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Transactional Front End Process Guide

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CHRS Transactional Front End (TFE) User Guide Last Updated: May 29, 2024


Document Title: CHRS Transactional Front End (TFE) User Guide Author: Pat Holden

File Reference: CHRS Transactional Front End (TFE) User Guide

Revision History

Revision Date Revised By Summary of Revisions Section(s) Revised
9/01/2023 Pat Holden Initial Document
11/15/2023 Pat Holden Revised format
01/05/2024 Pat Holden Added Revision Control and Change Controls in MP1
04/10/2024 Pat Holden Added Trouble Shooting section

Review / Approval History

Review Date Reviewed By Action (Reviewed, Recommended or Approved)

Process Overview

This module is used to process transactions automatically with workflow approvals. The transactions are also inserted into either Job or Position. This User Guide includes enhancements requested in CHRS001320 – Major Workflow and minor cosmetic, CHRS001356 – Field Default Change, CHRS001349 – Verbiage changes after submission. The document is setup to provide step by step procedures for using Transactional Front End. Also included, are steps needed for the set-up tables

  1. Related Documents

The documents listed below are supporting materials such as design spec, and configuration doc associated with this modification. Based on the complexity of the modification, support materials will vary. Support materials are also posted on the CMS SharePoint documentation page for each application.

  • WA18007_CHRS92_DS_CSUTFE
  • HCM92_CFG_TFE_CSUTransactionalFrontEnd
  • Change Job Funding with Transactional Front End (TFE)
  • Create or Update Positions with Transactional Front End (TFE)
  • Update Jobs with Transactional Front End (TFE)
  • View Transactional Front End (TFE) Approval Transaction Status

Access Transactional Front End (TFE)

Navigation: Workforce Administration > CSU Workforce Admin Processes > Transactional Front End

Navigation: Tile on MSS page.

Select the tile and user will be taken to the page below

CSU TFE Job Change Request

Search Page

  1. User can enter any criteria to narrow the search.
    1. For example, a specific Department and Jobcode could be entered to provide a list of employees in that Department and that Jobcode.
    2. Department Security applies to the search page and the search results page.

Search Results Page

  1. This page allows a user to select a specific employee by clicking the checkbox beside the Emplid column.
  2. Department Security applies. User will only be able to see/process employees for whom they have department security.
  3. User can also select to process multiple employees for the same Action/Action Reason and Effective Date by clicking multiple checkboxes beside the Emplid column.
    1. Multiple employees can only be processed on Job for Termination or Retirement
  4. Once employee(s) have been selected, click the Create Transaction button

Create Job Transaction

4.3.1 Change an Individual Employee

  1. Page displays for a change to an individual employee
  2. User can update the fields needed on the right side of the page.
    1. For Example, in this screen shot, employee is given a promotion by moving to a new position. Fields default from position for Department, Jobcode, Reports to, Standard Hours and FTE.
    2. User can enter a new base rate if applicable.
    3. NOTE – fields changed are highlighted in Yellow so that Approvers can easily determine what changed.
  3. User should enter comments and if necessary, add attachment(s).
  4. User can select Save as Draft to process later or Submit to process immediately.

4.3.2 Change Multiple Employees at One Time

  1. Page above is the Transaction page to process multiple employees to terminate.
  2. All must have the same Effective Date and Action Reason.
  3. When submitted, each of the 3 employees in this example will have their own transaction ID and will be processed through workflow as individuals.
  4. Approver can select all three to approve at one time or approve them individually.
  5. NOTE: Workflow Graphic will not display when processing multiple employees at time of submit. This is deliberate because Campuses can process hundreds of employees at one time and Workflow Graphic displays for 1 employee at a time.
  6. To Retrieve transaction already submitted/approved, go to Job Change Page, and select the tab marked View Existing Transaction and enter criteria to find your transactions.
  7. Requester/User can view Workflow Status at any time by selecting the View Approval Status Link when the transaction is retrieved.
  1. Click the Select Tab “View an Existing Transaction”.
  1. Select the View Approval Status link to view Workflow.

Workflow Graphic

When user selects Submit to process transaction, a workflow graphic will be created and displayed with the approvers and approval steps.

NOTE: Final Approver is automatically attached and is not part of the Workflow Set up.

