Revision Date | Revised By | Summary of Revisions | Section(s) Revised |
07/27/21 | Sande Meith | Initial draft | Click here to enter Sections Revised. |
6/29/22 | Sande Meith | Added information re: the CSU_BAS_EVENT_CLASS_HISTORY_SUMMARY Query | |
8/3/22 | Sande Meith | Updated for PTools 8.59 |
1. Process Overview
Delivered Benefits Administration does not store processing history for a BAS event in PeopleSoft. Only current processing Benefits Administration data for a BAS event is stored in delivered PeopleSoft. Benefits Administration BAS event processing history is overwritten each time the Ben Admin transaction runs through Ben Admin processing. Delivered Benefits Administration processing does not produce a processing audit trail.
Custom database-level audit tables for Benefits Administration and Base Benefits exist in CHRS to remediate this issue. These custom database-level audit tables record additions, deletions and changes that occur for certain Benefits Administration (Ben Admin) and Base Benefits tables when existing enrollments are changed and deleted due to reprocessing. These audit tables also record the PeopleSoft User ID who made the change along with the date and time that the change was made. Every time a Ben Admin event is processed, reprocessed and changed, or certain Base Benefit tables are updated, the change is recorded in a database-level audit table.
Using database-level audit tables for certain Benefits Administration and Base Benefit tables creates and preserves processing and reprocessing history, creates query-able and auditable tables for electronic signature use with the Hire/Newly Benefit Eligible eBenefits Self Service transaction, provides researchable history for Ben Admin processing and Base Benefit issues, especially when enrollment, submission, Open Enrollment discrepancies/questions arise with employees, IRS, CalPERS or legal venues.
Database-level audit tables exist in CHRS for the following delivered Ben Admin and Base Benefit tables:
Ben Admin tables:
The database-level audit tables for Benefits Administration are:
- AUDIT_CSU_BAPRT – this database-level audit table captures all processing data when any data is updated in BAS_PARTIC, including electronic signature data for the NEW BAS event.
AUDIT_CSU_BBPRT - this database-level audit table captures specific BAS_PARTIC processing data when the following fields are updated:
- Schedule ID
- Employee ID
- Benefit Record
- Event ID
- Plan Type
- Event Status
- Event Class
- Event Date
- Benefit Program
- Process Status
- Process Indicator
- Address Eligibility Changed
- Job Eligibility Changed
- Multi Job Eligibility Changed
- Event Out of Sequence
- Disconnected Date
- Event Out of Sequence Date
- Finalize/Apply Defaults
- Option Notify Date
- Enroll Action
- Coverage Election Date
- Coverage Begin Date
- Deduction Begin Date
- Election Date
Query this table to research BAS events that were never finalized and voided.
- AUDIT_CSU_BACST - this database-level audit table captures the costs tied to the selected benefit plan in Ben Admin.
- AUDIT_CSU_BAOPN - this database-level audit table captures the options tied to the selected benefit plan when the option is not equal to 0
- AUDIT_CSU_BADPN - this database-level audit table captures the dependents selected in Ben Admin.
- AUDIT_CSU_BAPLN - this database-level audit table captures selected benefit plans in Ben Admin and writes to the audit table if the ENROLL_ACTION is E for Enroll or T for Terminate. Note that Waives are considered the ENROLL_ACTION of E.
The database-level audit tables for Base Benefits are:
- AUDIT_CSU_DISBN - this database-level audit table captures the enrollment information, including changes and deletes in the Disability table.
- AUDIT_CSU_FSABN – this database-level audit table captures the enrollment information, including changes and deletes in the the FSA Benefits table.
- AUDIT_CSU_HLTBN - this database-level audit table captures the enrollment information, including changes and deletes in the Health Benefits table.
- AUDIT_CSU_HLTDP - this database-level audit table captures the dependent enrollment information, including changes and deletes in the Health Benefits table.
- AUDIT_CSU_LIFBN - this database-level audit table captures the enrollment information , including changes and deletes in the Life and AD/D table.
The contents of these audit tables are purged by a custom purge process 10 years after the audit row is created. The purge process is scheduled to run as a nightly batch process. No campus action is required in order to purge audit table contents or monitor/manage the Benefits audit table purge process.
The following CHRS Baseline queries use the above database-level audit tables and are available for use via the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile and/or Query Manager/Query Viewer in CHRS. Access to these components is based on your PeopleSoft security definition.
- This query lists Benefits ESS esignatures from the NEW BAS event (new hire/newly benefit enrollments via eBenefits Self Service).
- An audit query for all Ben Admin transactions that lists benefit plan enrollments and terminations, including waives, by event class. Includes all processing statuses, the change date/time and the person or process that made the change.
- An audit query for benefit plan transactions in the Health Benefits page.
- An audit query for benefit plan transactions in the Life and AD/D page.
- An audit query for benefit plan transactions in the Disability page.
- An audit query for benefit plan transactions in the Spending Accounts page.
- An audit query to list dependent changes on benefit plans in the Ben Admin module.
- An audit query to list dependent changes on benefit plans in the Base Benefits module.
Location of the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile
Location of CHRS Baseline Queries on the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile
2. Related Documentation
In addition to this business process guide, users can review the following CMS user guides and job aids related to this process:
Important: Be sure to reference the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event document and the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheatsheet before reprocessing any BAS event in the On Demand Event Maintenance page.
Use the CSU_BAS_NEW_NW1_ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURE query to see the eBenefits ESS electronic signature date for the NEW BAS event.
Campuses that use full eBenefits Employee Self Service use the NEW BAS event for new hire and newly benefit-eligible elective benefits enrollments in eBenefits. Campuses using view-only eBenefits Self Service do not use the NEW BAS event. Thus, this query is only utilized by campuses using full eBenefits Employee Self Service. View-only eBenefits Self Service campuses only use this query if they are researching a coordination of benefits issue.
Use the CSU_BAS_ELECTRONIC_ESIGNATURE query if you need to see electronic signature data for eBenefits ESS Life Events and Open Enrollment events.
This query can be found on the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile under the Queries section, and on Query Manager and Query Viewer. Access to these items is based on your PeopleSoft security definition. To access the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile in CHRS, click on the Home Landing page drop down arrow and then select CSU Administrator Home.
- To access Query Manager or Query Viewer,
- click on the NavBar Icon > Menu > Reporting Tools > Query.

