CHRS Knowledge Base

Correct Base Benefits

Updated on


This job aid shows Benefits Officers how to delete Base Benefits when an event is disconnected.


  • A BAS Event becomes disconnected when an HR or FA employee uses correction mode in Job Data to: Change a Job Data Effective Date, Action code, or Action-Reason code or delete a Job Data row.
  • A disconnected event is a broken event that can never be processed or reprocessed by the Ben Admin system.
  • If a disconnected event exists, you need to use Correction Mode to delete the benefit directly in Base Benefit tables.

Base Benefits Tables

CSU Uses the following Base Benefit tables:

Base Benefit Table Benefits
Health Benefits
Medical, dental, vision
Life & AD/D Benefit
Life and AD and D
Disability Benefits
Long term disability
Spending Accounts

Reference:  For more information about this specific problem, see: CHRS Benefits Impacts of HR Data Entry User Guide

How to Delete the Benefit

The Base Benefits tables have the same layouts and controls 

Step 1:  Navigate to the Base Benefit table. 

  • Menu > Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > (select one from below)
    • Health Benefits
    • Life and AD/D Benefits
    • Disability Benefits
    • Spending Accounts
image of menu button

Step 2:  Search for the employee.

  1. Enter search criteria
  2. Click search button 
employee search page

Step 3:  Click on Correct History

arrow pointing to bottom right of page to correct history button

Step 4:  In the Plan Type section, use the arrow button to select the plan type that you need to select.

Example below:  Delete the vision plan (plan type 14)

example delete vision plan is selected

Step 5 Optional: If there are multiple enrollment rows in the Coverage section, use the arrow buttons to select the applicable enrollment row.

example coverage date is verified

Step 6: In the Coverage section, click the Minus button to delete the benefit. 

IMPORTANT: DO NOT click the minus button in plan type section.

example not to select the minus button on bottom right

Step 7:  Click Ok to delete selected rows from page.

  • The delete will occur when the transaction is saved.
image of ok button to delete row

IMPORTANT: A disconnected BAS event may also require further corrections with the SCO, benefit carriers and CalPERS. Determine whether you must reach out to these entities to further correct

End of Article


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