Document Title: CHRS Benefits Explanation of Review BAS Activity User Guide
Author: Sande Meith
File Reference: CHRS Benefits Explanation of Review BAS Activity User Guide
Revision Date | Revised By | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
06/07/21 | Sande Meith | Initial draft | All |
08/08/2022 | Sande Meith | Update for PTools 8.59 | All |
3/27/23 | Sande Meith | Corrected FSA and HBE BAS event descriptors | 5.0 |
4/4/23 | Sande Meith | Added more information regarding ACT and MSC BAS events | 5.0 |
1. Process Overview
This guide provides background and instructions related to the purpose and use of the BAS Activity record in Benefits Administration (aka, the Review BAS Activity page). This record/page houses Benefits Administration (Ben Admin) events waiting to process through Benefits Administration System (BAS).
The events remain in this record until they are processed by:
* Benefits Administration batch process via the nightly CSUBASDL (i.e., CSUBAS) schedule jobs processing
* On-Demand Ben Admin processing via the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
* On-Demand Ben Admin processing via the Perform Election Entry page.
The Review BAS Activity page is used prior to execution of the Benefits Administration process, to:
* Delete and review the unprocessed BAS events awaiting Ben Admin processing that have been triggered for employees
* To manually insert events for Ben Admin processing for the next scheduled execution of the CSUBAS process or Ben Admin processing via the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
2. Related Documentation
In addition to this business process guide, the following CMS-CHRS user guides and job aids related to this process may be reviewed:
- Action Reason with PIMS Mapping
- Event Class Cheat sheet
- CHRS Benefits Manual Events and Election Entry User Guide
- CHRS Impacts of HR Data Entry User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Employee Self Service User Guide
- CHRS Benefits Daily Review and Troubleshooting User Guide
3. BAS Activity Page Navigation and Fields
The Review BAS Activity page displays unprocessed BAS events for the displayed business unit. You can view BAS events waiting for processing in the Review BAS Activity page by business units based on your PeopleSoft row level security.
If an employee works at multiple CHRS campuses, the employee’s BAS events will be assigned to the Ben Admin Schedule ID tied to the campus that owns the employee’s benefits primary job once Ben Admin starts processing the event class.
Click the View All link to view all BAS events for your campus awaiting processing in the Review BAS Activity page or use the right and left arrows to page through the list. A maximum of 300 items is visible on the Review BAS Activity page.
Navigation: click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Review BAS Activity

The Review BAS Activity page displays the following fields:
*Business Unit – Defaults to the business unit associated with your row level security. If you have access to multiple campuses via row level security, a drop down list appears in order to select the desired business unit to display. You will only see BAS Events associated with the Business Unit displayed.
*EmplID - The unique employee identification number assigned to an employee at the time of hire.
*Name - The current name associated with a specific Emplid.
*Action Source - Denotes how the event was established. Typical sources include JOB data record entry, address changes or manual entries made directly to this page or by a custom process.
*All Jobs - For manual event entries, this denotes whether all existing Job records are to be used for eligibility purposes. It defaults to ‘Yes.’
*Ben Rcd # - This field contains the Benefit Record Number the employee is attached to for benefits. All Benefits Eligible jobs should be assigned a Benefit Record Number of 0 in CHRS. This field is automatically populated when JOB entries are saved.
*Empl Rcd # - This field contains the Employee Record Number the employee is attached to for the job.
*Event Date - This is the Effective Date of the event being processed.
*Event Sequence - The event Effective Sequence is only relevant when there is more than one event on a particular day. This field corresponds to the Effective Sequence on the JOB record.
*BAS Action - This is the Benefits Administration System action (event class/BAS event) that is mapped to a Job Data Action/Reason combinations used by the CSU, manually entered or created by a custom process. Based on the type of event class, only certain benefits may be updated/added. For example, when entering manual health enrollments and enrollment changes, the BAS action of HBE is used. See the Event Class Cheat Sheet or the Action/Reasons with PIMS mapping document.
*Suppress Forms - This field is not used by CSU.
*Cobra Action - This field is not currently used by CSU.

icon – Use the Add a New Row icon to insert a row onto the Review BAS Activity grid to manually add a BAS event to process for an employee.

icon – Use the Delete a Row icon to delete a BAS action (BAS event class) from the Review BAS Activity page. Deleted BAS actions are not processed by the Ben Admin process.

icon – Use the Find icon to search for a specific employee name or EMPLID.
Click on the column headers to sort the data displayed on the Review BAS Activity page based on the column header.
4. Managing BAS Activity Data
Every time a Job Data row is inserted or is updated via correction mode, a Ben Admin System (BAS) event class is inserted into the Review BAS Activity page.
