CHRS Knowledge Base

Print Benefits Enrollment Forms for Individual Employees

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This job aid shows Benefits Officers how to print enrollment forms on demand for individuals from two locations. The State Controller’s Office requires these forms to process benefits eligibility.


  • Do not print enrollment forms until CSUBASDL has finalized employee self-service (ESS) BAS Events or non-ESS BAS events have been manually finalized.

Use this procedure to find and print medical and dental and flex cash forms for an employee.

Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.

image of csu administrator tile

Step 2: Navigate to Health Benefits.

  • Review Employee Benefits > Health Benefits

Step 3: Enter search criteria for the employee.

  • Name: Enter first name [space] last name.
image of search fields

Step 4: Click Search.

  • If only one employee is returned, the Health Benefits page opens. Otherwise, select an employee to continue.
image of search button

Step 5: In the Plan Type section, select the row with the plan type to print.

  • Valid Plan types include 10, 11, 1Y and 1Z.
  • In this example, row 1 is for medical forms.
image of health benefits and arrows to select plan type

Step 6: In the Coverage section, select the effective dated row for the coverage interval.

  • In this example, only one row exists, so the control is inactive.
image of coverage interval row

Step 7: Open the CSU Hlth Perm Evnt tab.

image of CSU health perm event tab

Step 8: In the Permitting Event section, select the row with the applicable Permitting Event Code.

image of permitting fields and code field

Step 9: Click Print.

  • The form prints in PDF format on a new browser tab
image of print button

Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.

image of benefits administrator tile

Step 2: Navigate to Spending Accounts.

  • Review Employee Benefits > Spending Accounts

Step 3: Enter search criteria for the employee.

image of search criteria field

Step 4: Click Search.

  • If only one employee is returned, the Health Benefits page opens. Otherwise, select an employee to continue.
image of search button

Step 5: In the Plan Type section, select the row with the plan type to print.

image of plan type example

Step 6: In the Coverage section, select the effective dated row for the coverage interval.

image of coverage and deduction date example
  • In this example, only one row exists, so the control is inactive.

Step 7: Open the CSU FSA Perm Evnts tab.

image of CSU fsa perm event tab

Step 8: In the Permitting Event section, select the row with the applicable Permitting Event Code.

  • In this example, only one row exists, so the control is inactive.
image of permitting event code fields

Step 9: Click Print.

  • The form prints in PDF format on a new browser tab.
image of print button

Step 10: Verify

  • Compare the monthly contribution amount on the form to the monthly contribution amount located on the spending accounts page for each plan type.
  • If amounts are incorrect or blank
    • Use correction mode
    • Enter the monthly contribution amount.

Use this procedure when you select enrollment options for an employee and then need to print the forms immediately.

Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.

image of benefits administrator tile

Step 2: Navigate to On-Demand Event Maintenance.

  • Enroll in Benefits > On-Demand Event Maintenance

Step 3: Enter search criteria for the employee.

image of search fields

Step 4: Click Search.

  • If only one employee is returned, the On-Demand Event Maintenance page opens. Otherwise, select an employee to continue.
image of search button

Step 5: Process the employee’s benefits enrollment for the applicable BAS event.

  • The reason to print the form from On-Demand Event Maintenance is that you have just entered enrollment options for an employee and then need to print the enrollment forms.
    • Select the BAS event.
    • Select enrollment options for the employe.
    • Finalize the event.
    • For more information about this step, review Finalize BAS events with ODEM.

Step 6: Open the CSU On Demand Printing tab.

image of CSU health perm event tab

Step 7: Click Print.

image of enrollments and print button for all rows

End of Article


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