSR Interface ............................................................................................. 5
2.0 Related Documentation .................................................................................................................................. 6
3.0 Prevent Enrollment Rows from Transmitting to CalPERS ............................................................................. 6
4.0 Interim Workaround – Send One Permitting Event Code per Plan Type Daily ............................................. 6
4.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 BAS Events Where Medical and/or Dental Are Configured for Multiple Permitting Events ....................... 7
4.3 Interim Workaround when Multiple Permitting Events Exist for a Plan Type/Permitting Event Date ........ 8
4.4 What Not to Do ........................................................................................................................................... 9
5.0 Create the PSR Outbound Interface File ....................................................................................................... 9
6.0 Run the PSR Inbound Interface File............................................................................................................. 15
7.0 Troubleshooting PSR ................................................................................................................................... 19
7.1 Empty Outbound File ................................................................................................................................ 19
7.2 Failed Authentication ................................................................................................................................ 20
7.3 CalPERS Notifications and Level 1 Errors ............................................................................................... 20
7.4 CHRS Baseline Queries for Missing Information and Permitting Health Event Codes ........................... 20
7.5 CHRS Baseline Queries for Missing CalPERS ID ................................................................................... 21
8.0 Exception Processing - CSU CalPERS ID Table ......................................................................................... 21
8.1 Transactions Manually Processed by CalPERS ...................................................................................... 21
8.2 Enrolling a Spouse/Domestic Partner/Dependent without a Social Security Number ............................. 21
8.3 Employee Selection of a Primary Care Physician .................................................................................... 21
8.4 Updating the CSU CalPERS ID Table ..................................................................................................... 21
9.0 Errors and Special Processing ..................................................................................................................... 22
9.1 CalPERS Customer Contact Center ........................................................................................................ 22
9.2 Data Clean-up/Errors Encountered During Implementation .................................................................... 22
9.3 Reviewing Errors Using the CSU PSR Errors Page ................................................................................ 22
9.4 FERP Employees ..................................................................................................................................... 24
9.5 Maintaining Addresses – SCO (PIMS)/CHRS & PSR .............................................................................. 24
9.6 Correcting Invalid/Missing SSNs (Employee and Dependent) ................................................................ 25
9.7 Deleting Coverage for Dependents Over Age 26 .................................................................................... 25
9.8 Cancelling an Employee’s Coverage ....................................................................................................... 25
9.9 Processing Flex Cash Enrollments .......................................................................................................... 25
9.10 Out of State Zip Codes ............................................................................................................................. 25
10.0 CSU PSR Transactions ................................................................................................................................ 26
11.0 Correcting and Rescinding Transactions ..................................................................................................... 27
11.1 Correcting Current Transactions .............................................................................................................. 27
11.2 Correcting Future-Dated Transactions/Rescind Transactions – Defered Future Use ............................. 28
12.0 Resubmitting Transactions ........................................................................................................................... 28
13.0 Dependent Verification and Dependent Verification History Pages............................................................. 34
13.1 Business Process ..................................................................................................................................... 34
13.2 Data Entry in PeopleSoft .......................................................................................................................... 35
13.3 Error Messages ........................................................................................................................................ 36
13.4 Data Entry for Dependents Enrolled in Medical and Dental Coverage: ................................................... 37
13.5 Data Entry for Dependents Enrolled in Dental Coverage Only: ............................................................... 38
1.0 Process Overview
The CalPERS Pension System Resumption (PSR) interface is an automated interface exchange of data between the CSU and CalPERS for processing Payroll, Retirement and Health enrollment information. For CSU, CalPERS will update their system with information (daily T-Log feeds) from the State
Controller’s Office (SCO/PIMS), CSU’s pay agent and the campus Human Resources production environment. Therefore, it is important that the campus benefits staff ensures that all appointment information is updated in PIMS prior to processing PSR benefit transactions.
This interface processes also incorporate the initial COBRA (health benefits) enrollment and initial Retiree
Dental Enrollment for employees and/or their dependents The key to trigger transactions to be sent to
CalPERS is through the use of Permitting Event Codes and also via the CSU COBRA or CSU Retiree
Dental Enrollment pages. Once the Permitting Event Code is saved on the CSU PSR pages (Health Benefits, Spending Accounts, CSU COBRA and the CSU Retiree Dental Enrollment page(s)), pertinent information is extracted and included in the next CSU Outbound PSR Interface file transmitted to CalPERS.
The CSU PSR interface(s) rely on data maintained in the campus HR production environment. As such, it is critical that the required PSR data clean-up fields identified during the PSR Implementation stages are continuously maintained after go-live to ensure successful transmission and processing of records by CalPERS.
Permitting Event Codes are used to communicate enrollment tasks to CalPERS. Permitting Event codes are used on Medical (Plan Type 10), Dental (Plan Type 11), Medical Flex Cash (Plan Type 1Z), Dental Flex Cash (Plan Type 1Y), Health care Reimbursement Account (HCRA), Plan Type 60 and Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA), plan type 61 plans.
The PSR Interface currently selects Permitting Event codes are used on Medical (Plan Type 10) plans.

Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) Employees - The process of switching a FERP employee over to the basic dental plan, upon the conclusion of his/her FERP entitlement is not included in the CSU PSR Interface process.
Note that the PSR interface selection selects subscribers and dependents with the gender types of Male, Female and Nonbinary, but does not select subscribers and dependents with the gender type of Unknown.
1.1 Address Length Maximum for PSR Interface
The PSR interface evaluates Address Line 1. The PSR interface evaluates Address Line 2 and Address Line 3 combined as Address Line 2. Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 can be up to 30 characters on each line. Address Line 2 in the PSR interface combines the total characters in Address Line 2 and Address Line 3 as Address Line 2. If the total characters in Address Line 2 and Address Line 3 exceeds 30 characters, then a CSU error occurs that the address has exceeded 30 characters.
2.0 Related Documentation
In addition to this business process guide, users can review the following CMS User Guides and job aids related to this process with respect to the manual and automatic entry of Permitting Event Codes and the employee and dependent CalPERS ID:
3.0 | Prevent Enrollment Rows from Transmitting to CalPERS |
If you do not want a Medical or Dental enrollment row to be transmitted to CalPERS via the PSR interface, associate the permitting event code of 610 to the applicable BAS event using the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Avoid if possible of updating the permitting event code using the Health Benefits > CSU Hlth Perm Evt page. Although Dental enrollment rows are not currently transmitted to CalPERS, Dental enrollment rows with the permitting event code of 61 are will not select for inclusion on the PSR interface. |
4.0 | Interim Workaround – Send One Permitting Event Code per Plan Type Daily |
4.1 Overview
There are scenarios where there can be more than one permitting event inserted for a Benefit event. Current CHRS forms design allows for one permitting event to be used for one Medical form and one Dental form.
The future-state CHRS solution for GRP 78-Electronic Forms will generate multiple Dental and Medical Enrollment forms, one form for each permitting event, and to also include the change made associated with the permitting event on the correct form, note form 1 of 3 on the form, etc. when there are multiple permitting events for a BAS event. Currently the CHRS electronic forms process only generates one Dental form and/or one Medical form for all changes and all permitting event codes per plan type.
Until changes are made to the GRP 78 solution and processes in CHRS, as a Wave 1 workaround business process, Wave 1 campuses will audit the Medical and Dental enrollment forms generated by CHRS and use Adobe PDF Distiller to edit the enrollment form(s) and add forms for the missing permitting event code(s) as needed. The current plan is to have GRP 78 issues resolved and tested in time for Open Enrollment 2023 (OE2023) on CHRS.
Benefits Officers will also need to manually manage sending one permitting event code at a time per plan type via the CSU PSR Outbound Interface. The outbound interface process to CalPERS occurs daily at
CSU campuses. CalPERS in turn transmits the permitting event codes sent from campuses daily via the CSU PSR Outbound interface to the State Controller’s Office (SCO) via an XML file.
Unfortunately, the SCO’s system does not have the ability to accept multiple permitting event codes per plan type at one time for the employee’s medical, medical COBRA, and retiree dental transactions, and SCO has no plans to resolve this issue. As such, campuses have adopted a 9.0 workaround to manually enter permitting event codes via the On Demand Event Maintenance page, send the PSR interface, then the next business day, manually enter the next permitting event code via the On Demand
Maintenance page by reprocessing the BAS event and entering the additional permitting event code, and then sending the next PSR interface. This workaround is repeated until all permitting event codes are reported to CalPERS for the permitting event date.
Below are example scenarios where multiple permitting events can occur that require multiple enrollment forms and possibly manual management of sending one permitting event code at a time via the CSU PSR Outbound Interface:
Scenario 1: OE – For Plan Type 10 (Medical), an employee adds dependents, deletes dependents and changes the benefit plan. This results in three permitting event codes being inserted (206, 320, 400) and three separate forms for Medical.
4.2 BAS Events Where Medical and/or Dental Are Configured for Multiple Permitting Events
Event Class | Event Description | Medical Perm Code | Dental Perm Code | MedFlex Perm Code | DenFlex Perm Code | HCRA Perm Code | DCRA Perm Code |
DGC | Dependent Gained Coverage Elsewhere | 307 | 23-any Child (add all child rel codes) 24-SP/DP |
37 | 37 | ||
DIV | Divorce/Terminate Domestic Partnership | 302-SP 318-DP 302-Step Child, Child, Adopted Child, Rec Child, Employee 319 – DP Child term |
27 | 16-New/Incr. 23-waive/Decr |
16-New/Incr. 23-waive/Decr |
DLC | Dependent Loses Coverage Elsewhere | 204 (SP, DP, Child, Adopted Child, Step Child, DP Child, Employee) 203-Rec child |
18 | 37 | 37 | 16-New/Incr. |
16-New/Incr. |
EGC | Employee Gains Coverage Elsewhere | 505 | 23-any child 24-Spouse 24-DP 36 to waive |
05a | 05a | Not Allowed | Not Allowed |
ELC | Employee Loses Coverage Elsewhere | 101 – SP, DP, Child, Adopted, Step Child, DP Child, Employee 203-Rec child |
18 | 37 | 37 | 16-New/Incr. |
16-New/Incr. |
LTE | Late Enrollment | 101 – SP, DP, Child, Adopted, Step Child, DP Child, Employee |
01 | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed |
Event Class | Event Description | Medical Perm Code | Dental Perm Code | MedFlex Perm Code | DenFlex Perm Code | HCRA Perm Code | DCRA Perm Code |
203-Rec child | |||||||
MAR | Marriage/Domestic Partnership | 201-Sp 201-Child, Adopted Child, Step Child, Employee 215-DP 203-Rec child 216 for DP child |
17 | 16-New/Incr. 23-waive/Decr |
16-New/Incr. 23-waive/Decr |
NEW | Hire or Newly Eligible | 100 - SP, DP, Child, Adopted, Step Child, DP Child, Employee 203-Rec child 610-Waive |
01 61-Waive |
01 | 01 | 01 | 01 |
OE | Open Enrollment | 104-New Enroll 206-Add Dep (SP, DP, Child, Step Child, Adopted Child, DP Child) 203-Rec Child 320-Del Dep 400-Chge Plan 530-OE Cancel |
03-New 28-Chg Plan 15-Add or Drop Dep 28a-Multiple 36-Waive (cancel) |
03-New Enrollment, Cancel or Change |
03-New Enrollment, Cancel or Change |
00-enroll | 00-enroll |
Change Control 1127 is approved and submitted to modify the CHRS PSR interface to only send one permitting event code per plan type and permitting event code effective date at a time for Medical plans (Plan Type 10). Until this modification is in place use the modified workaround below in CHRS.
4.3 Interim Workaround when Multiple Permitting Events Exist for a Plan Type/Permitting Event Date
The nightly CHRS CSU_PERM_INS process (part of the GRP 74 solution) inserts all applicable permitting events for all Self Service BAS events and the HIR BAS event and plan type as defined in configuration if a permitting event code has not been entered for a plan type and the Self Service BAS events and the HIR BAS event is Finalized. The nightly CHRS CSU_PERM_INS process is part of the nightly CSUBASDL (aka CSUBAS) process that runs for all CHRS Campuses.
The CHRS CSU_PERM_INS process generates a report listing the permitting event codes inserted by employee and plan type. As part of their daily CSUBAS auditing, campus Benefits Office staff need to print out the CSU_PERM_INS process reports and then, via correction mode, if multiple permitting events were inserted for one plan type and permitting event date, delete all but one of the permitting event codes per plan type via the On Demand Event Maintenance page and use the aforementioned interim workaround. Repeat the workaround process for each permitting event code until all permitting event code for that plan type and permitting event date are submitted to CalPERS.
For non-self service BAS events, continue to manually enter and manage the addition of additional permitting event codes via the On Demand Event Maintenance page after processing the daily CSU PSR Outbound interface when more than one permitting event code is warranted.
4.4 What Not to Do
- Do not skip doing the correct work around listed above.
- Do not skip enrolling the employee and his/her dependents into Benefits in CHRS and instead call CalPERS with the enrollment information.
- Do not skip inserting the correct permitting event codes for the employee. If you skip inserting the correct permitting event codes you cannot generate correct benefit enrollment forms from CHRS.
5.0 Create the PSR Outbound Interface File
This section provides the steps necessary to generate and FTP the PSR Outbound Interface file. Run PSR Outbound Interface file before running the PSR inbound Interface file.
- Prior to generating the running the PSR Outbound Interface file, a Run Control needs to be created for your User ID. Note that this task is generally a one-time setup.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Interface with Providers > CSU PSR Interface.

