Use this checklist to prepare your campus to use Absence Management (AM) functionality in CHRS.
- The CHRS Library - Security Page provides a full list of Dynamic roles, Baseline CHRS Security roles and the CHRS Security Plan and Requirements for review.
- Majority of the roles for Absence Management will begin with CHR_AM
- There are four dynamic roles available for Absence Management. These roles will be automatically provisioned (assigned) and deprovisioned to employees who meet the predefined criteria set by CHRS.
- Determine users on your campus who are responsible for the various AM tasks and work with the security team to have the applicable security roles assigned to them.
- Configuration
- Payroll
- Approver
- Timekeeper
Each campus will have their own holiday schedule converted over from the 9.0 system. There will be a standard "NONE" schedule that contains no holidays that can be assigned to student employees or other groups that are not eligible for holidays.
It is the campuses responsibility to
- Confirm the converted Holiday Schedule follows the standard CHRS naming convention.
- Include any current, and future (if applicable) holidays that where not included in conversion.
The naming convention is the campus 3-character identifier followed by "HOL" (Example: FULHOL).
For Academic Year specific Holiday Schedules the naming convention is the campus 3-character identifier followed by "ACD" (Example: FULACD).
Each campus will have the Periods (ACD) converted over from the 9.0 system if they where setup using the standard CHRS naming convention. If the Periods (ACD) did not convert, it is the campuses responsibility to manually setup the Periods (ACD).
Campuses are ONLY responsible for Academic Periods and should setup all 12 months.
Each campus will have the Calendar (ACD) converted over from the 9.0 system if they where setup using the standard CHRS naming convention. If the Calendar (ACD) did not convert, it is the campuses responsibility to manually setup the Calendar (ACD).
Campuses are ONLY responsible for their Academic Calendars and should setup all 12 months.
A workflow sends absences and time off to a manager for approval. A campus administrator can choose which type of workflow routes approval requests for each type of absence.
Reports-to: Requests are routed according to the existing campus reports-to structure. If you use this option, no further setup is needed, as long as your reports-to structure is correct. Only one person can be set as approver. The manager must delegate another manager before going on vacation to ensure approval requests are handled.
Dynamic group: Requests are routed to one or more approvers who belong to a dynamic group. If you use this option, you must set up the dynamic groups. A dynamic group can contain multiple approvers, but only one approver needs to approve. If a dynamic group has multiple members, delegation is unnecessary
Schedules can be assigned to an employee using either a predefined work schedule or a personal schedule.
Off work periods are defined by pay group (for example: academic year workers). A single year can have multiple non-working periods.
- Campuses that use the reports-to chain for absence and time approvals must delegate approvals when the approver is away for an extended time or during critical time management periods.
- Only an Administrator can delegate approvals to a different approver during a specified time period.
During the specified time period, all transactions that require approval are automatically routed to the proxy approver.
ServiceNow Tickets
Campuses are responsible for submitting a ServiceNow ticket, to have their Academic Calendars included in the Calendar Group- Processing setup, once they have completed setting up their Academic Calendar setup.
CHRS Operations will be responsible for setting up the Calendar Groups for each month within a full year, and will automatically insert a Pay Group row for MST, POS, STU.
When submitting a ServiceNow ticket:
Type: Request
Category: CMS-CHRS
Subcategory: Absence Management
Ticket Short Description:
In the ticket short description, indicate that your campus needs to have Academic Paygroup added to the Processing Calendar group (example: FULACD Processing Calendar Group Setup)
Indicate that an attachment is provided with the information that needs to be added. REMEMBER:
You should be providing a total of 12
The Calendar ID is Year then Month (example: 2024-01)
Navigation: Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll and Absence Mgmt > Framework > Calendars > Calendar Groups
Include an attachment with all the details of what your campus needs to be setup. The attachment should look similar to the example below.
Pay Group | Calendar ID |
Campuses are responsible for submitting a ServiceNow ticket, to have their Academic Calendars included in the Calendar Group- Forecasting setup, once they have completed setting up their Academic Calendar setup.
CHRS Operations will be responsible for setting up the Calendar Groups for each month within a full year, and will automatically insert a Pay Group row for MST, POS, STU.
When submitting a ServiceNow ticket:
Type: Request
Category: CMS-CHRS
Subcategory: Absence Management
Ticket Short Description:
In the ticket short description, indicate that your campus needs to have Academic Paygroup added to the Processing Calendar group (example: FULACD Forecasting Calendar Group Setup)
Indicate that an attachment is provided with the information that needs to be added. REMEMBER:
You should be providing a total of 12
The Calendar ID is Year then Month (example: 2024-01)
Navigation: Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll and Absence Mgmt > Framework > Calendars > Calendar Groups
Include an attachment with all the details of what your campus needs to be setup. The attachment should look similar to the example below.
Pay Group | Calendar ID |
You are done. Great job!
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