This job aid shows you how to delegate Time & Labor, and Absence Management approvals.
- Campuses that use the reports-to chain for absence and time approvals must delegate approvals when the approver is away for an extended time or during critical time management periods.
- Only an Administrator can delegate approvals to a different approver during a specified time period.
- The proxy approver receives an approval notifications to accept ownership of the approvals during the specified time period.
- During the specified time period, all transactions that require approval are automatically routed to the proxy approver.
Add a delegation request
Step 1: Navigate to the Add Delegation Request page.
- Menu >Workforce Administration >Self Service Transactions >Approvals and Delegation >Add Delegation Request

Step 2: Search for the unavailable approver.
- If the search returns one result, the Add Delegation Request page opens. Otherwise, select a the appropriate approver.

Step 3: Enter the From Date and To Date for the approvals to be delegated.

Step 4: Click the Lookup icon to select the applicable transaction.
- See Appendix: Approval Transaction Types for other transaction options.

Step 6: Click the Lookup icon to find the Employee ID for the Proxy.
- The Proxy is the person who will be receiving the approval requests during the specified time interval.
- The Proxy must already have the CHR_AM_APPROVER security role prior to adding the delegation request. Otherwise, the approver cannot navigate to the approval page.

Step 7: Click Save.

What happens next?
- The proxy approver receives an approval item.
- If the delegation period is for a future date, the Maintain Delegated Authorities process, which is centrally managed, triggers the activation and inactivation of the delegation requests. The process:
- Activates delegation transactions on the begin date.
- Revokes all delegation requests that have expired.
- If the delegation is effective immediately, the Maintain Delegated Authority process is not needed to transfer delegation authority.
- If you need the Maintain Delegated Authority process to run sooner, you can request this process to be run.
Appendix: Approval Transaction Types
Transaction | Transaction Type | Transaction Name | Description |
Absence Cancelation | Approve | AbsenceCancelation | Assigning this transaction grants the proxy access
to approve/deny/pushback absence cancellation
requests on behalf of the delegator. This is a
common delegation assignment when the
delegator is unable to perform approvals. |
Manage Approve Payable Time | Approve | TL_SRCH_APPRV_GRP |
Assigning this transaction grants the proxy access
to approve/deny/pushback payable time entries
on behalf of the delegator. This is a common
delegation assignment when the delegator is
unable to perform approvals. |
Manager Absence Approve | Approve | GP_SS_ABS_APPR_L |
Assigning this transaction grants the proxy access
to approve/deny/pushback absence requests on
behalf of the delegator. This is a common
delegation assignment when the delegator is
unable to perform approvals. |
End of Article
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