To Re-process a BAS Event, open three PeopleSoft windows and pull up the employee on CSU Benefits Summary, Job Data, and CSU Pre-Processing pages.
Reprocessing in CHRS:
- Expand the EE’s benefits on CSU Benefits Summary, click on View All and take a screen shot.
- Get familiar with the EE in Job Data... active or termed? FERP EE? Benefits eligible or not?
- Go to the On Demand Event Maintenance page for Benefit Record 0.
- Pull up the EE, then click on the Event Status Update button.
- Find the BAS event(s) to reprocess (these are the BAS events with the check marked flagged items; Address Eligibility Change, Job Eligibility Change, Out of Sequence). Be sure to reprocess in the correct order (EFFDT, Event Priority and then Event ID - see below for the processing order instructions). Start with the oldest flagged BAS event, and reprocess up to the most recent BAS event.
- Change the *Event Status to Open.
- Change *Process Indicator to ‘Re-enter’ if the Process Status is ‘Enrolled.’
- If the BAS event is HIR (New Hire), TER (Terminate) or the Process Status says ‘Prep None’ or ‘Pgm None,’ and it is not the HIR BAS event associated with a FERP hire event, you can set the *Process Indicator to ‘Assign Pgm’, change the BAS event status to 'Open', click on the OK button, and then go to step 14.
- If it is the HIR BAS event associated with a FERP hire event, set the *Process Indicator to ‘Re-enter,’ and change the BAS event status to ‘Open’ and go to step 8.
- If the BAS event is not HIR (New Hire), TER (Terminate) or the Process Status does not say ‘Prep None’ and the BAS event is not an ESS BAS event, go to step 8.
- If the BAS event is an ESS (Employee Self Service) BAS event (ADP, AD1, BIR, BI1, DCG, DC1, DLC, DL1, DIV, DI1, DRP, EGC, EG1, ELC, EL1, LTE, MAR, MA1, NEW, NW1, OE), stop, do not reprocess the BAS event, and refer to the eBenefits ESS Event Class OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet to determine your next steps. (If the ESS BAS event to reprocess has a Process Status of Finalized-Enrolled (FE), you can reprocess it back first to ‘Re-enter,’ write down all elections, and then reprocess back to ‘Assign Benefit Program (AS),’ and then re-enter elections and finalize. This bit of information is not clear on the eBenefits ESS Event Class OK to Reprocess Cheat Sheet.)
- If the BAS event is voided or disconnected, uncheck the flag. Click on OK, then click on Save. You do not need to reprocess a voided or disconnected BAS event.
- Click on the OK button.
- Click on the Reprocess button. After processing, click on the Show Plans button to see if elections were entered. If no elections were entered, change the Process Indicator from 'R' (Re-enter) to 'A' (Assign Pgm) then skip to step 14. If elections were entered, go to step 10.
- After you click on Show Plans to see plan elections (Y), write down the options that were selected, then click on the Return button, and then click on the Election Entry button to see the election details.
- Make a screen print of EE’s elections, covered dependents or write them down. Click on the Cancel button.
- Change the *Process Indicator to ‘Assign’ and click on the Reprocess button.
- Re-enter the employee’s elections and applicable covered dependents for that BAS event and then click on the OK button. Go to step 15.
- On the On Demand Event Maintenance page, click on the Reprocess button. After processing, click on OK.
- On the On Demand Event Maintenance page, select the Finalize/Apply Defaults checkbox, then click on the Validate/Finalize button.
- Once done with all reprocessing for the EE, refresh the employee’s CSU Benefits Summary page and compare it to the CSU Benefits Summary screen shot that you took at the beginning of the process. Determine if there were benefit changes, especially to mandatory benefits (Life, Vision and LTD if applicable). Also make sure that there are no remaining checked flags for the employee.
The order to reprocess BAS events is as follows:
1.Date order from the oldest BAS event to the newest BAS event (reprocess 1/1/2015 BAS event, then reprocess 2/1/2015 BAS event and then reprocess 3/1/2015 BAS event).
2.If you have multiple BAS events for the same date, process those BAS events in Event Priority order from lowest to highest (reprocess Event Priority 75, then 200, 290, 375, 900, etc.). Refer to the Event Class Cheat Sheet job aid for BAS event priority information.
3.If you have multiple BAS events for the same date and same Event Priority, process those BAS events by Event ID from lowest to highest (1, 2, 3, etc.).
Remember: If you mess up while reprocessing the employee's benefits, look at the EE and the BAS events and benefit enrollment in a 9.2 Production Support database copy. The URL is:

This document has a flowchart.
- For CHRS, see: Reprocess Flagged Events Process Flow (CHRS)
- For 9.0, see: Reprocess Flagged Events Process Flow (9.0)
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