Think of the Review BAS Activity page as the ‘Ben Admin processing queue.’ BAS events that appear on the Review BAS Activity page are waiting to run through Ben Admin processing. In other words, they have not yet started processing through Ben Admin. Remember that Ben Admin can only process one BAS event class for an employee at a time, so an employee may have multiple BAS events waiting for processing appearing on the Review BAS Activity page.
Once Ben Admin starts processing a BAS event, the BAS event no longer appears on the Review BAS Activity page.
In CHRS, certain BAS events (MSC, ACT, PRO, DEM, JED, POS, JRC, PAY, DTA, LOA, PLA, STD, STO, SUS and XFR ) are evaluated by a nightly scheduled job in CSUBAS processing (the actual process name is CSU_BA18003). The CSU_BA18003 job evaluates certain fields on the Job Data row that created the BAS event class against the previous Job Data row and previous PRIMARY_JOBS row for the EMPLID and EMPL_REC_NBR to identify if any of the following items changed:
- Benefits Status (JOB.BEN_STATUS)
- Employee Class (JOB.EMPL_CLASS)
- Employee Type (JOB.EMPL_TYPE)
- Pay Group (JOB.PAYGROUP)
- Union Code (JOB.UNION_CD)
- Duration (eligibility config 1) (JOB.ELIG_CONFIG1)
- Job Code (eligibility config 2) (JOB.ELIG_CONFIG2)
- ACA Status (eligibility config 3) (JOB.ELIG_CONFIG3)
- AFTERTAX (eligibility config 5) (JOB.ELIG_CONFIG5)
If none of the above field values change between the compared rows, the BAS event is deleted from the Review BAS Activity page when the nightly scheduled CSUBAS job runs. BAS events deleted from the Review BAS Activity page are not processed by Ben Admin. In CHRS, the majority of MSC, ACT, PRO, DEM, JED, POS, JRC, PAY, DTA, LOA, PLA, STD, STO, SUS and XFR BAS event classes are deleted from the Review BAS Activity page and thus are not run through Ben Admin processing. This means that in CHRS, only BAS events that impact benefits eligibility are processed by Ben Admin. Note that the evaluated BAS event class is not deleted if a prior Job Data row does not exist.
Use the CSU_BAS_DELETED_ACTIONS query to see the BAS actions that were deleted for your campus by the CSU_BA18003 process.
You can manually create certain BAS event classes on the Review BAS Activity page for an employee to process through Ben Admin. Note that certain BAS event classes, such as the TER, HIR and all eBenefits Employee Self Service (ESS) BAS events, with the exception of the NEW BAS event, cannot be manually created on the Review BAS Activity page.
Note that the NEW BAS event class should only be used by CHRS campuses that use full eBenefits ESS. Campuses using view-only eBenefits ESS should not use the NEW BAS event class.
For full eBenefits ESS campuses, for new hires and newly benefit eligible employees, create a NEW BAS event if the employee will use eBenefits ESS to do select their elective benefits enrollments or create the HBE BAS event if the employee is submitting paper forms to do select their elective benefit enrollments. If you are a campus that is using view-only Benefits ESS, do not use the NEW BAS event. If you are a campus that is using view-only Benefits ESS, continue to use the HBE BAS event for benefit enrollments. Note that the HIR BAS event is used in CHRS for the system to enroll the employee into their default benefit enrollment plans (Life and AD/D, LTD if applicable and Vision).
For full Benefits ESS campuses: Use HBE or NEW, one or the other, to process the elective benefits for new hires/newly benefit eligible employees.
Important: Do not create the NEW BAS event if it has been 60 days or more since the employee was hired. If the employee was hired more than 60 days ago, use the HBE BAS event to process the new hire enrollments. Do not use the NEW BAS event.
- If you create the NEW BAS event and it has been more than 60 days from the employee’s hire date or newly benefit-eligible date, nightly CSUBAS processing will void the NEW BAS event.
- If you use the NEW BAS event class, make the NEW Event Date the date of the hire or the date that the employee is newly benefit-eligible. Process the NEW event to a Prepared (PR) status on the On Demand Event Maintenance page and then notify the employee that he/she can go into eBenefits ESS and make their elective benefit enrollments. You can also let the nightly CSUBAS take the NEW BAS event to a Prepared status.
- Remember that the employee will have 60 days from the date of hire/newly benefit-eligible date (i.e., the event date) to enter and submit their elective benefit elections. Nightly batch processing will change the NEW Event Date to be the date the employee submitted their enrollment in eBenefits ESS after you have reviewed their supporting documents and marked the event ready to finalize, and at that time the nightly CSUBAS processes determine the benefit coverage effective dates based off of the submission date.
