Update Benefits Administration (BAS) Event Statuses and Indicators
Update BAS Event statuses and indicators on the Update Event Status page or on the Update Processing
Controls page. You must update BAS Event statuses and indicators in order to reprocess and void BAS
Events, and when resolving BAS Event issues and errors. This job aid includes examples depicting the Update Event Status page. The information in this job aid is applicable to both the Update Event Status page and the Update Processing Controls page.
Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Event Status

Click on the NavBar Icon , then click on Menu > Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Update Processing Controls
Process Status
Process Status conveys where the BAS Event is with regard to Benefits Administration (Ben Admin) processing. The Process Status is assigned to the BAS Event when the BAS Event leaves the ‘Ben Admin queue’ (the Review BAS Activity component). Process statuses of AN, AE, PE, EE and FA generally mean that the BAS Event is in error and requires manual intervention to resolve.
Process Status Code | Process Status Description |
AN | The employee and this benefit record number are not eligible for any benefit program. This could indicate an error in Ben Admin eligibility rules configuration. This can also be a result of incorrect data entry. The Ben Admin process takes BAS Events with this status to the FA status the next time the delivered Ben Admin process evaluates this event if no changes are made to the BAS Event. Most organizations configure Ben Admin so this status does not occur. One reason this issue could occur is that a benefit program is missing from an Open Enrollment (OE) or Snapshot definition. This situation needs to be resolved. |
AE | This status indicates an error in Ben Admin eligibility rules configuration and occurs when Ben Admin finds the employee eligible for more than one benefit program. The employee should only be eligible for one benefit program. This situation needs to be resolved. |
Process Status Code | Process Status Description |
AS | Assign - A BAS Event stops processing when there is another BAS Event open and in process, or if there is another BAS Event with a higher processing priority for the same event date. Only one BAS Event can be open for Ben Admin processing at a time. Ben Admin temporarily sets the BAS Event status to Closed (this is known as a soft-close) and assigns the process status of AS, and then re-opens the BAS Event when the higher priority BAS Event(s) have finalized and closed. |
PE | Prepare Error - This status indicates Ben Admin encountered a problem preparing the employee’s benefit options and costs. Example errors could be an invalid Benefit Rate Table ID, a missing birthdate for the employee, or the employee’s gender is set at Unknown instead of Male or Female. The error must be corrected for the BAS Event to continue Ben Admin processing. |
PR | Prepared - The BAS Event is ready for enrollments and/or dis-enrollments. The employee can make benefit elections online (if the BAS Event is configured for eBenefits Employee Self Service entry) if the BAS Event is open. Intervention is required before the BAS Event can continue with Ben Admin processing; either elections must be entered or the BAS Event must be marked for force-finalization (if force-finalized, elections default per the BAS Event configuration). eBenefits ESS events in a PR status are closed by the system with the time limit expires. |
NT | Notified - This status indicates that the delivered BAS Enrollment form was generated (CHRS does not use the delivered BAS enrollment form so this is not applicable), or that the employee logged into eBenefits Employee Self Service and viewed all or some of their benefit election options online for the BAS Event, and might have entered some elections, but they did not submit their elections or changes for processing. |
EE | Election Error - This status indicates that there are errors with the benefit elections. Run the BAS003 report or review the BAS processing messages online for the schedule and employee to see the errors or review the errors via the On Demand Event Maintenance (ODEM) page. Errors must be resolved for Ben Admin processing to continue. Alternatively, you can force-finalize the BAS Event to finalize with errors. When force-finalized, the system loads the default values for the employee's erroneous benefit option elections. If a dependent is in error, the system loads the employee's option choice but does not load the dependent choice. A common result by forcefinalizing when a dependent is in error is that an employee is enrolled in a non-applicable coverage code (for example, Employee + Dependent instead of Employee Only). |
ET |
Entered - This status indicates that elections have been entered into the system. If you run the Benefits Admin batch process (PSPBARUN) with the process status at ET, BAS Events are generally brought to the FE status (Finalized Enrolled), and the system goes through the normal validation and load procedure for all elections to the Base Benefit tables. If any of the employee's choices are invalid, event rules determine whether current elections or defaults should be loaded or terminated. |
Process Status Code | Process Status Description |
RE |
Re-entered - This status indicates that a BAS Event that was previously finalized or entered has been reprocessed back to the Re-entered status to allow for re-entry of elections. It is also the status set by the custom CSU_BA_EVT_DT submission date process that runs nightly in CSUBASDL for submitted eBenefits ESS event classes to allow time for supporting document review and data entry audits before marking as ready to finalize. Processing back to the RE status preserves the employee’s elections in Ben Admin but does roll-back (delete) the elections from the Base Benefit tables. |
FE |