Step 1: To run the CSU_BAS_NEW_NW1_ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURE query, enter the applicable Schedule ID, the PeopleSoft Employee ID and the Event ID for the NEW BAS event.

- If you do not have the Event ID for the NEW BAS event, click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Event Status
- Enter the employee ID and locate the Event ID for the applicable NEW BAS event. See the example below showing the Event ID of 2.

Step 2: Click on the View Results button. If the ‘No matching values were found’ message appears, no values were found in the audit table for the employee, which means that the employee does not have a benefits transaction that wrote to the audit table.

Step 3: See the following example query output. Note that you can also download the query results to an Excel Spreadsheet and also a CSV Text File in addition to viewing online. Do not attempt to download the query results to an XML File.

- Schedule ID – The BAS Schedule ID tied to the BAS event.
- Empl ID – The PeopleSoft employee ID.
- Empl Record – The job employment record associated with the BAS event.
- Employee Name – The employee’s primary name.
- Event ID – The BAS event ID.
- Event Classification – The BAS event class. Also known as BAS Action and Event Class.
- Event Class Description – The event class description.
Election Source
- W stands for Web and means the enrollment came through eBenefits ESS. O stands for Online and means the enrollment came through the Perform Election Entry or the On Demand Event Maintenance page. N stands for None Entered and means no enrollment or changes were entered and the BAS event was finalized with no enrollments entered. N is a common value on Open Enrollment (OE) BAS events when the employee hasn’t submitted any benefit changes.
- Elections Received Date – The date that the employee first submitted his/her benefit elections in eBenefits ESS.
- Audit Oper ID – The PeopleSoft User ID who submitted the elections.
- Audit Stamp – The date and time the employee first submitted his/her benefit elections in eBenefits ESS.
- Audit Action – Indicates if the audit action is a Change - New Value, Change - Old Values, Delete or Add.
- Sort Date/Time – This column is used to sort the audit data so the most recently added row appears at the top of the list.
Use the CSU_BAS_EVENT_CLASS_HISTORY_SUMMARY query to see the Ben Admin processing history, including reprocessing history, for any BAS event that has processed via the Ben Admin module.
For example, in the CSU_BAS_EVENT_CLASS_HISTORY_SUMMARY query you can see when the BAS event was created and by whom, when the employee first looked at the BAS event in eBenefits Self Service, if applicable, what benefit elections were selected and submitted by the employee in eBenefits Self Service (if applicable), along with the exact date and time that the elections were submitted (and conversely see where benefit elections were not submitted). You can see what benefits were keyed by campus Benefits Office staff, along with the exact date and time that they were keyed. You can see if a BAS event was reprocessed and if benefit elections were changed.
Rows are inserted in the audit table when a change occurs to a field listed on this query that results in a plan type enrollment, waive or termination of a benefit plan that has processed via the Ben Admin module (i.e., the BAS_PARTIC.ENROLL_ACTION must equal E for Elect or T for Term)..
BAS events that are voided and/or deleted before a finalized enrollment, waive or termination of a benefit plan occurred are not included on the CSU_BAS_EVENT_CLASS_HISTORY_SUMMARY query. For example, voided BAS events that are deleted by the custom CSU Delete Activity Guide process (CSU_BAS_ACTP) will not appear in the CSU_BAS_EVENT_CLASS_HISTORY_SUMMARY query since these BAS events never had a finalized enrollment, waive or termination. Query the AUDIT_CSU_BAPRT.audit table to audit BAS events that are voided and/or deleted before a finalized enrollment, waive or termination of a benefit plan occurred.
- This query only lists rows where specific BAS_PARTIC processing data fields are updated for a BAS event:
- Schedule ID
- Employee ID
- Benefit Record
- Event ID
- Plan Type
- Event Status
- Event Class
- Event Date
- Benefit Program
- Process Status
- Process Indicator
- Address Eligibility Changed
- Job Eligibility Changed
- Multi Job Eligibility Changed
- Event Out of Sequence
- Disconnected Date
- Event Out of Sequence Date
- Finalize/Apply Defaults
- Option Notify Date
- Enroll Action
- Coverage Election Date
- Coverage Begin Date
- Deduction Begin Date
- Election Date
- This query can be found on the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile under the Queries section, and also on Query Manager and Query Viewer. Access to these items is based on your PeopleSoft security definition. To access the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile in CHRS, click on the Home Landing page drop down arrow and then select CSU Administrator Home.
- To access Query Manager or Query Viewer, click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Reporting Tools > Query.

Step 1: To run the query, enter the applicable Schedule ID, the PeopleSoft Employee ID and the Event ID for the applicable BAS event.

- If you do not have the Event ID, click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Event Status.
- Enter the employee ID and locate the Event ID for the applicable BAS event. See the example below showing the Event ID of 2.

Step 2: Click on the View Results button. If the ‘No matching values were found’ message appears, no values were found in the audit table for the employee, which means that the employee did not have a benefits transaction that wrote to the audit table.