- If you already have a Run Control ID, enter the existing Run Control ID. If you do not have a
Run Control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab and enter a new Run Control ID called [Campus_Name]_PSR_PSR_OUTBOUND and then click on the Add button.
- The CSU PSR Interface page appears.

- Enter the campus Business Unit. The PSR processes can only be run for one business unit at a time. The business unit is defaulted based on the user’s primary permission list. If the user has access to only one business unit, the field is set to display only.
- Enter the email address of the technical support person at your campus in Email Contact.
CalPERS uses this field to send Success/Fail messages regarding the interface file.
- To generate and send a file to CalPERS, select the Finalize – Send to CalPers checkbox. If this field is not checked, the program runs but the permitting event transaction will not send. Errors will be processed and will show up on the error table but the CSU Permitting events tables will not be updated and the file will not be generated. Also, the process to encrypt the data and send the file to CalPERS is only activated if this box is checked.
- Click on the Save button. The Run Control is saved.
- Click on the Run button.
Process Scheduler
page appears.
- If able, select PSUNX for the Server Name.
- Select the checkbox for the CSU PSR Interface - Outbound, process name CSUPSRO.
- Click on the OK button.
- The CSU PSR Interface page appears.
- Click on the Process Monitor link.
- The Process List page appears.
- Click on the Refresh button until the CSUPSRO process completes.
- Verify that the CSUPSRO run status is Success. The interface file is automatically FTP’d to CalPERS when the Run Status is Success. It is not FTP’d to CalPERS when the Run Status is Error. Work with your technical resource to review and if needed create a Service Now ticket if the run status is Error.
- If the Run Status is Success, click on the CSUPSRO link.
- The Process Detail page appears.
Click on the