Finalized Enrolled - This COULD be a desired end status. This status means that Benefits Administration processing is complete for the BAS Event and that all elections have been validated and loaded to the appropriate Base Benefits and Payroll tables if using benefits credits (Cal State is not using benefits credits at this time). Events reach this status from a process status of ET, EE or PR, or if you force-finalize an employee. If the employee came from a process status of PR due to a loss of all eligibility, the system inserts a termination row for each of the employee's current elections. To change an employee's elections after they finalize (for example, an employee wants to correct information based on data reviewed on the confirmation statement), reprocess the employee’s BAS Event by giving the associated event a process status of RE (re-entered) in the Update Event Status page and rerunning the Benefits Administration process via ODEM. Note that the RE status could also allow the employee to possibly gain access to their elections for the BAS Event via eBenefits Employee Self Service (ESS) if the BAS Event is configured for ESS access and it is within the BAS event processing time limit. Before reprocessing an eBenefits ESS event, check the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet to make sure that you can reprocess the ESS event. |
FP | Finalized Prep None - This COULD be a desired end status. A BAS Event moves to a Prep None status when there are no changes to the employee’s eligibility and/or benefit options for the BAS Event. This means that the employee was not eligible for anything new or any benefit changes. |
FA | Finalized Benefit Program None - A BAS Event that was previously at AN status moves to FA status the next time the Ben Admin process evaluates the event. |
Event Status
Event Status indicates that a BAS Event is open, closed, voided or disconnected. The Ben Admin process handles open BAS Events. The Ben Admin process ignores (does not process) closed, voided and disconnected BAS Events. The Event Status is assigned to the BAS Event when the BAS Event leaves the Ben Admin queue (the Review BAS Activity component).
Event Status Code | Event Status Description |
O | Open for Processing – The BAS Event is open and ready for processing. |
C | Closed to Processing – The BAS Event is closed and ignored by delivered Ben Admin processing. If this field is grayed out, it means that you cannot reprocess the event and that the BAS Event is generally disconnected. |
V | Void – The BAS Event is voided and ignored by delivered Ben Admin processing. |
D | Disconnected from Job Record – This means information that the Ben Admin system uses to track and/or process the BAS Event was deleted at some point after the BAS Event was created. (For example, a Job Data row was deleted or the Job Data row effective date was changed; an address was deleted or an address effective date was changed; a union code was deleted or a union code effective date was changed). When a BAS Event is disconnected, it can no longer be processed by the Ben Admin system, except in most cases to be voided. |
Process Indicator
Process Indicator tells the system the level to which you want the system to process or reprocess the specific BAS Event on the next delivered Benefits Administration run (whether it is via Ben Admin Batch run or via the ODEM page). The Process Indicator is assigned to the BAS Event when the BAS Event leaves the Ben Admin queue (the Review BAS Activity page).
Process Indicator Code | Process Indicator Description | ||
N | Normal Processing – This is the normal process indicator for most BAS Events. | ||
A |
Assign Benefit Program – If the process indicator is set to A, the Ben Admin process re-determines everything for the BAS Event. Elections/dis-enrollments are rolled back from the Base Benefit tables and are not retained in the BAS_PARTIC tables (Ben Admin tables). For ESS BAS events, the date that the employee submitted his/her elections/changes on line is deleted (Election Received Date). Before reprocessing an eBenefits ESS event, check the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet to make sure that you can reprocess the ESS event. |
P |
Prepare Options – Elections/dis-enrollments are rolled back from the Base Benefit tables and the Ben Admin process re-determines everything for the BAS Event. Previous elections are not retained in the BAS_PARTIC tables (Ben Admin tables). For ESS BAS events, the date that the employee submitted his/her elections/changes on line is deleted (Election Received Date). Before reprocessing an eBenefits ESS event, check the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet to make sure that you can reprocess the ESS event. The system attempts to reprocess participants to PR status. |
R | Re-Enter – Use to correct election errors for finalized events when enrollment information has been loaded to benefit tables. The BAS Event status must be Open in order to use the R process indicator. Schedule assignment, benefit program assignment and benefit plan option eligibility is not reviewed or changed. Elections/dis-enrollments are rolled back from the Base Benefit tables and previously entered options remain in the Ben Admin tables (BAS_PARTIC tables). For ESS BAS events, the date that the employee submitted his/her elections/changes on line is preserved (Election Received Date). Before reprocessing an eBenefits ESS event, check the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet to make sure that you can reprocess the ESS event. | ||
Process Indicator Code | Process Indicator Description | ||
E | Elect Options – Elections are rolled back from the Base Benefit tables, re-validated and reloaded. Ben Admin then revalidates and loads, if there are no errors, back into the Base Benefit tables, resetting the process status to FE. Elections are retained in the BAS_PARTIC table. For ESS BAS events, the date that the employee submitted his/her elections/changes on line is preserved (Election Received Date). Before reprocessing an eBenefits ESS event, check the eBenefits OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet to make sure that you can reprocess the ESS event. | ||
V | Void – All elections are rolled back from the Base Benefit tables. The system retains prior elections for this event in the BAS_PARTIC tables for history and audit purposes. The system leaves the event at a process status of RE. There is no further processing of the BAS Event by the delivered Ben Admin process. |
Flagged Events
Selections in the Flagged Event check boxes indicate possible employee benefit eligibility changes since the applicable BAS Event was processed. Investigate the employee’s Job Data rows, home address on Modify a Person and other BAS Events to determine if there were employee benefit eligibility changes and to determine the next processing steps. Valid next steps may be to reprocess one or more BAS Events, which may systematically remove the check mark(s). Manually de-selecting the check box(es) and saving the page also removes the check mark(s), but if there is an issue the Flagged Event check boxes are populated again when the delivered Ben Admin process runs.