  1. Approvers will login to approve or deny transaction.
  2. When approved, it moves to the next approver
  3. Department Security applies to Approvers
  4. When the Final Approver approves, it will execute the load to Job (in this example)

CSU TFE Approvers Page for Job and Job Erns Dist

Navigation: Workforce Administration > CSU Workforce Admin Processes > Transactional Front End > CSU TFE Job Change Approvals

Navigation via Tile: TFE Tile > CSU TFE Job Change Approvals

  1. Department Security applies to this page
  2. Page also displays the number of Position Approvals that are pending for this Approver
  3. Approver can select the checkbox beside the transaction Id and then Approve or Deny

the transaction.

  1. If Approver wants to look at the transaction, select View Link to review and Approve or Deny the transaction.
  2. If Approver wishes to approve multiple people at once, select each employee or the

select all checkbox and then the Approve button

  1. If Approver denies a transaction, comments are required.
  2. The screen shot below displays an individual employee page.
  3. If workflow graphic says Multiple Approvers, only one approver is required to approve.

Denied Transactions

Navigation: Workforce Administration > CSU Workforce Admin Processes > Transactional Front End > CSU TFE Job Change > View an Existing Transaction

  1. When a transaction is denied, an email notification is sent to the requester.
  2. Search transactions where criteria is Workflow Status = Denied
  3. Click the Select Button by the transaction to be resubmitted
  4. The requester can change any field on the transaction except Action and resubmit. (In a change order to be processed, Approver who denied the transaction will be required to add comments)
  5. Requester does not have to recreate the transaction
  6. Requester submits the revised transaction, and it will go through the workflow again.
  1. Make the necessary changes to the transaction, add comments, and Submit
  2. After Submit, Transactions will go through the same Workflow again.

CSU TFE Job Earns Distribution

Navigation: Workforce Administration > CSU Workforce Admin Processes > Transactional Front End > CSU TFE Job Earns Distribution

This page is used to Add or Change Funding for an employee when funding is stored in Job Earnings Distribution

  1. Enter Effective Date
  2. Action and Action Reason will default
  1. Select Earns Dist Type (Percent, Amount, Hours)
  2. Enter Combination Code and (in this example) percent
  3. Requester can enter more than one Combination Code
    1. Percent must add to 100%
    2. Amount must add to the Monthly pay
    3. Hours must add to the Employees Standard Hours
  4. Requester enters comments and adds attachment, if applicable
  5. Requester select the Submit Button
  6. Workflow Graphic will display.
  7. Approvers will look in the Job Change Approvers page as there is not a separate approval page for Job Earns Distribution adds/changes

CSU TFE Position Add/Change

  1. Request a Position Change

Navigation: Workforce Administration > CSU Workforce Admin Processes > Transactional Front End > CSU TFE Position Add/Change

The Position Add/Change page works much like the Job Change page. If an existing position(s) needs to be changed, enter criteria to search for a position(s) in a department, job code or reports to. Requester can make changes to a single position or multiple positions. NOTE: Mass transactions can be performed for Reports to changes and Time-Based changes only.

Select the check box by the position(s) to be changed and then select the


If a single position is to be changed, the page below will display.

  1. Once the Action Reason and Effective Date are entered, the position fields will be available for edit.
  2. User will enter the value(s) to be changed. The field will turn Yellow when the user tabs.
  3. User must have a specific Security Role (CHRXX_WA_TFE_HR_Approver) in order to see, update or add any of the MPP fields.
  4. User may enter comments or add an attachment prior to Submit.
  5. Once user is satisfied, select the Submit Button.

If more than one position is selected (Mass Change), the page below will display.

Enter Action Reason and Effective Date and fields will open for entry

In this example, enter new Reports to and field will be copied down

  1. Request a New Position

If the transaction is for a New Position, Requester can either select the Request New Position button or search to find a position with the same attributes and select the Copy link

If user selects the Request New Position button, the page below will display once the effective date has been entered.

Some values will default from other fields. An example is the fields that default from the Jobcode table (Regular/Temporary, Standard Hours, Union, SalPlan/Grade/Step).

NOTE – none of the fields are automatically. populated by Workflow.