- Refer to the CHRS Benefits Employee Self Service Business Process Guide for more information regarding Benefits Self Service processing and management.
Important: Do not create the NEW BAS event if it has been 60 days or more since the employee was hired. If the employee was hired more than 60 days ago, use the HBE BAS event to process the new hire enrollments. Do not use the NEW BAS event.
- If you use the HBE BAS event, make the HBE event date the date of benefit coverage, just like you did in v9.0, and process the HBE enrollments in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
The numbered items below represent common scenarios that campus staff have experienced related to BAS event classes. Included for each situation is an explanation of what would occur in Ben Admin processes without intervening in the Review BAS Activity page.
Note: Results may vary due to other events already in the system or campus business process.
Scenario: A correction is made in Job Data to the hire date or the termination date or the effective date before the original BAS event leaves the Review BAS Activity page:
- System Action: The correctly dated transaction is the only one that will process.
- Campus Action: No further update or processing will be required. (This is true regardless the updated date value)
Scenario: A job row is deleted before Ben Admin executes:
- System Action: The Job Elig Change flag is set on the Event Status Update page (aka the Update Event Status page) if a prior event exists with the same date.
- Campus Action: Need to review. Reprocess the flagged event if there are benefit eligibility changes. If there are no benefit eligibility changes, uncheck the flag and save. If no prior event exist with the same date, there are no changes on the Event Status Update page. No further processing required.
Scenario: A retroactive transaction is keyed into job data:
- System Action: Out of Sequence flag is set.
- Campus Action: Need to review after Ben Admin processing. Reprocess the impacted event(s) and save.
Scenario: Job Data is corrected and Ben Admin processing occurs:
- System Action: The Job Elig Change flag is set on the Event Status Update page.
- Campus Action: Need to review. May need to reprocess the event if benefits eligibility is impacted. If the hire date, action, action/reason and/or effective date is corrected, the event will become disconnected. Void the disconnected event if possible. If there were benefit enrollments associated with the disconnected BAS event, you will need to use correction mode to delete the impacted benefit enrollments from the applicable BAS Benefit tables (Health Benefits, Disability Benefits, Life and AD/D Benefits and Spending Accounts). You will need to enter the applicable benefits enrollments on the new BAS event. The best preventative action to this scenario is for the Workforce Administration group at your campus to advise you when they need to enter corrections on Job Data rows so you can void the enrollments associated with the impacted BAS event, if any, before they make their corrections, and then re-enter the enrollments after they make their corrections so disconnected BAS events are avoided.
Scenario: A MSC transaction is keyed that will not have any effect on Benefit eligibility.
- System Action: The MSC event is deleted from the Review BAS Activity page by the nightly CSUBAS processing.
- Campus Action: No further action is required.
Scenario: Two events with the same BAS action (event class) but different event dates are keyed for one employee:
- System Action: Ben Admin processes the BAS Actions in event date order.
- Campus Action: Research and determine if one BAS Action needs to be voided (for example, a second HIR BAS event was created due Workforce Administration changing the hire effective date in Job Data via correction mode) or if each BAS Action is correct and no campus action is required.
Scenario: A termination with a subsequent rehire is processed (within the same month).
- System Action: Benefits will terminate in PeopleSoft.
- Campus Action: If PeopleSoft does not void the termination event, manually void the termination event and re-process the hire event if needed.
Scenario: Address change transactions during the months surrounding the Open Enrollment events. (Example: when the Open Enrollment event is finalized, it inserts a future dated row effective January 1, 2022. Address changes and/or job transactions dated prior to 1/1/22 create the Open Enrollment event to be flagged as Out of Sequence.)
- System Action: If there is a future dated event, Out of Sequence flag is set.
- Campus Action: Needs Review. Need to re-process event if it affects eligibility and dependent benefits. If no impact, still re-process the event. Re-processing means that you may need to re-key the employee’s benefits enrollments and changes.
- System Action: If a change to address is made in correction mode, Address Elig Change flag is set (and possibly also the Out of Sequence flag).
- Campus Action: Needs Review. May need to re-process if it affects eligibility. If no impact, turn off the Address Elig Change flag and save. If the Out of Sequence flag is set, reprocess the event.
5. BAS Actions (BAS Event Classes)
The following is a partial list of BAS event classes that appear on the Review BAS Activity page. BAS event classes are labeled as BAS Actions on the Review BAS Activity page.
* HIR: This BAS event class facilitates automatic enrollment via the nightly CSU_BA01A process in the CSUBASDL scheduled job in Life AD & D, Long Term Disability (LTD) if applicable and vision benefit plans. These plans are default benefit plans for benefit-eligible employees.