Step 3: See the following example query output. Note that you can also download the query results to an Excel Spreadsheet and also a CSV Text File in addition to viewing online. Do not attempt to download the query results to an XML File.
- Sched ID – The BAS Schedule ID tied to the BAS event.
- ID – The PeopleSoft employee ID.
- Name – The employee’s primary name.
- Ben Record – The Benefit Record Number. In CHRS, this is always 0.
- Event ID – The BAS event ID.
Plan Typ – Indicates the benefit Plan Type.
- 10 is Medical, 11 is Dental, 14 is Vision, 1Y is Dental Flex Cash, 1Z is Medical Flex Cash, 20 and 23 is Life and AD/D, 31 is Long Term Disability, 60 is Healthcare Reimbursement Account (HCRA) and 61 is Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA).
Event Stat – Indicates the BAS event status.
- O is Open for Processing, C is Closed for Processing, V is Void, D is Disconnected Event.
- Class – The BAS event class. Also known as BAS Action and Event Class.
- Date – The BAS event date. This date can be the original event date or the event date updated by the nightly submission date process that runs in CSUBAS (CSU_BA_EV_DT).
- Ben Program – The employee’s benefit program.
Proc Stat – Process Status indicates where the BAS event is in Benefits Administration processing
- for example, PR-Prepared, PE-Prepare Error, EE-Election Error, ET-Entered (aka submitted), FE-Finalized-Enrolled, FP-Finalized-Prep None. Refer to the Overview of BAS Statuses job aid for more Process Status information.
Process – Process Indicator tells the system the level to process or reprocess the specific BAS event on the next delivered Benefits Administration run.
- N-Normal Processing, V-Void, R-Re-enter, A-Assign Benefit Program, P-Prepare Options, E-Elect Options. Refer to the Overview of BAS Statuses job aid for more information.
- Address Elig – If populated, the Address Eligibility Changed Date indicates that changes to the employee’s Home and/or Work Location address occurred since the BAS event was scheduled that could impact the employee’s benefit eligibility. Research is required to determine the appropriate next steps. Reprocessing BAS events may be required.
- Job Elig - If populated, the Job Eligibility Changed Date indicates that changes to the employee’s Job Data record(s) occurred since the BAS event was scheduled that could impact the employee’s benefit eligibility. Research is required to determine the appropriate next steps. Reprocessing BAS events may be required.
- Multi Job Elig - If populated, the Multi Job Eligibility Changed Date indicates that changes to the employee’s Job Data record(s)occurred since the BAS event was scheduled that could impact the employee’s benefit eligibility, for example a job hire or job termination. Research is required to determine the appropriate next steps. Reprocessing BAS events may be required.
- Event Changed – If Y, means that the BAS event is Out of Sequence. Out of Sequence means that BAS event is out of sequence due to another BAS event inserting or processing out of sequence. The BAS event and other BAS events may require reprocessing, which may change the employee’s benefits. Research is required to determine the appropriate next steps.
- Disconnect Date – If populated, this is the date that the BAS event became disconnected.
- Changed Date – If populated, this is the date that the BAS event went Out of Sequence. This date is populated when Event Changed equals Y. Out of Sequence means that BAS event is out of sequence due to another BAS event inserting or processing out of sequence. The BAS event and other BAS events may require reprocessing, which may change the employee’s benefits. Research is required to determine the appropriate next steps.
