CHRS Knowledge Base

Set up the Benefits Officer Table

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Set up the Benefits Officer Table


This job aid shows Benefits officers how to maintain their contact information that prints on forms.


Generated Benefits forms include the name, email, and telephone number for a Benefits officer. This contact information is contained in a table that each campus is responsible for maintaining.

image of example form with contact info

Set up the Benefits Officer Table

Use this procedure for the initial setup. After Initial Setup the benefits officer will use Update benefits officer table procedure.

Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.

csu benefits administrator tile

Step 2: Navigate to CSU Benefits Officer Info

  • Benefits Management > CSU Benefits Officer Info

Step 3: Click Add a New Value to create a new row

image of add a new value tab

Step 4:  Enter your Business Unit (Campus)

image of business unit look up field

Step 5:  Click Add.

image of add button

Step 6:  On the CSU Benefits Authorized Staff page:

  1. Look up your benefits Officer User ID.
  2. Select the Benefits Officer check box
    • If you do not know the person’s User ID, you can also search by name.
    • Do not add more rows. Only one Benefits Officer prints on the forms.
image of authorized staff page, user ID and check box for benefits officer

Step 7: Click Save

  • Your Benefits Officer information is saved. New forms will have this contact information printed on them by default.
image of save button

Update the Benefits Officer Table

Benefits Officer contact information does not automatically update in this table when the personal data is updated. When the officer changes, or when the email or phone number changes, you must update this table.

  • Use this procedure to update the Benefits Officer Table when the Benefits Officer changes or the contact information changes.

Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.,

image of benefits administrator tile

Step 2: Navigate to CSU Benefits Officer Info

  • Benefits Management > CSU Benefits Officer Info

Step 3: On the Search page:  

  1. Enter your Business Unit (campus).
  2. Click Search.
image of business unit search fields and search button

Step 4:  Select your business unit.

image of example search results page

Step 5:  Click the Plus button to add another row.

image of plus symbol to add row

Step 6:  On the CSU Benefits Authorized Staff page:

  1. Look up your benefits Officer User ID
  2. Select the Benefits Officer check box.
  3. Click the Minus button to remove the previous row
    1. Do not leave more than one row in this table. Only one Benefits Officer can be printed on the forms.
image of minus button to remove row
image of authorized staff page user ID and benefits officer check box

Step 7:  Click Save

  • Your Benefits Officer information is saved. New forms will have this contact information printed on them by default.
image of save button

End of Article


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