This job aid shows managers and timekeepers how to run absence multi-reports.
- These reports assist the campus manager or timekeeper in validating both the Absence Management system and the accuracy of absence entries.
- You can view reports for a single period on your screen instantly.
- You can run reports for multiple periods in batch mode and download them as CSV files.
View reports for a single period
You can view reports for a single period in your browser without downloading.
Step 1: Open the Navbar button.

Step 2: Navigate to Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > CSU Absence Mgmt > CSU AM – Inquiry > CSU Absence Management Reports
Step 3: Enter your run control ID, then click Search. If you do not have a run control ID, click Add a New Value to create one.
Step 4: Complete Search fields:
- Business Unit: Required
- Empl ID
- Empl Rcd#
- CSU Unit
- Department
- Period ID
- Ending Period ID: Leave as is.
Entering a Period ID auto-completes the Ending Period ID.

Step 5: Click the link for report that you want to view. For a listing of reports and their function, see Appendix: Report Details.
The check boxes do not need to be checked to view the individual reports by clicking the links - these check boxes are for selecting the reports to run in batch mode.
- The report opens in your browser.
If you are running the report for a large volume of employees (ex. 500+) then upon clicking the report hyperlink the system will provide a warning message letting you know there could be a performance issue. You can then decide whether to run the report in Batch mode or to continue to run it online.
Step 6: Click Return to Previous Page to go back.

Run reports in batch mode
You can run one or more pay periods together in batch mode. You can also select multiple reports to run.
Step 1: Open the Navbar button.

Step 2: Navigate to Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > CSU Absence Mgmt > CSU AM – Inquiry > CSU Absence Management Reports
Step 3: Enter your run control ID, then click Search. If you do not have a run control ID, click Add a New Value to create one.
Step 4: Complete Search fields:
- Business Unit: Required
- Empl ID
- Empl Rcd#
- CSU Unit
- Department
- Period ID
- Ending Period ID
Step 5: Select the check box to include reports to run. For a listing of reports and their function, see Appendix: Report Details.
Step 6: Click Submit at the top of the page.

- The Process Monitor opens.
Open the reports
Step 1: Click Refresh until the Distribution Status for the CSUAM001 process is Posted.
Step 2: Click Details.
Step 3: Click View Log/Trace

Step 4: Click each report to download it. The reports are in CSV format.
Appendix: Report Details
Report | Information |
Absence Activity | Provides a listing of all Absence Management activity for employees. It will include the employee's Absence balance, Absences taken, Absence balances adjusted, and Absences accrued. The report can be used to gather a comprehensive listing of an employee's Absence activity. |
Absence Adjustment | Used to review and validate adjustments entered via Adjust Absences page. The report will display all adjustments processed or unprocessed by Absence Management. |
Excess Plus/Minus - Negative | Identifies employees who have negative Excess Plus/Minus balances reported in the identified period or who have existing "negative" Excess Plus/Minus balances. |
Excess Plus/Minus - Positive | Identifies employees who have positive Excess Plus/Minus balances reported in the identified period or who have existing "positive" Excess Plus/Minus balances. |
Reported Absence Not Processed | Identifies absences/earns that have not been processed. The absence has been entered via self-service, absence event, adjust absences or CSU ADO and have not been processed by Absence Calculation Process (GPPDRUN). |
Reported Absences | Identifies employees with "reported" absences for a given Absence period. |
Reported Absences Not Approved | Provides a listing of absences that have not been approved for employees, or time that "Needs Correction" or is in a "Reviewed" status. It is used to review unapproved or pending Absences so that approvals can be entered before running the Absence Management calculation for the Absence period. |
Alternate Work Schedule | Provides a listing of employees who are on alternate or predefined work schedules. The report will also be used to review the most recent schedule information and schedule changes for employees. Additionally, this report will add any changes that occurred during that period (e.g. different rows for different schedules (changes) within the period). |
Audit Comments | Provides a listing of all comments for employees entered during the selected period (via Absence Event, Self Service, or Adjust Absences). It will allow Payroll to audit the comments entered to ensure they comply with CSU policy. |
Delegation | Identifies employees who are alternate or a proxy approver for another employee. An Alternate (Approver) is authorized as a long-term alternate (back-up) and a Proxy (Approver) is an employee (typically an MPP) authorized as a short-term alternate (back-up). |
Expiring ADO & Holiday Credit | Provides a listing of all employees who have Expiring Alternate Day Off (ADO) or Expiring Holiday Credit Balances. It will be used to determine if employees have ADO or Holiday Credit Balances that need to be taken or paid. The report displays ADO and HC expiring based on the Absence period ID entered – to see ADO and HC that haven't expired yet expand your period ID to include one in the future. |
Negative Balance | Identifies employees who have a negative absence balance. An employee's balances may go negative during the period as a result of takes or negative adjustment (reducing their balance) and may or not, still be negative at the end of the period, depending on entitlements. The report will be used to validate time that has been taken or reported that needs to be corrected. |
Terminated EE With Balances | Provides a listing of employees with a status of "terminated" who have payable Absence Management balances. It will be used to validate that employees have been paid for all payable balances and to determine if balances need to be adjusted and/or paid off. The payable balances include Vacation, CTO, Holiday CTO, Holiday Credit, Excess Plus/Minus and Personal Holiday. |
End of Article
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