- Final/Dflt – Y means the Finalize/Apply default check box is enabled. N means the Finalize/Apply default check box is not enabled.
- OptNotDt – If populated, this is the date that the employee first viewed the BAS event in eBenefits ESS.
Enr Action – Indicates the action taken for a plan type.
- E means Enroll, N means None and T means Terminate. Note that E is used when a plan type is Waived. The value in Enr Action and Covg Elec work together.
Covg Elec - Indicates the end result for a plan type.
- E means Elect (or continue election) in the benefit plan, W means Waive (cancel) the benefit plan and T means Terminate the benefit plan. The value in Enr Action and Covg Elec work together.
- Cov Bgn – If populated, shows the date the plan type coverage begins or ends, based on the Enroll Action and Coverage Elect values on the row.
- Ded Begin – If populated, shows the date the plan type deduction begins or ends, based on the Enroll Action and Coverage Elect values on the row.
Elect Src –
- W stands for Web and means the enrollment came through eBenefits ESS. O stands for Online and means the enrollment came through Perform Election Entry or On Demand Event Maintenance. N stands for None Entered means no enrollment or changes were entered and the BAS event was finalized with no enrollments entered. N is a common value on Open Enrollment (OE) BAS events when the employee hasn’t submitted any benefit changes.
- Elect Dt – The date that the employee first submitted his/her benefit elections in eBenefits ESS. If there’s no date, the BAS event was processed via the Perform Election Entry page or the On Demand Event Maintenance page and not submitted via eBenefits ESS.
- Audit Oper ID – The PeopleSoft User ID who processed the change in Ben Admin. The Audit Oper ID of CSU_SCHEDUCSU means the nightly batch process (CSUBAS) processed the change. The Audit Oper ID of !NoOper means the change was due to a SQL insert.
- Audit Stamp – The date and time the row processed in PeopleSoft.
- Audit Action – Indicates if the audit action is a Change - New Value, Change - Old Values, Delete or Add.
- Sort Date/Time – This column is used to sort the audit data so the most recently added row appears at the top of the list.
Use the CSU_BAS_HEALTH_BENPLAN_HISTORY query to see the health benefit plan transactions that have been inserted into the Health Benefits page in the Base Benefits module. Health benefit transactions that appear on the Health Benefits page are for Plan Types 10, 11, 14, 1Y and 1Z. Plan Type 10 is Medical, 11 is Dental, 14 is Vision, 1Y is Dental Flex Cash, 1Z is Medical Flex Cash.
For example, in the CSU_BAS_HEALTH_BENPLAN_HISTORY query you can see what benefit elections were added to the Health Benefits page, and due to reprocessing or voiding of BAS events, what benefit elections were deleted from the Health Benefits page. The Audit OperID and the Audit Stamp in the audit query tells you who did the processing and when the action occurred. This information can be helpful when determining why an employee’s benefit plan enrollment was not included on a Benefits interface. Use the CSU_BAS_BB_DEPND_HISTORY query to see what dependents were added or deleted from the Health Benefits page and by whom and when.
Rows are inserted in the audit table when an add, delete or change occurs on the Health Benefits page, including any reprocessing done in the Ben Admin module that results in additions and deletions on the Health Benefits page.
This query can be found on the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile under the Queries section, and also on Query Manager and Query Viewer. Access to these items is based on your PeopleSoft security definition. To access the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile in CHRS, click on the Home Landing page drop down arrow and then select CSU Administrator Home.

