CHRS Benefits Retiree Dental Enrollment User Guide
Last Revised: 08/08/22
Document Title: CHRS Benefits Retiree Dental Enrollment User Guide
Author: Sande Meith
File Reference: CHRS Benefits Retiree Dental Enrollment User Guide
Revision History
Revision Date | Revised By | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
9/8/21 | Sande Meith | Initial Draft | All |
8/8/22 | Sande Meith | Updated for PTools 8.59 | All |
11/7/24 | Sande Meith (JSF) | Updated step 9 in section 2 | 2 |
Review / Approval History
Review Date | Reviewed By | Action (Reviewed, Recommended or Approved) |
Click here to enter Review Date | Click here to enter Reviewer | Click here to enter Reviewed, Recommended or Approved |
1. Related Documentation
In addition to this guide, users can review the following CMS baseline design specification documents and also the following user guide:
- CHRS Benefits PSR Interface User Guide
2. CSU Retiree Dental Enrollment for Employee
The CSU Retiree Dental Enrollment page is used to enter the initial retiree dental enrollments for CSU retirees. This page is only used for the initial Retiree Dental Enrollment (applies to the initial Retiree Dental Enrollment for staff and Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) participants). Any updates to the enrollment (i.e., changes to the dental plan, personal data changes for the employee, etc.) must be processed manually by contacting CalPERS.
Initial dental enrollments that were not entered in CHRS prior to retirement require manual intervention by CalPERS.
Navigation: Click on the NavBar Icon,

then click on Menu > Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > CSU Retiree Dental Enrollment

Processing Steps
- Enter the Empl ID or other search criteria.
- Select the Include History checkbox.
- Click the Search button.
- The CSU Retiree Dental Enrollment page appears.
- Enter the Benefit Plan. Use the magnifying glass to search for the available dental plans. Select the appropriate plan from the list of active plan options displayed. The Benefit Plan information entered on this page is independent of any previous dental enrollment information recorded in the health benefits pages in CHRS.
- Enter the applicable Permitting Event Code. The Permitting Event Code of 166 is for the initial retiree dental enrollment. Only permitting event codes valid for retiree dental enrollment processing appear in the search list:
- Enter the Permitting Event Date, which is the date on which the permitting event occurred (for example the employee’s Retirement Date).
- Enter the Received Date, which is the date on which the Benefits Office received the employee’s completed Dental enrollment election form.
- Enter the Zip Code provided by the employee if different from the one that appears. Note that the Zip Code Type defaults to Personal. If the personal zip code is not in the PSR Cross Reference Zip Code table, refer to the Address Out of State Zip Code Errors job aid to add the zip code to the table.
- The County automatically populates based on the Zip Code.
- Do not select the Exclude from PSR Interface checkbox.
- Click the Save button to save the page. Data entry fields are greyed out upon saving.
- The CSU PSR Status updates, along with the CSU PSR Status Date, Election Entry Date, Last Modified By and Last Modified Date.
- Non Sent: This CSU PSR Status means that the record has not yet been sent to CalPERS. This is the transaction status prior to running the CSU PSR Outbound Interface process.
- Submitted: This CSU PSR Status is the transaction status after the CSU PSR interface has run and extracted the record onto the CSU PSR Outbound Interface process.
- Processed: This is the CSU PSR Status after successful processing by CalPERS.
- Error: This is the CSU PSR Status after a CSU or CalPERS processing error was encountered.
- Manual: This CSU PSR Status denotes that the transaction was in error status however the Ignore Error or Error Resolved checkbox was manually selected to resolve the issue on the CSU PSR Errors page.
- Click the Print Dental Form button to generate the Retiree Dental Form.
- If you need to make an enrollment change and reprint the retiree dental form, select the Correction Required checkbox to re-open the greyed out data entry fields, make your changes, click on Save and then reprint the retiree dental form.
3. Enter Retiree Dental Enrollment for Dependent
The CSU Retiree Dental Dependent Enrollment page is also used to enter retiree dental enrollments for dependents. The Employee ID/record is used to gain access to the dependent entry page. A Retiree Dental Enrollment entry for an employee is required at the same time as the employee in order to initiate a Retiree Dental Enrollment for a dependent.
Processing Steps
- Follow the steps above to access the CSU Retiree Dental Dependent Enrollment page.
- Follow the entry instructions for the data as noted in the Enter Retiree Dental Enrollment for Employee.
- After entering the employee, go do the Dependent Information section on the page.
- Enter the dependent information. Note that you cannot enter a new dependent on this page; you can select an existing dependent. Retirees need to contact their retirement plan to add a new dependents after retirement.
- Click on the Plus button to add a row to enroll more than one dependent.

- Enter the Zip Code provided by the employee if different from the one that appears. Note that the Zip Code Type defaults to Personal.
- The County automatically populates based on the Zip Code.
- Do not select the Exclude from PSR Interface checkbox.
- Click the Save button to save the page. Data entry fields are greyed out.
- Click the Print Dental Form button to generate the Retiree Dental Form.
- If you need to make a change, select the Correction Required checkbox to re-open the greyed out data entry fields, make your changes, click on Save and then reprint the retiree dental form.
4. Workarounds
Issue | Workaround |
Employee retires and moves out of state. If the effective date of change of address is while they are an Active employee, PSR errors out due to the zip code. The fix for out of state zip does not work for Retiree Dental. |
Workaround for Retiree Dental enrollments to avoid PSR errors. |
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