CHRS Knowledge Base

Create Additional Pay Entries

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This job aid shows Payroll how to create and update Additional Pay.

Create an additional pay entry

Step 1: Open the Navbar button

Navbar button

Step 2: Navigate to Main Menu > Payroll for North America > Employee Pay Data USA > Create Additional Pay

Step 3: Enter the search criteria and click Search.

search fields

Step 4: Select the appropriate record from the returned results.

employee records

Step 5: Enter an Earnings Code.

If the current row is not blank, click the Plus button on the Earnings Code line.

Plus button

Step 6: Enter an effective date  Date should begin at the beginning of the pay period.

Effective date

Step 7: Enter Payment Details:

  1. Additional Sequence Number: Enter 1.
  2. Optional: Enter an End Date. This date must be the last day of the final pay period which the additional pay is to be paid.
  3. Enter an amount in to the Earnings field.
  4. Check the OK to Pay box.
  5. Ensure that the “Applies to Pay Periods” box is checked.
Payment details fields
If an accounting override is required

Step 1: Expand Job Information.

Job information

Step 2: Click the Edit ChartFields link.

Edit Chartfields link

Step 3: Search for a Combination Code.

combination code field

Step 4: Select the appropriate combo code. If necessary, refine the search.

combo code lookup
OK button

Step 8: Click Save.

Save button

End of Article


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