- To access Query Manager or Query Viewer, click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Reporting Tools > Query.

To run the query, enter the PeopleSoft Employee ID and the Health Benefits Plan Type of 10, 11, 14, 1Y or 1Z. Plan Type 10 is Medical, 11 is Dental, 14 is Vision, 1Y is Dental Flex Cash, 1Z is Medical Flex Cash.

Step 1: Click on the View Results button. If the ‘No matching values were found’ message appears, no values were found in the audit table for the employee, which means that the employee is either not enrolled in Health Benefits and/or does not have a benefits transaction that wrote to the audit table.

Step 2: See the following example query output. Note that you can also download the query results to an Excel Spreadsheet and also a CSV Text File in addition to viewing online. Do not attempt to download the query results to an XML File.
- Empl ID – The PeopleSoft employee ID.
- Plan Type – Indicates the benefit Plan Type. 10 is Medical, 11 is Dental, 14 is Vision, 1Y is Dental Flex Cash and 1Z is Medical Flex Cash.
- Name – The employee’s primary name.
- Deduction Begin Date – Shows the date the plan type deduction begins or ends, based on the Coverage Elect values on the row.
- Coverage Election - Indicates the end result for a plan type. E means Elect (or continue election), W means Waive and T means Terminate.
- Coverage Code - 1 for Employee Only,2 for Employee + Dependent, and 3 for Employee + Dependents.
- Coverage Begin Date – Shows the date the plan type coverage begins or ends, based on the Coverage Elect values on the row.
- Coverage Elect Date – Shows the date the coverage was elected and processed via the Ben Admin module or the Base Benefits module if manually inserted.
- Benefit Plan – The Benefit Plan code.
- Audit Operid – The PeopleSoft User ID who processed the change in Ben Admin. The Audit Oper ID of CSU_SCHEDUCSU means the nightly batch process (CSUBAS) processed the change. The Audit Oper ID of !NoOper means the change was due to a SQL insert.
- Audit Stamp – The date and time the transaction processed in PeopleSoft.
- Audit Action – Indicates if the audit action is a Change - New Value, Change - Old Values, Delete or Add.
- Sort Date/Time – This column is used to sort the audit data so the most recently added row appears at the top of the list.
Use the CSU_BAS_LIFE_BENPLAN_HISTORY query to see the Life and AD/D benefit plan transactions that have been inserted into the Life and AD/D page in the Base Benefits module. Life and AD/D transactions that appear on the Life and AD/D page are for Plan Type 20 and 23.
For example, in the CSU_BAS_LIFE_BENPLAN_HISTORY query you can see what benefit elections were added to the Life and AD/D page, and due to reprocessing or voiding of BAS events, what benefit elections were deleted from the Life and AD/D page. The Audit OperID and the Audit Stamp in the audit query tells you who processed the transaction and when the action occurred.
Rows are inserted in the audit table when an add, delete or change occurs on the Life and AD/D page, including any reprocessing done in the Ben Admin module that results in additions and deletions on the Life and AD/D page.
This query can be found on the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile under the Queries section, and also on Query Manager and Query Viewer. Access to these items is based on your PeopleSoft security definition. To access the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile in CHRS, click on the Home Landing page drop down arrow and then select CSU Administrator Home.
To access Query Manager or Query Viewer, click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Reporting Tools > Query.

