This job aid shows Benefits officers how to process FERP Vision Deductions.
- Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) employees are eligible to the CSU FERP Vision plan for up to 5 years after retirement if they are currently teaching courses.
- Faculty Affairs, Payroll and Benefits work together to identify the active FERP appointments.
- The annual FERP Vision Deduction is transmitted to the SCO via the SCO Interface.
- See also: Run Benefits SCO Interface
FERP Vision Eligibility Requirements
- Employee must be retired.
- The date must be within 5 years of retirement.
- The employee must be teaching up to 20 hours per week.
- The employee is enrolled in FERP Vision plan.
You must complete this procedure within the appropriate time frame.
If you use this page outside of the correct time period, an incorrect coverage effective date is entered.
If the coverage effective date is incorrect, you can change it in the SCO Interface text file before you submit the file to the SCO. This process is faster than submitting individual SCO Misc. Forms for each FERP member when there are issues."
Semester | When to enter | Annual premium pay period |
Spring FERP appointments |
February 15 of each calendar year |
2/CCYY effective 3/1/CCYY |
Fall FERP appointments |
September 15 of each calendar year |
9/CCYY effective 10/1/CCYY |
Select employees to process FERP deduction
Step 1: From the CSU Administator Home Page, click the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.

Step 2: Navigate to Interface with Providers > FERP Vision Deduction.
Step 3: Search for employees:
- Enter your business unit.
- Click Search.

Step 4: Select the check box for employees to process the FERP Vision deduction with the next CSU SCO Interface.
Do not check mark the Work Break or Terminated appointments.
Step 5: Click Save.

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