This job aid shows Benefits Officers how to enter Permitting Event Codes for terminated non-CalPERS employees.
CHRS does not currently enter permitting event codes for non-CalPERS employee terminations.
You must enter these Permitting Event Codes manually.
Procedure name
Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.

Step 2: Navigate to the Health Benefits page.
- Review Employee Benefits > Health Benefits
Step 3: Enter employee search criteria.

Step 4: Click Search.
- If the search returns only one entry, the Health Benefit Elections page opens, otherwise, select the row to open the page.

Step 5: Click Include History. ,

Step 6: Navigate to the Medical Plan Type.
- In the Plan Type section, use the left and right arrows to select the Medical Plan Type.

Step 7: Navigate to the termination row.
- In the Coverage section, use the left and right arrows to select the Termination row.

Step 8: Click the CSU Hlth Perm Evnt tab. ,

Step 9: Enter the Permitting Event code:
- Code 515.
- Event Date.
- Event date: Use the Coverage Begin Date.
- HBO Rec’d Date.
- HBO Rec’d Date: Use the date on which you are entering the transaction.

Step 10: Click Save.

End of Article
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