To run the query, enter the PeopleSoft Employee ID and the Life and AD/D Plan Type of 20 or 23.

Step 1: Click on the View Results button. If the ‘No matching values were found’ message appears, no values were found in the audit table for the employee, which means that the employee is either not enrolled in Life and AD/D and/or did not have a benefits transaction that wrote to the audit table.

Step 2: See the following example query output. Note that you can also download the query results to an Excel Spreadsheet and also a CSV Text File in addition to viewing online. Do not attempt to download the query results to an XML File.
- Empl ID – The PeopleSoft employee ID.
- Plan Type – Indicates the benefit Plan Type. 20 and 23 is Life and AD/D.
- Name – The employee’s primary name.
- Coverage Election - Indicates the end result for a plan type. E means Elect (or continue election), W means Waive and T means Terminate.
- Coverage Begin Date – Shows the date the plan type coverage begins or ends, based on the Coverage Elect values on the row.
- Deduction Begin Date – Shows the date the plan type deduction begins or ends, based on the Coverage Elect values on the row.
- Coverage Elect Date – Shows the date the coverage was elected and processed via the Ben Admin module or the Base Benefits module if manually inserted.
- Benefit Plan – The Benefit Plan code.
- Audit Operid – The PeopleSoft User ID who processed the change in Ben Admin. The Audit Oper ID of CSU_SCHEDUCSU means the nightly batch process (CSUBAS) processed the change. The Audit Oper ID of !NoOper means the change was due to a SQL insert.
- Audit Stamp – The date and time the transaction processed in PeopleSoft.
- Audit Action – Indicates if the audit action is a Change - New Value, Change - Old Values, Delete or Add.
- Sort Date/Time – This column is used to sort the audit data so the most recently added row appears at the top of the list.
Use the CSU_BAS_DISABILITY_BENPLAN_HISTORY query to see the Long Term Disability benefit plan transactions that have been inserted into the Disability page in the Base Benefits module. Disability transactions that appear on the Disability page are for Plan Type 31.
For example, in the CSU_BAS_DISABILITY_BENPLAN_HISTORY query you can see what benefit elections were added to the Disability page, and due to reprocessing or voiding of BAS events, what benefit elections were deleted from the Disability page. The Audit OperID and the Audit Stamp in the audit query tells you who processed the transaction and when the action occurred.
Rows are inserted in the audit table when an add, delete or change occurs on the Disability page, including any reprocessing done in the Ben Admin module that results in additions and deletions on the Disability page.
This query can be found on the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile under the Queries section, and also on Query Manager and Query Viewer. Access to these items is based on your PeopleSoft security definition. To access the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile in CHRS, click on the Home Landing page drop down arrow and then select CSU Administrator Home.
To access Query Manager or Query Viewer, click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Reporting Tools > Query.

To run the query, enter the PeopleSoft Employee ID and the Life and AD/D Plan Type of 31.

Step 1: Click on the View Results button. If the ‘No matching values were found’ message appears, no values were found in the audit table for the employee, which means that the employee is either not enrolled in Disability and/or did not have a benefits transaction that wrote to the audit table.