21. Another Process Details page appears.
Click on
View Log/Trace

- The View Log/Trace page appears.
- The file ending in .LOG is the process log file. You do not need to check this particular process log file.
- The file ending in .OUT is the outbound interface file. The .OUT file automatically FTP’d to CalPERS when the Run Status is Success and there’s data in the file. Just because the Run Status says Success doesn’t mean that there are no issues on the interface file.
- Review the .OUT file. Scroll to the end of the file to see how many transactions were extracted and included in the PSR Outbound interface file. If there are no transactions to send, the file is not FTP’d to CalPERS. The screen shot below is an example of what the end of the file looks like when there are no transactions to send and there are transactions in error.

- Note that the Outbound Process Results section on the CSU PSR Interface page update when the PSR Outbound Interface file is FTP’d to CalPERS.
Return to the
Process List

29. Click on the CSU_PSRFTPO link.
Process Details
page appears.
- Click on the View Log/Trace link.
- The View Log/Trace page appears.
- Click on the file that ends in .log. This is the process log.
- Review the process log and make sure that there are no issues or errors on the log. Even if the job Run Status is Success, there could still be issues and errors listed on this log that require resolution. The screen shot below is an example of a process log with an issue that requires resolution.

6.0 Run the PSR Inbound Interface File
This section provides the steps necessary to run the PSR Inbound Interface file. Do not run the PSR Inbound Interface until you have received an email from CalPERS regarding the successful transmission of the PSR Outbound file.
- Prior to generating the running the PSR Inbound Interface file, a Run Control needs to be created for your User ID. Note that this task is generally a one-time setup.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Interface with Providers > CSU PSR Interface.

- If you already have a Run Control ID, enter the existing Run Control ID. If you do not have a Run Control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab and enter a new Run Control ID called [Campus_Name]_PSR_PSR_INBOUND and then click on the Add button.
- The CSU PSR Interface page appears.

- Enter the campus Business Unit. The PSR processes can only be run for one business unit at a time. The business unit is defaulted based on the user’s primary permission list. If the user has access to only one business unit, the field is set to display only.
- Enter the email address of the technical support person at your campus in Email Contact.
CalPERS uses this field to send Success/Fail messages regarding the interface file.
- Click on the Save button. The Run Control is saved.
- Click on the Run button.
Process Scheduler
page appears.
- If able, select PSUNX for the Server Name.
- Select the checkbox for the CSU PSR Interface - Inbound, process name CSUPSRI.
- Click on the OK button.
- The CSU PSR Interface page appears.
- Click on the Process Monitor link.
Process List
page appears.
- Click on the Refresh button until the CSUPSRI process complete.
- Verify that the CSUPSRI run status is Success. The interface file is automatically loaded into CHRS when the Run Status is Success. It is not loaded into CHRS when the Run Status is Error. Work with your technical resource to review and if needed create a Service Now ticket if the run status is Error.
- If the Run Status is Success, click on the CSUPSRI link.
- The Process Detail page appears.
Click on the first link,

20. Another Process Detail page appears.
Click on
View Log/Trace

- The View Log/Trace page appears.
- The file ending in .log is the one of the process logs. Click on this link to review the process log. Make sure that there are no issues or errors on the process log. Even if the job Run Status is Success, there could still be issues and errors listed on this log that require resolution.
- Return to the Process Detail page and then click on the second link, CSUBB02D.
View Log/Trace file
page appears.