Once the requester is satisfied with the attributes entered for the new position and the requester has entered comments, select the Submit Button to begin Workflow.

CSU TFE Review Workflow Status

After Submit, Workflow Status for the Transaction (Position or Job) can always be checked by selecting the link View Approval Status.

Navigate to View an Existing Transaction tab and select a status to search for under Workflow Status. In this example, the search was for any transaction that had been Submitted but not approved

When a single position is selected in the search results, the page below will display. User can click the link to View Approval Status.

When multiple positions are processed together, the page below will display

The Workflow Graphic will display when the link is clicked on either page.

User can see the transaction has been approved by Level 1 but is waiting for Level 2 and Final.

CSU TFE Position Approver Page

Navigation: Workforce Administration > CSU Workforce Admin Processes > Transactional Front End > CSU TFE Position Change Aprv

Navigation via Tile: TFE Tile > CSU TFE Position Aprv

  1. Department Security applies to this page.
  2. Page also displays the number of Job Approvals that are pending for this Approver.
  3. Approver can select the checkbox beside the transaction Id and then Approve or Deny the transaction.
  4. If Approver wants to review the transaction, select View Link to review and, when satisfied, Approve or Deny the transaction.
  5. If workflow graphic says Multiple Approvers, only one approver is required to approve.
  6. If Approver wishes to approve multiple positions at once, select each transaction or the select all checkbox and then the Approve button
  7. Approver can also Deny the transaction(s) by selecting the Deny button. The Requester will be notified via email to review, make appropriate changes to transaction and resubmit. (See Denied Transactions section in this document for details).
  8. Once the transaction has been inserted into Position Data, a Position Number will be assigned on Save. TFE will be updated with the Position Number that was assigned.

CSU TFE Review Errors

Navigation: Workforce Administration > CSU Workforce Admin Processes > Transactional Front End > CSU TFE Review Errors

Navigation via Tile: TFE Tile > CSU TFE Review Errors

The Review Errors page will display transactions the process could not load into either Job Data or Position Data. The reason for not loading to Job will display as well as a link to either Position or Job. Transaction will need to be manually entered in Job or Position after the error has been resolved.

  1. This transaction is a Reports to Change processed through Position Add/Change pages.
  2. The error message in this example happened during the update incumbents process.
  3. User can use the link to Job Data Transfers to see the employee’s Job Data to correct the issue or enter the row/change manually.
  4. The transaction will have to be entered manually or re-submitted

CSU TFE Delegation

Navigation: Self Service > Manage Delegation

If an approver will be out of the office or otherwise unable to approve waiting transactions, they can delegate their approval authority to another employee. We have made a change to the delivered Delegation so that only the TFE approval definitions appear for the Approver to select and the list of employees to select as proxy is limited to MPPs and Dept Chairs within the Approvers Department Security.

  1. Create a Delegation Request

User will select Create Delegation Request and the page below will display.

  1. Enter Dates for Delegation

Enter the from and to date for the delegation of authority and select Next.

  1. Select Transactions to Delegation

Select one or both approval definitions to delegate and select the Next button.

  1. Select Proxy for Delegation

A list of people the approver can delegate to will display. List is limited by MPPs and Dept Chairs that are within the approvers department security.

  1. Delegation Detail

Select Submit and an email will be sent to the Proxy.

  1. Proxy accept Delegation Request

1. Select the Approvals Tile on the Manager Self Service Page

  1. Select the entry
  1. Select Approve and enter Comments.
  2. Approval box will pop up for user to select again.
    1. User Who Delegated
  1. Once Proxy approves, the user who delegated should go to the Manage Delegation

page and select Review My Proxy

  1. Once the Proxy accepts the delegation, the approver will be able to accept.
  2. When a transaction is processed while the delegation request is active, the transaction will be sent to the Proxy for approval.

