1. Overview
- Absence calculations will be performed nightly.
2. Process Prerequisites
- Employees must be enrolled in Absence Management.
- Must have appropriate security roles.
3. Process Steps
a. Set Up Period
- This process is shared between HRM and Campus users. Campuses are responsible for setting up their academic periods in CHRS while HRM is responsible for setting up all SCO periods. Campuses who require assistance setting up their periods may request support from CMS and HRM.
- Administrator logs in
- Navigates to Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Define Calendars > Periods
- Click the “Add a New Value” tab
- Enter a Period ID using the following naming convention steps:
- If the period being configured is an ACD period, start with the three-character abbreviation for the campus. If it is not an ACD period, start the period ID with step 4b.
- The calendar year that the period is in.
- A hyphen
- The two-digit numeric month that the period represents.
- A sample ACD period naming convention for Sonoma July 2016 calendar would be “SSU2016-07”.
- A sample non-ACD (i.e. SCO) period name for July 2016 would be “2016-07”
- Click the “Add” button
- Enter the description using the following naming convention
- The description must always start with the 4 digit year number, then include the spelled out month. If this is a campus ACD calendar, include the campus location (e.g. Sonoma). An example description for the Sonoma July 2016 calendar would be “2016 July Sonoma”. An example description for the standard July 2016 calendar would be “2016 July”.
- Leave the short description blank.
- Enter the Period Begin Date
- This will be defined either by the beginning of the SCO pay period or the beginning of the campus ACD period. *IMPORTANT* The period begin date for January periods must always be January 1st. If an Academic fill-in period is generated for January, it must always start January 1st.
- Enter the Period End Date
- This will be defined either by the end of the SCO pay period or the end of the campus ACD period.
- Enter “M” (Monthly) in the Frequency field.
b. Set Up Calendars
- This process is shared between HRM and Campus users. Campuses are responsible for setting up their academic calendars in CHRS while HRM is responsible for setting up all SCO Calendars. Campuses who require assistance setting up their calendars may request support from CMS and HRM.
- Administrator logs in
- Navigates to Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Define Calendars > Calendars
- Click on the Add a New Value tab
- Enter the Pay Group to be associated with the calendars.
- Enter the Calendar ID to be assigned to the calendar. The naming convention is as follows:
- The first 4-7 characters are the Global Payroll Pay Group associated with the calendar followed by a space.
- The next 5 characters must be the four-digit calendar year of the period to be associated with the calendar and a hyphen.
- The final two characters must be the two digit calendar month of the period to be associated with the calendar.
- A couple examples of this would be “MST 2016-07” or “ACDSSU 2016-07”.
- Click the “Add” button
- Enter the Period ID of the period to be associated with the calendar.
- In the Payment Date field, enter the final date of the period.
- Enter the Run Type of “CSURT”
- Set the Payee Selection to “Active PLUS Payees with…”
- Under Additional Criteria, check the “Positive Input” and “Pending Retroactive Changes” boxes.
- Click the “Save” button
c. Set Up Calendar Groups
- This process is entirely owned by HRM. There is no campus or CMS involvement in this process.
- Administrator logs in
- Navigates to Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Define Calendars > Calendar Groups
- Click on the Add a New Value tab
- Enter the Calendar Group ID using the following naming convention:
- The first 5 characters must be the four-digit calendar year of the period to be processed followed by a hyphen.
- The final two characters must be the two digit calendar month of the period to be processed.
- Click the “Add” button
- Enter a description using the following naming convention:
- The description must always start with the 4 digit year number, then include the spelled out month.
- An example description for the standard July 2016 calendar group would be “2016 July”
- Enter the country “USA”
- Check the box labelled “Process retro triggers”
- Enter a sequence in the Sequence box using the following convention:
- Use increments of 10, starting with “10”
- Enter the Pay Group for the Calendar ID you wish to add to this calendar group.
- Enter the Calendar ID.
- If additional rows are required at this point, click the “+” button and follow steps 9-11 to add the row.
- Once all rows have been added, click the “Save” button.
d. Setting up the Forecasting calendar group
- The FORECASTING calendar group is a special calendar group.
- The FORECASTING calendar group should always be re-used, but in the case that it needs to be rebuilt, the above instructions can be used.
- The only configuration exception is that on step 8, the “Use Template” box must also be checked.
- When adding calendars to the group, it must have all calendars for all pay-group for one year back and one year forward of the current processing period.
- If a conversion calendar is in the covered period, then the conversion calendar must be included.
- The periods must be grouped by period. See the below screenshot:
e. Execute the identify & calculate process
- This process is entirely owned by HRM. There is no campus or CMS involvement in this process.
- Administrator logs in
- Navigates to Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing >Calculate Absence and Payroll
- Enter the Run Control ID
- Run control IDs are controlled at a campus level. If there is not a run control available, follow the campus procedure for run control creation.
- Click the Search button.
- Enter the Calendar Group ID to be processed.
- Check the “Identify” and “Calculate” boxes.
- Click the “Run” button
f. Execute the recalculate process
- This process is entirely owned by HRM. There is no campus or CMS involvement in this process.
- Administrator logs in
- Navigates to Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing >Calculate Absence and Payroll
- Enter the Run Control ID
- Run control IDs are controlled at a campus level. If there is not a run control available, follow the campus procedure for run control creation.
- Click the Search button.
- Enter the Calendar Group ID to be processed.
- Check the “Calculate” box.
- OPTIONAL – Select a Group List ID to only process a specific list of users.
- Click the “Run” button
g. Execute the recalculate all process
- This process is entirely owned by HRM. There is no campus or CMS involvement in this process.
- Administrator logs in
- Navigates to Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing >Calculate Absence and Payroll
- Enter the Run Control ID
- Run control IDs are controlled at a campus level. If there is not a run control available, follow the campus procedure for run control creation.
- Click the Search button.
- Enter the Calendar Group ID to be processed.
- Check the “Calculate” and “Recalculate All” boxes.
- Click the “Run” button
h. Execute the Cancel Process
- This process is entirely owned by HRM. There is no campus or CMS involvement in this process.
- Administrator logs in
- Navigates to Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Calculate Absence and Payroll
- Enter the Run Control ID
- Run control IDs are controlled at a campus level. If there is not a run control available, follow the campus procedure for run control creation.
- Click the Search button.
- Enter the Calendar Group ID to be processed.
- Check the “Cancel” box.
- Click the “Run” button
i. Execute the Finalize Process
- This process is entirely owned by HRM. There is no campus or CMS involvement in this process.
- Administrator logs in
- Navigates to Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing >Calculate Absence and Payroll
- Enter the Run Control ID
- Run control IDs are controlled at a campus level. If there is not a run control available, follow the campus procedure for run control creation.
- Click the Search button.
- Enter the Calendar Group ID to be processed.
- Check the “Finalize” box.
- Click the “Run” button
j. Execute the Absence Conversion Process
- This process is entirely owned by HRM. There is no campus or CMS involvement in this process.
- Administrator logs in
- Navigate to Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Absence Conversion Processing > To Payroll for North America
- Enter the Run Control ID
- Run control IDs are controlled at a campus level. If there is not a run control available, follow the campus procedure for run control creation.
- Enter the Calendar Group ID for the period to have payable time generated.
- Click the “Run” button
End of Article
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