This job aid shows Benefits Officers how to address out-of-state ZIP code errors where the ZIP code is missing from the PSR Cross Reference Table.
- Currently, when a retiree moves to another state, if the effective date of change of address occurred while the employee is Active, errors occur.
- Out-of-state ZIP code errors can show up in CSUBAS nightly process reports, on the PSR Interface, or during manual BAS Event processing on the On-Demand Event Maintenance page.
- The BAS Event cannot be processed until the error is addressed.
- Benefits Officers need to open a ServiceNow ticket to add the employee’s new ZIP code to the PSR Cross Reference Table to process the BAS event.
Open A CMS Ticket
Step 1: Navigate to Service-Now (authentication through SSO required)
Step 2: Click ALL to expand the menu, select Create New, a new ticket form will open

Step 3: Complete the form:
- Severity: Individual
- Urgency: High
- Type: Request
- Category: CMS-CHRS
- Sub-category: Benefits

Step 4: Complete the Short Description and Description fields; explain briefly what you need to be completed by CMS.

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