This job aid shows Benefits Officers how to review daily CSUBASOE logs.
- CSUBASOE is a job that processes open enrollment changes.
- CSUBASOE runs nightly during the open enrollment period.
- During open the enrollment period you must review CSUBASOE logs in addition to all the daily CSUBAS logs, reports and queries that you normally review.
Learn more about CHRS Benefits Open Enrollment:
Learn more about other daily CHRS queries, logs, and reports:
Review the CSUBASOE Processes
Step 1: Navigate to Process Manager.
- Menu > PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Process Monitor
Step 2: Enter the search criteria:
- Process name: CSUBASOE

Step 3: Add the number of days to collect logs for.
- After a weekend or holiday, set this field to include all of the missing days.

Step 4: Click Refresh

Step 5: Click the instance of: CSUBASOE

Step 6: Click the node to expand the BASOE instance for your campus.
- Each campus instance of BASOE is identified by the campus two-letter suffix. For example, BASOE-FL is the run for Fullerton.
- Make sure to click the expand node icon, and not the process itself.

Step 7: Click the node to expand the BASOE instance.

Step 8: Ensure all processes ran successfully.
- Each process must be followed by a Success message. If any process shows Error or Abend:
- Review the log files for the process that failed.
- Fix the issue that caused the process failure.
- Open a Service Now support ticket so they can restart the job. The assignment group will be CMS operations.

Obtain BASOE Process IDs in Process Monitor
BASOE logs are not available directly from the Process Monitor. Use this procedure to get the process IDs for the BASOE logs. You need these process IDs to find the logs in Report Manager. You are viewing the Process Detail from the previous procedure.
Step 1: Highlight the text for the process list for your campus.
- Click just before the text and drag to after the text that you want to capture. Do not click directly on the links.

Step 2: Right-click the highlighted text and then select Copy.
- Optionally: Press CTRL+C to copy text. ,
Step 3: Open a text editor. , Examples: Notepad, Notepad++.
Step 4: Paste the text into the text editor

Step 5: In CHRS, click Return to go back to the process list.

Step 6: Keep your text file open. , Keep the file with the process IDs available while you review the BASOE log files in Report Manager.
Review BASOE Log files in Report Manager
Log files in Report Manager are secured by campus. This is why you open BASOE logs in Report Manager instead of Report Monitor. Use the text file that you created in the previous procedure to look up the process IDs in Report Manager.
Step 1: Navigate to Report Manager.
- Menu > Reporting Tools > Report Manager
Step 2: Enter the process ID for one of the following processes that you obtained from the prior procedure.
- In this example, you are going to view the log for PSPBARUN. The process ID that you copied is 51537. Search for this Process ID to view the log files for this process. Tip: Although you can search for a range of processes, the CSUBAS processes do not always run in an uninterrupted sequence. Search for each process individually to ensure that you are getting precisely the process that you need to review.

Step 3: Click Refresh.

Step 4: Click the report to open the logs.
- The file list opens.

Step 5: Click the file to view the log file.
- Review all the files in the list.
- LOG and TXT files open in a new browser tab. When you finish reviewing them, close the browser tab.
- CSV files are downloaded. After you review the files, close them.
- If there are any errors or issues, you must resolve them.
- For information about the processes, see: Appendix: CSUBASOE Processes

Step 6: Click Return to go back to the Report Manager.

- Review reports for every day, including those generated on weekends and holidays.
- Use the On Demand Event Maintenance to manually audit all electronically submitted OE BAS events.
- Reach out to the employee if enrollment errors are found and request that the employee resolve the enrollment error online in Full eBenefits Self Service.
- Do not use the On Demand Event Maintenance to enter data or to manually finalize electronically submitted OE BAS events during the open enrollment period. Let CSUBASOE process and finalize electronically submitted OE BAS events during the open enrollment period.
Appendix: CSUBASOE Processes
The table lists CSUBASOE processes, explanations, and actions to take.
Process Name |
Process Description |
Process Explanation |
Campus Action to Take |
Mod # |
Del Orphan Perm Events | This process deletes orphaned permitting event codes for the applicable schedule ID being run. It must run towards the end of the scheduled job set, and also at the beginning of the scheduled job set. | Review the process job log to see the orphaned permitting event codes deleted. If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BB99001 - GRP 74 |
CSUBA01A | CSU Ben Admin Batch Processing | This process sets the run control ID for some of the CSUBASOE processes for the applicable schedule ID being run, such as the CSU_PERM_INS process. | If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process job log to see if there are any errors that require resolution. | BA05004 - GRP 53 |
CSU_BGRP_BTC | BAS Group ID Assignment | This process assigns a select employee population using the BAS Group ID code for the applicable schedule ID being run. Only employees with the specified BAS Group ID code receive an OE BAS event. See the CSU BAS GROUP ID Configuration table in Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup for configuration questions. CSU BAS GROUP ID Assignment is a required campus defined Benefit configuration table. | Review the process job log to see the employee population that receive the BAS Group ID assignment. If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BA21004 – CC1076 |
CSUOEREETAS | CSU OE RE and ET Assignment | This process sets the OE event Process_Status to RE (re-enter) for the applicable schedule ID being run after the employee submits their OE enrollments to prevent the OE BAS event from finalizing and to allow the employee time to submit supporting documents and for the campus Benefits Officer to review and approve the supporting documents. This process also sets the OE event Process_Status to ET once the campus Benefits Officer enables the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox in the Update Event Status page after approving the employee’s supporting documentation so the OE BAS event will finalize. | Review the process job log to see the employee population that submitted their OE enrollments (Process_Status set to RE) and employees who have had their OE enrollments finalized (Process_Status set to ET). If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BA21005 - CC1125 |
CSU_BASRUNUP | Update Ben Admin RC New Partic | This process enables the Schedule New Participants flag for the next PSPBARUN so new hires, transfers and newly benefit-eligible employees with the applicable OE BAS Group ID for the applicable schedule ID being run receive an OE BAS event. | If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BA21005 - CC1125 |
PSPBARUN | Benefits Administration | The delivered Benefits Administration process that determines the employee’s benefit program, benefit eligibility and prepares/finalizes the employee’s OE benefit options. | If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | N/A |
CSU_PERM_INS | Insert Health/FSA Perm Events | This process inserts the applicable configured OE BAS event permitting event codes for finalized OE BAS events for the applicable schedule ID being run. See the CSU Automated Perm Event Add configuration table in Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup to review the configuration or refer to the Appendix in this document. | Review the process job log to see the permitting event codes inserted for finalized OE BAS events. If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BB99001 - GRP 74 |
CSUBASSCHED | Recreate BAS Daily Run Control | This process recreates the applicable OE Schedule ID PSPBARUN run control for each CHRS campus in CSUBASOE. See the CSU BAS Recurring Run Controls configuration table in Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup to review the configuration. | If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BA21003 - INC0395071 |
CSU_BAS_ACTP | CSU Delete Activity Guide | This process deletes OE activity guides for finalized OE BAS events, voided OE BAS events, and also lists employees missing their OE electronic signature. See the CSU Delete Activity Guide Conf and CSU Delete Activity Guide Evnt configuration tables in Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU Benefits Setup to review the configuration. | Review the process job log to see the finalized OE activity guides that have been deleted and employees who are missing their OE electronic signature. Follow up with employees who are missing their OE electronic signature. This process also deletes activity guides for voided OE BAS events, and also deletes the voided OE BAS event. If the process does not complete to ‘Success’ status, review the process log to see if there are errors that require resolution. | BA21006 – CC1077 and CC1084 |
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