This job aid shows Payroll users how to run the Estimated Vacation Payout Report.
This report estimates the vacation payout for an employee who leaves the CSU system on a given date.
Run the Estimated Vacation Payout Report
Step 1: Navigate to Estimated Vacation Payout Rpt.
- Menu >Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt >CSU Absence Mgmt >CSU – AM Inquiry >Estimated Vacation Payout Rpt

Step 2: Enter a Run Control ID or create a new one.
- The Estimate Vacation Payout Report page opens.

Step 3: Complete the Estimated Vacation Payout Report page:
- Business Unit
- Projected Through Date
- Include Departments
- Include Jobcodes
- Include Employees
- Business Unit and Projected Through Date are required fields. The others are optional.

Step 4: Click Run.
- The Process Scheduler Request page opens.
Step 5: Complete the process scheduler request:
- Select the active server to run the request.
- Select the Type and Format for the output.
- Click OK.

Step 6: Note the Process Instance, then click Process Monitor.

Step 7: Click Details for the process you want to view.
- If the report is not ready, click Refresh until the Distribution Status displays Posted.
Step 8: Click View Log/Trace.

Step 9: Click the format that you specified in Step 5.

End of Article
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