Finalize BAS Events with ODEM
This job aid shows benefits officers how to finalize Benefits Administration Service (BAS) events for employees by using the On-Demand Event Maintenance (ODEM) page.
Which procedure to use?
Use this procedure only if indicated by the flowchart.

Go to other job aids:
This job aid is a quick reference to remind you how to complete the procedures. For details and guidelines, refer to: CHRS Benefits Manual Events and Election Entry User Guide.
Before you finalize the event in ODEM, Enter Employee Benefits with ODEM.
Open the BAS Event in ODEM
Step 1: Open the CSU Benefits Administrator tile.,

Step 2: Navigate to On-Demand Event Maintenance (ODEM)
- Enroll in Benefits > On-Demand Event Maintenance
Step 3: Enter search criteria and then click Search
- If the search returns one result, the On-Demand Event Maintenance page opens. Otherwise select an employee record to continue.

Finalize the Event
Step 4: Finalize the event:
- Confirm the Status is Entered.
- Select Finalize/Apply Defaults
- Click Validate/Finalize.
- The BenAdmin process runs for this employee.
- IMPORTANT: If you edit election entries, you must supply a Permitting Event Code for each benefit change.

Step 5: Click OK to close the confirmation.

Step 6: Click Save.

Step 7: What to do after the enrollment is finalized:
End of Article
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