- Click on the View Log/Trace file link.
- This is the inbound interface file. Click on the link and scroll to the end of the file to see how many transactions are included in the PSR Inbound interface file.
- Return to the Process Detail page and then click on the third link, CSUPSRFTPI2. Check the process files and see if there are any issues or errors that require resolution.
7.0 Troubleshooting PSR
Below are tips for troubleshooting common problems encountered when processing PSR. Also refer to the PSR Interface Position Paper for issue and error resolutions.
7.1 Empty Outbound File
An empty outbound file can occur when there are no transactions to be processed or all of the transactions processed have resulted in a CSU error.
- Check the CSU PSR Interface run control page to see the status of the last outbound file.
- Review the CSU PSR Errors page and resolve any existing CSU errors . All transactions with a CSU error will automatically be picked up by the next outbound PSR process.
You can also use the Interface Status > CSU PSR page in the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile to review CSU PSR errors for your business unit. Access to the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile is determined by your USER ID security.
7.2 Failed Authentication
Resolution: Verify that the FTP account information and the CSU Installation set up information is accurate. If not, work with the campus Technical staff to create a Service Now ticket for CMS-Benefits.
7.3 CalPERS Notifications and Level 1 Errors
In the event a Level 1 error is encountered during processing, the campus-designated Technical Contact will be notified by CalPERS.
In addition, the campus Technical contact will receive a notification when the campus Outbound file has been successfully received by CalPERS and a notice will be provided when the campus Response file is available for processing.
7.4 CHRS Baseline Queries for Missing Information and Permitting Health Event Codes
CHRS provides two baseline queries to run, review and resolve before running the daily PSR interface identify missing information: CSU_BAS_HEALTH_PERM_MISSING and CSU_BAS_HEALTH_PERM_AUDIT1.
The CSU_BAS_HEALTH_PERM_AUDIT1 query lists employees with missing zip codes, address missing county, and effective dates before the permitting event date.
The CSU_BAS_HEALTH_PERM_MISSING query lists employees with missing permitting event codes. Note that at Wave deployment onto CHRS, employees with current HCRA/DCRA enrollments will appear on this query since HCRA/DCRA permitting event codes are new in CHRS. You need to reprocess and enter the HCRA/DCRA permitting event codes for current HCRA/DCRA enrollment at CHRS go-live.
Run these two queries daily to review and resolve employees and dependents with missing information.
You can run these queries from the Query Manager, Query Viewer and the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile.
7.5 CHRS Baseline Queries for Missing CalPERS ID
CHRS provides two baseline queries to identify missing CalPERS IDs for employee and dependents: CSU_BAS_CALPERS_ID_MISSING and CSU_BAS_CALPERS_ID_MISSING_DEP.
Run these two queries daily to review and resolve employees and dependents with missing CalPERS IDs.
You can run these queries from the Query Manager, Query Viewer and CSU Benefits Administrator
8.0 Exception Processing - CSU CalPERS ID Table
8.1 Transactions Manually Processed by CalPERS
Exception transactions that are processed manually by CalPERS must also be entered in CHRS using the appropriate PSR data entry pages to ensure the data in the two systems (CalPERS and CHRS) remain in sync. When a manual transaction is processed and a CalPERS Participant and or Dependent IDs are assigned, the CSU CalPERS ID Table must be updated to reflect the ID(s) assigned. Access to this page should be highly restricted.
8.2 Enrolling a Spouse/Domestic Partner/Dependent without a Social Security Number
The process to enroll an employees’ spouse/domestic partner or other dependent who does not have a valid social security number is a manual process. The campus Benefit Officer needs to contact CalPERS directly in order to complete the enrollment. Upon the manual enrollment, the spouse/domestic partner is assigned a new CalPERS Dependent ID, which will need to be entered in CHRS for future reference. The CSU CalPERS ID Table must be updated to reflect the ID assigned. Access to this page should be highly restricted.
8.3 Employee Selection of a Primary Care Physician
The Primary Care Physician (PCP) are not reported in myCalPERS and therefore don’t need to be maintained in CHRS by the campus staff. Employees need to contact the health plan carrier online or by phone to designate the Primary Care Physician.
8.4 Updating the CSU CalPERS ID Table
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Interface with Providers > CSU CalPERS ID Tbl.

Enter the
Empl ID
and click on the

- The CSU PSR ID Tbl page appears.

- Enter/update the employee’s CalPERS ID.
- If needed select the applicable dependent for the employee and enter the Dep CalPERS ID.
- Click on the Save button.
9.0 Errors and Special Processing
9.1 CalPERS Customer Contact Center
In the event issues arise that are not addressed by the information submitted via the CSU PSR Interface, campuses are instructed to manually resolve the issues by contacting the CalPERS Customer Contact Center.
9.2 Data Clean-up/Errors Encountered During Implementation

There are times when all of the required data to be extracted on the CSU PSR Outbound interface is incomplete and/or inaccurate. During processing, the PSR interface program(s) identify any situations where additional data clean-up is required. Errors are flagged as “CSU” and or “CAL” - CalPERS.
9.3 Reviewing Errors Using the CSU PSR Errors Page
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Interface with Providers > CSU PSR Errors.

