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Employee Review Process Guide

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CHRS Employee Review User Guide

Last Updated: January 5, 2024


Document Title: CHRS Employee Review User Guide

Author: Pat Holden

File Reference: CHRS Employee Review User Guide

Revision History

Revision Date Revised By Summary of Revisions Section(s) Revised
01/05/2024 Pat Holden Initial Document

Review / Approval History

Review Date Reviewed By Action (Reviewed, Recommended or Approved)

Process Overview

CSU developed a baseline modification in version 9.0 to allow the continued use of the Employee Review pages even though the pages were made obsolete by Oracle in anticipation of ePerformance.

The modification has been brought forward into CHRS HCM 9.2 with some enhancements and new query reports. The enhancements allow for easier search functions, the ability to import review results for all types of employees and the ability to interface from a third-party system using a file update via component interface. Several new queries were created to support the Departments ability to report and analyze the historical and current data.

The baseline modification that was brought forward has 3 online pages for the Employee Review and a separate page for the Rating Model. User will be required to complete an Excel spreadsheet (template is provided in this document and once finished with adding data, save it as a tab delimited text file. Naming convention is fl_EmplReview_20231220.txt. NOTE: the file extension for Text file is txt. The value is case sensitive and must be in lower case.

The documents listed below are supporting materials such as test plans, test scripts, and business process guides associated with this modification. Based on the complexity of the modification, support materials will vary. Support materials are also posted on the CMS SharePoint documentation page for each application.

  • None

Employee Review File

The Employee Review process is intended for campuses to update their own campus files; however, it should be conducted by someone with a good knowledge of the tables and the ability to audit via query or sql. There is also the need to FTP the text file to the campus folder so the user should have the necessary access to accomplish this.

Employee Review File Template

An Excel worksheet is delivered as a template in this document. Data should be entered in the worksheet, but care must be taken to ensure that the field order is not changed, and the data is under the right column heading. It is recommended that smaller batches be processed at first, until the user has confidence in how to run the process and what to look for in the import log. There are no audits provided other than what is generated in the import log.

The Excel template has specific formats for each field.

All dates in the excel worksheet are to be formatted as a Date with the yyyy-mm-dd format – as shown below:

Review Rating is to be formatted as a Number with no decimals

All other fields are to be formatted as General:

The Business Unit must be in all CAPS

More than one row can be added to this spreadsheet, but only for one campus. The recommendation is to enter values in all fields required in this worksheet to avoid errors that can prevent the save updated using component interface.

Once the Excel File is ready to process, the last step is to save it as a Text (tab delimited) text file using a file extension = txt (lower case)

Naming the File

The structure of the file name is very specific because it is the expected file name that will be uploaded to the server using the FTP functionality. Upper and Lower case must be strictly followed.

Below is a sample of what the file name should look like for Fullerton processing the file on 12/20/2023:


  1. fl” is the campus character code.
    1. The two-character designation must be lower case.
    2. The Campus designation is found in the CSU Installation table:
    3. The file extension txt must be all lower case.

Navigation: Set Up HCM 🡪 CSU Product Related Setup 🡪 CSU General Setup 🡪 CSU General Setup

  1. An underscore follows the two-character lower case campus designation and EmplReview.
    1. Note that the E and R are capital letters and there is no space between the two words.
  2. Follow this with another underscore and add the file run date. The format of the date is yyyymmdd.
  3. The file name in this example is fl_EmplReview_20231220.txt

Upload Employee Review File using FTP

When ready to load the data into the Employee Review tables, the first step is to Upload the text file to the specific campus folder using the FTP Utility. This is an example of a Fullerton upload.

Navigation: CSU Tech Mods 🡪 FTP 🡪 FTP Utility

After the file is Uploaded to the correct campus folder, the tab-delimited text file is ready for import to PeopleSoft. To import, navigate to the run control to run the Application Engine program to import the file to the CSU Employee Review records. The Application Engine program is CSU_EMPRW_LD.

Run CSU Employee Review Load

Navigation: Main Menu 🡪 Workforce Administration 🡪 CSU Workforce Admin Process 🡪 CSU Employee Review Process 🡪 CSU Employee Review Load

  1. Create your run control name (can be anything)
  2. Select your Campus name from the drop down
  3. Enter the name of your file including your txt extension
  4. If the file name contains the current date, select the current date checkbox
  5. If the file name contains a date within the past 7 days but not the current date, uncheck the Current Date checkbox and enter the date in the Past Date field. Remember, the date must be within the past 7 days.
  6. The date is the key to running the application engine process.
  7. The correct date must be reflected on the run control. However, the dates in the file do not have to match the date in the file name
  1. If the Past Date is used, the date on the text file must be within 7 days of the current date and it must match the date entered in the Past Date Box. See following example. In these screen shots, the current date was 12/20/2023.
  1. If you attempt to process a file that is not within the last 7 days of the current date, the following error will be displayed on the run control
  1. The Application Engine program will process all files in your campus folder with the correct naming convention and date. If you submit more than one file that starts with the file name in our example, “fl_EmplReview_20200830%”, all files with this naming start will be processed.
  2. Therefore, if you FTP a file that is called: fl_EmplReview_20200830-1.txt, this file will process along with any files that begin fl_EmplReview_20200830%.txt. In this scenario, if you had previously processed fl_EmplReview_20200830.txt, file, then fl_EmplReview_20200830-1.txt will process. All processing will be reflected in the import log text file and must be reviewed to identify the failed updates.
  1. The file name by date is how you process your files into PeopleSoft, but the data in the file itself can contain any date and it is not related to the file name unless you choose to make it so. The data will be inserted for the employee if it passes the component interface edits.
  2. The component interface will only insert rows to the tables.
    1. Only data inserts will be completed by this file load
    2. No corrections can be made through the CI
    3. A data row cannot be inserted prior to the maximum row in the table for the employee
      1. For example, if the maximum row in the table is a future dated row and the file has a current effective dated row to insert, this will be a component interface error and you will not be allowed to do that.
    4. A row already exists for the employee, and you cannot insert a row prior to the maximum effective dated row.
    5. You also cannot insert the same effective date.
      1. The effective date inserted must be after the maximum effective dated row in the table.

Review Employee Page

Navigation: Main Menu 🡪 Workforce Administration 🡪 CSU Workforce Admin Process 🡪 CSU Employee Review Process 🡪 CSU Employee Review

Use these pages to review specific employees to ensure the load is correct. Values may be changed manually.

Reporting for Employee Reviews

Public queries have been developed for use by users to confirm and analyze data.

Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Manager 

RPT01: CSU_WA_EMPL_REVIEW_RPRT1 – Past Due Employee Reviews(s)

Query results are past due employee reviews that includes data elements in addition to the report to manager email 

  1. Prompt is Business Unit 
  2. Criteria is Display current employee review with the Next Review Date that is less than the system date 

RPT02: CSU_WA_EMPL_REVIEW_RPRT2 – Date Range by EE Type

Query displays employees scheduled for a specific Review Period by Employee Type 

  1. Prompts are Business Unit, Employee Type, Review From Date, Review To Date 
  2. Criteria is Current employee review for the employee type selected between the Review From and To Dates indicated in the prompt 

RPT03: CSU_WA_EMPL_REVIEW_RPRT3 -- Unsatisfactory Reviews

Query lists employees with Unsatisfactory Reviews 

  1. Prompt: Business Unit, Review From Date, Review To Date 
  2. Criteria: Where Review Rating is 1 


Real Time Reports with Review Outcomes from all three pages 

  1. Prompt: Business Unit, Review From Date, Review To Date 
  2. Criteria: None 


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