Step 2: See the following example query output. Note that you can also download the query results to an Excel Spreadsheet and also a CSV Text File in addition to viewing online. Do not attempt to download the query results to an XML File.
- Empl ID – The PeopleSoft employee ID.
- Plan Type – Indicates the benefit Plan Type. 31 is Long Term Disability (LTD).
- Deduction Begin Date – Shows the date the plan type deduction begins or ends, based on the Coverage Elect values on the row.
- Coverage Election - Indicates the end result for a plan type. E means Elect (or continue election), W means Waive and T means Terminate.
- Coverage Begin Date – Shows the date the plan type coverage begins or ends, based on the Coverage Elect values on the row.
- Coverage Election Date – Shows the date the coverage was elected and processed via the Ben Admin module or the Base Benefits module if manually inserted.
- Benefit Plan – The Benefit Plan code.
- Audit Operid – The PeopleSoft User ID who processed the change in Ben Admin. The Audit Oper ID of CSU_SCHEDUCSU means the nightly batch process (CSUBAS) processed the change. The Audit Oper ID of !NoOper means the change was due to a SQL insert.
- Audit Stamp – The date and time the transaction processed in PeopleSoft.
- Audit Action – Indicates if the audit action is a Change - New Value, Change - Old Values, Delete or Add.
- Sort Date/Time – This column is used to sort the audit data so the most recently added row appears at the top of the list.
Use the CSU_BAS_HCRADCRA_HISTORY query to see the Healthcare Reimbursement (HCRA) and Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA) benefit plan transactions that have been inserted into the Spending Accounts page in the Base Benefits module. Transactions that appear on the Spending Accounts page are for Plan Types 60 (HCRA) and 61 (DCRA).
For example, in the CSU_BAS_HCRADCRA_HISTORY query you can see what benefit elections were added to the Spending Accounts page, and due to reprocessing or voiding of BAS events, what benefit elections were deleted from the Spending Accounts page. The Audit OperID and the Audit Stamp in the audit query tells you who processed the transaction and when the action occurred.
Rows are inserted in the audit table when an add, delete or change occurs on the Spending Accounts page, including any reprocessing done in the Ben Admin module that results in additions and deletions on the Spending Accounts page.
This query can be found on the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile under the Queries section, and also on Query Manager and Query Viewer. Access to these items is based on your PeopleSoft security definition. To access the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile in CHRS, click on the Home Landing page drop down arrow and then select CSU Administrator Home.
To access Query Manager or Query Viewer, click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Reporting Tools > Query.

To run the query, enter the PeopleSoft Employee ID and the FSA Accounts Plan Type of 60 for HCRA or 61 for DCRA.

Step 1: Click on the View Results button. If the ‘No matching values were found’ message appears, no values were found in the audit table for the employee, which means that the employee is either not enrolled in Spending Accounts and/or did not have a benefits transaction that wrote to the audit table.

Step 2: See the example query output below. Note that you can also download the query results to an Excel Spreadsheet and also a CSV Text File in addition to viewing online. Do not attempt to download the query results to an XML File.
- Empl ID – The PeopleSoft employee ID.
- Plan Type – Indicates the benefit Plan Type. 60 is HCRA and 61 is DCRA.
- Name – The employee’s primary name.
- Dependent/Beneficiary ID – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Dependent Name - This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Coverage Election - Indicates the end result for a plan type. E means Elect (or continue election), W means Waive and T means Terminate.
- Coverage Begin Date – Shows the date the plan type coverage begins or ends, based on the Coverage Elect values on the row.
- Deduction Begin Date – Shows the date the plan type deduction begins or ends, based on the Coverage Elect values on the row.
- Coverage Elect Date – Shows the date the coverage was elected and processed via the Ben Admin module or the Base Benefits module if manually inserted.
- Benefit Plan – The Benefit Plan code.
- Audit Operid – The PeopleSoft User ID who processed the change in Ben Admin. The Audit Oper ID of CSU_SCHEDUCSU means the nightly batch process (CSUBAS) processed the change. The Audit Oper ID of !NoOper means the change was due to a SQL insert.
- Audit Stamp – The date and time the transaction processed in PeopleSoft.
- Audit Action – Indicates if the audit action is a Change - New Value, Change - Old Values, Delete or Add.
- Sort Date/Time – This column is used to sort the audit data so the most recently added row appears at the top of the list.
Use the CSU_BAS_BA_DEPND_HISTORY query to see dependent changes on benefit plan transactions that have occurred in the Benefits Administration module.
Rows are inserted in the audit table when a dependent change (add, delete or change) occurs in the Ben Admin module.
This query can be found on the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile under the Queries section, and also on Query Manager and Query Viewer. Access to these items is based on your PeopleSoft security definition. To access the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile in CHRS, click on the Home Landing page drop down arrow and then select CSU Administrator Home.
To access Query Manager or Query Viewer, click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Reporting Tools > Query.

To run the query, enter the applicable Schedule ID, the PeopleSoft Employee ID and the Event ID for the applicable BAS event.

- If you do not have the Event ID, click on the NavBar Icon

then go to Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Event Status. Enter the employee ID and locate the Event ID for the applicable BAS event. See the example below showing the Event ID of 5.
Step 1: Click on the View Results button. If the ‘No matching values were found’ message appears, no values were found in the audit table for the employee, which means that the employee does not have any dependents and/or did not have a benefits transaction that wrote to the audit table.