- Select the appropriate transaction.
- Check the Error Resolved (Error Source is “CAL”) checkbox to indicate that a transaction has been corrected by updating CHRS.
- Check the Ignore Error (Error Source is “CAL”) checkbox to indicate that the error was resolved manually due to one of the following conditions:
- Caused by an issue outside of CHRS.
- Was manually corrected by contacting CalPERS. In some instances, this may have required the campus to update CHRS with the corrected information; or
- Is related to a timing issue and the error has been resolved.
You can also use the Interface Status > CSU PSR page in the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile to review CSU PSR errors for your business unit. Access to the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile is determined by your USER ID security.
Below is a description of the field information displayed on the CSU PSR Errors page.
Page Field | Description |
Error Resolved | Used by campus when error originated in CalPERS system and cannot be updated in CHRS. Error Source is CAL. |
Page Field | Description |
Ignore Error | Used by campus to ignore error on CalPERS file when the transaction has been processed manually. Error Source is CAL. |
EmplID | Displays the EmplID |
Last Name | Displays the employee’s last name |
First Name | Displays the employee’s first name |
Dep Benef | Indicate if this is a dependent. |
Dependent Name | Displays the dependent’s name |
Health Event Type | Displays the Health Event Type |
Perm Code | Displays the applicable Permitting Event Code |
Perm Date | Displays the applicable Permitting Event Code Date. This is equal to the original event date. |
Status Date | This is the CSU PSR Status Date |
Error Field | Field causing error. Refer to Appendix C and D. |
Error Message | Message associated with the error. |
Error Source | Identifies if the source of the error is either CalPERS (CAL) or CSU |
CalPERS ID | This is the Participant’s (employee) CalPERS ID |
Dependent CalPERS ID | This is the Dependent’s CalPERS ID |
Unique Transaction Identifier |
This is the identifier for the transaction which includes the employee ID, Permitting Event Code and date time stamp when the transaction was submitted to CalPERS. |
9.4 FERP Employees
Enrolling FERPS
FERP enrollments may be processed via PSR for Retirement Dental enrollments. Refer to the CHRS Benefits Retiree Dental Enrollment User Guide for the necessary steps to complete retiree dental enrollments.
FERP Dental Enrollment After Assignment Ends
Upon completion of an employee’s FERP assignment it is the campus Benefit Officer’s responsibility to switch the participant over to the basic Retiree dental plan. This process cannot be completed via the CSU PSR interface. It is a manual process that requires the campus Benefit Officer to contact CalPERS directly in order to make the change.
9.5 Maintaining Addresses – SCO (PIMS)/CHRS & PSR
CalPERS advised that they utilize information received from multiple systems such as the SCO and CSU campuses to update their PSR system. Therefore, it is possible for the employee’s PSR address information submitted during the PSR Outbound interface process to be overwritten by information received from the SCO/PIMS (via daily T-Log) files. To ensure that correct address information is always supplied, and that system address information is in sync, campuses must ensure that the address information entered into CHRS and PIMS matches.
9.6 Correcting Invalid/Missing SSNs (Employee and Dependent)
For the administration of health benefits, CalPERS requires valid Social Security Numbers for employees and their dependents. Campuses are required to maintain dependent SSNs. Refer to HR 2011-05. It is understood that to expedite the hiring paperwork and data entry, campus practices have been to utilize invalid SSNs ( e.g., begins with 999 or XXX). Invalid SSNs error when transmitted to CalPERS via The PSR Outbound Interface and must be corrected and maintained as accurate in CHRS to support the timely administration of benefits.
9.7 Deleting Coverage for Dependents Over Age 26
Effective 1/1/2011 dependents over age 26 are to be deleted from coverage. Codes referenced in this document that allude to “age 23” are implied to mean “age 26”. In the future, when CalPERS updates their system documentation, CSU’s documents will be updated accordingly.
9.8 Cancelling an Employee’s Coverage
Effective with the implementation of PSR, certain cancellation transactions are permissible and can be submitted via the PSR Outbound Interface process, unless specifically stated otherwise. In addition, CalPERS has confirmed that certain Permitting Event Codes are not applicable to CSU such as: 500,
501, 503 and 515. CalPERS has also confirmed that CSU will not use the code “Cancel: Perm
Separation”. When a permanent separation is updated in PIMS and the employee is not transferring to another State agency, the permanent separation will automatically cancel the employee’s health enrollment.
9.9 Processing Flex Cash Enrollments
If cancelling CalPERS medical to enroll in FlexCash, the health enrollment must be cancelled in CHRS using the Permitting Event Code of 505. If cancelling FlexCash to enroll in CalPERS medical, a new health enrollment must be entered in CHRS using the Permitting Event Code of 101. This function is automated for eBenefits Self Service event classes via the nightly CSU_PERM_INS process, which is part of the CSUBASDL (CSUBAS) job.
For more information, please refer to the FlexCash Administrative Guide. For more information regarding the CSU_PERM_INS process, refer to the GRP 74 design document and also the CHRS Benefits Employee Self Service User Guide and the CHRS Benefits Administration Process Execution User Guide.
9.10 Out of State Zip Codes
In the case where an out of state Zip Code is entered for the employee, and the County does not display on the CSU PSR data entry pages, the PSR Xref Table must be updated.
- Confirm that Out of State is included in the CSU County Xref list and also in the CSU County Zip Xref list for the zip code (see the following example screen shots).
- If the items in #1 are not in the CSU PSR Xref Table, work with your Technical resource to create a Service Now ticket to have this information added to the CHRS CSU PSR Xref Table.

10.0 CSU PSR Transactions
The status of PSR processing, which is displayed on the CSU PSR Transactions page, either can reflect successful processing by CalPERS or indicate that an error in processing occurred. Use the CSU PSR Transactions page to identify the current status of a transaction.
The CSU PSR Transactions page search displays all transactions that meet the search criteria. It is not limited to the display of the highest effective dated row.
Transactions may be searched using the following data: Employee ID, Name, Business Unit, Plan Type, Health Event Type, Permitting Event Code, CSU PSR Status, and CSU PSR Status Date.
Note that the CSU PSR Transactions page does not show if a transaction has been rescinded.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Interface with Providers > CSU PSR Transactions.