* MSC: This BAS event class is for miscellaneous transactions that do not typically affect benefits. Most MSC events will most likely cause no change to benefit options and/or eligibility and thus will be deleted from the Review BAS Activity page by the CSUBAS nightly processing (specifically the CSU_BA_18003 process) and never run through Ben Admin processing. MSC BAS events where the employee qualifies for a waive or change to benefits are processed to a Prepared (PR) Process Status and require the Benefits Officer to manually process and finalize the event via the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Note that this may be a change from 9.0 processing.
* TER: This BAS event class facilitates automatic termination benefit actions via the nightly CSU_BA01A process in the CSUBASDL scheduled job. All enrollments are terminated due to loss of eligibility if eligibility and/or employment has ended.
* ACT: This BAS event class is for transactions that may affect benefits. For example, changes to duration, time base, or union code. ACT events that cause no change to benefit options and/or eligibility are deleted from the Review BAS Activity page by the CSUBAS nightly processing (specifically the CSU_BA_18003 process) and never run through Ben Admin processing. ACT BAS events where the employee qualifies for a waive or change to benefits are processed to a Prepared (PR) Process Status and require the Benefits Officer to manually process and finalize the event via the On Demand Event Maintenance page. Note that this may be a change from 9.0 processing.
* LVE: This BAS event class reflects unpaid leave of absence and disability leave actions. The LVE event allows for the allows for Plan Types 10, 11, 14, 1Y, 1Z, 60, 61, 20, 23, and 31 enrollments to be canceled (i.e., waived). When the LVE event class is used, the Coverage Begin Date is equal to first of the month from the LVE event date plus one month for plan types 10, 11, 14, 60 and 61. The Coverage Begin Date is equal to first of the month from the LVE event date for plan types 1Y, 1Z, 20, 23, and 31. Only use this BAS event if the employee’s Benefits Employee Status is Leave of Absence in the Job Data > Benefits Program Participation page.
*eBenefits Employee Self Service (ESS) BAS Event classes: ADP, BIR, DIV, DGC, DLC, ,DRP, EGC, ELC, LTE, MAR and PCR. eBenefits Employee Self Service BAS Events are available for use only for campuses that use full eBenefits ESS. eBenefits Employee Self Service BAS Events cannot be manually created.
For a complete list of BAS Event classes and additional BAS Event Class information, see the Related Documents section to review the Event Class Cheat Sheet.
Other BAS event classes that might be seen in the Review BAS Activity page are manual events entered by campus Benefits Office staff.
The following is a list of manual BAS event classes:
- *NEW: New Hire Newly Eligible – Used for employees making their benefit elections through eBenefits Employee Self Service. Make the event date for the NEW event class the date of hire or the date that the employee became newly benefit eligible. The NEW event date is not equal to the benefit coverage begin date. Do not use the NEW BAS event if it is almost 60 days from the employee’s hire date or benefit eligibility date (i.e., the NEW event date) as the employee may not have the time to submit his/her supporting documents to the campus Benefits Office and the campus Benefits Office staff may not have the time to review the supporting documents before the nightly CSUBAS process closes/voids the NEW BAS event on day 61 when it expires.
- Important: The NEW BAS event can only be used by campuses that use full eBenefits Employee Self Service. Campuses that use view-only eBenefits Employee Self Service should not use the NEW BAS event.
- Important: NEW BAS events in an ET (Entered) process status that are not set to Finalize 61 days from the employee’s hire date or benefit-eligibility date (i.e., the NEW Event Date) are voided by the nightly CSUBAS run. NEW BAS events in a PR (Prepared) process status that are 61 days from the employee’s hire date or benefit-eligibility date (i.e., the NEW Event Date) are Finalized-Enrolled with no enrollments by the nightly CSUBAS run.
- *CNC: Cancel all Coverage – Used by the campus Benefits Office to cancel (waive) an employee from all voluntary elections (Medical, Dental, Medical Flex Cash, Dental Flex Cash, Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA) and Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA). Coverage change is effective the month begin after the event date.
- *DEA: Death of a Dependent – Used to delete a dependent from a benefit plan due to death. Coverage change is effective the month begin after the event date.
- Based on the event classification, late paperwork not submitted and/or returned in a timely manner, may be subject to a 90-day waiting period for enrollment. Ben Admin does NOT calculate this information for you if you are using one of the manual events above. Follow current procedure to calculate the date and enter the Event Date accordingly.
- For a complete list of BAS Event classes and additional BAS Event Class information, see the Related Documents section to review the Event Class Cheat Sheet.
6. Output of BAS activity table to Excel
The Review BAS Activity page has download functionality that enables you to download the content of the Review BAS Activity page onto an Excel spreadsheet.
7. Appendix
End of BPG
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