This job aid shows Benefits staff how to find and use the CSU Employee Job Summary page.
Benefits staff often need to review employee job records to assess benefits eligibility. The CSU Employee Job Summary page provides job history information in one place.
New features
- Provides a view of Job Summary information within Benefits navigation.
- Retrieves multiple rows of job data history across CSU campuses for a single employee.
- Grid display for quick review.
- Displays critical data without unnecessary risk to data or employee privacy.
View Employee Job Summary information
Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile

Step 2: Navigate to CSU Employee Job Summary
- Review Employee Benefits > CSU Employee Job Summary
Step 3: Enter search criteria, then click Search
- The Employee CSU Employee Job Summary page opens. If the search returns multiple results, select one to open the page.

Step 4: Employee identification is at the top of the page:
- Empl ID
- Name
- Benefit Primary Empl Rcd
- Personal Data
- National ID
- Date of Birth
- Date of Death
- Marital Status
- Marital Status Date
- Gender

Step 5: Review the General tab.
- Campus
- Empl Rcd
- Eff Date
- Eff Seq
- Action
- Reason
- Action Dt
- Empl Status
- Last Start Dt
- Exp End Dt
- Term Dt,

Step 6: Review the Job Information tab.
- Campus
- Empl Rcd
- Eff Date
- Eff Seq
- DeptID
- Department
- Job Code
- Job Code Description
- Empl Class
- Pay Group
- Union
- FTE,

Step 7: Review the CSU Job tab.
- Campus
- Empl Rcd
- Eff Date
- Eff Seq
- Retire Code
- Appt Dur
- FERP Elig End
- CSU Unit,

Step 8: Review the Benefit Data tab.
- Campus
- Empl Rcd
- Eff Date
- Eff Seq
- Duration Met
- ACA Eligibility
- Ben Status
- Ben Progrm
- Ben Progrm Dt,

Step 9: Optional: Click the button to view all columns at the same time

Step 10: Optional: Click the button to download Job Information Microsoft Excel
- The information on the current tab is downloaded to your workstation with the filename ps.xls. If the page is displaying all columns, then all columns are included in the Microsoft Excel file.
- The file extension, xls, is an older format, but it can be opened with current versions of Microsoft Excel.

End of Article
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