Below is a description of the field information displayed on the CSU PSR Transactions page.
Page Field | Description |
Empl ID | Displays the employee ID |
Name | Employee Name |
Plan Type | Displays the applicable plan type associated with the transaction. |
Health Event Type | Displays the Health Event Type. |
Permitting Event Code | Displays the transaction Permitting Event Code. |
CSU PSR Status |
CSU PSR Status Date | Displays the date the record was last updated on the CSU PSR data entry page(s). |
Permitting Event Date | Date the Permitting Event date became effective. |
Date Received | Date the transaction was received by the campus Benefits Officer. |
Unique Transaction Identifier | This is the identifier for the transaction which includes the employee ID, Permitting Event Code and date time stamp when the transaction was submitted to CalPERS. |
CalPERS ID | Displays the Participant’s (employee) CalPERS ID. |
11.0 Correcting and Rescinding Transactions
Some entries that are identified as erroneous can be easily corrected.
11.1 Correcting Current Transactions
The following explains how corrections are made based upon the situations encountered:

If the entry is in an unprocessed PSR Status then the record may be deleted, and the updated information may be entered since it has not yet been sent to CalPERS.

If the entry has been processed it may be corrected by updating the information on the corresponding CSU Health Perm Events or CSU FSA Perm Event page or the CSU Permitting Events page (for Ben Admin, this may require opening a close BAS event and reprocessing the event to a ReEnter Process Status).
11.2 Correcting Future-Dated Transactions/Rescind Transactions – Defered Future Use
12.0 Resubmitting Transactions
In the event that a PSR transaction has a status of Submitted to CalPERS but has not been processed by CalPERS due to a problem at CalPERS or an error in the transmission of the outbound file, the transaction can be re-submitted to CalPERS.
The Resubmit functionality can only be used with the CSU PSR Outbound Interface.
The Resubmit functionality is should only be used when the transaction has encountered a problem that causes the transaction to remain in a status of Submitted to CalPERS and it has not been submitted. For example, if the outbound file transfer process failed and the status was incorrectly updated even though the transaction has not actually been submitted to CalPERS.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Interface with Provider > CSU PSR Interface.

- If you already have a Run Control ID, enter the existing Run Control ID. If you do not have a
Run Control ID, click on the Add a New Value tab and enter a new Run Control ID called [Campus_Name]_PSR_PSR_OUTBOUND and then click on the Add button.

- The CSU PSR Interface page appears.

- Enter the campus Business Unit. The PSR processes can only be run for one business unit at a time. The business unit is defaulted based on the user’s primary permission list. If the user has access to only one business unit, the field is set to display only.
- Enter the email address of the technical support person at your campus in Email Contact.
CalPERS uses this field to send Success/Fail messages regarding the interface file.
- To generate and send a file to CalPERS, select the Finalize – Send to CalPers checkbox. If this field is not checked, the program runs but the permitting event transaction will not send. Errors will show up on the error table but the CSU Permitting events tables are not updated and the file will not generate. Also, the process to encrypt the data and send the file to CalPERS is only activated if this box is checked.
- Go to the Re-Submit Transactions section.
- Select the applicable Transaction Type from the drop down list.
- Enter the Empl ID.
- Use the to add additional rows for additional transactions to re-submit.

- Click on the Save button. The Run Control ID and the re-submit transactions are saved.
- Click on the Run button.
ess Scheduler
page appears.
- If able, select PSUNX for the Server Name.
- Select the checkbox for the CSU PSR Interface - Outbound, process name CSUPSRO.
- Click on the OK button.
- The CSU PSR Interface page appears.
- Click on the Process Monitor link.
- The Process List page appears.
- Click on the Refresh button until the CSUPSRO process completes.
- Verify that the CSUPSRO run status is Success. The interface file is automatically FTP’d to CalPERS when the Run Status is Success. It is not FTP’d to CalPERS when the Run Status is Error. Work with your technical resource to review and if needed create a Service Now ticket if the run status is Error.
- If the Run Status is Success, click on the CSUPSRO link.
- The Process Detail page appears.
Click on the

24. Another Process Details page appears.
Click on
View Log/Trace

- The View Log/Trace page appears.
- The file ending in .LOG is the process log file. You do not need to check this particular process log file.
- The file ending in .OUT is the outbound interface file. The .OUT file automatically FTP’d to CalPERS when the Run Status is Success and there’s data in the file. Just because the Run Status says Success doesn’t mean that there are no issues on the interface file.
- Review the .OUT file. Scroll to the end of the file to see how many transactions were extracted and included in the PSR Outbound interface file. If there are no transactions to send, the file is not FTP’d to CalPERS. The screen shot below is an example of what the end of the file looks like when there are no transactions to send and there are transactions in error.

- Note that the Outbound Process Results section on the CSU PSR Interface page update when the PSR Outbound Interface file is FTP’d to CalPERS.
Return to the

32. Click on the CSU_PSRFTPO link.
Process Details
page appears.
- Click on the View Log/Trace link.
- The View Log/Trace page appears.
- Click on the file that ends in .log. This is the process log.
- Review the process log and make sure that there are no issues or errors on the log. Even if the job Run Status is Success, there could still be issues and errors listed on this log that require resolution. The screen shot below is an example of a process log with an issue that requires resolution.

