This job aid shows payroll administrators how to approve employee’s no leave taken reports.
Although managers typically approve their employee’s No Leave Taken reports, a payroll administrator can also perform this task if the manager is unavailable.
If an employee submits NLT and then takes time off, an automated process voids the NLT.
Approve or Deny No Leave Taken
Step 1: Navigate to CSU TL NLT administration.
- Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > CSU Absence Mgmt > CSU TL NLT Administration

Step 2: Search for NLT entries
- Select your Business Unit (campus).
- Select the beginning and end dates for the pay period.
- Click Search
- The search returns the list of eligible employees for your campus.

Step 3 Optional: Use the Grid button to select the following options
- Personalize
- Zoom No Leave Taken Data
- Download No Leave Taken Data Table to Excel

Step 4 Optional: Use the Search button to search for a specific employee row.
- Search by Last Name or First Name. This search function cannot search for an employee’s full name, regardless of format.

Step 5: Select employee rows to Approve or Deny

Step 6: Take action on selected employees.
- Approve: Click Approve to approve the transaction
- Needs Correction: Click needs correction to deny the transaction.
- Important: If you deny the transaction, the employee will be unable to submit NLT for that pay period
- Submit: Click Submit to submit NLT on behalf of the employee

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