Trouble Shooting Suggestions

Questions to ask regarding Workflow:

  1. Is the Workflow setup table complete for the Business Unit and Action/Action Reason?
  2. If not, is there a setup for the Business Unit and Action to act as default?
  3. Are all roles used in the Workflow setup assigned to the appropriate employee with the applicable department security?
  4. If using ASM Department Manager role, is the role assigned to an employee?
    1. Does that employee have department security to the department they are assigned?
    2. If using ASM/Dept role, it must be assigned to the Operid before it can be selected in the ASM/Dept set up table.
    3. Has the separate table for this role been setup and the employee assigned?
  5. Have Final Approver roles been assigned to an employee(s)?
    1. Final Approvers are not setup in the Workflow setup tables.
    2. Workflow process will assign the correct Final Approvers after Submit of transaction.
    3. Only employees with the Final Approver role can see/change CSU Job, CSU Faculty and MPP fields on position.
  6. Does the employee with Final Approver role have department security to all depts/employees?
  • The roles referenced above (Final Approver and ASM/Dept Approver) are set up with a Campus specific identifier.
  • CHR_WA_TFE_Approver role is a generic role that can be used by all Campuses. Approvers with this role will only be able to see/approve transactions where they have department security.
  • This is the same for all roles that are setup for Workflow.

CSU TFE Set-Up Tables

There are only a few setup tables in TFE. Action Reason Codes and the Workflow Set Up tables.

  1. Action Reason Codes for TFE

Navigation: Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Set Up > CSU Workforce Admin Set Up Transactional Front End > CSU TFE Action Reason Codes

This table will be pre-populated with all Actions/Action Reasons in use by CSU. The Central Use Flag will be set to Y for all Action/Action Reason combinations.

This table is setup by Business Unit and Type so that each Campus can determine what action/action reasons they will use in TFE. Types are:

ERN – Job Earnings Distribution Changes

INDV – Changes in Job for a single employee

MASS – Changes in Job for multiple employees (Termination, Retirement)

MPOS – Changes for multiple positions at one time (Reports to and Time Base)

POSN – Changes to a single position

User can also decide which ones can be used by distributed users, and which are for HR/FA central use only.

If the Central Use Only checkbox is checked then that Action/Action Reason combination will not be available for distributed users. This is controlled by a security role.

  1. Workflow Setup Tables

Navigation: Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Set Up > CSU Workforce Admin Set Up Transactional Front End > CSU TFE Job Change Set Up

Navigation: Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Set Up > CSU Workforce Admin Set Up Transactional Front End > CSU TFE Pos Change Set Up

  1. Workflow will be setup by Business Unit, Action, Action Reason and Approval Level.
  2. The workflow will use a combination of Reports to, Dept ASM/Resource Mgr and Security Roles.
  3. Campuses can setup the workflow table with the number of levels of approval they want on each Action or Action/Action Reason combination.
  4. If workflow is set up with only Action and no Action Reason, this will serve as the default for all Action Reasons not setup in the workflow tables.
  5. Final approver will always be either Human Resources or Faculty Affairs depending on the employee’s Union Code. Union Codes R03 and R11 will route to Faculty Affairs as the final approver.
  6. Only HR Approvers and Faculty Affairs Approvers can see/change CSU Job and CSU Faculty fields on Job and MPP fields on CSU Position
  7. Approvers can add Ad Hoc Approvers (List to pick from will be MPPs or Dept Chair) and Reviewers (Same list to pick from).
  8. Approvers can add/delete Attachments and add comments to all transactions.
    1. TFE Job Change Approval Setup
  1. TFE Position Change Approval Setup
  1. Campuses can add up to 7 levels which does not include the Final Approver.
  2. Levels available are Reports to, ASM Resource Manager (Dept Mgr) and Workflow role.
  3. Campuses can set up additional Workflow Roles depending on their needs.
  4. The Workflow Roles option will be assigned to the approvers in their Operid Profile.
  5. ASM Resource Manager role will also be assigned to the approvers in their Operid Profile.
  6. There is a separate set up table for the ASM Resource Manager.
  7. Users assigned the approval roles must have department security to the depts/employees for their role.
    1. Department ASM/Resource Manager Setup Table

Navigation: Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Set Up > CSU Workforce Admin Set Up Transactional Front End > CSU TFE ASM/Resource Approver

  1. User may add multiple approvers. Note: only one will be required to approve in the Workflow.
  2. The Security Role (for example, CHRXX_WA_TFE_ASM_APPROVER) will need to be assigned to the user’s User ID prior to adding them to this set up table.
  3. The Employee added to this table as a Department Approver, must have department security to the employees in that department.


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