This job aid shows payroll personnel how to set up non-working periods for No Leave Taken (NLT) reporting.
- Employees do not need to report No Leave Taken during off-work periods.
- Off work periods are defined by pay group (for example: academic year workers). A single year can have multiple non-working periods.
- No Leave Taken reporting is blocked during defined non-working periods.
- Each year, someone from the campus must set up the non-working periods in CHRS.
Set up NLT non-working periods
Step 1: Navigate to CSU NLT NON-Working Periods.
- Menu >Set UP HCM >CSU Product Related Setup >CSU Time and Labor Setup >CSU NLT NON-Working Periods

Step 2: Open the Add a New Value tab.

Step 3: Add a new NLT Non-working Period.
- Company
- Pay Group
- Click Add.

- The calendar entry table opens.
Step 4: Enter the Begin Date and End Date values for the non-working period.
- Your campus has a calendar that defines the pay period dates. Refer to that calendar to enter the non-working periods.
- The beginning date is the day after the last day of the pay period before the non-working period.
- The end date is the last day before the first day of the pay period following the non-working period.

Step 5: Click the Plus button to add the next non-working period for the academic year.
- Do not click the “Add” button, or you will lose your progress.

Step 6: Enter the beginning and end dates for the next non-working period.

Step 7: Complete the entries.
- Enter rows for all non-working periods for the year.
Step 8: Click Save.
- Non-working periods are saved to CHRS. Employees will be unable to report no leave taken during these periods

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