This job aid shows Administrators how to create or update an employee absence.
Create an Absence
Step 1: On the CSU Administrator homepage, click the CSU Absence Administration tile.
- The Absence Event page opens.

Step 2: Search for the employee.
- If multiple records are returned, click the record to open it. If the search returns only one row, the Absence Event Entry page opens.

Step 3: Set the From and Through dates to include the range where you are going to create the absence.

Step 4: Click Refresh.

Step 5 Optional: If there is no blank row, click the Plus button to create one.

Step 6: Enter the absence information (only the elements listed below).
- Absence Take
- Begin date and end date
- Optional - Partial Hours

Step 7: Click Details.
- You might need to scroll to the right to see this link.
- The Absence Event Input Detail page opens.

Step 8: Set the Absence Event Input details:
- Select the Absence Reason.
- Check the Manager Approval check box.
- The Manager Approved Check Box must be checked for the absence to be processed.
- Optional: Select Partial Days if applicable.

Step 9: Click OK.
- The button is at the bottom of the page.

Step 10: Click Forecast.

Step 11: Open the Forecast Value tab.

Step 12: Review the forecasting results and correct any errors.
- If the forecasting result is NOT-ELIGIBLE, review any pending absences and the employee’s balance to ensure the absence can be taken.
- IMPORTANT: Administrators can submit absence requests even if they fail the forecasting check, but doing so will create problems.
- There are no alerts on the page other than the forecasting results.

Step 13: Click Save.

Update an Absence
Use this procedure to update an existing absence.
Step 1: On the CSU Administrator homepage, click the CSU Absence Administration tile.
- The Absence Event page opens.

Step 2: Search for the employee.
- If multiple records are returned, click the record to open it. If the search returns only one row, the Absence Event Entry page opens.

Step 3: Set the From and Through dates to include the range where you are going to create the absence.

Step 4: Click Refresh.

Step 5: Locate the absence that needs to be updated.

Step 6: Update the applicable fields:
- Absence Take
- Begin Date
- End Date
- Partial Hours
- Partial Days

Step 7 Optional: Click Details to edit the following fields
- Absence Reason
- Manager Approval

- You might need to scroll to the right to see this link.
- The Absence Event Input Detail page opens.
Step 8 Optional: On the Absence Event Input Detail page, edit the following fields if necessary.
- Absence Reason
- Manager Approval: This option does not re-submit absence for approval.
- If re-approval is required, have the employee cancel and resubmit the absence.

Step 9 Optional: Click OK to save the Absence Event Input Detail settings and close the page.
- The button is at the bottom of the page.

Step 10: Click Forecast.

Step 11: Open the Forecast Value tab.

Step 12: Review the forecasting results and correct any errors.
- If the forecasting result is NOT-ELIGIBLE, review any pending absences and the employee’s balance to ensure the absence can be taken.
- IMPORTANT: Administrators can submit absence requests even if they fail the forecasting check, but doing so will create problems.
- There are no alerts on the page other than the forecasting results.

Step 13: Click Save.

End of Article
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