Refer to the Reprocessing Checklist in the Reprocessing a CHRS BAS Event document if you need to reprocess a CHRS BAS event.
Flagged Events Check Box | Flagged Events Description |
Address Eligibility Changed | This check box indicates that changes have occurred since the BAS Event was scheduled; the BAS Event may have been impacted and may need to be reprocessed. If you determine that the BAS Event does not need reprocessing, manually deselect the check box and save the page. If you reprocess the BAS Event, you may also need to manually deselect this check box. Address Eligibility issues appear on the Flagged Participants report (BAS008). |
Job Eligibility Changed | This check box indicates that changes have occurred since the BAS Event was scheduled; the BAS Event may have been impacted and may need to be reprocessed. If you determine that the BAS Event does not need reprocessing, manually deselect the check box and save the page. If you reprocess the BAS Event, you may also need to manually deselect this check box. Job Eligibility issues appear on the Flagged Participants report (BAS008). |
Multiple Job Eligibility Changed | This check box indicates that changes have occurred since the BAS Event was scheduled; the BAS Event may have been impacted and may need to be reprocessed. If you determine that the BAS Event does not need reprocessing, manually deselect the check box and save the page. If you reprocess the BAS Event, you may also need to manually deselect this check box. Multiple Job issues appear on the Flagged Participants report (BAS008). |
Event Out of Sequence | This check box indicates that changes have occurred since the BAS Event was scheduled; the BAS Event may have been impacted and may need to be reprocessed. If you determine that the BAS Event does not need reprocessing, manually deselect the check box and save the page. If you reprocess the BAS Event, you may also need to manually deselect this check box. Out of Sequence events appear on the Flagged Participants report (BAS008). |
Finalize/Apply Defaults Check Box
Select the Finalize/Apply Defaults check box to force-finalize a participant's elections and/or enroll the participant in default elections, even if the current elections are in error. BAS Events with a process status of PR, NT, ET, EE and RE can be force-finalized.
CAUTION: Do not ignore Ben Admin INFORMATIONAL WARNINGS and ERROR messages! Please read, review and resolve all errors and informational warnings.
Finalized/Apply Default Code | Finalized/Apply Default Description |
Y | If the check box is selected, manual or nightly processing force-finalizes the employee’s elections, enrolls the employee in default benefit elections, or both, even if the current elections are in error. |
N | If the check box is deselected, manual or nightly processing does not force-finalize an employee’s elections and does not enroll the employee into default benefit elections as long as the Process Status is not equal to ET (Entered). |
Event Disconnected Check Box
If the Event Disconnected check box is selected, the BAS Event has been disconnected. This means information that the system uses to track and/or process the BAS Event was deleted after the BAS Event was triggered. If an event is disconnected, it can no longer be processed by the Ben Admin system, except to be voided*. There are many ways a BAS event can become disconnected:
♦ Key fields on the HR record that previously triggered the event change. For example, if a Job Data row created the BAS event, and the Effective Date, Action and/or Action-Reason code was changed on the Job Data row in correction mode.
♦ One or more HR records needed for eligibility processing no longer exist (for example, a Job Data row, a home address row or a work location configuration row is deleted).
Disconnected BAS Events need to be analyzed one by one to determine impact on benefit processing for the employee associated with the BAS Event. If a BAS Event is disconnected after it is finalized, first try to void the event through reprocessing. Be aware that voiding the BAS Event for finalized-enrolled benefit elections may not roll back elections from the Base Benefit tables; in other words, you may not be able to void the disconnected event. If voiding the disconnected event doesn’t work, Correction mode is required to remove the finalized-enrolled benefit elections from the Base Benefit tables.
When the effective date of a particular address or Job Data row is corrected, the system simultaneously creates a new BAS event and disconnects any BAS events that were initially triggered by the address or job record change.
*Note: If a disconnected event has an Event Status of Closed and the Event Status box is grayed out, the BAS Event cannot be reprocessed. This also means that the finalized disconnected event cannot be reprocessed to a status of Void. Disconnected events appear on the Flagged Participants report (BAS008).
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