Step 2: See the following example query output. Note that you can also download the query results to an Excel Spreadsheet and also a CSV Text File in addition to viewing online. Do not attempt to download the query results to an XML File.
- Schedule ID – The BAS Schedule ID tied to the BAS event.
- Empl ID – The PeopleSoft employee ID.
- Ben Record – The Benefit Record Number. In CHRS, this is always 0.
- Event ID – The BAS event ID.
Plan Type – Indicates the benefit Plan Type that the dependents are associated with.
- 10 is Medical, 11 is Dental, 14 is Vision, 1Y is Dental Flex Cash, 1Z is Medical Flex Cash, 20 and 23 is Life and AD/D, 31 is Long Term Disability, 60 is Healthcare Reimbursement Account (HCRA) and 61 is Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA).
- Dep/Ben – The dependent/beneficiary ID.
- Ben Program – The employee’s benefit program.
- Event Date – The BAS event date. This date can be the original event date or the event date updated by the nightly submission date process that runs in CSUBAS.
- DispPlnSeq – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Enroll Action – Indicates the action taken for a plan type. E means Enroll, N means None and T means Terminate. Note that E is used when a plan type is Waived.
- BAS Error Type – Y means there was an error or warning message on the transaction. N means there wasn’t an error or warning message on the transaction.
- Pct Paid – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Flat Amt – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Excess – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Contingent – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Provider ID – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Prev Seen – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Other Insur? – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Other Insur Name – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Audit Operid – The PeopleSoft User ID who processed the change in Ben Admin. The Audit Oper ID of CSU_SCHEDUCSU means the nightly batch process (CSUBAS) processed the change. The Audit Oper ID of !NoOper means the change was due to a SQL insert.
- Audit Stamp – The date and time the transaction processed in PeopleSoft.
- Audit Action – Indicates if the audit action is a Change - New Value, Change - Old Values, Delete or Add.
- Sort Date/Time – This column is used to sort the audit data so the most recently added row appears at the top of the list.
Use the CSU_BAS_BB_DEPND_HISTORY query to see dependent changes on benefit plan transactions that have occurred in the Base Benefits module.
Rows are inserted in the audit table when a dependent change (add, delete or change) occurs in the Base Benefits module.
This query can be found on the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile under the Queries section, and also on Query Manager and Query Viewer. Access to these items is based on your PeopleSoft security definition. To access the CSU Benefits Administrator Tile in CHRS, click on the Home Landing page drop down arrow and then select CSU Administrator Home.
To access Query Manager or Query Viewer, click on the NavBar Icon
- Menu > Reporting Tools > Query.

To run the query, enter the PeopleSoft Employee.

Step 1: Click on the View Results button. If the ‘No matching values were found’ message appears, no values were found in the audit table for the employee, which means that the employee does not have any dependents and/or did not have a benefits transaction that wrote to the audit table.

Step 2: See the following example query output. Note that you can also download the query results to an Excel Spreadsheet and also a CSV Text File in addition to viewing online. Do not attempt to download the query results to an XML File.
- Empl ID – The PeopleSoft employee ID.
- Empl Record – The job employment record associated with the transaction.
- CBR Evt ID – This is the COBRA Event ID.
Plan Typ – Indicates the benefit Plan Type that the dependents are associated with.
- 10 is Medical, 11 is Dental, 14 is Vision, 1Y is Dental Flex Cash, 1Z is Medical Flex Cash, 20 and 23 is Life and AD/D, 31 is Long Term Disability, 60 is Healthcare Reimbursement Account (HCRA) and 61 is Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA).
- (Always = 0) – This is the Benefit Record Number. This number equals 0 in CHRS.
- Eff Date – The effective date of the dependent update.
- Dep/Benef – The dependent/beneficiary ID.
- Provider ID – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Prev Seen – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Other Insur? – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Other Insur Name – This field is not used at this time at CSU. Ignore this field.
- Audit Operid – The PeopleSoft User ID who processed the change in Ben Admin. The Audit Oper ID of CSU_SCHEDUCSU means the nightly batch process (CSUBAS) processed the change. The Audit Oper ID of !NoOper means the change was due to a SQL insert.
- Audit Stamp – The date and time the transaction processed in PeopleSoft.
- Audit Action – Indicates if the audit action is a Change - New Value, Change - Old Values, Delete or Add.
- Sort Date/Time – This column is used to sort the audit data so the most recently added row appears at the top of the list.
End of Article
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