CHRS Knowledge Base

Maintain Person Profiles

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This job aid shows you how to:

Person Profiles track an employee’s Licenses, Certifications, and Education. Other pages of the Person Profile are not used.

Add Person Profile

Step 1: Navigate to Person Profiles.

Menu > Workforce Development > Profile Management > Profiles > Person Profiles

Navbar button

Step 2: Open the Add a New Value tab.

Add a New Value tab.

Step 3: Click Add.

Add button

Step 4: Create the Person Profile:

  1. Enter the Empl ID
  2. Select Person from the Profile Type menu.
Person profile page showing A: Empl ID and B: Profile type fields.
  • The Person Profile page opens.
  • If the Person Profile already exists, an error message opens. A person can have only one profile.

Step 5: Click Save.

Competencies page. Save button is highlighted.

You have created a profile person for this employee.

Add licenses and certifications

Use the Qualifications page to add new licenses and certifications.

Step 1: Navigate to Person Profiles.

Menu > Workforce Development > Profile Management > Profiles > Person Profiles

Navbar button

Step 2: Enter criteria, the click Search.

search page

If the search returns only one profile, the Person Profile component opens. Otherwise, select a person to open the page.

Step 3: Open the Qualifications page.

Qualifications tab

Step 4: Scroll down the page, then click Add New Licenses and Certifications.

Add new licenses and certifications

The Add New Licenses and Certifications page opens.

Step 5: Enter the item details:

  1. *Issue Date
  2. *License
  3. *Status – Active
  4. Expiration Date
  5. License Number
  6. Issued By
License fields are described in the preceding step.

Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

Step 6: Click OK.

OK button

The license is added to the profile.

Step 7: Click Save.

Save button

The profile is saved with the new qualification.

Update licenses and certifications

Use the Qualifications page to update existing licenses and certifications.

Step 1: Navigate to Person Profiles.

Menu > Workforce Development > Profile Management > Profiles > Person Profiles

Navbar button

Step 2: Enter criteria, the click Search.

search page

If the search returns only one profile, the Person Profile component opens. Otherwise, select a person to open the page.

Step 3: Open the Qualifications page.

Qualifications tab

Step 4: Scroll down the page, then Click the license to update.

Licenses and Certifications area. An arrow points to a CA Driver's License Class C link.

Step 5: Click the Plus button to add a new row.

Plus button

Step 6: Enter the item details:

  1. *Issue Date
  2. *Status – Active
  3. Expiration Date
  4. License Number
  5. Issued By
License fields are described in the Action column.
  • IMPORTANT: Do not set the previous row to Inactive. Setting the row to Inactive clears the Expiration Date field. Expiration Dates cannot be left blank.
  • Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

Step 7: Click OK.

OK button

The license is added to the profile.

Step 8: Click Save.

Save button

The profile is saved with the new qualification.

Add a degree

Record degree information on the Education page.

Step 1: In the Person Profile component, open the Education page.

Education tab

Step 2: Click Add New Degrees.

Add New degrees

The Add New Degrees page opens.

Step 3: Complete the following fields:

  1. *Date Acquired
  2. *Degree
  3. Major Code
  4. *Status – Active
  5. School Code
  6. Graduated check box
New Degree fields are defined in the preceding step
  • Fields marked with asterisks are required.
  • School code: Use the magnifying glass icon to look up the school code. Enter 999999 for a foreign institution, or 888888 if the institution is not listed. You can also leave this field blank.
  • Major Code: This field is not required, but if you add a degree without a major, you cannot add the major later without deleting the degree.
  • Graduated: Check this box when applicable to ensure the degree is included on reports.

Step 4: Click OK.

OK button

The degree is added to the person profile.

Step 5: Click Save.

Save button

The person profile is saved.

If you add a degree that is higher than the previous degree, you must also go to Modify a Person and update the Highest Education Level field.

Add a major to a degree

A major cannot be added to an existing degree. If the employee has a degree to which you want to add a major, you must delete the degree and recreate it with the major.

Step 1: In the Person Profile component, open the Education page.

Education tab

Step 2: Verify there is no major code.

Row showing degree with blank Major Code field.
  • If you need to copy the degree information, continue to step 3.
  • If you have all the degree information, skip to step 6.

Step 3: Open the degree to copy the information.

Doctor of Philosophy link

Step 4: Copy the existing information:

  1. *Date Acquired
  2. *Degree
  3. *Status – Active
  4. School Code
  5. Graduated
The Update Degrees page. Fields to copy are listed in the Actions column

Step 5: Click Cancel.

Cancel button

Step 6: Delete the degree.

Row showing the degree and the trash can icon.

Click the Trash icon.

Step 7: Click OK.

Delete current/selected rows from this page? The delete will occur when the transaction is saved.OK and Cancel buttons.

Step 8: Click Save.

Save button

The person profile is saved.

Step 9: Re-add the degree. Use the procedure: Add a degree and the degree information that you obtained.

If you add a degree that is higher than the previous degree, you must also go to Modify a Person and update the Highest Education Level field.

End of Article. 


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