13.0 Dependent Verification and Dependent Verification History Pages
California State Senate Bill No.98 (SB-98) requires documentation verifying the eligibility of an employee’s dependents prior to the enrollment of a dependent in a health benefit plan and to verify continued eligibility pursuant to a specified schedule.
Dependents that require documentation to substantiate continued eligibility every three years are:
- Spouse
- Domestic Partner
- Children
- Stepchildren
- Domestic Partner Children
- Adopted Children
Dependents that require documentation to substantiate continued eligibility every year are: • Recognized Child (in a parent-child relationship)
13.1 Business Process
CalPERS prepares and distributes notifications to employees with dependents enrolled in medical coverage. Employees are selected based on their birth month.
Year of Verification
Item | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Employee Birth Month |
April July October |
February May August November |
March June September December |
January* April July October |
February May August November |
March June September December |
Campus benefit staff are responsible for collecting, validating, and storing the documentation submitted by the employee. CHRS tracks the verification status and transmits appropriate permitting events codes in the PSR interface.
Employees are required to verify dependents in the Year of Verification for their birth month as noted in the table above. However, the CSU Dependent Verification page in PeopleSoft displays all dependents by employee birth month for the entire year.
Users are only required to review and verify the dependents for the months listed by Year of Verification.
13.2 Data Entry in PeopleSoft
Use the CSU Dependent Verification page in CHRS to track dependent verification status and transmit the appropriate permitting events codes via the PSR Outbound interface.
Note that that CSU Dependent Verification page in CHRS does not generate the Parent-Child Relationship Annual Verification for Recognized Child dependents. However, you can record the verification of a recognized child on the CSU Dependent Verification page.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits >Employee/Dependent Information >CSU Dependent Verification.

The Business Unit defaults based on your CHRS User ID security. If you have access to multiple business units, select the applicable business unit for your employee.
Searches on the CSU Dependent Verification page can be changed by Plan Type (10-Medical or 11Dental), Employee Birth Month, or by entering a specific Empl ID.
Dependents that are enrolled in medical only or both medical and dental plans appear in the results of the Medical Plan search view. Once data entry is completed and saved the dependent(s) does not appear on the CSU Dependent Verification page until the next verification period is required (1 year or 3 years). However, the dependent will appear on the CSU Dependent Ver History page.
The CSU Dependent Verification page utilizes general date logic to display the dependent(s) when the verification is due based on the last Event Date entered.
The dependent re-verification can be submitted every 3 years using permitting event code 913 within the two months prior to the Employee’s Birth Month or during the Employee’s Birth Month on the CSU Dependent Verification page.
Example: Employee Birth Month is April.
Verification can be submitted from February 1st through April 30th
The Event Date is April 30th.
For Dependent(s) with Parent-Child Relationship the Annual Verification uses permitting event code 907 within the two months prior to the Employee’s Birth Month or during the Employee’s Birth Month.
Example: Employee Birth Month is April.
Verification can be submitted from February 1st through April 30th
The Event Date is May 1st
As noted in the examples above, the 907 and 913 Permitting Event Codes have different requirements for data entry of the Event Date. Parent-Child (907) transactions must be dated the 1st of the month following the Employee Birth Month and all other dependent transactions (913) must be dated the last day of the Employee Birth month.
Dependent(s) other than a Recognized Child can be re-enrolled using permitting event code 220 if verification is received after the Employee’s Birth Month on the CSU Dependent Verification page.
Example: Employee Birth Month is April and verification were not received by April 30th
The Event Date is the 1st of the month following receipt of verification
If dependents are not verified by the final deadline they must be disenrolled from coverage or they will continue to appear on the verification page. Standard business practice is to create an event in the Review BAS Activity page to disenroll dependents.
13.3 Error Messages
All data entry must be completed for a specific dependent record before the record can be saved.
For medical or medical/dental enrollments there are three
data entry fields
Permitting Event
Event Date
Received Date
For dental only enrollments there are two (2) data entry
Received Date
Verified (check box)

13.4 Data Entry for Dependents Enrolled in Medical and Dental Coverage:
Complete data entry for Plan Type 10 when a dependent is enrolled in both medical and dental coverage. Double entry for dental is not required when documentation has been received and verified for a specific dependent or group of dependents:
Correctly identify the row of data for the employee and corresponding dependent when entering data.
Permitting Event Code | Description |
220 | Re-Enrollment of Verified Dependent |
907 | Recertification of Parent-Child Relationship |
913 | Verify Dependent |
- Enter the Permitting Event Code.
a. Permitting Event 907:
i. 1st of the Month following the Employee Birth Month ii. Refer to example above
b. Permitting Event 913:
i. Last day of the Employee Birth Month ii. Refer to example above
c. Permitting Event 220:
i. 1st of the month following the receipt of verification ii. Refer to example above
- Enter the Event Date.
- Enter the date documentation was received in Received Date.
- Click Save. This employee and dependents are not longer displayed on the CSU Dependent Verification page but are displayed on the CSU Dependent Ver History page.
13.5 Data Entry for Dependents Enrolled in Dental Coverage Only:
Complete data entry for Plan Type 11 when a dependent is enrolled in dental coverage only. When documentation has been received and verified for a specific dependent or group of dependents:
Instruction | Illustration |
Dependent Verification Status:
The status of dependent verification can be viewed with other PSR transactions and filtered by several fields such as Empl ID, Health Event Type or CSU PSR Status.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits >Interface with Providers > CSU PSR Transactions.

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